This is the Deep State’s last chance to stop Trump before he dismantles and destroys their criminal cartel

Then let the fun begin... they are going to make an example of Trump... one cannot incite an assault against the Congress of the United States and escape unscathed.
That’s not true. If you’re a democrat you can do that all day long. You can go on TV and tell people the election was stolen. You can operate entire news stations repeating Russia lies. You can destroy email servers and all of the cell phones.

This isn’t anything more than an example of what those not in the democrat party can’t do. The democrats can though. And will.
That’s not true. If you’re a democrat you can do that all day long. You can go on TV and tell people the election was stolen. You can operate entire news stations repeating Russia lies. You can destroy email servers and all of the cell phones.

This isn’t anything more than an example of what those not in the democrat party can’t do. The democrats can though. And will.

Trump isn't in trouble for lying about a stolen election, he's in trouble for trying to overturn the results of that election, which is actually a crime.
I can't imagine if Trump wins the steps they would take to end his presidency. If the worst case scenario is successful there would be total anarchy in America as patriots would storm DC making January 6 look like a kindergarten recess.

This is just dripping with QAnon horseshit.
Trump isn't in trouble for lying about a stolen election, he's in trouble for trying to overturn the results of that election, which is actually a crime.
How did he do that? Court challenges? Telling people the election was stolen? Protesting election results? All shit the democrats have done for years. So fuck off with that bullshit. All you’re doing is proving the double standard and now it’s double standards for law.
I can't imagine if Trump wins the steps they would take to end his presidency. If the worst case scenario is successful there would be total anarchy in America as patriots would storm DC making January 6 look like a kindergarten recess.

your Orange God lost the election.

And now he's milking you rubes over lies about the election!

Keep sending, while your family keeps starving, rube!

Precious little snowflake!

Oh no, Qanon, kinda totally not like antifa, that’s different. Fuck off.

Oh, its pure QAnon bullshit. Their entire movement was built around the dipshit fever dream of The Storm....where Trump rises up and all at once overthrows the criminal enterprises of the democrats.

Trump is even releasing campaign videos about the 'pedophile ambitions' of the deep state.

MAGA has gone full QAnon. I
I think Alex Jones is right. They'll shoot him or blow his plane out of the sky. Too much power and wealth on the line for too many people for them not to do whatever it takes. IF THEY DO, they'll have set their own house on fire, as well.
Esdraelon they already tried that once,the black hats in the military tried shooting Air Force one down with a missile but the white hats intercepted it,there have been over forty five assassination attempts on trumps life,you just never heard about it from the media.they have not succeeded as they did on Nov 22nd 1963 because we have technology so advanced this time around thst trump has remained one step ahead of them.
Oh, its pure QAnon bullshit. Their entire movement was built around the dipshit fever dream of The Storm....where Trump rises up and all at once overthrows the criminal enterprises of the democrats.

Trump is even releasing campaign videos about the 'pedophile ambitions' of the deep state.

MAGA has gone full QAnon. I
That’s a storm I’d like to see. Is it going to cut the federal government in half or better? I’m all about that.

Can you explain how democrat support for trans drag queens doing shows for young kids isn’t pedophelia? Why else would they do that? If they weren’t pedophiles they would be doing adult shows to find sexual partners. But they do it for kids. Why?
That’s a storm I’d like to see. Is it going to cut the federal government in half or better? I’m all about that.

Can you explain how democrat support for trans drag queens doing shows for young kids isn’t pedophelia? Why else would they do that? If they weren’t pedophiles they would be doing adult shows to find sexual partners. But they do it for kids. Why?

Of course it is. All you QAnon headjobs dream about the storm.

But I wouldn't hold your breath. You'll always have another excuse for why your delusional conspiracy nonsense is teabagged by reality.

With Trump under more than 70 plus charges....and Biden never having gotten so much as a parking ticket, I wonder what the next excuse is going to be?

4 years in the most powerful position in the nation and he did....


But he promises to do something if you give him 4 more years. Pinky swear.
Unfortunately the Deep State is winning. They got to Devon Archer before he gave his testimony.
Uh dude get your facts straight,he testified on Biden’s corruption yesterday,go to bitchute it’s all over the news,first you make up fantasy’s that LA does not pack the stadium in for the rams posting pics of the stadium in the first quarter as your evidence ignoring the fact they don’t show up till the middle of the second quarter before they always pack them in now this.can’t you ever get your facts straight on anything? :rofl:

Now the Rams I understand why you post false information that they don’t pack them in LA,you are obviously from stank Louis butthurt they left your city but THIS I can’t fathom where you came up with that listen way too much what the corporate media in the living room tells you. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg:
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How did he do that? Court challenges? Telling people the election was stolen? Protesting election results? All shit the democrats have done for years. So fuck off with that bullshit. All you’re doing is proving the double standard and now it’s double standards for law.

Organizing and riling up an angry mob outside the Capitol, that turned around and stormed the Capitol.
Creating fake slate of electors and trying to convince Mike Pence and the state legislatures to appoint them.

Sorry, Dems never did anything anywhere close to this. Even with the truly questionable 2000 election where Jeb Bush rigged the vote in Florida.
We're almost there.

I told my husband at dinner exactly what I've said so many times here: this nation is over. I no longer want to share a nation with these lawless fascists, I just don't. Secede or die, at this point, I no longer care.

And yet all you do about it is whine on the internet.

How pathetic.
It would have been nice if Pence had stopped the voter fraud.

There was no voter fraud. Trump knew there was no voter fraud according to his own lawyers who are now testifying against him.

He should have called for a Congressional Election Audit!!!
But no, he went with the SWAMP.

56 cases were filed on Trump's false claims, and the courts, including Trump Appointees, rejected every last one of them.

And now Pence is running for president. Is anyone surprised he's under 10% in the polls?
Not really. The GOP base is pretty far gone off the deep end. At some point, though, you are going to have to come to the reality that nominating a convicted felon is not a good look for you.
There was no voter fraud. Trump knew there was no voter fraud according to his own lawyers who are now testifying against him.

56 cases were filed on Trump's false claims, and the courts, including Trump Appointees, rejected every last one of them.

Not really. The GOP base is pretty far gone off the deep end. At some point, though, you are going to have to come to the reality that nominating a convicted felon is not a good look for you.
"These are not the droids you are looking for."
*waves hand*
"These are not the droids you are looking for."
*waves hand*

Just a reality.
A majority voted against Trump in 2016 and he only won on a technicality that we haven't dumped the Electoral College yet.
This time, after he killed half a million people through Covid incompetence, allowed our cities to descend into chaos through his race baiting, and let the economy go over the cliff with the first double digit unemployment we had seen in nearly 40 years, was it any surprise he got thrown out on his can?

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