This is the "packed" arena in Pensacola last night?????

1. bernie is a socialist not a "commie", you brain dead loon.

2. Bernie did not get the democratic nomination and isn't a democrat.

3. damn right we vote against your white supremacists who want to keep everyone away from the polls except for angry, uneducated trumptards.

Just for the heck of it, WHY didn't Bernie get the democratic nomination?

He got fewer votes.

Of course he did. Dems would NEVER rig an election now would they?

Do you intend to try proving your implication, or are you just spouting crap?

Really!! This is breaking news to you? Maybe you should consider getting news from somewhere other than Facebook.

Elizabeth Warren: 'Yes' the Clinton campaign rigged the election against Bernie Sanders - Hot Air

DNC destroyed Bernie Sanders' shot at the presidency, lawsuit claims

DNC Concede Election Was Definitely Rigged Against Sanders

Which of those links claim the DNC did anything they didn't have the legal right to do?
1. bernie is a socialist not a "commie", you brain dead loon.

2. Bernie did not get the democratic nomination and isn't a democrat.

3. damn right we vote against your white supremacists who want to keep everyone away from the polls except for angry, uneducated trumptards.

Just for the heck of it, WHY didn't Bernie get the democratic nomination?

He got fewer votes.

Of course he did. Dems would NEVER rig an election now would they?

Do you intend to try proving your implication, or are you just spouting crap?

Really!! This is breaking news to you? Maybe you should consider getting news from somewhere other than Facebook.

Elizabeth Warren: 'Yes' the Clinton campaign rigged the election against Bernie Sanders - Hot Air

DNC destroyed Bernie Sanders' shot at the presidency, lawsuit claims

DNC Concede Election Was Definitely Rigged Against Sanders

time asked a question based on the filing of a lawsuit.

your other two "links" aren't from legitimate sources.

but no one cares anyway. let us know how you like Russia hacking the election. I'd say that's a little more pressing than politics as usual.

well, I guess not for trump loons.
Just for the heck of it, WHY didn't Bernie get the democratic nomination?

He got fewer votes.

Of course he did. Dems would NEVER rig an election now would they?

Do you intend to try proving your implication, or are you just spouting crap?

It’s always a hoot when you lefties play dumb.

A former DNC chair says she has proof Democrats rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton

The DNC chair said the primary was rigged, agreeing with the emails that were released by those evil Russians.

Or was she colluding with Russians too?

Are you trying to say the DNC did anything they didn't have every legal right to do?

Not at all. It was perfectly legal for them to rig the election for Hillary.

I just find it funny that delusional libs won’t acknowledge that fact.
Just for the heck of it, WHY didn't Bernie get the democratic nomination?

He got fewer votes.

Of course he did. Dems would NEVER rig an election now would they?

Do you intend to try proving your implication, or are you just spouting crap?

It’s always a hoot when you lefties play dumb.

A former DNC chair says she has proof Democrats rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton

The DNC chair said the primary was rigged, agreeing with the emails that were released by those evil Russians.

Or was she colluding with Russians too?

Are you trying to say the DNC did anything they didn't have every legal right to do?

So you're suggesting the DNC had the legal right to rig the election. Sure sounds illegal.
You are a liar, hillary and the party stole the election

from the old crazy commie...
How does a Democrat steal an election from someone who wasn't a Democrat until he ran for president and was never ahead?

Are you really this dumb or are you acting?
You, evidently, are sofa king stupid that you thought Bernie was a lifetime Democrats. When was he winning?

Where did I say bernie was a lifetime democrats Dumb Ass?

You should have left the s of democrat libtard...

did you take testosterone, dearie.... you're awfully aggressive and incapable of discussion.

you also are clueless, and live a
Just for the heck of it, WHY didn't Bernie get the democratic nomination?

He got fewer votes.

Of course he did. Dems would NEVER rig an election now would they?

Do you intend to try proving your implication, or are you just spouting crap?

It’s always a hoot when you lefties play dumb.

A former DNC chair says she has proof Democrats rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton

The DNC chair said the primary was rigged, agreeing with the emails that were released by those evil Russians.

Or was she colluding with Russians too?

well, if the independent says so.

I really don't care about donna Brazile. Bernie wasn't a dem/ if he didn't like not getting the red carpet, he should start his own party.

as for collusion, you people are funny..... it is pretty brazen to say that when the orange loon surrounded himself with Russian operatives.

