This is not the time to gloat, but...........

Legislative dysfunction.......failure.
Policy progress against climate change.........failure.
Racial tensions..........failure.
Gun control..........failure.
Sustainable GDP growth.........failure.
Strengthening alliances.........failure.
Weakening enemies........failure.
Maintain trust in the office of POTUS.......epic failure.
Improve competency of government agencies..........failure.
Nominate qualified judicial appointees.........failure.
Steal from charity........success.
Instill doubt in the integrity of elections.........success.
Improve relations with dictators............success.
Accelerate global warming.........success.
Create daily chaos.........success.
Blur lines between military and civilian........success.
Obstruction of justice...........success.
Illegally stonewall Congress..........success.
Fuck a porn star...........success.
Corrupt DOJ.........success.
Hire corrupt/unqualified cabinet members..........success.
Break vetting rules for staff..........success.
Record personnel turnover.........success.
Alienate military leaders..........success.
berg ass hurt........success.


More trolling.
Why don't you take one of his points and prove him wrong instead of cheap shots?

There are no metrics associated with any of this.

So berg80, as she always does, shows you the size of the fish with just one arm and claims victory (or correctness).

It's what the left does.....

So why don't you learn how to debate and fuck yourself in the meantime.
that's SINFUL

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