This is the Man that is giving trump nightmares....

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

Na, not really
...and still no Russian connection

Actually there's been all sorts of Russian connections. Indictments of Russians AND Americans actually not to mention Patten pleading guilty TODAY to being an unregistered foreign agent

As far as Trump… No Russian connection

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

The only people losing sleep over mewler are hilda, obie and the democrats. The more this investigation falls apart the more obvious their participation becomes.

Mueller has to produce quickly, or else he can expect nothing by venom from the Far Left.

The problem is that the markets are rising to new heights, people are getting used to working and making money, they aren't going to be anxious to get rid of the man responsible, Donald J Trump, even if the Mule has a picture of him shooting someone in the middle of 5th Avenue.

People vote their wallets. People also like peace. No matter how much they may have misgivings about their President , they aren't going to want to give it up.

Especially over trivial bullshit. There’s no Russia thing. Tax issues? Who cares.

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

Na, not really
...and still no Russian connection

Actually there's been all sorts of Russian connections. Indictments of Russians AND Americans actually not to mention Patten pleading guilty TODAY to being an unregistered foreign agent

As far as Trump… No Russian connection

Just everyone around him ...oh

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

The only people losing sleep over mewler are hilda, obie and the democrats. The more this investigation falls apart the more obvious their participation becomes.

Mueller has to produce quickly, or else he can expect nothing by venom from the Far Left.

The problem is that the markets are rising to new heights, people are getting used to working and making money, they aren't going to be anxious to get rid of the man responsible, Donald J Trump, even if the Mule has a picture of him shooting someone in the middle of 5th Avenue.

People vote their wallets. People also like peace. No matter how much they may have misgivings about their President , they aren't going to want to give it up.

Especially over trivial bullshit. There’s no Russia thing. Tax issues? Who cares.

Tax issues?

Is that all?


You're that dishonest or that uninformed.
Care to tell us which?

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

The only people losing sleep over mewler are hilda, obie and the democrats. The more this investigation falls apart the more obvious their participation becomes.

Mueller has to produce quickly, or else he can expect nothing by venom from the Far Left.

The problem is that the markets are rising to new heights, people are getting used to working and making money, they aren't going to be anxious to get rid of the man responsible, Donald J Trump, even if the Mule has a picture of him shooting someone in the middle of 5th Avenue.

People vote their wallets. People also like peace. No matter how much they may have misgivings about their President , they aren't going to want to give it up.

Especially over trivial bullshit. There’s no Russia thing. Tax issues? Who cares.

Tax issues?

Is that all?


You're that dishonest or that uninformed.
Care to tell us which?

So far that’s all mewler has anyone on. And he could have you on the same charges.
Mueller is human, just as we all are, and humans are imperfect. Mueller however has a since of decency that goes beyond what many persons have the understanding to comprehend. The video is most certainly slanted in favor of Mueller; no doubt. He has made mistakes but from the research I have done Mueller has contributed to this nation exponentially more than he may have ever taken away.

The video states so much positive about Mueller regarding his service to our nation, yet what really caught my attention; the FACT that Mueller is married to the women he met in high school. Mueller has been married to the same wife for nearly 52 years. That is 'old school' America; the America that places a value on & a respect for values that signify trust, faith, commitment, and dedication to a true cause for more than ones' self.

I see the current landscape of our nation fractured by divisive wolves that have no regard for those values that Mueller has retained his entire life; wolves that would rather gain wealth & riches for themselves, and their associates, than to obtain real greatness for a nation.

Whatever may result from his investigations Mueller is the right man, at the right time, for the function he currently has as special counsel: a human that is objective, and that has proven he is a dedicated servant of his nation, The United States.

Cool feel good story bro...I’m all warm and fuzzy inside.
BUT the truth is you don’t know shit about Mueller, his wife or the lifestyle he leads. You only know what CNN told you about Mueller...For all you know, he spends his Saturday nights slamming heroin and smashing the asses of Trannies is filthy hotel rooms...his wife might be his assistant. Save your bullshit bud...nobody else is as naive as you and your LefTard buddies.

That RIGHT THERE is likely one of the WORST, most depraved replies I have EVER witnessed on any message board, or forum.

YOU seriously need to get a grip on your 'soul' ........... if you even have one.
Mueller is human, just as we all are, and humans are imperfect. Mueller however has a since of decency that goes beyond what many persons have the understanding to comprehend. The video is most certainly slanted in favor of Mueller; no doubt. He has made mistakes but from the research I have done Mueller has contributed to this nation exponentially more than he may have ever taken away.

