This is still going on? Georgia Mother of 7 Denied Kidney Transplant for Refusing COVID-19 Shot by Emory Healthcare. Already had COVID.

Which is fine except when those vaccines must be taken forever. I have ZERO interest in someone injecting me with something every few months. I believe any risk is at best equal.
Undetermined how frequent or how long the vaccine has to be taken, but we do get an influenza vaccine annually.

The risk is definitely not equal.
The best immunity is having vaccines boost the immune response.

The body of credible evidence now seems to show that this mRNA shit damages and weakens the immune system. Whatever meager protection it may give against the overhyped cold/flu bug that mindless cretins such as yourself have been brainwashed into fearing, comes at the cost of leaving you more vulnerable to other pathogens.
The body of credible evidence now seems to show that this mRNA shit damages and weakens the immune system. Whatever meager protection it may give against the overhyped cold/flu bug that mindless cretins such as yourself have been brainwashed into fearing, comes at the cost of leaving you more vulnerable to other pathogens.
That’s untrue.
Left wing medical centers want to castrate kids without parental permission or knowledge of their Covid history but they don't want to save a woman's life with a kidney transplant because she violated Covid procedure. We are in a world of hurt as a Nation.
Only time will tell. For most getting Covid now is about the same as getting a cold.
We’ve had several years of experience with hundreds of millions of doses.

We aren’t talking about most people. These are very vulnerable people.
We’ve had several years of experience with hundreds of millions of doses.

We aren’t talking about most people. These are very vulnerable people.

And those people should get the vaccine if they believe it helps them.
Undetermined how frequent or how long the vaccine has to be taken, but we do get an influenza vaccine annually.

Do you understand that unlike the mRNA shit, the immunity from the flu shot is actually permanent?

Those of you who are stupid enough to let them inject this dangerous mRNA shit into you keep getting “boosters” because the protective effect of the mRNA shit fades.

The reason we have to keep getting flu shots is that the flu viruses mutate enough that in a year, there will be strains that are different enough than those that the previous year's shot was engineered against, to be immune to the previous year's shot.

If you last got a flu shot in 1990, and were now exposed to the same flu virus from 1990 that went into that vaccine, your 1990 vaccination would protect you against it today.

We only need new flu shots because of how the virus mutates into new strains. Your 1990 flu shot won't protect you from a 2023 flu virus that is a different strain than existed in 1990.

The mRNA shit, unlike a genuine vaccine, won't do shit to prevent you from being infected, nor from spreading it.

But if you last got an mRNA shot in 2021, and were shortly thereafter exposed to the version of COVID-1984 against which that shot was engineered, it would likely reduce the severity of the resulting illness. But if, two years later, you were exposed to that exact same virus, the mRNA shot you received back then would not do shit against the same infection now.
Which is fine except when those vaccines must be taken forever. I have ZERO interest in someone injecting me with something every few months. I believe any risk is at best equal.
Democrats used to say it was a conspiracy theory that you would need boosters.

I knew the vaccine was poison the moment democrats tried mandating it and giving it to children.

I got one dose. The Republican governor of Ohio said I must if I wanted to attend a couple concerts that I had already bought tickets for pre-covid.

Until you realize democrats are America's enemy, nothing they do will make sense.

Every democrat needs to have had 6 jabs by now.

You need to be more honest.
The vaccine stops death, something which transplant recipients are at high risk of given their immunocompromised state.
It MIGHT have with the Wuhan and D strains, but Omicron??? I had TWO jabs and caught Omicron anyway. Your asshole Leaders LIED!! Where is the Governor in this? Admittedly, after the Terri Schiavo murder I doubt he can do much realistically.

Do you understand that unlike the mRNA shit, the immunity from the flu shot is actually permanent?

Those of you who are stupid enough to let them inject this dangerous mRNA shit into you keep getting “boosters” because the protective effect of the mRNA shit fades.

The reason we have to keep getting flu shots is that the flu viruses mutate enough that in a year, there will be strains that are different enough than those that the previous year's shot was engineered against, to be immune to the previous year's shot.

If you last got a flu shot in 1990, and were now exposed to the same flu virus from 1990 that went into that vaccine, your 1990 vaccination would protect you against it today.

We only need new flu shots because of how the virus mutates into new strains. Your 1990 flu shot won't protect you from a 2023 flu virus that is a different strain than existed in 1990.

The mRNA shit, unlike a genuine vaccine, won't do shit to prevent you from being infected, nor from spreading it.

But if you last got an mRNA shot in 2021, and were shortly thereafter exposed to the version of COVID-1984 against which that shot was engineered, it would likely reduce the severity of the resulting illness. But if, two years later, you were exposed to that exact same virus, the mRNA shot you received back then would not do shit against the same infection now.
You know that COVID has mutated a lot too, right?

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