This is the Man that is giving trump nightmares....

Mueller has nothing now, and won't have anything when he closes out his investigation in January 2025.

You do know this investigation will go along as long as Trump is in office.
Is there any chance we can wait for the findings? This is unbelievable...

Sure, we can wait until 2025 for the findings. That's what the President intends to do, and that's what we will do as well.

I think we all have to vote for President Trump in 2020, regardless of our political persuasion.

If Trump leaves office in 2021, Mr. Mueller's efforts will have been a waste
Innocent until proven guilty. The point is, we have to find out what the Russians did and who helped them if anyone. Our ridiculous 24/7 media gabfest just goes on and on about nothing... Wait for the findings. Of course the disgraceful BS propaganda GOP machine is totally off the reservation...
Why the hell would Trump get involved when the Russians did such a great job...

Pretty simple really.....A buttoned down, principled, methodical, by the book attorney against a childish, narcissistic, nearly illiterate man-child.

While Rudy and trump try to sway public opinion against a man who is as apolitical as anyone has ever seen in DC.....Mueller just methodically keeps his head down and does his job. He dislikes any publicity as he gathers the facts....considers the law....and makes sound decisions.

The consensus has been....if this comes down to crimes committed by the president....this will be a political decision. Perhaps that is true.

But the bigger question is, Do the citizens of this country want a president who is now implicated....and soon may be proven to be an accomplice in multiple federal crimes. The campaign finance violations are bad enough. Certainly more serious than anything Nixon or Clinton did. But I am certain that there will be more allegations of crimes coming. They will test the DOJ policy of not indicting a president. Stay tuned!

Meuller has made you jerk off more times than porn. Any day now ...
Somehow I doubt trump is having nightmares about him. His dreams are probably going to be about porn stars or pageant girls

Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.
Somehow I doubt trump is having nightmares about him. His dreams are probably going to be about porn stars or pageant girls

Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.

Lol, you dont give a shit about the truth
The "federal crimes" that Leftists are now salivating over literally do not pass the laugh test. He made payments essentially out of his own pocket to legally suppress unflattering news stories.

The chances that any objective prosecutor would do anything with this other than toss it in the trash...microscopic.

Well, except for the fact Cohen has already plead guilty to his part of the criminal conspiracy, of course.
It's already been established as having been a crime.

From this point on....trump needs to be referred to as " Co-conspirator president trump.
When he wakes up from the dream, he'll have someone to make him feel better ...


She hasn't slept with the orange turf foe should know that.
Somehow I doubt trump is having nightmares about him. His dreams are probably going to be about porn stars or pageant girls

Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.

he is up using the bathroom. He isn't exactly a young man
Somehow I doubt trump is having nightmares about him. His dreams are probably going to be about porn stars or pageant girls

Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.
In other words, it's all make believe at this point.
Actually it's probably the Sessions appointment that's bothering the President. Mueller is just a clown.

You voted for an orange turd and you have the nerve to call Mueller a clown. Clowns don't have the entire WH staff lawyering up....
Somehow I doubt trump is having nightmares about him. His dreams are probably going to be about porn stars or pageant girls

Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.

he is up using the bathroom. He isn't exactly a young man
Trump sleeps very little. He's always been that way.
The "federal crimes" that Leftists are now salivating over literally do not pass the laugh test. He made payments essentially out of his own pocket to legally suppress unflattering news stories.

The chances that any objective prosecutor would do anything with this other than toss it in the trash...microscopic.

Well, except for the fact Cohen has already plead guilty to his part of the criminal conspiracy, of course.
It's already been established as having been a crime.

From this point on....trump needs to be referred to as " Co-conspirator president trump.

No he doesnt,
Why is it that so many RWNJs are so sure that Mueller is a threat to Trump's Presidency?

Nobody really knows what the Mueller investigation has on Trump - if anything.

I don't see the Mule as a threat to President Trump at all.

If he was an imminent threat, he'd already be squashed like the Cockroach he is.

Right now, however, he's just an old fool and the perfect foil for The Donald. Mueller serves as the personalization or the face of the Deep State. Who would take over that role, if Mueller was dismissed?
It is a conspiracy of everyone in the world except your high school grad bought off ex Coke head pundits, right super duper?

I wouldn't say its a conspiracy at all, just a lot of sore head liberals led by the Mule that are spinning their wheels.

President Trump is in control of the situation- if you saw him in Evansville last night, you'd know that. Indiana he looked and sounded like Hitler on steroids....
The "federal crimes" that Leftists are now salivating over literally do not pass the laugh test. He made payments essentially out of his own pocket to legally suppress unflattering news stories.

The chances that any objective prosecutor would do anything with this other than toss it in the trash...microscopic.

Well, except for the fact Cohen has already plead guilty to his part of the criminal conspiracy, of course.
It's already been established as having been a crime.

From this point on....trump needs to be referred to as " Co-conspirator president trump.

No he doesnt,

The DOJ will soon prove that he is a Co-conspirator. His National Enquirer buddy and his accountant will give them plenty.

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