This is the Only Place I Interact with where people still talk about the 2020 election

The Democrats stole the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted in Democrat controlled swing districts. That is an indisputable fact.

It is kinda of a big deal to steal the American democracy.

It is even worse than that.

The Chinese released their bio weapon to undermined Trump during the election.

The bio weapon created a world wide pandemic that destroyed Trump's great economy. It also set up the scenario where the Democrats could use unverified mail in and harvested ballot with the guise of staying at home because of the pandemic. No actual voter ID verification needed.

The only question was did the Democrats simply take advantage of the Chicom caused pandemic to steal the election or were they in collusion from the very beginning.

Two added benefits for the Chinese other than getting rid of their nemesis Trump. It got rid of millions of old people that were a burden on the Chinese economy and it got their man in the White House. The Chinese owned the Biden family after making them filthy rich.

The Moon Bats may not want to discuss the stealing of the American democracy on Left leaning sites but we Americans do discuss it from time to time on here
What the...hell? Dude...
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I have had most of my topics about daily news on the Biden administration devolve into people talking about how he isn't the President and that the election was a fraud and rigged.

What's up with that? Can the mods delete this crap? We are 20 days away from the year 2022, what's with all the derailing of threads that are trying to talk about real politics that are going on in December of 2021 where posters are just allowed to troll?

Like, nobody I know in real life talks about this stuff at all. It is only on this site where I still see the subject of 2020 as if its relevant.
Thanks for making me like thiss site even more than I did

and for saving me time going to those other sites... won't be doing that.

Bump because I am still seeing whining about the 2020 election and it is the year 2022.
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Oh look,another sock puppet shill from Langley that hates America.
Funny thst you liked my post pink the fact I was talking about you :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl: the fact every American that cares about America knows commie Biden is in illegitimate president.also it’s funny you say we are whining when it’s the trump haters thst can’t let go of their hate of trump thst keep talking about him a year later and can’t move on,they talk about him far much more often than trump supporters even when he is long gone out of office but yet you somehow don’t want to talk about THEIR whining. :cuckoo: How is that not being a hypocrite.:uhoh3:

the trump haters are pathetic they whine on and on and on about trump with multiple threads all the time yet not one peep from you on thst,how is thst NOT pathetic living in the past like that as they do the fact that most the trump supporters I know,when trump got elected,they same as me,did not ramble on and on about Obama fir an entire year,we were not obsessed over Obama and kept talking about his corruption fir an entire year as you trump haters keep talking about trump one year later,we moved on and focused on what was going on now.trump haters just want to live in the past and keep talking about trump and can’t let him go.:cuckoo:
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I have had most of my topics about daily news on the Biden administration devolve into people talking about how he isn't the President and that the election was a fraud and rigged.

What's up with that? Can the mods delete this crap? We are 20 days away from the year 2022, what's with all the derailing of threads that are trying to talk about real politics that are going on in December of 2021 where posters are just allowed to troll?

Like, nobody I know in real life talks about this stuff at all. It is only on this site where I still see the subject of 2020 as if its relevant.

That’s because you don’t hang around with morons.
I love it thst our resident paid shill from Langley toto agrees with me thst it’s funny thst trump haters can’t let go of their hate of trump and have to keep talking about him a year later :rofl: ,long after he is out of office and has a pathetic obsesson over him they talk much more about him a year later than us trump supporters do.comedy gold,I’m glad trollboy toto agrees with me tyst is funny indeed.:rofl:

it’s funny thst trollboy toto and other trump haters are so obsessed over trump they keep talking about him a year later when trump supporters have moved on and are focused on how Biden is killing America,thst they are talking about Biden instead of trump as toto and the other trump haters do.:abgg2q.jpg::rofl:

toto and other trump haters are pathetic,when trump came into office I did not make thread after thread after thread fir an entire year talking about Obama long after he was out of office as toto does with trump,I focused on what was going on now at the moment,toto and the trump haters can’t do that.:cuckoo::rofl:
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Funny thst you liked my post pink the fact I was talking about you :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl: the fact every American that cares about America knows commie Biden is in illegitimate president.also it’s funny you say we are whining when it’s the trump haters thst can’t let go of their hate of trump thst keep talking about him a year later and can’t move on,they talk about him far much more often than trump supporters even when he is long gone out of office but yet you somehow don’t want to talk about THEIR whining. :cuckoo: How is that not being a hypocrite.:uhoh3:

the trump haters are pathetic they whine on and on and on about trump with multiple threads all the time yet not one peep from you on thst,how is thst NOT pathetic living in the past like that as they do the fact that most the trump supporters I know,when trump got elected,they same as me,did not ramble on and on about Obama fir an entire year,we were not obsessed over Obama and kept talking about his corruption fir an entire year as you trump haters keep talking about trump one year later,we moved on and focused on what was going on now.trump haters just want to live in the past and keep talking about trump and can’t let him go.:cuckoo:
Non-argument! No surprises there.
I have had most of my topics about daily news on the Biden administration devolve into people talking about how he isn't the President and that the election was a fraud and rigged.

