This is still going on? Georgia Mother of 7 Denied Kidney Transplant for Refusing COVID-19 Shot by Emory Healthcare. Already had COVID.

She already had covid. She had the best immunity there is.
Scientists, biologists and chemists have studied the clot shot for 3 1/2 years and can't determine any positive effect it has on preventing Covid. Some have determined that it is a poison created to kill.
It MIGHT have with the Wuhan and D strains, but Omicron??? I had TWO jabs and caught Omicron anyway. Your asshole Leaders LIED!! Where is the Governor in this? Admittedly, after the Terri Schiavo murder I doubt he can do much realistically.

Wow. That sounds totally irrelevant.
Democrats used to say it was a conspiracy theory that you would need boosters.

If I could travel back, ten years, and speak to my younger self, and tell him what I have undeniably seen happening in my time, my younger self would dismissed me as a batshit-crazy conspiracy theory kook. Undeniably, there is crazy, corrupt shit going on, in plain view that ten years ago, I simply would not have believed. I see it very clearly, and am amazed at the way that so many refuse to see what is so obvious.

I feel like the main character in They Live, with my eyes wide open, seeing shit all around me that I want to make everyone else see, but too many simply will not dare to open their eyes and see. And in a way, I can understand, because ten years ago, I would probably have refused to see this shit, just as soo many others now do.

There have been other aspects, but the #CoronaHoax2020 has been one of the major drivers of this shift in my world view.
The vaccine stops death, something which transplant recipients are at high risk of given their immunocompromised state.

And causes a lot of death.

And COVID doesn't kill anyone that isn't already elderly or immune compromised. I had it, twice and I'm still alive with no vaccine. COVID doesn't kill anyone that wouldn't die from a harsh case of the flu.

That immunity fades, especially in chronically ill individuals.

The best immunity is having vaccines boost the immune response.

Vaccines don't boost the immune system at all. A vaccine programs the immune system, not make it stronger. And vaccines also fade, that's why there are boosters. Virus based illness also mutate annually on average, that's why you also need boosters. So if they neither one is permanent then what makes COVID vaccines better?

If they have so little faith in their doctors, why would they want them to perform risky surgery and prescribe dangerous medications?

Because transplants are old hat and daily routine. They aren't new and experimental like COVID shots. One is a tried and true procedure, the other one hasnt been around long enough to know long term effects.

Undetermined how frequent or how long the vaccine has to be taken, but we do get an influenza vaccine annually.

The risk is definitely not equal.

Flu vaccine is not an mRNA vaccine.

Flu vaccine exposes you to a small amount of near death flu cells so your body can easily kill them and program itself to recognize them before you're hit with the full strength version in the wild.

We’ve had several years of experience with hundreds of millions of doses.

We aren’t talking about most people. These are very vulnerable people.

Only a few. There is a big track record of medications causing issues years, sometimes decades later. So you can not say that with no certainty

Vioxx was pulled after 5 or 6 years when it was found to be killing people.

That’s untrue.

Prove it then.
If I could travel back, ten years, and speak to my younger self, and tell him what I have undeniably seen happening in my time, my younger self would dismissed me as a batshit-crazy conspiracy theory kook. Undeniably, there is crazy, corrupt shit going on, in plain view that ten years ago, I simply would not have believed. I see it very clearly, and am amazed at the way that so many refuse to see what is so obvious.

I feel like the main character in They Live, with my eyes wide open, seeing shit all around me that I want to make everyone else see, but too many simply will not dare to open their eyes and see. And in a way, I can understand, because ten years ago, I would probably have refused to see this shit, just as soo many others now do.

There have been other aspects, but the #CoronaHoax2020 has been one of the major drivers of this shift in my world view.
The sad part is you know you sound like batshit crazy but go for it anyway.
You know that COVID has mutated a lot too, right?

That's a separate point.

The fact is, that a flu shot that you got in 1990 would protect you to this day, if you were exposed to a 1990 version of the flu virus that was used in engineering this shot.

