this is the country we live in

These laws are sooo retarded.

When I was growing up, adults did what they could to stop us from fucking around.

Then the adults went away, and liberal children aged, but failed to really become adults. They became teachers, coaches and parents themselves.

They encouraged kids to fuck around and even took part in it themselves.

So in response the government passed an arbitrary law that made the natural act of fucking a crime unless both participants are over 18, and in California have signed written consent forms with each other's attorneys.

Leave it to liberalism to fuck up fucking.

These laws are sooo retarded.

When I was growing up, adults did what they could to stop us from fucking around.

Then the adults went away, and liberal children aged, but failed to really become adults. They became teachers, coaches and parents themselves.

They encouraged kids to fuck around and even took part in it themselves.

So in response the government passed an arbitrary law that made the natural act of fucking a crime unless both participants are over 18, and in California have signed written consent forms with each other's attorneys.

Leave it to liberalism to fuck up fucking.

17 here dopey...The damn clergy has always had the right to molest kiddies in the name of God..Along with religious people on reality shows with decent christian over tones...
My complaint is that the punishment should fit the crime. I thought it was way overboard but you have a point. When private citizens no longer police their kids the government steps in with some draconian laws.
These laws are sooo retarded.

When I was growing up, adults did what they could to stop us from fucking around.

Then the adults went away, and liberal children aged, but failed to really become adults. They became teachers, coaches and parents themselves.

They encouraged kids to fuck around and even took part in it themselves.

So in response the government passed an arbitrary law that made the natural act of fucking a crime unless both participants are over 18, and in California have signed written consent forms with each other's attorneys.

Leave it to liberalism to fuck up fucking.

17 here dopey...The damn clergy has always had the right to molest kiddies in the name of God..Along with religious people on reality shows with decent christian over tones...

Two teens screwing is the same as child molestation....sarcasm off!
These laws are sooo retarded.

When I was growing up, adults did what they could to stop us from fucking around.

Then the adults went away, and liberal children aged, but failed to really become adults. They became teachers, coaches and parents themselves.

They encouraged kids to fuck around and even took part in it themselves.

So in response the government passed an arbitrary law that made the natural act of fucking a crime unless both participants are over 18, and in California have signed written consent forms with each other's attorneys.

Leave it to liberalism to fuck up fucking.

17 here dopey...The damn clergy has always had the right to molest kiddies in the name of God..Along with religious people on reality shows with decent christian over tones...

Two teens screwing is the same as child molestation....sarcasm off!
The Dugger kids screwed each other also? Or was that the Brady's?
I think the judge is a big part of the problem. The cops were involved because the girl is an epileptic and the Mom was worried. She wanted there to be no charges.

"But court records show that Berrien County District Court Judge Dennis Wiley (who once jailed a woman for 10 days over Christmas because she cursed while paying a traffic ticket in the county clerk’s office) paid none of the participants any mind."
Thanks to the belief that we can create a society of zero crime we now put teens in jail for sex.

Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender Banned from Internet. - Hit Run

We also want to kill the burgoise by turning off there water. (The link is on drudge)

ameriKa is so awesome right now.

This was the decision of one Judge, and it might, and should be overturned on appeal IMHO. But anti-American pissants blame it on America.
These laws are sooo retarded.

When I was growing up, adults did what they could to stop us from fucking around.

Then the adults went away, and liberal children aged, but failed to really become adults. They became teachers, coaches and parents themselves.

They encouraged kids to fuck around and even took part in it themselves.

So in response the government passed an arbitrary law that made the natural act of fucking a crime unless both participants are over 18, and in California have signed written consent forms with each other's attorneys.

Leave it to liberalism to fuck up fucking.

17 here dopey...The damn clergy has always had the right to molest kiddies in the name of God..Along with religious people on reality shows with decent christian over tones...

Two teens screwing is the same as child molestation....sarcasm off!
The Dugger kids screwed each other also? Or was that the Brady's?

Here comes proponents of the police state. They say if we allow people to get away with smaller crimes then we can't punish larger ones. That is not the case because bigger offended are still punished harshly. Proponents of the police state might really want to instill fear into the hearts of the people by creating hard punishments for small offenses that occur frequently. This way the police is up in our face constantly.
These laws are sooo retarded.

When I was growing up, adults did what they could to stop us from fucking around.

Then the adults went away, and liberal children aged, but failed to really become adults. They became teachers, coaches and parents themselves.

They encouraged kids to fuck around and even took part in it themselves.

So in response the government passed an arbitrary law that made the natural act of fucking a crime unless both participants are over 18, and in California have signed written consent forms with each other's attorneys.

Leave it to liberalism to fuck up fucking.

17 here dopey...The damn clergy has always had the right to molest kiddies in the name of God..Along with religious people on reality shows with decent christian over tones...

Two teens screwing is the same as child molestation....sarcasm off!
The Dugger kids screwed each other also? Or was that the Brady's?

Close, but the big lie has not yet been told by you. When are you going to say at least 5 children were raped at least 15 times.
I see your point. It is asinine for kids to face prison, for doing something that just 30 years ago would have resulted in a grounding. These laws haven't stopped the fucking either, it's probably worse than it was 30 years ago.

130 years ago, 16 year olds got married and started their families. Of course they were likey to die at 40.

All 50 states need to allow "She lied about her age" as a valid defense. Especially if the girl admits that she did.

I think the government just needs to fuck off.

If anything fine the shit out of the parents and force them to support the offspring.

Putting people in jail is stupid.

I see your point. It is asinine for kids to face prison, for doing something that just 30 years ago would have resulted in a grounding. These laws haven't stopped the fucking either, it's probably worse than it was 30 years ago.

130 years ago, 16 year olds got married and started their families. Of course they were likey to die at 40.

imwould have been ok if this was a light sentence such as community service.
Some of these laws are insane...Of course, we live in a fucking mad house and we've come to expect such.
19 year old boys aren't supposed to be screwing 14 year old epileptics.

Plus, he got 90 days, NOT 25 years. He'll be on the sex offender list for 25 years.

This is a result of the sickness of the 'hook-up generation'

They need to let him out in 20 days and forget the sex offender bullshit registration.

I could live with that.

But when you're 19 and the girl is 14, that's a hell of difference in age at that point in life. The girl isn't even sexually mature at that age. Not even close

And 'Reason' is always skirting the edges. Didn't a bunch of them get locked up for facilitating Drug Sales or something? Pretty sure.
19 year old boys aren't supposed to be screwing 14 year old epileptics.

Plus, he got 90 days, NOT 25 years. He'll be on the sex offender list for 25 years.

This is a result of the sickness of the 'hook-up generation'

They need to let him out in 20 days and forget the sex offender bullshit registration.

I could live with that.

But when you're 19 and the girl is 14, that's a hell of difference in age at that point in life. The girl isn't even sexually mature at that age. Not even close

And 'Reason' is always skirting the edges. Didn't a bunch of them get locked up for facilitating Drug Sales or something? Pretty sure.

If he knew the girl was 14, I might go along with you. But she even says she lied about her age. And there are plenty of 14 year old girls who look 18.

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