This is the end (Ukrainian war)

Now there is information that a general, complete, forced mobilization is being prepared in Crimea.

It is now impossible to do this in the Russian Federation itself, because the country is engulfed in sabotage. Infrastructure and military installations are being destroyed. Yesterday, military aircraft were attacked in Novgorod, at least one aircraft was destroyed. There were 2 explosions in Moscow City in a week. In Bashkiria, the flag of Ukraine was raised in front of the FSB office. Chaos and panic seized the country, besides, they are preparing for ballistic missile strikes from Ukraine, ruble is rapidly depreciating and there is no money
Dozens of major accidents occur at energy facilities every day. Moscow spends all the money just to contain the panic.
In Belarus, the situation is even worse. The government no longer hides the fact that a crop failure is expected, and there may be famine. Help from Moscow may not arrive. A significant part of the grain will go under contracts to support African juntas loyal to Moscow, in Africa there is a famine.
Forecasts for grain harvests were overly optimistic. In fact, the year is unfavorable. There were cold nights and torrential rains. The harvest will be much worse, and the needs have increased.

Now military spending for the Russian Federation and Belarus is impossible. This will bring down the economy.

A large resistance army has been formed in Belarus, and they are threatened by Poland.

It's amazing that Moscow's bluff is still working.

I watched the picture when big officials invested their personal money in the state defense order.
They have absolutely no money.
Inflation in the Russian Federation is now at least 50%, the key rate has been increased only to 12%, this will not stop hyperinflation.
Currently, Ukraine is cooperating with Poland, this excludes support for the Bandera ideology of "Little Russism"

These are only Moscow propaganda statements. No sources are given.
Poland will do little if anything significant -- popular sentiment has switched . I am not offering you an opinion about the movements of the 82nd Air assault brigade, but a simple and widely known fact . Known to informed pundits but perhaps not to copy and paste merchants .
If they were supported by the imaginary "west", they would have won this war long ago. Probably Zelensky is playing Putin's anti-Polish game. Banderists are allies of Moscow against Poland and polish West-Ukraine.
Now they are again promise the delivery of obsolete f-16s - 10 units until 2024, the rest later. It's just a mockery.

now almost all Ukrainians say openly: "the West" deceived them. They do not care about Ukrainian blood.

Ukraine no longer believes in the "West"
There was no "West". It was exclusively America that followed the Monroe Doctrine.

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