You should really put some more thought in

your retorts, you seem rather slow to put it nicely.

Who said anything about bernie being a democrat

dumb ass?
Just for the heck of it, WHY didn't Bernie get the democratic nomination?

He got fewer votes.

Of course he did. Dems would NEVER rig an election now would they?

Do you intend to try proving your implication, or are you just spouting crap?

Really!! This is breaking news to you? Maybe you should consider getting news from somewhere other than Facebook.

Elizabeth Warren: 'Yes' the Clinton campaign rigged the election against Bernie Sanders - Hot Air

DNC destroyed Bernie Sanders' shot at the presidency, lawsuit claims

DNC Concede Election Was Definitely Rigged Against Sanders

time asked a question based on the filing of a lawsuit.

your other two "links" aren't from legitimate sources.

but no one cares anyway. let us know how you like Russia hacking the election. I'd say that's a little more pressing than politics as usual.

well, I guess not for trump loons.

Guessing we will find out Russian involvement....tic tock Hillary.
Just for the heck of it, WHY didn't Bernie get the democratic nomination?

He got fewer votes.

Of course he did. Dems would NEVER rig an election now would they?

Do you intend to try proving your implication, or are you just spouting crap?

Really!! This is breaking news to you? Maybe you should consider getting news from somewhere other than Facebook.

Elizabeth Warren: 'Yes' the Clinton campaign rigged the election against Bernie Sanders - Hot Air

DNC destroyed Bernie Sanders' shot at the presidency, lawsuit claims

DNC Concede Election Was Definitely Rigged Against Sanders

Which of those links claim the DNC did anything they didn't have the legal right to do?

You are proving for all to see that

you are a Zealot that will lie cheat and steal.

Why would you defend these scum bags...

Birds of a feather.....
The courts ruled that the DNC was allowed to rig the election.

The problem is that the DNC lied to the public and claimed the primaries were not rigged...their legal defense to rigging the primaries was that it was legal...and they are correct.

They lied that the Dem primaries were legitimate, however, in court, when sued by Sanders supporters, they admitted they were not legit.
Last edited:
Just for the heck of it, WHY didn't Bernie get the democratic nomination?

He got fewer votes.

Of course he did. Dems would NEVER rig an election now would they?

Do you intend to try proving your implication, or are you just spouting crap?

It’s always a hoot when you lefties play dumb.

A former DNC chair says she has proof Democrats rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton

The DNC chair said the primary was rigged, agreeing with the emails that were released by those evil Russians.

Or was she colluding with Russians too?

Are you trying to say the DNC did anything they didn't have every legal right to do?

Democrats also claimed legal right to take taxpayers money and destroy
a nationally registered and protected historic landmark. I witnessed this
myself over many years living and volunteering in Freedmen's Town.
All actions were argued as "perfectly legal" by the LETTER of the law.
But if you look at the SPIRIT of the laws, it was fraud, oppression,
abuse and discrimination, violating equal rights of citizens and minority
interests because we couldn't PROVE any wrongs without massive legal resources
we didn't have.

BULLDOG remember SLAVERY used to be perfectly legal.
The courts enforced property laws requiring slaves to be returned
to their owners.

If you want to keep playing the "legal" games, that's how Clinton and Obama
and other elitists rise and stay in power, because of legal lobbies and interests
that profit politically and financially by defining and enforcing rules "by the letter."

As for Clinton, it is well accepted in the Democrat and progressive community
that Clinton made agreements with the chair, after buying out the debts of the party, to have greater influence over the direction the party would take.

Even if you cannot prove a financial conflict of interest, it is well known there were political conflicts of interest in favoring Clinton and undercutting Sanders and his support.

Sanders had to sue the Democrats to address some of the violations of procedural rules.

The issue of political conflicts of interest is different from
financial conflicts of interest.

There is also the argument that Clinton was still the Dems best chance of winning over Trump, and Sanders didn't stand as great a chance. Clinton did come the closest, but even her candidacy was flawed and too easily undercut because of problems she is tied to.

I would say you can make the argument that
Clinton was still the more viable more electable candidate over Sanders
and that
Clinton was legally acting when buying out the Democratic Party
and influencing the policies, which any people can do if they choose

but I would argue where Clinton went wrong
was violating the process of representation, mostly in spirit, but in some places being caught violating the actual policies of the party and convention process.

