this is the country we live in

If he knew the girl was 14, I might go along with you. But she even says she lied about her age. And there are plenty of 14 year old girls who look 18.

There is physical maturity and then there is emotional maturity.

I once had a similar encounter when I was 19. I figured out pretty quickly the girl was not the age she claimed to be, even though I was drunk off my ass. She finally fessed up to being 15 and I couldn't ditch her fast enough.
These laws are sooo retarded.

When I was growing up, adults did what they could to stop us from fucking around.

Then the adults went away, and liberal children aged, but failed to really become adults. They became teachers, coaches and parents themselves.

They encouraged kids to fuck around and even took part in it themselves.

So in response the government passed an arbitrary law that made the natural act of fucking a crime unless both participants are over 18, and in California have signed written consent forms with each other's attorneys.

Leave it to liberalism to fuck up fucking.

17 here dopey...The damn clergy has always had the right to molest kiddies in the name of God..Along with religious people on reality shows with decent christian over tones...

Two teens screwing is the same as child molestation....sarcasm off!
The Dugger kids screwed each other also? Or was that the Brady's?

Close, but the big lie has not yet been told by you. When are you going to say at least 5 children were raped at least 15 times.
I'll just use the PoliChic method and cut-n-paste your statement...
If he knew the girl was 14, I might go along with you. But she even says she lied about her age. And there are plenty of 14 year old girls who look 18.

There is physical maturity and then there is emotional maturity.

I once had a similar encounter when I was 19. I figured out pretty quickly the girl was not the age she claimed to be, even though I was drunk off my ass. She finally fessed up to being 15 and I couldn't ditch her fast enough.
Hell in Arkanass before the age change, 15 was legal...Yeehaw..!!!and boom goes the canon...
If he knew the girl was 14, I might go along with you. But she even says she lied about her age. And there are plenty of 14 year old girls who look 18.

Maybe the 19 year old was sexually naive. Didn't know anything about women....... At all.

But I remember when I was 16 -- I could tell the difference between a 14 year old and a 16 year old. And I'm not talking about the act of intercourse, I'm talking about how a girl feels, how she comports herself, how she talks, dresses and walks...... Everything.

Fourteen is WAY too young to be having sex with anybody, much less a 19 year-old who should know better.

But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. It is entirely possible that he didn't know jack-shit about what a woman is -- Or isn't.

Whatever. It's a shame shit like this has to happen.

Telling you, it's a sick spinoff of the hook-up culture.

They see it on TV every night, they see it in the Movies, it's in all the gossip and hollywood mag-rags, celebrities talk about it in interviews....... And kids imitate.

One thing kids do...... They mimic.

And 19? To me, 19 is still a kid. A dumbass kid, but still a kid.
The son of the woman who cleans for us got into a similar mess. Then, out on parole, stopped for a traffic violation, marijuana cig in his pocket and he's in jail for 25 years.

His life is effectively over. If he does get out, he is forever branded a sex offender.
These laws are sooo retarded.

When I was growing up, adults did what they could to stop us from fucking around.

Then the adults went away, and liberal children aged, but failed to really become adults. They became teachers, coaches and parents themselves.

They encouraged kids to fuck around and even took part in it themselves.

So in response the government passed an arbitrary law that made the natural act of fucking a crime unless both participants are over 18, and in California have signed written consent forms with each other's attorneys.

Leave it to liberalism to fuck up fucking.

17 here dopey...The damn clergy has always had the right to molest kiddies in the name of God..Along with religious people on reality shows with decent christian over tones...

Two teens screwing is the same as child molestation....sarcasm off!
The Dugger kids screwed each other also? Or was that the Brady's?

Lying again I see, the Dugger girls didn't even know their brother was touching them in a sexual way, until he admitted his motives. They didn't engage in any overt sexual acts. I guess you haven't bothered to keep up, just easier to tell lies.
These laws are sooo retarded.

When I was growing up, adults did what they could to stop us from fucking around.

Then the adults went away, and liberal children aged, but failed to really become adults. They became teachers, coaches and parents themselves.

They encouraged kids to fuck around and even took part in it themselves.

So in response the government passed an arbitrary law that made the natural act of fucking a crime unless both participants are over 18, and in California have signed written consent forms with each other's attorneys.

Leave it to liberalism to fuck up fucking.

17 here dopey...The damn clergy has always had the right to molest kiddies in the name of God..Along with religious people on reality shows with decent christian over tones...

Two teens screwing is the same as child molestation....sarcasm off!
The Dugger kids screwed each other also? Or was that the Brady's?

Lying again I see, the Dugger girls didn't even know their brother was touching them in a sexual way, until he admitted his motives. They didn't engage in any overt sexual acts. I guess you haven't bothered to keep up, just easier to tell lies.
Next time I'll hang a sarcasm sign for you.....
Just to clarify, he didn;t get a 25 year sentence. He will be on the sex offender list for 25 years. Notwithstanding...yes the punishment is FUBAR.
Who in the hell is the judge here?
I understand the kid is 19, none too swift for believing the girls age...which I admittedly wonder if he didn't figure it out and knew she was lying.
Whatever...the girl and her parents do not want him punished. So why the f*ck does the law believe they have the right to when none of the parties want it??
Thanks to the belief that we can create a society of zero crime we now put teens in jail for sex.

Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender Banned from Internet. - Hit Run

We also want to kill the burgoise by turning off there water. (The link is on drudge)

ameriKa is so awesome right now.