The fact also is that a shot that you got in 2021 of the dangerous experimental mRNA shit will not do anything to protect you, even against whatever strains of the 2021 COVID-1984 virus went into engineering it. And the shot you get of that poison today will not give you any protection at all next year, even against the strains on which it was based.

By taking this shit, you're doing permanent harm to your body, to your immune system, in exchange for very temporary protection against a virus that is no worse than a routine cold/flu to begin with.
And causes a lot of death.

And COVID doesn't kill anyone that isn't already elderly or immune compromised. I had it, twice and I'm still alive with no vaccine. COVID doesn't kill anyone that wouldn't die from a harsh case of the flu
Since we are talking about immunocompromised people, it’s pretty important. The internet crazies want you to think the vaccines are far more dangerous than they actually are.
Vaccines don't boost the immune system at all. A vaccine programs the immune system, not make it stronger. And vaccines also fade, that's why there are boosters. Virus based illness also mutate annually on average, that's why you also need boosters. So if they neither one is permanent then what makes COVID vaccines better?
Programming the immune system is boosting the immune system. That’s how all vaccines work. A COVID vaccine can change along with the virus. We’ve already been doing it.
Because transplants are old hat and daily routine. They aren't new and experimental like COVID shots. One is a tried and true procedure, the other one hasnt been around long enough to know long term effects.
Transplant drugs cause cancer and all kinds of other diseases. They’re far more dangerous than the vaccine.
Flu vaccine is not an mRNA vaccine.

Flu vaccine exposes you to a small amount of near death flu cells so your body can easily kill them and program itself to recognize them before you're hit with the full strength version in the wild.
Different mechanism. Similar results. And they also have COVID vaccines that aren’t mRNA based now, so dealers choice.
Only a few. There is a big track record of medications causing issues years, sometimes decades later. So you can not say that with no certainty
There isn’t a big track record. Vioxx didn’t cause damage years later, it was that the evidence was suppressed for years.
Prove it then.
You first.
That's a separate point.

The fact is, that a flu shot that you got in 1990 would protect you to this day, if you were exposed to a 1990 version of the flu virus that was used in engineering this shot.

The fact also is that a shot that you got in 2021 of the dangerous experimental mRNA shit will not do anything to protect you, even against whatever strains of the 2021 COVID-1984 virus went into engineering it. And the shot you get of that poison today will not give you any protection at all next year, even against the strains on which it was based.

By taking this shit, you're doing permanent harm to your body, to your immune system, in exchange for very temporary protection against a virus that is no worse than a routine cold/flu to begin with.
It’s not a separate point. COVID mutations have a lot to do with protection fading.

The protection isn’t “very temporary” and the damage is exceedingly uncommon and COVID isn’t a routine cold/flu for immunocompromised people.

I have serious doubts about your claim about the durability of influenza vaccines. Hell, people have to keep getting pneumonia shots too, especially chronically ill people.
That's a separate point.

The fact is, that a flu shot that you got in 1990 would protect you to this day, if you were exposed to a 1990 version of the flu virus that was used in engineering this shot.

The fact also is that a shot that you got in 2021 of the dangerous experimental mRNA shit will not do anything to protect you, even against whatever strains of the 2021 COVID-1984 virus went into engineering it. And the shot you get of that poison today will not give you any protection at all next year, even against the strains on which it was based.

By taking this shit, you're doing permanent harm to your body, to your immune system, in exchange for very temporary protection against a virus that is no worse than a routine cold/flu to begin with.
mRNA therapy is not vaccine.
Dude.....there was plenty of info on the hazards of the vax,,,,there is even more now........why do you support such medical lies

Early versions of the VAX were very big and heavy. I understand the original 11/780 from 1977 to have weighed more than a ton.

If one were somehow to fall on you, it would surely be quite dangerous indeed.

Later in its life, the VAX line evolved into much smaller microprocessor-based machines, comparable in size and mass to a large PC-type computer. Not much of a hazard, there.

Hewlett Packard discontinued the VAX line in 2005, having acquired it when it acquired Compaq, which, in turn had got it when it acquired Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), which was the company that created the VAX in the first place.

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