This is our GARBAGE media

There's been a disaster in Afghanistan for 100 years. That the country collapsed in just days is proof that things were far more disastrous there than anybody could have imagined, including the military leaders that lied to us all. 20 years of blood and treasure and we built absolutely nothing there.
I wasn't aware that people get months in jail for jaywalking.

He didn't get 6 months for vandalizing a BLM banner, that would be a ticket at worst. he got 6 months for being an enemy of the Reich.

I don't know if you know this, but the perpetrator is a prominent figure.

So this is a publicity stunt by the Reich, a message to any who would dare oppose the Nazi takeover.

We know that.
It's a local news story at best. The only reason for national coverage is to try to bolster the image that the right are a big threat.

AND as a warning that ANY resistance to the Reich will bring about harsh penalties for even the most minor offenses.

Burning the American flag? Freedom of speech. Burning the BLM terror banner? OFF TO PRISON WITH YOU.
It's a local news story at best. The only reason for national coverage is to try to bolster the image that the right are a big threat.
It would be a local story if the Proud Boys weren't a nation wide gang and if this dude wasn't a leader of said gang.

As such, it's a national story.

It seems to me like you're just trying to sweep this under the rug.
Counter revolutionaries who stand up to your Brown Shirts.

They MUST be stopped...
Criminals. Criminals who have no remorse for their crimes. Who flaunt their crimes. Who buck the authority of the state.

They get bigger sentences.
It would be a local story if the Proud Boys weren't a nation wide gang and if this dude wasn't a leader of said gang.

As such, it's a national story.

It seems to me like you're just trying to sweep this under the rug.

Tell me if this MISDEMEANOR is worthy of national coverage why aren't the DAILY MURDERS IN LEFTIST CITIES leading the national news daily???

Oh yeah.... NARRATIVE

Tell me if this MISDEMEANOR is worthy of national coverage why aren't the DAILY MURDERS IN LEFTIST CITIES leading the national news daily???

Oh yeah.... NARRATIVE
It is when it's a prominent leader of a large organization.
It shouldn't be in ANY national media ffs. It's a damn misdemeanor for burning a flag. People burn the American flag at near every riot/protest yet we don't hear about their sentencing do we? We don't even hear about their sentences for rioting.


Again, I don't know what media YOU follow but I just read a few days ago how one rioter, who had set a store on fire, got 9 years. Why wSn't that in your media?

Too many people listen to their talking heads who tell them what think and what to get outraged about with out ever actually checking the media to see if it was covetex (basing that on the number of threads here falsely claiming something isn't reported on).
You dodged the question.

Because the other crimes are not perpetrated by prominent leaders of national organizations.

I thought you’d be able to infer that, but I guess it’s more of a “spell it out” kind of morning.
I wasn't aware that people get months in jail for jaywalking.

I don't know if you know this, but the perpetrator is a prominent figure.
I wonder if they realize illegally entering the country the first time is also a misdemeanor...
Because the other crimes are not perpetrated by prominent leaders of national organizations.

I thought you’d be able to infer that, but I guess it’s more of a “spell it out” kind of morning.
The other crimes are a threat to the public. Stealing and burning a flag is not.

Major fail

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