In Michigan the age of consent is 16, so there is something to this story that's not being told or someone is just plain lying.
These laws are sooo retarded.

When I was growing up, adults did what they could to stop us from fucking around.

Then the adults went away, and liberal children aged, but failed to really become adults. They became teachers, coaches and parents themselves.

They encouraged kids to fuck around and even took part in it themselves.

So in response the government passed an arbitrary law that made the natural act of fucking a crime unless both participants are over 18, and in California have signed written consent forms with each other's attorneys.

Leave it to liberalism to fuck up fucking.

17 here dopey...The damn clergy has always had the right to molest kiddies in the name of God..Along with religious people on reality shows with decent christian over tones...

Two teens screwing is the same as child molestation....sarcasm off!
The Dugger kids screwed each other also? Or was that the Brady's?

Lying again I see, the Dugger girls didn't even know their brother was touching them in a sexual way, until he admitted his motives. They didn't engage in any overt sexual acts. I guess you haven't bothered to keep up, just easier to tell lies.


Nope. The little girls told their parents of the first two times he did it.

It was later, after his "therapy" with the kiddie porn cop, that he confessed that he was still doing it and that they were awake, sitting on his lap, while he read to them.

I have never read where Josh Dugger "admitted his motives" and, with a sick compulsion, I doubt he can say what they were. But, by all means, post a link to where "he admitted his motives".
These laws are sooo retarded.

When I was growing up, adults did what they could to stop us from fucking around.

Then the adults went away, and liberal children aged, but failed to really become adults. They became teachers, coaches and parents themselves.

They encouraged kids to fuck around and even took part in it themselves.

So in response the government passed an arbitrary law that made the natural act of fucking a crime unless both participants are over 18, and in California have signed written consent forms with each other's attorneys.

Leave it to liberalism to fuck up fucking.

17 here dopey...The damn clergy has always had the right to molest kiddies in the name of God..Along with religious people on reality shows with decent christian over tones...

Two teens screwing is the same as child molestation....sarcasm off!
The Dugger kids screwed each other also? Or was that the Brady's?

Lying again I see, the Dugger girls didn't even know their brother was touching them in a sexual way, until he admitted his motives. They didn't engage in any overt sexual acts. I guess you haven't bothered to keep up, just easier to tell lies.


Nope. The little girls told their parents of the first two times he did it.

It was later, after his "therapy" with the kiddie porn cop, that he confessed that he was still doing it and that they were awake, sitting on his lap, while he read to them.

I have never read where Josh Dugger "admitted his motives" and, with a sick compulsion, I doubt he can say what they were. But, by all means, post a link to where "he admitted his motives".

Guess you missed the interviews with the parents and a couple of the sisters involved, that's where I got my information.
Thanks to the belief that we can create a society of zero crime we now put teens in jail for sex.

Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender Banned from Internet. - Hit Run

We also want to kill the burgoise by turning off there water. (The link is on drudge)

ameriKa is so awesome right now.

In Michigan the age of consent is 16, so there is something to this story that's not being told or someone is just plain lying.

If the girl is 14, he is dabbling under the age of consent.
Thanks to the belief that we can create a society of zero crime we now put teens in jail for sex.

Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender Banned from Internet. - Hit Run

We also want to kill the burgoise by turning off there water. (The link is on drudge)

ameriKa is so awesome right now.

In Michigan the age of consent is 16, so there is something to this story that's not being told or someone is just plain lying.

If the girl is 14, he is dabbling under the age of consent.

If I read right, the article stated she was 17.
Thanks to the belief that we can create a society of zero crime we now put teens in jail for sex.

Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender Banned from Internet. - Hit Run

We also want to kill the burgoise by turning off there water. (The link is on drudge)

ameriKa is so awesome right now.

In Michigan the age of consent is 16, so there is something to this story that's not being told or someone is just plain lying.

If the girl is 14, he is dabbling under the age of consent.

If I read right, the article stated she was 17.

I think she told the guy she was 17, but she is actually 14.
19 year old boys aren't supposed to be screwing 14 year old epileptics.

Plus, he got 90 days, NOT 25 years. He'll be on the sex offender list for 25 years.

This is a result of the sickness of the 'hook-up generation'

They need to let him out in 20 days and forget the sex offender bullshit registration.

I could live with that.

But when you're 19 and the girl is 14, that's a hell of difference in age at that point in life. The girl isn't even sexually mature at that age. Not even close

And 'Reason' is always skirting the edges. Didn't a bunch of them get locked up for facilitating Drug Sales or something? Pretty sure.

Not even close to accurate.

from: Early Puberty for Girls The New Normal and Why We Need to be Concerned National Women s Health Network
"Over the last 50 years, the age of first menstruation continued to decline, but at a much slower rate (by a few months) and with wide ethnic disparity. White girls in the U.S. now menstruate at an average age of 12.6 years; African American girls at 12.1 years; and Latinas at 12.2 years."

A 14 year old girl is probably not emotionally mature. But she is likely to be sexually mature.
Thanks to the belief that we can create a society of zero crime we now put teens in jail for sex.

Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender Banned from Internet. - Hit Run

We also want to kill the burgoise by turning off there water. (The link is on drudge)

ameriKa is so awesome right now.

In Michigan the age of consent is 16, so there is something to this story that's not being told or someone is just plain lying.

If the girl is 14, he is dabbling under the age of consent.

If I read right, the article stated she was 17.

I think she told the guy she was 17, but she is actually 14.

If that's the case, then he's fucked!

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