This is the Man that is giving trump nightmares....

Actually it's probably the Sessions appointment that's bothering the President. Mueller is just a clown.

You voted for an orange turd and you have the nerve to call Mueller a clown. Clowns don't have the entire WH staff lawyering up....
Mueller isn't a clown. He's a corrupt traitorous scumbag.

First McCain and now Mueller. You sure like to defame Vietnam heros....huh? You are SHIT!
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Why is it that so many RWNJs are so sure that Mueller is a threat to Trump's Presidency?

Nobody really knows what the Mueller investigation has on Trump - if anything.

I don't see the Mule as a threat to President Trump at all.

If he was an imminent threat, he'd already be squashed like the Cockroach he is.

Right now, however, he's just an old fool and the perfect foil for The Donald. Mueller serves as the personalization or the face of the Deep State. Who would take over that role, if Mueller was dismissed?
It is a conspiracy of everyone in the world except your high school grad bought off ex Coke head pundits, right super duper?

I wouldn't say its a conspiracy at all, just a lot of sore head liberals led by the Mule that are spinning their wheels.

President Trump is in control of the situation- if you saw him in Evansville last night, you'd know that. Indiana he looked and sounded like Hitler on steroids....
Why is it that so many RWNJs are so sure that Mueller is a threat to Trump's Presidency?

Nobody really knows what the Mueller investigation has on Trump - if anything.

I don't see the Mule as a threat to President Trump at all.

If he was an imminent threat, he'd already be squashed like the Cockroach he is.

Right now, however, he's just an old fool and the perfect foil for The Donald. Mueller serves as the personalization or the face of the Deep State. Who would take over that role, if Mueller was dismissed?
It is a conspiracy of everyone in the world except your high school grad bought off ex Coke head pundits, right super duper?

I wouldn't say its a conspiracy at all, just a lot of sore head liberals led by the Mule that are spinning their wheels.

President Trump is in control of the situation- if you saw him in Evansville last night, you'd know that. Indiana he looked and sounded like Hitler on steroids....

I feel sorry for you. You're a sad person
Actually it's probably the Sessions appointment that's bothering the President. Mueller is just a clown.

You voted for an orange turd and you have the nerve to call Mueller a clown. Clowns don't have the entire WH staff lawyering up....
Mueller isn't a clown. He's a corrupt traitorous scumbag.

First McCain and now Mueller. You sure like to defame Vietnam her is....huh? You are SHIT!

Wow, you must hate kerry then for calling the troops terrorists
The "federal crimes" that Leftists are now salivating over literally do not pass the laugh test. He made payments essentially out of his own pocket to legally suppress unflattering news stories.

The chances that any objective prosecutor would do anything with this other than toss it in the trash...microscopic.

Well, except for the fact Cohen has already plead guilty to his part of the criminal conspiracy, of course.
It's already been established as having been a crime.

From this point on....trump needs to be referred to as " Co-conspirator president trump.

No he doesnt,

The DOJ will soon prove that he is a Co-conspirator. His National Enquirer buddy and his accountant will give them plenty.

So they were conspiring with Russia? How exactly?
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Somehow I doubt trump is having nightmares about him. His dreams are probably going to be about porn stars or pageant girls

Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.

he is up using the bathroom. He isn't exactly a young man
Trump sleeps very little. He's always been that way.

Maybe the last time you slept with him he did....but lately he has been getting out of bed at 3:00 am and Tweeting.
When he wakes up from the dream, he'll have someone to make him feel better ...


She hasn't slept with the orange turf foe should know that.
How would anyone know that, shit-for-brains?
Somehow I doubt trump is having nightmares about him. His dreams are probably going to be about porn stars or pageant girls

Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.

he is up using the bathroom. He isn't exactly a young man
Trump sleeps very little. He's always been that way.

Maybe the last time you slept with him he did....but lately he has been getting out of bed at 3:00 am and Tweeting.
That must be your conception of wit.
Somehow I doubt trump is having nightmares about him. His dreams are probably going to be about porn stars or pageant girls

Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.

he is up using the bathroom. He isn't exactly a young man
Trump sleeps very little. He's always been that way.

Maybe the last time you slept with him he did....but lately he has been getting out of bed at 3:00 am and Tweeting.