The video states so much positive about Mueller regarding his service to our nation, yet what really caught my attention; the FACT that Mueller is married to the women he met in high school. Mueller has been married to the same wife for nearly 52 years. That is 'old school' America; the America that places a value on & a respect for values that signify trust, faith, commitment, and dedication to a true cause for more than ones' self.

I see the current landscape of our nation fractured by divisive wolves that have no regard for those values that Mueller has retained his entire life; wolves that would rather gain wealth & riches for themselves, and their associates, than to obtain real greatness for a nation.

Whatever may result from his investigations Mueller is the right man, at the right time, for the function he currently has as special counsel: a human that is objective, and that has proven he is a dedicated servant of his nation, The United States.

I don’t see how him being married to the same woman all his life had anything to do with the Lack of evidence of Russian collusion

But, of course; YOU would NOT be able to COMPREHEND the concept of being faithful to a partner, nor a faithful person, TO THE PERSON you promised a vow to.

WE here ALL understand that YOU have NO COMPREHENSION of the concept of being TRUE to your self, being TRUE to your spouse, being TRUE to anything, OR to anyone.

Yes; we understand YOUR idea of life is being that of a loose personality aka a WHORE.

That is what Trump admires; a WHORE.

This has NOTHING to do with evidence; it is merely an issue of CHARACTER, which obviously YOU HAVE NO IDEA what that means.

I am so glad you see your life from the perspective of a WHORE. Congrats
Last edited:
Mueller is human, just as we all are, and humans are imperfect. Mueller however has a since of decency that goes beyond what many persons have the understanding to comprehend. The video is most certainly slanted in favor of Mueller; no doubt. He has made mistakes but from the research I have done Mueller has contributed to this nation exponentially more than he may have ever taken away.

The video states so much positive about Mueller regarding his service to our nation, yet what really caught my attention; the FACT that Mueller is married to the women he met in high school. Mueller has been married to the same wife for nearly 52 years. That is 'old school' America; the America that places a value on & a respect for values that signify trust, faith, commitment, and dedication to a true cause for more than ones' self.

I see the current landscape of our nation fractured by divisive wolves that have no regard for those values that Mueller has retained his entire life; wolves that would rather gain wealth & riches for themselves, and their associates, than to obtain real greatness for a nation.

Whatever may result from his investigations Mueller is the right man, at the right time, for the function he currently has as special counsel: a human that is objective, and that has proven he is a dedicated servant of his nation, The United States.

Cool feel good story bro...I’m all warm and fuzzy inside.
BUT the truth is you don’t know shit about Mueller, his wife or the lifestyle he leads. You only know what CNN told you about Mueller...For all you know, he spends his Saturday nights slamming heroin and smashing the asses of Trannies is filthy hotel rooms...his wife might be his assistant. Save your bullshit bud...nobody else is as naive as you and your LefTard buddies.

That RIGHT THERE is likely one of the WORST, most depraved replies I have EVER witnessed on any message board, or forum.

YOU seriously need to get a grip on your 'soul' ........... if you even have one.
Oh no. Tardo kid is upset. His feelings have been hurt. His hero chastised. Will he run upstairs for a mommy hug? Inquiring minds want to know.
Mueller has nothing now, and won't have anything when he closes out his investigation in January 2025.

You do know this investigation will go along as long as Trump is in office.
dOnald tRump is already an "unindicted co-conspirator".
Nixon resigned at that point.

no he isn't
Just saying that doesn't change the fact.
Kinda like you just saying he is going to be isn’t a fact.
dOnald tRump is already an "unindicted co-conspirator".
Nixon resigned at that point.

I am glad you brought up Richard M Nixon.

Good week for him, even though he's been dead for 20 years.

Carl Bernstein has been thoroughly discredited with his lies about Cohen and the Russians and Lanny Davis. Turned out that he was just fabricating the facts, makes you wonder the validity of the whole Bernstein-Woodward reports during the Nixon years.

Time to reopen that case, while Bernstein is still around.
Lmao! Another off the cuff tRump invention, and you swallowed it whole.

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

And then there's this
Mueller Just Gained a Witness With a View From Russia to Trump’s World
Sam Patten has spent the better part of two decades working with Russians and advocating their interests

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

And then there's this
Mueller Just Gained a Witness With a View From Russia to Trump’s World
Sam Patten has spent the better part of two decades working with Russians and advocating their interests

A view from the Russians side. That’s intriguing. Please tell me more about how we should run our country from the Russian perspective.
Another war hero against the King of bone spurs....this is going to be interesting.

