This is the "packed" arena in Pensacola last night?????

And 65 million people voted for Hillary...just a reminder
But how many states voted for her?

Yes. We all know he won because of a glitch in the Electoral College

Winning 30 of 50 states was no glitch.

Winning with 3 million less votes is a glitch.

You cheated, Trump won the popular vote Too..
What I would expect by a Rush Limbaugh fueled jackass.
OK here goes, your party has been taken over by American hating socialist forces that are trying to destroy America by any means..obama and your party did more to harm race relations than the kkk and black hate groups ever dreamed of. You try to destroy anyone that disagrees with you like a Christian baker that doesn't want to make a custom cake for a gay couple. obama and the left used the full force of the government to go after your political foes and no one is prosecuted..Your side is afraid of open and fair debate so you use violence and intimidation to silence the opposition..You cheat at elections to void the will of the people...Look what hillary and the democratic party did to crazy bernie, they cheated him and stole the election...There is only one reason your side fights against voter id's, it's because you have to cheat to win..You want America to commit suicide with open borders...There are many other good reasons to want to destroy you...I could go on and on but I don't have the days to waste...

Destroying America s not being done by the liberals.

It is being done by fools like you who lie here on this board & supports total idiots like Donald Trump. Just why would anyone vote for a busioness cheat, fraud, women assulting, accused child rapist, liar, and accused spuse rapist.

Cheating in elections? Gross gerrymander like in PA & voter suppression are the tools Republicans employ to win elections.

And how fucking low can you get when you try to use religion to discriminate.

'You people are lower than dog shit.

And who the fuck is calling for open borders? Obama increased border security & deported more than you hero Bush did.

So, asshole, quit lying. You are only making yourself a bigger fool that we already know you to be.

You are no doubt a fool......

I'm not the one who elected a women groping, accused child rapist while supporter another child moester.

You support the entire spectrum of scum bags..

I don't support Donald Trump like you. You can't get any worse.

All you assholes did was bitch about Hillary with your investigation after investigation. You were whining & Sobbing "Benghazi" "E-mails" :"Uranium:"
NONE of your bitches had any roots in fact.

So you are exactly like that orange POS you elected. A liar.

The election was rigged by Putin, so you must be an advocate to run Hillary again in 2020.
Why do lefties dwell on this stuff? Anger, hatred and disappointment does strange things to your mind.
Dems, you go ahead and talk rally attendance smack....I’ll talk SCOTUS smack.

How’s SCOTUS looking for Dems for the next 40 years?
The same as it's looked like for the last couple of decades.

I am glad you liked the Gorsuch appointment.

Who do want to see Trump appoint to replace Ginsburg, Kennedy and Sotomayor?
Trump won't get to replace any of them with conservatives if Democrats win the Senate next year (unless they retire or die before then). Don't you think a seat should open up before you count it?

As it stands now, the court is still the same as it's been for a long time now.
But how many states voted for her?

Yes. We all know he won because of a glitch in the Electoral College

Winning 30 of 50 states was no glitch.

Winning with 3 million less votes is a glitch.

You cheated, Trump won the popular vote Too..

Credible link?

"I don't need no stinking link"

It's Common sense...

You cheated crazy ole commie bernie,

you are against voter id's...

And your media is a FAKE NEWS MACHINE...
Just tell me what "vile vulgar lying cheating liberals" actually did to force you to adopt your position. I've been lied to, cheated upon, I was in the university coffee house in Washington playing Hearts when the news came through of the "Saturday night massacre." I've worked for a living all of my life, including during snow storms when I had to take a bus to work in the dark. I have lived through many generations of politicians, including nixon and reagan. But I have never seen the amount of hatred and animosity before as has risen to the surface today and I really would like to know why.
OK here goes, your party has been taken over by American hating socialist forces that are trying to destroy America by any means..obama and your party did more to harm race relations than the kkk and black hate groups ever dreamed of. You try to destroy anyone that disagrees with you like a Christian baker that doesn't want to make a custom cake for a gay couple. obama and the left used the full force of the government to go after your political foes and no one is prosecuted..Your side is afraid of open and fair debate so you use violence and intimidation to silence the opposition..You cheat at elections to void the will of the people...Look what hillary and the democratic party did to crazy bernie, they cheated him and stole the election...There is only one reason your side fights against voter id's, it's because you have to cheat to win..You want America to commit suicide with open borders...There are many other good reasons to want to destroy you...I could go on and on but I don't have the days to waste...
They did not steal the election from “Crazy Bernie.” What is wrong with you? Bernie was not a Democrat and he never had more votes than Hillary.