Sanders won at least one of his lawsuit complaining of violation of policies.
So you could say it's legal to do that until the courts force you otherwise.
But this is still abusing power to oppress equal rights and representation
of others with less legal resources than the more powerful party acting as oppressor.

(This bullying has been going on with parties, it's nothing new.
But thanks to the yelling and shouting matches in the media
between Trump, Clinton, their supporters and attackers,
now it's more and more commonplace to bring out these grievances
openly in public. Just because it was ALLOWED to go on in the past
doesn't mean it's lawful or legal. By Constitutional principles about
equal protection of the laws, I argue these abuses are NOT lawful,
but it's just that people don't have legal resources to sue to stop the abuses.
Sanders did, so he was able to stop some of it. But the rest can just keep
happening. As long as people like you keep justifying this as "legal"!)
He got fewer votes.

Of course he did. Dems would NEVER rig an election now would they?

Do you intend to try proving your implication, or are you just spouting crap?

It’s always a hoot when you lefties play dumb.

A former DNC chair says she has proof Democrats rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton

The DNC chair said the primary was rigged, agreeing with the emails that were released by those evil Russians.

Or was she colluding with Russians too?

Are you trying to say the DNC did anything they didn't have every legal right to do?

So you're suggesting the DNC had the legal right to rig the election. Sure sounds illegal.

Don't care what it sounds like to you. The DNC is a private organization , and can make or change any of their rules they want, when ever they want. They aren't even required to have a primary of any type. They can award their presidential candidacy to any one of their primary candidates they want, or someone who isn't even a primary candidate at any time. The RNC works the same way.
Must be before it started because I watched the whole thing and it was a full crowd.

Well let's have a look then at the video.

If you got to 18:51 you see lots of people. But then if you look at where the podium is, on that picture at the top, there are people there in sight of the video camera. It doesn't show the sides.

On 30:26 you can see it pans around to the side which we can see on the photo in the OP.

The video shows only the first tier, not the upper tiers. On the photo you see the first tier is half full, the video shows it much more full.

What the video doesn't show is anything above the first tier or the sides. So, it's impossible to say. I'd say that photo shows it before Trump is in.

However I've worked at political events where WORKERS were told to go be people sitting the crowds for certain people.

FAKE NEWS on top of FAKE NEWS...

When I was a kid people used to say, if you don't have anything sensible to say, shut the fuck up.
He got fewer votes.

Of course he did. Dems would NEVER rig an election now would they?

Do you intend to try proving your implication, or are you just spouting crap?

It’s always a hoot when you lefties play dumb.

A former DNC chair says she has proof Democrats rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton

The DNC chair said the primary was rigged, agreeing with the emails that were released by those evil Russians.

Or was she colluding with Russians too?

Are you trying to say the DNC did anything they didn't have every legal right to do?

Democrats also claimed legal right to take taxpayers money and destroy
a nationally registered and protected historic landmark. I witnessed this
myself over many years living and volunteering in Freedmen's Town.
All actions were argued as "perfectly legal" by the LETTER of the law.
But if you look at the SPIRIT of the laws, it was fraud, oppression,
abuse and discrimination, violating equal rights of citizens and minority
interests because we couldn't PROVE any wrongs without massive legal resources
we didn't have.

BULLDOG remember SLAVERY used to be perfectly legal.
The courts enforced property laws requiring slaves to be returned
to their owners.

If you want to keep playing the "legal" games, that's how Clinton and Obama
and other elitists rise and stay in power, because of legal lobbies and interests
that profit politically and financially by defining and enforcing rules "by the letter."

As for Clinton, it is well accepted in the Democrat and progressive community
that Clinton made agreements with the chair, after buying out the debts of the party, to have greater influence over the direction the party would take.

Even if you cannot prove a financial conflict of interest, it is well known there were political conflicts of interest in favoring Clinton and undercutting Sanders and his support.

Sanders had to sue the Democrats to address some of the violations of procedural rules.

The issue of political conflicts of interest is different from
financial conflicts of interest.

There is also the argument that Clinton was still the Dems best chance of winning over Trump, and Sanders didn't stand as great a chance. Clinton did come the closest, but even her candidacy was flawed and too easily undercut because of problems she is tied to.

I would say you can make the argument that
Clinton was still the more viable more electable candidate over Sanders
and that
Clinton was legally acting when buying out the Democratic Party
and influencing the policies, which any people can do if they choose

but I would argue where Clinton went wrong
was violating the process of representation, mostly in spirit, but in some places being caught violating the actual policies of the party and convention process.