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

And then there's this
Mueller Just Gained a Witness With a View From Russia to Trump’s World
Sam Patten has spent the better part of two decades working with Russians and advocating their interests

A view from the Russians side. That’s intriguing. Please tell me more about how we should run our country from the Russian perspective.

You'd be better off asking trump
Mueller has nothing now, and won't have anything when he closes out his investigation in January 2025.

You do know this investigation will go along as long as Trump is in office.
dOnald tRump is already an "unindicted co-conspirator".
Nixon resigned at that point.

no he isn't
Just saying that doesn't change the fact.
Kinda like you just saying he is going to be isn’t a fact.
I didn't say he is going to be.

He already is.
Mueller is human, just as we all are, and humans are imperfect. Mueller however has a since of decency that goes beyond what many persons have the understanding to comprehend. The video is most certainly slanted in favor of Mueller; no doubt. He has made mistakes but from the research I have done Mueller has contributed to this nation exponentially more than he may have ever taken away.

The video states so much positive about Mueller regarding his service to our nation, yet what really caught my attention; the FACT that Mueller is married to the women he met in high school. Mueller has been married to the same wife for nearly 52 years. That is 'old school' America; the America that places a value on & a respect for values that signify trust, faith, commitment, and dedication to a true cause for more than ones' self.

I see the current landscape of our nation fractured by divisive wolves that have no regard for those values that Mueller has retained his entire life; wolves that would rather gain wealth & riches for themselves, and their associates, than to obtain real greatness for a nation.

Whatever may result from his investigations Mueller is the right man, at the right time, for the function he currently has as special counsel: a human that is objective, and that has proven he is a dedicated servant of his nation, The United States.

Cool feel good story bro...I’m all warm and fuzzy inside.
BUT the truth is you don’t know shit about Mueller, his wife or the lifestyle he leads. You only know what CNN told you about Mueller...For all you know, he spends his Saturday nights slamming heroin and smashing the asses of Trannies is filthy hotel rooms...his wife might be his assistant. Save your bullshit bud...nobody else is as naive as you and your LefTard buddies.

That RIGHT THERE is likely one of the WORST, most depraved replies I have EVER witnessed on any message board, or forum.

YOU seriously need to get a grip on your 'soul' ........... if you even have one.
Oh no. Tardo kid is upset. His feelings have been hurt. His hero chastised. Will he run upstairs for a mommy hug? Inquiring minds want to know.

haha, that is funny, coming from someone that hates America, hates American values, and from someone that will gladly burn in Hell; have fun & bring some bottled water!!!

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

The only people losing sleep over mewler are hilda, obie and the democrats. The more this investigation falls apart the more obvious their participation becomes.

Mueller has to produce quickly, or else he can expect nothing by venom from the Far Left.

The problem is that the markets are rising to new heights, people are getting used to working and making money, they aren't going to be anxious to get rid of the man responsible, Donald J Trump, even if the Mule has a picture of him shooting someone in the middle of 5th Avenue.

People vote their wallets. People also like peace. No matter how much they may have misgivings about their President , they aren't going to want to give it up.

Especially over trivial bullshit. There’s no Russia thing. Tax issues? Who cares.

Tax issues?

Is that all?


You're that dishonest or that uninformed.
Care to tell us which?

Just the beginning. trump has been laundering money for wealthy Russians for decades. He is beholden to Putin, but now it is catching up to him.

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

After Oher flipped and exposed the entire Conspiracy - that he, Mueller, Rosenstein, Steele, Comey, the Russians via the Dossier - all worked together to take down Trump starting in 2016, Mueller should be the one having nightmares now - nightmares of being perp-walked and sent to GITMO...

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

The only people losing sleep over mewler are hilda, obie and the democrats. The more this investigation falls apart the more obvious their participation becomes.

Mueller has to produce quickly, or else he can expect nothing by venom from the Far Left.

The problem is that the markets are rising to new heights, people are getting used to working and making money, they aren't going to be anxious to get rid of the man responsible, Donald J Trump, even if the Mule has a picture of him shooting someone in the middle of 5th Avenue.

People vote their wallets. People also like peace. No matter how much they may have misgivings about their President , they aren't going to want to give it up.

Especially over trivial bullshit. There’s no Russia thing. Tax issues? Who cares.

Tax issues?

Is that all?


You're that dishonest or that uninformed.
Care to tell us which?

Income tax is unconstitutional

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