This is not the time to gloat, but...........

Trump took on China
Bullshit. He imposed tariffs on Chinese goods that US consumers are paying for. He entered in to a sham phase I of a trade deal as a faux show of strength when the material impact to China has been negligible.

Pay attention and watch what he does..............not the show he puts on.
It will take minimally 20 years to recover - And that's IF we rid ourselves of the amoral fat fuck.

If we don't ... NEVER.

Putin's Trojan Horse? Well put!


Nope. We're still trying to clean up the stench and stain from the previous abomination that occupied the white house.

Well, you are doing horribly at it. Enjoy your last 5 months - Donnie isn't fucking stuff up fast enough though. Better tell him to chop chop!

Uh uh. Nope orange man ain't doing this. This is the filthy progs wallowing in their own vomit.

Osama Bin Laden destroyed the World Trade Centre in the hopes of destroying the American economy and bringing the USA to its knees. Trump has achieved Bin Laden's goal.

The USA is in bad shape - sick, broke and unemployed. 40 years of Republican fiscal policies = 3 economic crashes, 30 million unemployed. Worst economy since the Great Depression.
It will take minimally 20 years to recover - And that's IF we rid ourselves of the amoral fat fuck.

If we don't ... NEVER.

Putin's Trojan Horse? Well put!


Nope. We're still trying to clean up the stench and stain from the previous abomination that occupied the white house.

Well, you are doing horribly at it. Enjoy your last 5 months - Donnie isn't fucking stuff up fast enough though. Better tell him to chop chop!

Uh uh. Nope orange man ain't doing this. This is the filthy progs wallowing in their own vomit.

Osama Bin Laden destroyed the World Trade Centre in the hopes of destroying the American economy and bringing the USA to its knees. Trump has achieved Bin Laden's goal.

The USA is in bad shape - sick, broke and unemployed. 40 years of Republican fiscal policies = 3 economic crashes, 30 million unemployed. Worst economy since the Great Depression.

As the U.S economy was the most powerful in the world, growing at 3% while Canada was growing at less than 1% and had the most indebted citizens on the planet?

Whatever you are drinking, I'll have two and I don't drink.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
not one link or piece of evidence to back up what is your opinion = it's babblecrap bullshit
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
Not you as a progressive, it's you as a communist. And, you do get great pleasure in slamming our president, you prove
it thread after thread. Your threads are based on lies and half truths (Lies)....just another thread by comrade berg.
What's not to hate about the Putin puppet ? Some one should hit him in the mouth with a louisville slugger That would shut his lying trap

"These violent delights have violent ends"
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
Get ahold of yourself TDS’er...practice a little self control.
Nothing has changed since January 20, 2017.
Trump promised not to govern on behalf of America’s filth after eight grueling years of the Magic Nigg rolling the red carpet out for the dregs.
The sharp change in governance pissed off wetbacks, faggots, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, feminazis, weirdos, lowlife degenerates and criminals. He refuses to work for you bottom feeders.
The fact is; the pieces of shit among us remain pissed while ALL good real Americans continue to celebrate the Trump presidency daily.
The nutless Right finally woke up, they’re retaliatory, they want their nation back, they’re taking it back from you and you hate it.
It might be easier on your head if you simply become a legitimate
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

So, what is the progressive’s plan to make things better if given the opportunity in November? Spend the next 4 years blaming Trump with no accountability for your side?

1) What is your plan for reducing debt - increased spend and blame Trump?

2) Are you going to use Healthcare to redistribute more of working peoples’ earnings?

3) Capitulate to foreign nations for how they believe America should be run?

4) The environment-what is so bad with it now or are you going to demonize oil and further hinder our economy with unproven, unscalable alternative energy?

5) Polarization-are you going to preach “rewarding friends, punishing enemies” and “if you don’t vote for me, you are not Black?”
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.
Not you as a progressive, it's you as a communist. And, you do get great pleasure in slamming our president, you prove
it thread after thread. Your threads are based on lies and half truths (Lies)....just another thread by comrade berg.

You probably used to REVERE these generals and military leaders and advisors before they spoke out about Trump, didn't you?

Gen. John Kelly
Gen. James Mattis
Admiral William McCraven
Gen. Colin Powell
John Bolton
Secty of Navy Richard Spencer

But now since Trump hates them, you have to hate them, too.