Sanders won at least one of his lawsuit complaining of violation of policies.
So you could say it's legal to do that until the courts force you otherwise.
But this is still abusing power to oppress equal rights and representation
of others with less legal resources than the more powerful party acting as oppressor.

(This bullying has been going on with parties, it's nothing new.
But thanks to the yelling and shouting matches in the media
between Trump, Clinton, their supporters and attackers,
now it's more and more commonplace to bring out these grievances
openly in public. Just because it was ALLOWED to go on in the past
doesn't mean it's lawful or legal. By Constitutional principles about
equal protection of the laws, I argue these abuses are NOT lawful,
but it's just that people don't have legal resources to sue to stop the abuses.
Sanders did, so he was able to stop some of it. But the rest can just keep
happening. As long as people like you keep justifying this as "legal"!)

Yes. Slavery as legal until the laws were changed. If you don't like the laws today, you are free to try to have them changes. Whining about "religious rights" isn't enough. If there was anything illegal about the DNC actions, there would be some sort of punishment beyond the chairman stepping down. Churches already have the unfair advantage of not having to pay taxes on the millions taken from little old widows. whining about wanting the laws customized to fit hat you claim to be your religious beliefs ain't gonna happen.
Of course he did. Dems would NEVER rig an election now would they?

Do you intend to try proving your implication, or are you just spouting crap?

It’s always a hoot when you lefties play dumb.

A former DNC chair says she has proof Democrats rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton

The DNC chair said the primary was rigged, agreeing with the emails that were released by those evil Russians.

Or was she colluding with Russians too?

Are you trying to say the DNC did anything they didn't have every legal right to do?

So you're suggesting the DNC had the legal right to rig the election. Sure sounds illegal.

Don't care what it sounds like to you. The DNC is a private organization , and can make or change any of their rules they want, when ever they want. They aren't even required to have a primary of any type. They can award their presidential candidacy to any one of their primary candidates they want, or someone who isn't even a primary candidate at any time. The RNC works the same way.

is any organization allowed to MISREPRESENT its procedures or purpose of DONATIONS
from its membership?

Part of the problem is both major parties HAVE been "conspiring to violate equal civil rights and representation" of people of other parties by excluding them from things like Debates,
which is legal to do since this is all private.

So once you agree it is okay to bully and exclude others for political dominance of the process,
then it's harder to go back and say it's "oppressive" and "depriving citizens of equal representation."

However, an argument could be made that ALL the monopolizing tactics of both major parties
against people of other beliefs.

Perhaps when people are ready to come out with THAT argument,
we might seen an end to these bullying shenanigans!
Of course he did. Dems would NEVER rig an election now would they?

Do you intend to try proving your implication, or are you just spouting crap?

It’s always a hoot when you lefties play dumb.

A former DNC chair says she has proof Democrats rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton

The DNC chair said the primary was rigged, agreeing with the emails that were released by those evil Russians.

Or was she colluding with Russians too?

Are you trying to say the DNC did anything they didn't have every legal right to do?

Democrats also claimed legal right to take taxpayers money and destroy
a nationally registered and protected historic landmark. I witnessed this
myself over many years living and volunteering in Freedmen's Town.
All actions were argued as "perfectly legal" by the LETTER of the law.
But if you look at the SPIRIT of the laws, it was fraud, oppression,
abuse and discrimination, violating equal rights of citizens and minority
interests because we couldn't PROVE any wrongs without massive legal resources
we didn't have.

BULLDOG remember SLAVERY used to be perfectly legal.
The courts enforced property laws requiring slaves to be returned
to their owners.

If you want to keep playing the "legal" games, that's how Clinton and Obama
and other elitists rise and stay in power, because of legal lobbies and interests
that profit politically and financially by defining and enforcing rules "by the letter."

As for Clinton, it is well accepted in the Democrat and progressive community
that Clinton made agreements with the chair, after buying out the debts of the party, to have greater influence over the direction the party would take.

Even if you cannot prove a financial conflict of interest, it is well known there were political conflicts of interest in favoring Clinton and undercutting Sanders and his support.

Sanders had to sue the Democrats to address some of the violations of procedural rules.

The issue of political conflicts of interest is different from
financial conflicts of interest.

There is also the argument that Clinton was still the Dems best chance of winning over Trump, and Sanders didn't stand as great a chance. Clinton did come the closest, but even her candidacy was flawed and too easily undercut because of problems she is tied to.