What's up with that?
Most Americans want to honestly confront the squalid reality, deal with it in orderly legal venues, and return to normalcy, but there is a contumacious cult whose narcissistic leader persists in lying about it, pleasuring himself in malicious vendettas against those of his party who respect facts, and denigrating our democratic system for purely personal reasons.

His goons attacking Congress was the most flagrant display of this perversion, but it had already metastasized. A crass city slicker conman who dazzles agrarian Americans, a notorious skank before whom puritanical bible-thumpers genuflect, a failed casino operator and faded reality-tv entertainer who now conducts self-pitying grievance jamborees, must have an imminent expiratory date, certainly smells as if it is well past it, and that stench must soon abate.

Ignoring that pachyderm pooping in the GOP parlor via invasive and pervasive media is a formidable national challenge. Confronting it is unavoidable.

The GOP's desperate need to scrape Trumpery off its shoe and reestablish a modicum of its conservative dignity and decorum is a consummation devoutly to be wished.

At some stage, the ravaged GOP shall arise from the asses, and there are intimations of a return to normalcy as auspicious as the sprouting flora that will inexorably festoon the barren, manure-pungent wastes.

The Wall Street Journal is a venerable publication of conservatism with an historic affinity for the Republican Party, that is in it for the long haul as its editorial by dyed-in-the-wool fuddy-duddies opines:

Mr. Pence was presiding over the vote counting as President of the Senate, but he refused Trump’s pressure to disqualify electors from some closely contested states... It was Mr. Pence’s finest hour.
Mr. Pence stands out as a rare Republican these days willing to stand up to Trump’s disgraceful behavior after the election... Too many in the GOP seem to have lost their constitutional moorings in thrall to one man...


... The conventional wisdom now is that Trump controls the Republican Party and can have the 2024 nomination if he wants it. But someone should remind voters that Trump ended as a three-time election loser. He mobilized Democrats against him in historic numbers to cost the GOP the House in 2018, then the White House in 2020 and finally the two Georgia Senate seats in 2021.

A caravan of lemming clown cars has a precipitous rendezvous with gravity (and gravitas.)

Screen Shot 2022-02-07 at 9.09.09 AM.png

'Cause we got a little convoy

Rockin' through the night.
Yeah, we got al little convoy,
Ain't she a beautiful sight?
Come on and join our convoy
Ain't nothin' gonna get in our way.
We gonna roll this truckin' convoy
'Cross the U-S-A.

Screen Shot 2022-02-07 at 9.17.35 AM.png

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Well I appreciate that haha
Bump because I am still seeing whining about the 2020 election and it is the year 2022.
I love how you leave out that you commie Biden lovers who hate America leave out the fact the trump haters are so obsessed over trump THEY keep whining about him over a year later unable to move on and focus on what is going on NOW they have such a sad obsession over being the hypocrite you are of course you don’t want to talk about THEIR whining and their sad obsession over him.

when trump came into office,I did not make thread after thread on Obama fir an entire year and whine about him constantly as the trump haters do on trump,I moved on and focused on what was going on NOW,you trump haters want to live in the past though and make threads like this all the time,pathetic.
Well I appreciate that haha
Just so you know he is a resident troll of usmb who can’t stand toe to toe in a debate and won’t address facts and runs off from them when getting an ass beating so you appreciating what a trollboy like that who has no credibility does not do much fir Your credibility around here America hater.oh man I can’t believe how I fell for your trolling,you are obviously a sock puppet of a long time troll. You had me going there for a moment toto,very clever,you had me fall for it,I fell hook line and sinker for your trolling. everybody knows you have many socks here.this is yorpur newest one,you had me fooled,I fell for more sock top yours to put on ignore.
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Just so you know he is a resident troll of usmb who can’t stand toe to toe in a debate and won’t address facts and runs off from them when getting an ass beating so you appreciating what a trollboy like that who has no credibility does not do much fir Your credibility around here America hater.oh man I can’t believe how I fell for your trolling,you are obviously a sock puppet of a long time troll. You had me going there for a moment toto,very clever,you had me fall for it,I fell hook line and sinker for your trolling. everybody knows you have many socks here.this is yorpur newest one,you had me fooled,I fell for more sock top yours to put on ignore.
Dude chill out with the personal attacks.

Dude chill out with the personal attacks.

"Personal attacks" hides their inability to debate. If you pay attention to all these threads, pay even closer attention to who provides those links with accurate documentation, as opposed to those links that hit speed bumps, which are more speculation than they are factual. And when you call these folks out on these speculation type links, they hit you with the personal attacks every time. The pattern is there, you just have to spend a lot of time reading them and separating the two. And when you make that discovery, it's easy to see which party is trying to snooker us all.

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