But you ain't in no cult. No, nah. No way.
:laughing0301: You're such a predictable tool, BS.
Did you pick my name out of a phone book, and inserted it into your post?
Show me where I made mention of any general in my posts, okay.
I'll stay on the board so you can get back to me with what you found.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

At what point will his removal require you to take to the streets with weapons?
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

TDS thread 1,704

And it's all bullshit.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

This thread is beyond stupid.

Besides being a self fulling phrophecy on several fronts, it is also a misdirection on other.

Don't know where to start.
It will take minimally 20 years to recover - And that's IF we rid ourselves of the amoral fat fuck.

If we don't ... NEVER.

Putin's Trojan Horse? Well put!

Nothing that some military planes with bio/chem aerosols sprayed over deep blue cities would fix. And it will end up being a Prog who does it.
Legislative dysfunction.......failure.
Policy progress against climate change.........failure.
Racial tensions..........failure.
Gun control..........failure.
Sustainable GDP growth.........failure.
Strengthening alliances.........failure.
Weakening enemies........failure.
Maintain trust in the office of POTUS.......epic failure.
Improve competency of government agencies..........failure.
Nominate qualified judicial appointees.........failure.
Steal from charity........success.
Instill doubt in the integrity of elections.........success.
Improve relations with dictators............success.
Accelerate global warming.........success.
Create daily chaos.........success.
Blur lines between military and civilian........success.
Obstruction of justice...........success.
Illegally stonewall Congress..........success.
Fuck a porn star...........success.
Corrupt DOJ.........success.
Hire corrupt/unqualified cabinet members..........success.
Break vetting rules for staff..........success.
Record personnel turnover.........success.
Alienate military leaders..........success.
berg ass hurt........success.


More trolling.
Why don't you take one of his points and prove him wrong instead of cheap shots?
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

This thread is beyond stupid.

Besides being a self fulling phrophecy on several fronts, it is also a misdirection on other.

Don't know where to start.

I'm SURE you don't know where to start. You never have.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

This thread is beyond stupid.

Besides being a self fulling phrophecy on several fronts, it is also a misdirection on other.

Don't know where to start.

I'm SURE you don't know where to start. You never have.

It's tough keeping all the bullshit you pricks post on the board segregated.

There was a time when we didn't have so many delusional fucktards like you on the was a little easier.
Legislative dysfunction.......failure.
Policy progress against climate change.........failure.
Racial tensions..........failure.
Gun control..........failure.
Sustainable GDP growth.........failure.
Strengthening alliances.........failure.
Weakening enemies........failure.
Maintain trust in the office of POTUS.......epic failure.
Improve competency of government agencies..........failure.
Nominate qualified judicial appointees.........failure.
Steal from charity........success.
Instill doubt in the integrity of elections.........success.
Improve relations with dictators............success.
Accelerate global warming.........success.
Create daily chaos.........success.
Blur lines between military and civilian........success.
Obstruction of justice...........success.
Illegally stonewall Congress..........success.
Fuck a porn star...........success.
Corrupt DOJ.........success.
Hire corrupt/unqualified cabinet members..........success.
Break vetting rules for staff..........success.
Record personnel turnover.........success.
Alienate military leaders..........success.
berg ass hurt........success.


More trolling.
Why don't you take one of his points and prove him wrong instead of cheap shots?

There are no metrics associated with any of this.

So berg80, as she always does, shows you the size of the fish with just one arm and claims victory (or correctness).

It's what the left does.....

So why don't you learn how to debate and fuck yourself in the meantime.
..........everything we progressives have said about Trump being unfit and unqualified to lead this country has been proven to be correct.

I take no pleasure in being right given it means Trump has inflicted tremendous, long lasting damage on the country.

There is no challenge he hasn't failed to rise to the occasion to meet. The debt is worse, the environment is worse, foreign relations are worse, healthcare is worse, division is worse, polarization is worse, faith in institutions is worse.

No wonder Vlad worked to get the Orange Fraud elected. Trump is our Trojan Horse.

This thread is beyond stupid.

Besides being a self fulling phrophecy on several fronts, it is also a misdirection on other.

Don't know where to start.

I'm SURE you don't know where to start. You never have.

And, of course, you'll provide nothing in the way of metrics.

You never have.

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