This is the Deep State’s last chance to stop Trump before he dismantles and destroys their criminal cartel

Your Orange Chimpanzee phukked-up when he assaulted the Congress of the United States... and now the Republic is going to make an example of him.
You are an example of a subverted demoralized ZOMBIE Marxist, Mr. Carrion crow.
You support all this Stalinist banana republic BULLSHIT; you are part of the problem.
I don't want any kind of a "republic" saved with people who use the criminal court system to put salve on their butthurt.

Do you hear that? Do you understand it.

And there are a lot of us who feel that way. You might win a battle, but you're losing a war here.

Actually, you sound like one of those Biker Chicks who goes nuts in court after her old man is sent up for murder and meth dealing.

Why have you attached so much of your self-esteem to a guy like Trump. He just isn't worth it.
You are an example of a subverted demoralized ZOMBIE Marxist, Mr. Carrion crow.
You support all this Stalinist banana republic BULLSHIT; you are part of the problem.

Quite the contrary... the fact that a president CAN be held accountable for his criminal misdeeds shows that we are not a banana republic. We are a nation of laws.

Trump broke those laws. (He's actually broken laws most of his life, but now he's being held to account.)
Trump isn't going to win. The only question is, will the GOP suck up another L appeasing the ego of this man, or will they find a perfectly sensible candidate that the center can vote for. Biden's age is a legitimate concern. But Trump is just as old, a little bit crazy and has no regard for our constitution.

The GOP has survived in the past by being able to cut loose figures who were more divisive than helpful, such as McCarthy and Nixon. Why you can't do so this time is a mystery.

Here's a better question, Islamophobic Twat... why have you equated the conduct of ONE MAN with the well-being of the Republic? Because he's willing to hate Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did?
As Christianity became corrupted as it intertwined with leadership in the Middle Ages as the years went on, Progs have stolen the Republic established from founding fathers who are abhorred and corrupted it into a Democracy and finally a Totalitarian state. So, tell us about Jesus who you really hate, as you vomit at his memory from others. Jesus had rules in his pacifism.
Quite the contrary... the fact that a president CAN be held accountable for his criminal misdeeds shows that we are not a banana republic. We are a nation of laws.

Trump broke those laws. (He's actually broken laws most of his life, but now he's being held to account.)
You have NO PROOF of ANY crimes, just rabid ACCUSATIONS!!!!
You too are part of The Problem.
You are an example of a subverted demoralized ZOMBIE Marxist, Mr. Carrion crow.
You support all this Stalinist banana republic BULLSHIT; you are part of the problem.
Sit down, child, and mind your manners in the presence of your betters...

An example is now going to be made of your Orange Baboon-God...

You can take your Brown Shirt nonsense and shove it up your a$$...
As Christianity became corrupted as it intertwined with leadership in the Middle Ages as the years went on, Progs have stolen the Republic established from founding fathers who are abhorred and corrupted it into a Democracy and finally a Totalitarian state. So, tell us about Jesus who you really hate, as you vomit at his memory from others. Jesus had rules in his pacifism.
You're such a drama queen.
As Christianity became corrupted as it intertwined with leadership in the Middle Ages as the years went on, Progs have stolen the Republic established from founding fathers who are abhorred and corrupted it into a Democracy and finally a Totalitarian state. So, tell us about Jesus who you really hate, as you vomit at his memory from others. Jesus had rules in his pacifism.

Thank goodness that happened. If it hadn't, this country would still have slavery, only white land-owning males would have the franchise. THAT would have been totalitarian.

I'm frankly happy that we can select our leaders. I wish we put more care into it and we didn't have this anachronism that occasionally vomits up a turd like Trump.
Sit down, child, and mind your manners in the presence of your betters...

An example is now going to be made of your Orange Baboon-God...

You can take your Brown Shirt nonsense and shove it up your a$$...
Right, and you can SHOVE your "Brown Shirt" PROJECTION!!!!!!
You side with the demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombies. Enjoy some road kill racoon and stop destroying our Constitutional Republic!
You have NO PROOF of ANY crimes, just rabid ACCUSATIONS!!!!
You too are part of The Problem.

Uh, Trump committed his crimes on National TV and Twitter... it wasn't like he was hiding it.
This country has survived as long as it has because we've had 58 presidential elections where the guy who lost admitted he lost and accepted it.
And one election where the guy who lost unleashed a mob of mentally unstable people like Q-Anon Shaman and Ashli Babbitt to attack congress and try to overturn the results.

We can't have government by angry mob.
Uh, Trump committed his crimes on National TV and Twitter... it wasn't like he was hiding it.
This country has survived as long as it has because we've had 58 presidential elections where the guy who lost admitted he lost and accepted it.
And one election where the guy who lost unleashed a mob of mentally unstable people like Q-Anon Shaman and Ashli Babbitt to attack congress and try to overturn the results.

We can't have government by angry mob.
Russia, if you're listening, maybe you can find a thread defending drag queens foe Joe to support.
Right, and you can SHOVE your "Brown Shirt" PROJECTION!!!!!!
Oh, Mommy... the right wingnutjob said a bad word to me... oh, dearie me... :fu:
You side with the demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombies.
Trumpian Minion Talking Points... bore, bore, bore... buckle-up, Buttercup... you're gonna enjoy what happens to your Orange Chimpanzee... :laughing0301:
Enjoy some road kill racoon and stop destroying our Constitutional Republic!
Your ignorant, arrogant, lying Orange Con-Man was the one trying to destroy our Constitutional Republic... time to make an example of him.
Maybe you'd be happier in Russia.
In an ironic twist, the Marxist assholes that have infiltrated our institutions for the last CENTURY have scrambled your eggs.
YOU can thank Russia for THAT!!!!! :eusa_hand:
Oh, Mommy... the right wingnutjob said a bad word to me... oh, dearie me... :fu:

Trumpian Minion Talking Points... bore, bore, bore... buckle-up, Buttercup... you're gonna enjoy what happens to your Orange Chimpanzee... :laughing0301:

Your ignorant, arrogant, lying Orange Con-Man was the one trying to destroy our Constitutional Republic... time to make an example of him.
Stalinists gonna Stalin. :fu:
We're almost there.

I told my husband at dinner exactly what I've said so many times here: this nation is over. I no longer want to share a nation with these lawless fascists, I just don't. Secede or die, at this point, I no longer care.
I'm glad you're leaving your own death open as an option. It's good to give careful consideration to all of the possibilities. 😄
In an ironic twist, the Marxist assholes that have infiltrated our institutions for the last CENTURY have scrambled your eggs.
YOU can thank Russia for THAT!!!!!

Oh, quite the contrary, I voted Republican all the way up until 2008. That's when I found myself with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage, and having to do contract work because the economy was in such awful shape.

And the GOP Response. Pile on more crazy! Let's nominate the guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear! What, he lost? We hate him now, let's nominate the Fake Game Show Host.

If your deluded mind, the entire Democratic party and half the REpublican Party are all "Marxists", then maybe just maybe you guys are the ones with the issue.
Oh, quite the contrary, I voted Republican all the way up until 2008. That's when I found myself with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage, and having to do contract work because the economy was in such awful shape.

And the GOP Response. Pile on more crazy! Let's nominate the guy who thinks he's wearing Magic Underwear! What, he lost? We hate him now, let's nominate the Fake Game Show Host.

If your deluded mind, the entire Democratic party and half the REpublican Party are all "Marxists", then maybe just maybe you guys are the ones with the issue.
Yuri Bezmenov warned us about YOU

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