You are a liar, hillary and the party stole the election

from the old crazy commie...
You still have not explained what happened to you that you are so angry against your fellows. Is this a personal thing? If so, why?

It's use to not be personal with the young ideologues.

But this new crop that has been corrupted by their

socialist American hating professors are not only ignorant

but violent...

You see your politicians use the full force of the

government against their political enemies and you cry

Russia Russia Russia....

Yea it has become personal.....

You Nazis' have to be stopped.
do we want to pretend he had a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE crowd again? :rofl:


cause trumptards can tell the difference between fact and fiction? :rofl:

good luck with that snowflake boy.

What a dumb ass:banana:

yes, you are. but we can't make you pay attention to actual sources instead of breitbart BS.


You are the Wacko...

You are the one that believes the FAKE NEWS...

That and Racism is all you got.....

no.... poor little nutty trumpeters don't know what facts are.

I have no racism. calling you out on yours isn't racism. but white supremacists love saying that. it must make you feel like you're not the loser you are.

you're dismissed now. it's one thing to concw
Really, Trump lies like a rug. Good thing the cameras from the "fake news" kept tight shots on his Hole-ee-ness.
The podium is under the bright light towards the middle of the shot.

View attachment 165177

That you actually started this thread, based on a phony photo taken two hours
before the event, shows how blind you liberals are of facts.

Enjoy your fake news. You now look as stupid as the guy that wrote the story
and published the photo with one exception. You can't retract your
stupid, dumb, blunder.

no one expects trump freaks to live in reality.

you go back to your little bubble of idiot. :cuckoo:
Yes. We all know he won because of a glitch in the Electoral College

Winning 30 of 50 states was no glitch.

Winning with 3 million less votes is a glitch.

You cheated, Trump won the popular vote Too..

Credible link?

"I don't need no stinking link"

It's Common sense...

You cheated crazy ole commie bernie,

you are against voter id's...

And your media is a FAKE NEWS MACHINE...

1. bernie is a socialist not a "commie", you brain dead loon.

2. Bernie did not get the democratic nomination and isn't a democrat.

3. damn right we vote against your white supremacists who want to keep everyone away from the polls except for angry, uneducated trumptards.
Progs, you guys keep taking victory laps about attendance at Trump rallies while he systematically erases Obama’s destruction of America. :badgrin:
Just tell me what "vile vulgar lying cheating liberals" actually did to force you to adopt your position. I've been lied to, cheated upon, I was in the university coffee house in Washington playing Hearts when the news came through of the "Saturday night massacre." I've worked for a living all of my life, including during snow storms when I had to take a bus to work in the dark. I have lived through many generations of politicians, including nixon and reagan. But I have never seen the amount of hatred and animosity before as has risen to the surface today and I really would like to know why.

OK here goes, your party has been taken over by American hating socialist forces that are trying to destroy America by any means..obama and your party did more to harm race relations than the kkk and black hate groups ever dreamed of. You try to destroy anyone that disagrees with you like a Christian baker that doesn't want to make a custom cake for a gay couple. obama and the left used the full force of the government to go after your political foes and no one is prosecuted..Your side is afraid of open and fair debate so you use violence and intimidation to silence the opposition..You cheat at elections to void the will of the people...Look what hillary and the democratic party did to crazy bernie, they cheated him and stole the election...There is only one reason your side fights against voter id's, it's because you have to cheat to win..You want America to commit suicide with open borders...There are many other good reasons to want to destroy you...I could go on and on but I don't have the days to waste...
They did not steal the election from “Crazy Bernie.” What is wrong with you? Bernie was not a Democrat and he never had more votes than Hillary.

You are a liar, hillary and the party stole the election

from the old crazy commie...
How does a Democrat steal an election from someone who wasn't a Democrat until he ran for president and was never ahead?

Are you really this dumb or are you acting?
OK here goes, your party has been taken over by American hating socialist forces that are trying to destroy America by any means..obama and your party did more to harm race relations than the kkk and black hate groups ever dreamed of. You try to destroy anyone that disagrees with you like a Christian baker that doesn't want to make a custom cake for a gay couple. obama and the left used the full force of the government to go after your political foes and no one is prosecuted..Your side is afraid of open and fair debate so you use violence and intimidation to silence the opposition..You cheat at elections to void the will of the people...Look what hillary and the democratic party did to crazy bernie, they cheated him and stole the election...There is only one reason your side fights against voter id's, it's because you have to cheat to win..You want America to commit suicide with open borders...There are many other good reasons to want to destroy you...I could go on and on but I don't have the days to waste...

