This is the Man that is giving trump nightmares....

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

The only people losing sleep over mewler are hilda, obie and the democrats. The more this investigation falls apart the more obvious their participation becomes.
Somehow I doubt trump is having nightmares about him. His dreams are probably going to be about porn stars or pageant girls

Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.

he is up using the bathroom. He isn't exactly a young man

Our President reportedly pops Finasteride pills- they help grow his hair as well as shrink his prostate. Getting up at night to urinate probably isn't a problem for the Great Man.

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

The only people losing sleep over mewler are hilda, obie and the democrats. The more this investigation falls apart the more obvious their participation becomes.

Mueller has to produce quickly, or else he can expect nothing by venom from the Far Left.

The problem is that the markets are rising to new heights, people are getting used to working and making money, they aren't going to be anxious to get rid of the man responsible, Donald J Trump, even if the Mule has a picture of him shooting someone in the middle of 5th Avenue.

People vote their wallets. People also like peace. No matter how much they may have misgivings about their President , they aren't going to want to give it up.
Mueller has nothing now, and won't have anything when he closes out his investigation in January 2025.

You do know this investigation will go along as long as Trump is in office.
dOnald tRump is already an "unindicted co-conspirator".
Nixon resigned at that point.
Somehow I doubt trump is having nightmares about him. His dreams are probably going to be about porn stars or pageant girls

Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.

he is up using the bathroom. He isn't exactly a young man

Our President reportedly pops Finasteride pills- they help grow his hair as well as shrink his prostate. Getting up at night to urinate probably isn't a problem for the Great Man.

Didn't know that. Thanks! Though to me it makes the Orange Virus somehow even more of a loser. I didn't think it was possible, but there you go...
If Mueller has anything, and by some miracle didn't leak it, we will find out the last week of October.

Because this is about the mid terms
If Mueller has anything, and by some miracle didn't leak it, we will find out the last week of October.

Because this is about the mid terms

OMG, are you agreeing with all the Democrats that want to suggest Mueller really is a partisan hack and just holding out for an October surprise? :confused:
dOnald tRump is already an "unindicted co-conspirator".
Nixon resigned at that point.

I am glad you brought up Richard M Nixon.

Good week for him, even though he's been dead for 20 years.

Carl Bernstein has been thoroughly discredited with his lies about Cohen and the Russians and Lanny Davis. Turned out that he was just fabricating the facts, makes you wonder the validity of the whole Bernstein-Woodward reports during the Nixon years.

Time to reopen that case, while Bernstein is still around.
Somehow I doubt trump is having nightmares about him. His dreams are probably going to be about porn stars or pageant girls

Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.

he is up using the bathroom. He isn't exactly a young man

Our President reportedly pops Finasteride pills- they help grow his hair as well as shrink his prostate. Getting up at night to urinate probably isn't a problem for the Great Man.

Didn't know that. Thanks! Though to me it makes the Orange Virus somehow even more of a loser. I didn't think it was possible, but there you go...
That sounds good to you? Seriously?

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

Na, not really
...and still no Russian connection
Somehow I doubt trump is having nightmares about him. His dreams are probably going to be about porn stars or pageant girls

Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.

he is up using the bathroom. He isn't exactly a young man

Our President reportedly pops Finasteride pills- they help grow his hair as well as shrink his prostate. Getting up at night to urinate probably isn't a problem for the Great Man.

Didn't know that. Thanks! Though to me it makes the Orange Virus somehow even more of a loser. I didn't think it was possible, but there you go...

How does taking a common prescription medicine make our President a "loser"? Maybe I'm missing something here?
Why is it that so many RWNJs are so sure that Mueller is a threat to Trump's Presidency?

Nobody really knows what the Mueller investigation has on Trump - if anything.

I don't see the Mule as a threat to President Trump at all.

If he was an imminent threat, he'd already be squashed like the Cockroach he is.

Right now, however, he's just an old fool and the perfect foil for The Donald. Mueller serves as the personalization or the face of the Deep State. Who would take over that role, if Mueller was dismissed?
It is a conspiracy of everyone in the world except your high school grad bought off ex Coke head pundits, right super duper?

I wouldn't say its a conspiracy at all, just a lot of sore head liberals led by the Mule that are spinning their wheels.

President Trump is in control of the situation- if you saw him in Evansville last night, you'd know that.
TRUMP was hilarious in Evansville last night.

"where the hell did she come from" :lmao:

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

An investigation in search of a crime. Makes a mockery of the US justice system and the US Constitution.

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

Na, not really
...and still no Russian connection

Actually there's been all sorts of Russian connections. Indictments of Russians AND Americans actually not to mention Patten pleading guilty TODAY to being an unregistered foreign agent
Why is it that so many RWNJs are so sure that Mueller is a threat to Trump's Presidency?

Nobody really knows what the Mueller investigation has on Trump - if anything.

I don't see the Mule as a threat to President Trump at all.

If he was an imminent threat, he'd already be squashed like the Cockroach he is.

Right now, however, he's just an old fool and the perfect foil for The Donald. Mueller serves as the personalization or the face of the Deep State. Who would take over that role, if Mueller was dismissed?
It is a conspiracy of everyone in the world except your high school grad bought off ex Coke head pundits, right super duper?

I wouldn't say its a conspiracy at all, just a lot of sore head liberals led by the Mule that are spinning their wheels.

President Trump is in control of the situation- if you saw him in Evansville last night, you'd know that.
TRUMP was hilarious in Evansville last night.

"where the hell did she come from" :lmao:

That's the thing that really frosts the Leftards. President Trump isn't just standing despite their attacks, he just isn't progressing on his Mandate day by day, he's also having a lot of fun doing it.

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

An investigation in search of a crime. Makes a mockery of the US justice system and the US Constitution.

Mueller is a disciple of Lavrenty Beria whose catchphrase leading the NKVD was "Show me the man, I'll show you the crime".
And let's not forget the Russian agent who was working the NRA to funnel Russian money to Trump

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