I would say you can make the argument that
Clinton was still the more viable more electable candidate over Sanders
and that
Clinton was legally acting when buying out the Democratic Party
and influencing the policies, which any people can do if they choose

but I would argue where Clinton went wrong
was violating the process of representation, mostly in spirit, but in some places being caught violating the actual policies of the party and convention process.

Sanders won at least one of his lawsuit complaining of violation of policies.
So you could say it's legal to do that until the courts force you otherwise.
But this is still abusing power to oppress equal rights and representation
of others with less legal resources than the more powerful party acting as oppressor.

(This bullying has been going on with parties, it's nothing new.
But thanks to the yelling and shouting matches in the media
between Trump, Clinton, their supporters and attackers,
now it's more and more commonplace to bring out these grievances
openly in public. Just because it was ALLOWED to go on in the past
doesn't mean it's lawful or legal. By Constitutional principles about
equal protection of the laws, I argue these abuses are NOT lawful,
but it's just that people don't have legal resources to sue to stop the abuses.
Sanders did, so he was able to stop some of it. But the rest can just keep
happening. As long as people like you keep justifying this as "legal"!)

Yes. Slavery as legal until the laws were changed. If you don't like the laws today, you are free to try to have them changes. Whining about "religious rights" isn't enough. If there was anything illegal about the DNC actions, there would be some sort of punishment beyond the chairman stepping down. Churches already have the unfair advantage of not having to pay taxes on the millions taken from little old widows. whining about wanting the laws customized to fit hat you claim to be your religious beliefs ain't gonna happen.

I believe the next step is to recognize political beliefs and parties
like political religions, and treat these equally as religious beliefs.
Separate these from govt, and recognize equal rights and choice
of citizens and taxpayers which beliefs they want or don't want to fund or be under.

This will prevent a lot of these lawsuits and conflicts, if we separate
beliefs from govt to begin with. Instead of forcing one policy and causing others to sue!
Do you intend to try proving your implication, or are you just spouting crap?

It’s always a hoot when you lefties play dumb.

A former DNC chair says she has proof Democrats rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton

The DNC chair said the primary was rigged, agreeing with the emails that were released by those evil Russians.

Or was she colluding with Russians too?

Are you trying to say the DNC did anything they didn't have every legal right to do?

So you're suggesting the DNC had the legal right to rig the election. Sure sounds illegal.

Don't care what it sounds like to you. The DNC is a private organization , and can make or change any of their rules they want, when ever they want. They aren't even required to have a primary of any type. They can award their presidential candidacy to any one of their primary candidates they want, or someone who isn't even a primary candidate at any time. The RNC works the same way.

is any organization allowed to MISREPRESENT its procedures or purpose of DONATIONS
from its membership?

Part of the problem is both major parties HAVE been "conspiring to violate equal civil rights and representation" of people of other parties by excluding them from things like Debates,
which is legal to do since this is all private.

So once you agree it is okay to bully and exclude others for political dominance of the process,
then it's harder to go back and say it's "oppressive" and "depriving citizens of equal representation."

However, an argument could be made that ALL the monopolizing tactics of both major parties
against people of other beliefs.

Perhaps when people are ready to come out with THAT argument,
we might seen an end to these bullying shenanigans!

If it's legal, how is anyone violating civil rights? You don't like the laws, change them. Until then you're just whining.
If they had ethics, the DNC would have stated, “HIllary is going to be our candidate, no matter what, but if you want to be part of our dog and pony show, please turn out and vote in the primaries.”

That’s what they fucking court.
Do you intend to try proving your implication, or are you just spouting crap?

It’s always a hoot when you lefties play dumb.

A former DNC chair says she has proof Democrats rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton

The DNC chair said the primary was rigged, agreeing with the emails that were released by those evil Russians.

Or was she colluding with Russians too?

Are you trying to say the DNC did anything they didn't have every legal right to do?

Democrats also claimed legal right to take taxpayers money and destroy
a nationally registered and protected historic landmark. I witnessed this
myself over many years living and volunteering in Freedmen's Town.
All actions were argued as "perfectly legal" by the LETTER of the law.
But if you look at the SPIRIT of the laws, it was fraud, oppression,
abuse and discrimination, violating equal rights of citizens and minority
interests because we couldn't PROVE any wrongs without massive legal resources
we didn't have.