Destroying America s not being done by the liberals.

It is being done by fools like you who lie here on this board & supports total idiots like Donald Trump. Just why would anyone vote for a busioness cheat, fraud, women assulting, accused child rapist, liar, and accused spuse rapist.

Cheating in elections? Gross gerrymander like in PA & voter suppression are the tools Republicans employ to win elections.

And how fucking low can you get when you try to use religion to discriminate.

'You people are lower than dog shit.

And who the fuck is calling for open borders? Obama increased border security & deported more than you hero Bush did.

So, asshole, quit lying. You are only making yourself a bigger fool that we already know you to be.

You are no doubt a fool......

I'm not the one who elected a women groping, accused child rapist while supporter another child moester.

You support the entire spectrum of scum bags..

I don't support Donald Trump like you. You can't get any worse.

All you assholes did was bitch about Hillary with your investigation after investigation. You were whining & Sobbing "Benghazi" "E-mails" :"Uranium:"
NONE of your bitches had any roots in fact.

So you are exactly like that orange POS you elected. A liar.

Later Butt Hurt Loser......
Just tell me what "vile vulgar lying cheating liberals" actually did to force you to adopt your position. I've been lied to, cheated upon, I was in the university coffee house in Washington playing Hearts when the news came through of the "Saturday night massacre." I've worked for a living all of my life, including during snow storms when I had to take a bus to work in the dark. I have lived through many generations of politicians, including nixon and reagan. But I have never seen the amount of hatred and animosity before as has risen to the surface today and I really would like to know why.

OK here goes, your party has been taken over by American hating socialist forces that are trying to destroy America by any means..obama and your party did more to harm race relations than the kkk and black hate groups ever dreamed of. You try to destroy anyone that disagrees with you like a Christian baker that doesn't want to make a custom cake for a gay couple. obama and the left used the full force of the government to go after your political foes and no one is prosecuted..Your side is afraid of open and fair debate so you use violence and intimidation to silence the opposition..You cheat at elections to void the will of the people...Look what hillary and the democratic party did to crazy bernie, they cheated him and stole the election...There is only one reason your side fights against voter id's, it's because you have to cheat to win..You want America to commit suicide with open borders...There are many other good reasons to want to destroy you...I could go on and on but I don't have the days to waste...
They did not steal the election from “Crazy Bernie.” What is wrong with you? Bernie was not a Democrat and he never had more votes than Hillary.

You are a liar, hillary and the party stole the election

from the old crazy commie...
How does a Democrat steal an election from someone who wasn't a Democrat until he ran for president and was never ahead?

Are you really this dumb or are you acting?

I just encourage them to run HIllary again, if she should have win but was screwed by Putin, she should run in 2020.

That seems to shut them the fuck up for some reason.
Yes. We all know he won because of a glitch in the Electoral College

Winning 30 of 50 states was no glitch.

Winning with 3 million less votes is a glitch.

You cheated, Trump won the popular vote Too..

Credible link?

"I don't need no stinking link"

It's Common sense...

You cheated crazy ole commie bernie,

you are against voter id's...

And your media is a FAKE NEWS MACHINE...

Of course you don't. You know you can't provide one. Alex Jones is lying to you.
But how many states voted for her?

Yes. We all know he won because of a glitch in the Electoral College

Winning 30 of 50 states was no glitch.

Winning with 3 million less votes is a glitch.

You cheated, Trump won the popular vote Too..
What I would expect by a Rush Limbaugh fueled jackass.

We all know you cheat Jackass...

Just ask donna brazile or crazy ole commie bernie...

cause trumptards can tell the difference between fact and fiction? :rofl:

good luck with that snowflake boy.

What a dumb ass:banana:

yes, you are. but we can't make you pay attention to actual sources instead of breitbart BS.


You are the Wacko...

You are the one that believes the FAKE NEWS...

That and Racism is all you got.....

no.... poor little nutty trumpeters don't know what facts are.

I have no racism. calling you out on yours isn't racism. but white supremacists love saying that. it must make you feel like you're not the loser you are.

you're dismissed now. it's one thing to concw
Really, Trump lies like a rug. Good thing the cameras from the "fake news" kept tight shots on his Hole-ee-ness.
The podium is under the bright light towards the middle of the shot.

View attachment 165177

That you actually started this thread, based on a phony photo taken two hours
before the event, shows how blind you liberals are of facts.

