This is not the time to gloat, but...........

Legislative dysfunction.......failure.
Policy progress against climate change.........failure.
Racial tensions..........failure.
Gun control..........failure.
Sustainable GDP growth.........failure.
Strengthening alliances.........failure.
Weakening enemies........failure.
Maintain trust in the office of POTUS.......epic failure.
Improve competency of government agencies..........failure.
Nominate qualified judicial appointees.........failure.
Steal from charity........success.
Instill doubt in the integrity of elections.........success.
Improve relations with dictators............success.
Accelerate global warming.........success.
Create daily chaos.........success.
Blur lines between military and civilian........success.
Obstruction of justice...........success.
Illegally stonewall Congress..........success.
Fuck a porn star...........success.
Corrupt DOJ.........success.
Hire corrupt/unqualified cabinet members..........success.
Break vetting rules for staff..........success.
Record personnel turnover.........success.
Alienate military leaders..........success.
More lies, see, you just can't help yourself, comrade.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
You mean the covid and looting disasters in Dem-controlled areas. No wonder you don't want to gloat.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
Not you as a progressive, it's you as a communist. And, you do get great pleasure in slamming our president, you prove
it thread after thread. Your threads are based on lies and half truths (Lies)....just another thread by comrade berg.
What's not to hate about the Putin puppet ? Some one should hit him in the mouth with a louisville slugger That would shut his lying trap

Funny, I think the same about you, faux trader

Get your old head out of your ass, fraud.

We're growing weary of wanton destruction, looting, censorship whining, oh woe is us....etc

Now grab a bat old man then come get some

Fckn fraud, you'd whizz down your leg, we know it
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

Ah, yes. Up is actually Down, Red is actually Blue, and Gravity has reversed itself. Well stated. Please find a tall building, climb on the roof and test your theory of postmodernist deconstruction of truth and fact and all natural laws.
Legislative dysfunction.......failure.
Policy progress against climate change.........failure.
Racial tensions..........failure.
Gun control..........failure.
Sustainable GDP growth.........failure.
Strengthening alliances.........failure.
Weakening enemies........failure.
Maintain trust in the office of POTUS.......epic failure.
Improve competency of government agencies..........failure.
Nominate qualified judicial appointees.........failure.
Steal from charity........success.
Instill doubt in the integrity of elections.........success.
Improve relations with dictators............success.
Accelerate global warming.........success.
Create daily chaos.........success.
Blur lines between military and civilian........success.
Obstruction of justice...........success.
Illegally stonewall Congress..........success.
Fuck a porn star...........success.
Corrupt DOJ.........success.
Hire corrupt/unqualified cabinet members..........success.
Break vetting rules for staff..........success.
Record personnel turnover.........success.
Alienate military leaders..........success.
Desperation makes you shill scum go all out doesn't it?
Legislative dysfunction.......failure.
Policy progress against climate change.........failure.
Racial tensions..........failure.
Gun control..........failure.
Sustainable GDP growth.........failure.
Strengthening alliances.........failure.
Weakening enemies........failure.
Maintain trust in the office of POTUS.......epic failure.
Improve competency of government agencies..........failure.
Nominate qualified judicial appointees.........failure.
Steal from charity........success.
Instill doubt in the integrity of elections.........success.
Improve relations with dictators............success.
Accelerate global warming.........success.
Create daily chaos.........success.
Blur lines between military and civilian........success.
Obstruction of justice...........success.
Illegally stonewall Congress..........success.
Fuck a porn star...........success.
Corrupt DOJ.........success.
Hire corrupt/unqualified cabinet members..........success.
Break vetting rules for staff..........success.
Record personnel turnover.........success.
Alienate military leaders..........success.
And the republicans here revel in all those sb trumps successes
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
You mean the covid and looting disasters in Dem-controlled areas. No wonder you don't want to gloat.
Now the covid comes to AH red states Hope you get your share
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
Not you as a progressive, it's you as a communist. And, you do get great pleasure in slamming our president, you prove
it thread after thread. Your threads are based on lies and half truths (Lies)....just another thread by comrade berg.
What's not to hate about the Putin puppet ? Some one should hit him in the mouth with a louisville slugger That would shut his lying trap

Funny, I think the same about you, faux trader

Get your old head out of your ass, fraud.

