This is the 216th day of 2019 ----Number of mass murders: 292

Trump likes to talk about how Baltimore has a worse crime rate than some countries, but the ONLY OTHER country that has more mass murders than the U.S. is Brazil.


There’s a new global ranking of gun deaths. Here’s where the U.S. stands

Mass Shooting Tracker
Explain how the Democratic Party's gun ban will work?
Will there be door to door searches?

I don't know of a gun ban. I do know that 90% of all Americans want better background checks, regulation of gun show sales and getting rid of the loopholes in existing laws.
Stop listening to Fox News and maybe you won't have to ask such stupid questions.
Most Democrats Voters lower class people who identify with criminals and that is why the Democratic Party wants to make innocent people unable to defend themselves from their criminal voter base.
The mass shooting tracker is propaganda.

And this one is too? Mass Shootings in 2019 | Gun Violence Archive

25 mass shootings ( a shooting incident that includes at least 4 people) since July 14.

Ooooooooh, don't look if reality scares you.

Actually Yes -- it is.. VAST majority of those are inner city gang drive-bys... It's a definition from Michaels' Bloombergs $20Mill anti-gun campaign... The same campaign that amps ups and lies about the number of school shootings by including 2AM drug deals in the parking lots and accidental discharges by law officers in the parking lot or an isolated suicide under the bleachers at night as "school shootings"....

It IS propaganda... In THIS case, with your recent link, a mass shooting occurs on the SAME STREET corner 4 nights a week in Chicago or Baltimore....
The mass shooting tracker is propaganda.

And this one is too? Mass Shootings in 2019 | Gun Violence Archive

25 mass shootings ( a shooting incident that includes at least 4 people) since July 14.

Ooooooooh, don't look if reality scares you.

Actually Yes -- it is.. VAST majority of those are inner city gang drive-bys... It's a definition from Michaels' Bloombergs $20Mill anti-gun campaign... The same campaign that amps ups and lies about the number of school shootings by including 2AM drug deals in the parking lots and accidental discharges by law officers in the parking lot or an isolated suicide under the bleachers at night as "school shootings"....

It IS propaganda... In THIS case, with your recent link, a mass shooting occurs on the SAME STREET corner 4 nights a week in Chicago or Baltimore....

Once everyone agrees on what constitutes a "mass shooting" we can all start to have an honest discussion about what to do about them.

I'd say it should be defined as a shooting in which four or more people are injured or killed by someone who is unknown to the victims and the shooting is not the result of any other criminal activity.

No domestic violence, no gang shootings, no shootings during the commission of another crime (i.e. robbery, home, bank, or otherwise), and no workplace shootings.
Trump likes to talk about how Baltimore has a worse crime rate than some countries, but the ONLY OTHER country that has more mass murders than the U.S. is Brazil.


There’s a new global ranking of gun deaths. Here’s where the U.S. stands

Mass Shooting Tracker

Well of course we have high murder rates, have you seen the demographics of our country?


The MAGA 13 Aryan Youth Trump Cult

Yeah.. You know the diff between propaganda and facts. Dontcha???
The mass shooting tracker is propaganda.

And this one is too? Mass Shootings in 2019 | Gun Violence Archive

25 mass shootings ( a shooting incident that includes at least 4 people) since July 14.

Ooooooooh, don't look if reality scares you.

Actually Yes -- it is.. VAST majority of those are inner city gang drive-bys... It's a definition from Michaels' Bloombergs $20Mill anti-gun campaign... The same campaign that amps ups and lies about the number of school shootings by including 2AM drug deals in the parking lots and accidental discharges by law officers in the parking lot or an isolated suicide under the bleachers at night as "school shootings"....

It IS propaganda... In THIS case, with your recent link, a mass shooting occurs on the SAME STREET corner 4 nights a week in Chicago or Baltimore....

Once everyone agrees on what constitutes a "mass shooting" we can all start to have an honest discussion about what to do about them.

I'd say it should be defined as a shooting in which four or more people are injured or killed by someone who is unknown to the victims and the shooting is not the result of any other criminal activity.

No domestic violence, no gang shootings, no shootings during the commission of another crime (i.e. robbery, home, bank, or otherwise), and no workplace shootings.

It's having a negative effect on working together to fix anything.. You CAN NOT claim that mass shootings are a "white supremacy thing" at the SAME TIME you're posting lists of "mass shootings" that are almost totally GANG WARFARE in all black communities...

Do I have to point this out to anybody?? Shouldn't....

Time for folks to get real and stop shouting and sort the facts from the propaganda....

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