This is the "packed" arena in Pensacola last night?????

Trump has enough idiots to fill up a room, so what?

the worn out mumbling old derelict and his uneducated pals are still a minority.

The latest figures include 28% who Strongly Approve of the way the president is performing and 47% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19. (see trends).

Rasmussen ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

you're welcome morons.
Really, Trump lies like a rug. Good thing the cameras from the "fake news" kept tight shots on his Hole-ee-ness.
The podium is under the bright light towards the middle of the shot.

View attachment 165177
Looks pretty full to me....


Your photo was likely taken before the event started. Kind of like rightwingers who post NFL games at the opening kickoff, showing lots of empty seats.
Just tell me what "vile vulgar lying cheating liberals" actually did to force you to adopt your position. I've been lied to, cheated upon, I was in the university coffee house in Washington playing Hearts when the news came through of the "Saturday night massacre." I've worked for a living all of my life, including during snow storms when I had to take a bus to work in the dark. I have lived through many generations of politicians, including nixon and reagan. But I have never seen the amount of hatred and animosity before as has risen to the surface today and I really would like to know why.

OK here goes, your party has been taken over by American hating socialist forces that are trying to destroy America by any means..obama and your party did more to harm race relations than the kkk and black hate groups ever dreamed of. You try to destroy anyone that disagrees with you like a Christian baker that doesn't want to make a custom cake for a gay couple. obama and the left used the full force of the government to go after your political foes and no one is prosecuted..Your side is afraid of open and fair debate so you use violence and intimidation to silence the opposition..You cheat at elections to void the will of the people...Look what hillary and the democratic party did to crazy bernie, they cheated him and stole the election...There is only one reason your side fights against voter id's, it's because you have to cheat to win..You want America to commit suicide with open borders...There are many other good reasons to want to destroy you...I could go on and on but I don't have the days to waste...
All you have given me is political propaganda. You have put the cart before the horse. I never signed up to be a die-hard Democrat and march in lockstep with anything any political party supports, but I support the current Democratic Party because of the policies that the Republican Party now supports, what policies this party puts into place when it is in control. Destructive policies that endanger the rights and freedoms of Americans. I didn't ask for the Republican Party to suck up to the so-called "Christian" right (and they are emphatically NOT representatives of the Christian faith). The Republican Party leaders made these destructive decisions. This party has chosen to attack the rights of Americans and the values that we hold dear.
Goldilocks said there wad a UUUUUUUGE crowd - he never lies so I believe him :eusa_whistle:
Just tell me what "vile vulgar lying cheating liberals" actually did to force you to adopt your position. I've been lied to, cheated upon, I was in the university coffee house in Washington playing Hearts when the news came through of the "Saturday night massacre." I've worked for a living all of my life, including during snow storms when I had to take a bus to work in the dark. I have lived through many generations of politicians, including nixon and reagan. But I have never seen the amount of hatred and animosity before as has risen to the surface today and I really would like to know why.

OK here goes, your party has been taken over by American hating socialist forces that are trying to destroy America by any means..obama and your party did more to harm race relations than the kkk and black hate groups ever dreamed of. You try to destroy anyone that disagrees with you like a Christian baker that doesn't want to make a custom cake for a gay couple. obama and the left used the full force of the government to go after your political foes and no one is prosecuted..Your side is afraid of open and fair debate so you use violence and intimidation to silence the opposition..You cheat at elections to void the will of the people...Look what hillary and the democratic party did to crazy bernie, they cheated him and stole the election...There is only one reason your side fights against voter id's, it's because you have to cheat to win..You want America to commit suicide with open borders...There are many other good reasons to want to destroy you...I could go on and on but I don't have the days to waste...
They did not steal the election from “Crazy Bernie.” What is wrong with you? Bernie was not a Democrat and he never had more votes than Hillary.
Just tell me what "vile vulgar lying cheating liberals" actually did to force you to adopt your position. I've been lied to, cheated upon, I was in the university coffee house in Washington playing Hearts when the news came through of the "Saturday night massacre." I've worked for a living all of my life, including during snow storms when I had to take a bus to work in the dark. I have lived through many generations of politicians, including nixon and reagan. But I have never seen the amount of hatred and animosity before as has risen to the surface today and I really would like to know why.

OK here goes, your party has been taken over by American hating socialist forces that are trying to destroy America by any means..obama and your party did more to harm race relations than the kkk and black hate groups ever dreamed of. You try to destroy anyone that disagrees with you like a Christian baker that doesn't want to make a custom cake for a gay couple. obama and the left used the full force of the government to go after your political foes and no one is prosecuted..Your side is afraid of open and fair debate so you use violence and intimidation to silence the opposition..You cheat at elections to void the will of the people...Look what hillary and the democratic party did to crazy bernie, they cheated him and stole the election...There is only one reason your side fights against voter id's, it's because you have to cheat to win..You want America to commit suicide with open borders...There are many other good reasons to want to destroy you...I could go on and on but I don't have the days to waste...
All you have given me is political propaganda. You have put the cart before the horse. I never signed up to be a die-hard Democrat and march in lockstep with anything any political party supports, but I support the current Democratic Party because of the policies that the Republican Party now supports, what policies this party puts into place when it is in control. Destructive policies that endanger the rights and freedoms of Americans. I didn't ask for the Republican Party to suck up to the so-called "Christian" right (and they are emphatically NOT representatives of the Christian faith). The Republican Party leaders made these destructive decisions. This party has chosen to attack the rights of Americans and the values that we hold dear.
So you deny association with political propaganda and then put out your own political propaganda.
Dems, you go ahead and talk rally attendance smack....I’ll talk SCOTUS smack.