Enjoy your fake news. You now look as stupid as the guy that wrote the story
and published the photo with one exception. You can't retract your
stupid, dumb, blunder.

no one expects trump freaks to live in reality.

you go back to your little bubble of idiot. :cuckoo:

Show me an example of my Racism

you liberal liar......
cause trumptards can tell the difference between fact and fiction? :rofl:

good luck with that snowflake boy.

What a dumb ass:banana:

yes, you are. but we can't make you pay attention to actual sources instead of breitbart BS.


You are the Wacko...

You are the one that believes the FAKE NEWS...

That and Racism is all you got.....

no.... poor little nutty trumpeters don't know what facts are.

I have no racism. calling you out on yours isn't racism. but white supremacists love saying that. it must make you feel like you're not the loser you are.

you're dismissed now. it's one thing to concw
Really, Trump lies like a rug. Good thing the cameras from the "fake news" kept tight shots on his Hole-ee-ness.
The podium is under the bright light towards the middle of the shot.

View attachment 165177

That you actually started this thread, based on a phony photo taken two hours
before the event, shows how blind you liberals are of facts.

Enjoy your fake news. You now look as stupid as the guy that wrote the story
and published the photo with one exception. You can't retract your
stupid, dumb, blunder.

no one expects trump freaks to live in reality.

you go back to your little bubble of idiot. :cuckoo:

Show me an example of my Racism

you liberal liar......

Do you need a Midol?
cause trumptards can tell the difference between fact and fiction? :rofl:

good luck with that snowflake boy.

What a dumb ass:banana:

yes, you are. but we can't make you pay attention to actual sources instead of breitbart BS.


You are the Wacko...

You are the one that believes the FAKE NEWS...

That and Racism is all you got.....

no.... poor little nutty trumpeters don't know what facts are.

I have no racism. calling you out on yours isn't racism. but white supremacists love saying that. it must make you feel like you're not the loser you are.

you're dismissed now. it's one thing to concw
Really, Trump lies like a rug. Good thing the cameras from the "fake news" kept tight shots on his Hole-ee-ness.
The podium is under the bright light towards the middle of the shot.

View attachment 165177

That you actually started this thread, based on a phony photo taken two hours
before the event, shows how blind you liberals are of facts.

Enjoy your fake news. You now look as stupid as the guy that wrote the story
and published the photo with one exception. You can't retract your
stupid, dumb, blunder.

no one expects trump freaks to live in reality.

you go back to your little bubble of idiot. :cuckoo:

Show me an example of my Racism

you liberal liar......

unlike trump freaks, I don't lie. and if you're concerned about lies, you probably shouldn't have voted for the orange sociopath sexual predator.

and if you voted for Donald, you are perfectly ok with someone who plays on the worst racism on the right and re-tweets white supremacists.

so you go back and look at Donald's garbage. you voted for him. most of the country did not. and most of the country (70%) knows he needs to get the hell out of the White House.
Yes. We all know he won because of a glitch in the Electoral College

Winning 30 of 50 states was no glitch.

Winning with 3 million less votes is a glitch.

You cheated, Trump won the popular vote Too..
What I would expect by a Rush Limbaugh fueled jackass.

We all know you cheat Jackass...

Just ask donna brazile or crazy ole commie bernie...

Bernie lost fair & square.

Republicans rely on cheating. Gerrymandering, voter photo ID, Russian collusion.
Destroying America s not being done by the liberals.

It is being done by fools like you who lie here on this board & supports total idiots like Donald Trump. Just why would anyone vote for a busioness cheat, fraud, women assulting, accused child rapist, liar, and accused spuse rapist.

Cheating in elections? Gross gerrymander like in PA & voter suppression are the tools Republicans employ to win elections.

And how fucking low can you get when you try to use religion to discriminate.

'You people are lower than dog shit.

And who the fuck is calling for open borders? Obama increased border security & deported more than you hero Bush did.

So, asshole, quit lying. You are only making yourself a bigger fool that we already know you to be.

You are no doubt a fool......

I'm not the one who elected a women groping, accused child rapist while supporter another child moester.

You support the entire spectrum of scum bags..

I don't support Donald Trump like you. You can't get any worse.

All you assholes did was bitch about Hillary with your investigation after investigation. You were whining & Sobbing "Benghazi" "E-mails" :"Uranium:"
NONE of your bitches had any roots in fact.

So you are exactly like that orange POS you elected. A liar.

Later Butt Hurt Loser......
You voted for the worst liar in the entire 2018 presidential election.

Oh wait, did Rush tell you they weren't lies?

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