BULLDOG remember SLAVERY used to be perfectly legal.
The courts enforced property laws requiring slaves to be returned
to their owners.

If you want to keep playing the "legal" games, that's how Clinton and Obama
and other elitists rise and stay in power, because of legal lobbies and interests
that profit politically and financially by defining and enforcing rules "by the letter."

As for Clinton, it is well accepted in the Democrat and progressive community
that Clinton made agreements with the chair, after buying out the debts of the party, to have greater influence over the direction the party would take.

Even if you cannot prove a financial conflict of interest, it is well known there were political conflicts of interest in favoring Clinton and undercutting Sanders and his support.

Sanders had to sue the Democrats to address some of the violations of procedural rules.

The issue of political conflicts of interest is different from
financial conflicts of interest.

There is also the argument that Clinton was still the Dems best chance of winning over Trump, and Sanders didn't stand as great a chance. Clinton did come the closest, but even her candidacy was flawed and too easily undercut because of problems she is tied to.

I would say you can make the argument that
Clinton was still the more viable more electable candidate over Sanders
and that
Clinton was legally acting when buying out the Democratic Party
and influencing the policies, which any people can do if they choose

but I would argue where Clinton went wrong
was violating the process of representation, mostly in spirit, but in some places being caught violating the actual policies of the party and convention process.

Sanders won at least one of his lawsuit complaining of violation of policies.
So you could say it's legal to do that until the courts force you otherwise.
But this is still abusing power to oppress equal rights and representation
of others with less legal resources than the more powerful party acting as oppressor.

(This bullying has been going on with parties, it's nothing new.
But thanks to the yelling and shouting matches in the media
between Trump, Clinton, their supporters and attackers,
now it's more and more commonplace to bring out these grievances
openly in public. Just because it was ALLOWED to go on in the past
doesn't mean it's lawful or legal. By Constitutional principles about
equal protection of the laws, I argue these abuses are NOT lawful,
but it's just that people don't have legal resources to sue to stop the abuses.
Sanders did, so he was able to stop some of it. But the rest can just keep
happening. As long as people like you keep justifying this as "legal"!)

Yes. Slavery as legal until the laws were changed. If you don't like the laws today, you are free to try to have them changes. Whining about "religious rights" isn't enough. If there was anything illegal about the DNC actions, there would be some sort of punishment beyond the chairman stepping down. Churches already have the unfair advantage of not having to pay taxes on the millions taken from little old widows. whining about wanting the laws customized to fit hat you claim to be your religious beliefs ain't gonna happen.

I believe the next step is to recognize political beliefs and parties
like political religions, and treat these equally as religious beliefs.
Separate these from govt, and recognize equal rights and choice
of citizens and taxpayers which beliefs they want or don't want to fund or be under.

This will prevent a lot of these lawsuits and conflicts, if we separate
beliefs from govt to begin with. Instead of forcing one policy and causing others to sue!

Sounds nuts to me, but if that's what you want, you have every right to go for it.
If they had ethics, the DNC would have stated, “HIllary is going to be our candidate, no matter what, but if you want to be part of our dog and pony show, please turn out and vote in the primaries.”

That’s what they fucking court.

If they had ethics, the RNC would have stated, “Trump is going to be our candidate, no matter what, but if you want to be part of our dog and pony show, please turn out and vote in the primaries.”
Hillary supporters must love the tax hike that is about to happen to the rich people in NY, CA, and MA.

The wealthy need to pay their fair share. That was one of the cornerstones of Hillary’s platform.

Progs must be overjoyed.
If they had ethics, the DNC would have stated, “HIllary is going to be our candidate, no matter what, but if you want to be part of our dog and pony show, please turn out and vote in the primaries.”

That’s what they fucking court.

If they had ethics, the RNC would have stated, “Trump is going to be our candidate, no matter what, but if you want to be part of our dog and pony show, please turn out and vote in the primaries.”

Yea, the RNC wanted Trump. :badgrin:

The fact that Trump won is proof it wasn’t rigged.

Trump was the last fucking person the RNC wanted to win.

Romey, McCain, Bush, Cruz....they all hated Trump....but Trump won.

Up your game, you are such a neophyte.

If the RNC primaries were rigged, maybe the Bush and Cruz supporters should sue the RNC just like the Bernie Sanders supporters sued the DNC.

Hillary bought the DNC, did you not listen to anything Donna Brazile said last month?

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