We're growing weary of wanton destruction, looting, censorship whining, oh woe is us....etc

Now grab a bat old man then come get some

Fckn fraud, you'd whizz down your leg, we know it
And once more you fn ah I don't trade I leave that for pks like you
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

Trump’s failure, of course, is the consequence of his being completely unfit to hold any public office, that he is utterly ignorant of the law, responsible governance, and sound public policy, and has nothing but contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
What a load of B.S..
All this nonsense going on is going on in Democrat run cities and its politicians are deliberately letting it go on. The governors and mayors are responsible for the law enforcement and control of its citizens. The governors of the Democrat run states are the ones responsible for activating the National Guard to bring order. The president is "federal" and per the US Constitution, it's not his responsibility to step over the governors and can only do so by activating the Insurrection Act. He would prefer that your local Democrat politicians actually step up and do their jobs. Of course, if he did intervene, you Marxists would use that as an excuse to scream that he was being a authoritarian monster, with designs to permanently rule the US.
He's doing just fine. It's your pro-Marxist politicians, Antifa and criminals that are making everything look bad. Move to China, it's a one-party socialist country there and thus you should like it....if after you've been there awhile and you realize that you miss speaking your mind, just don't protest for....freedom....or you'll end up like the thousands of students that protested peacefully for....freedom. They all ended up very dead. Or, like the two million protesters in Hong Kong, wanting...…..freedom. Another sad tale of socialism.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

Fuh fuh fuh, orange man bad, fuh fuh fuh.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The economy was doing great until Biden's Chicom buddies fucked everything up with their virus and the Negroes decided to go on one of their racist hate rampages that we see every few years.

Trump has shown tremendously great leadership.

You would know know all this if you weren't uneducated and so low information. Turning off the TDS hate you see on CNN would go a long way towards you pulling your head out of your Moon Bat ass.

Biden is a fucking idiot.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

The worst part of all that is we will have to sit through another 4 years of y'all crying and screaming at the sky.
It will take minimally 20 years to recover - And that's IF we rid ourselves of the amoral fat fuck.

If we don't ... NEVER.

Putin's Trojan Horse? Well put!


Nope. We're still trying to clean up the stench and stain from the previous abomination that occupied the white house.

Well, you are doing horribly at it. Enjoy your last 5 months - Donnie isn't fucking stuff up fast enough though. Better tell him to chop chop!
Trump’s failure, of course, is the consequence of his being completely unfit to hold any public office, that he is utterly ignorant of the law, responsible governance, and sound public policy, and has nothing but contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.
Nothing triggers Trumpletards like a recitation of the facts.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
As long as the looney left hates Trump. he is doing just fine.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
Not you as a progressive, it's you as a communist. And, you do get great pleasure in slamming our president, you prove
it thread after thread. Your threads are based on lies and half truths (Lies)....just another thread by comrade berg.

You probably used to REVERE these generals and military leaders and advisors before they spoke out about Trump, didn't you?

Gen. John Kelly
Gen. James Mattis
Admiral William McCraven
Gen. Colin Powell
John Bolton
Secty of Navy Richard Spencer

But now since Trump hates them, you have to hate them, too.

But you ain't in no cult. No, nah. No way.
Trump’s failure, of course, is the consequence of his being completely unfit to hold any public office, that he is utterly ignorant of the law, responsible governance, and sound public policy, and has nothing but contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.
Nothing triggers Trumpletards like a recitation of the facts.

Easily triggered and then as usual extremely inarticulate in response, with their "TDS" bullshit and dopey memes..

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