You're mixing booze and drugs again, arent you?
Actually it's probably the Sessions appointment that's bothering the President. Mueller is just a clown.

You voted for an orange turd and you have the nerve to call Mueller a clown. Clowns don't have the entire WH staff lawyering up....
Mueller isn't a clown. He's a corrupt traitorous scumbag.

First McCain and now Mueller. You sure like to defame Vietnam her is....huh? You are SHIT!

Did I miss the memo that says if you served In Vietnam that you can never be criticized for anything you do wrong?
Mueller has nothing now, and won't have anything when he closes out his investigation in January 2025.
How do you know this? Inside source?

The Mule has been working on the case for 2 years and has nothing. He was charged to get rid of President Trump by any means necessary within 6 months.

If he doesn't have anything now, he never will. The man is stuck in the Special Persecutor's Office- if he leaves now and admits failure, his reputation among his liberal friends will be flushed down the toilet.

His only hope now is to stay to 2025, when Trump leaves, and consign himself to the fact that this is how he will be spending his golden years.

Partisan hacks like yourself just love making shit up to soothe your fees fees because you know deep down most American people don't support or trust the Orange Virus. You don't know what Mueller has, neither do I. So you're just squawking out of your hindquarters, as usual. Patience, grasshopper. The hammer of justice will eventually fall.

That you call Mueller liberal is crucial in pointing out your ignorance. It's also desperate. Also funny. :auiqs.jpg:

Orange Virus, Orange Virus... whatcha goin do, whatcha goin do when they come for you?
Somehow I doubt trump is having nightmares about him. His dreams are probably going to be about porn stars or pageant girls

Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.

he is up using the bathroom. He isn't exactly a young man
Trump sleeps very little. He's always been that way.

Maybe the last time you slept with him he did....but lately he has been getting out of bed at 3:00 am and Tweeting.
That must be your conception of wit.

Truth IS Truth....even if Rudy says it isn't.
Actually it's probably the Sessions appointment that's bothering the President. Mueller is just a clown.

You voted for an orange turd and you have the nerve to call Mueller a clown. Clowns don't have the entire WH staff lawyering up....
Mueller isn't a clown. He's a corrupt traitorous scumbag.

First McCain and now Mueller. You sure like to defame Vietnam her is....huh? You are SHIT!

Did I miss the memo that says if you served In Vietnam that you can never be criticized for anything you do wrong?

Jim would have met the troops to spit on them. He'd have met up with kerry to do that
Actually it's probably the Sessions appointment that's bothering the President. Mueller is just a clown.

You voted for an orange turd and you have the nerve to call Mueller a clown. Clowns don't have the entire WH staff lawyering up....
Mueller isn't a clown. He's a corrupt traitorous scumbag.

First McCain and now Mueller. You sure like to defame Vietnam her is....huh? You are SHIT!

Wow, you must hate kerry then for calling the troops terrorists

Unfortunately no. He doesn’t because, little known fact, Kerry served in Vietnam, (surprised me too, who knew?) so he can’t be criticized for anything he has done since
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Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.

he is up using the bathroom. He isn't exactly a young man
Trump sleeps very little. He's always been that way.

Maybe the last time you slept with him he did....but lately he has been getting out of bed at 3:00 am and Tweeting.
That must be your conception of wit.

Truth IS Truth....even if Rudy says it isn't.

You and dean are having a contest who can start the most flame threads, arent you?
Somehow I doubt trump is having nightmares about him. His dreams are probably going to be about porn stars or pageant girls

Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.

he is up using the bathroom. He isn't exactly a young man
Trump sleeps very little. He's always been that way.

Maybe the last time you slept with him he did....but lately he has been getting out of bed at 3:00 am and Tweeting.
That must be your conception of wit.

Sad isn’t it?
Yeah....they make him wake up at 3:00 am and Tweet "NO COLLUSION!"

The porn star dream made him do that. This is a very complicated web of money laundering and influence peddling. But Mueller will find the truth. The trump mafia family is something that must be eliminated.

he is up using the bathroom. He isn't exactly a young man
Trump sleeps very little. He's always been that way.

Maybe the last time you slept with him he did....but lately he has been getting out of bed at 3:00 am and Tweeting.
That must be your conception of wit.

Truth IS Truth....even if Rudy says it isn't.

Truth is truth. But you haven’t said a word of it

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