How’s SCOTUS looking for Dems for the next 40 years?
Just tell me what "vile vulgar lying cheating liberals" actually did to force you to adopt your position. I've been lied to, cheated upon, I was in the university coffee house in Washington playing Hearts when the news came through of the "Saturday night massacre." I've worked for a living all of my life, including during snow storms when I had to take a bus to work in the dark. I have lived through many generations of politicians, including nixon and reagan. But I have never seen the amount of hatred and animosity before as has risen to the surface today and I really would like to know why.

OK here goes, your party has been taken over by American hating socialist forces that are trying to destroy America by any means..obama and your party did more to harm race relations than the kkk and black hate groups ever dreamed of. You try to destroy anyone that disagrees with you like a Christian baker that doesn't want to make a custom cake for a gay couple. obama and the left used the full force of the government to go after your political foes and no one is prosecuted..Your side is afraid of open and fair debate so you use violence and intimidation to silence the opposition..You cheat at elections to void the will of the people...Look what hillary and the democratic party did to crazy bernie, they cheated him and stole the election...There is only one reason your side fights against voter id's, it's because you have to cheat to win..You want America to commit suicide with open borders...There are many other good reasons to want to destroy you...I could go on and on but I don't have the days to waste...
All you have given me is political propaganda. You have put the cart before the horse. I never signed up to be a die-hard Democrat and march in lockstep with anything any political party supports, but I support the current Democratic Party because of the policies that the Republican Party now supports, what policies this party puts into place when it is in control. Destructive policies that endanger the rights and freedoms of Americans. I didn't ask for the Republican Party to suck up to the so-called "Christian" right (and they are emphatically NOT representatives of the Christian faith). The Republican Party leaders made these destructive decisions. This party has chosen to attack the rights of Americans and the values that we hold dear.
So you deny association with political propaganda and then put out your own political propaganda.
What propaganda? Please explain to me how these people are not doing the things that I accuse them of doing. How have I lied? I have not accused the Republicans or the so-called "Christian" right of anything that they have not actually done. I have not made up anything to the best of my knowledge and belief. These people need to be held accountable for their actions.
Trolled Progs are so funny.

If no one likes Trump, he shouldn’t have lost the election.

62 million people voted for Trump...just a reminder.

And 65 million people voted for Hillary...just a reminder
But how many states voted for her?

Yes. We all know he won because of a glitch in the Electoral College
A glitch ? The EC worked exactly the ways the Constitution states it should.

Since 1888 there have been only 2 presidential elections where the winner wasn't named president. The Supreme Court appointed Bush in 2000, and Trump in 2016. Yes, it's a glitch.
Trump is a grown man. Why does he act so childish about crowd size?

Why does your side lie so much?
Trump is supposed to be POTUS.

Why can't he act like it?

Trump is the new TEA PARTY PRESIDENT...

No more pussy republicans...

TRUMP is a Warrior.....

We mean to destroy your liberal ass's.....

Along with your lying media.....

We on the Right side of things are having

the time of our lives watching Trump

STOMP you SILLY........

Life is Goooood...........

Trump is an idiot, and you're an idiot for voting for him.
Just tell me what "vile vulgar lying cheating liberals" actually did to force you to adopt your position. I've been lied to, cheated upon, I was in the university coffee house in Washington playing Hearts when the news came through of the "Saturday night massacre." I've worked for a living all of my life, including during snow storms when I had to take a bus to work in the dark. I have lived through many generations of politicians, including nixon and reagan. But I have never seen the amount of hatred and animosity before as has risen to the surface today and I really would like to know why.

OK here goes, your party has been taken over by American hating socialist forces that are trying to destroy America by any means..obama and your party did more to harm race relations than the kkk and black hate groups ever dreamed of. You try to destroy anyone that disagrees with you like a Christian baker that doesn't want to make a custom cake for a gay couple. obama and the left used the full force of the government to go after your political foes and no one is prosecuted..Your side is afraid of open and fair debate so you use violence and intimidation to silence the opposition..You cheat at elections to void the will of the people...Look what hillary and the democratic party did to crazy bernie, they cheated him and stole the election...There is only one reason your side fights against voter id's, it's because you have to cheat to win..You want America to commit suicide with open borders...There are many other good reasons to want to destroy you...I could go on and on but I don't have the days to waste...
All you have given me is political propaganda. You have put the cart before the horse. I never signed up to be a die-hard Democrat and march in lockstep with anything any political party supports, but I support the current Democratic Party because of the policies that the Republican Party now supports, what policies this party puts into place when it is in control. Destructive policies that endanger the rights and freedoms of Americans. I didn't ask for the Republican Party to suck up to the so-called "Christian" right (and they are emphatically NOT representatives of the Christian faith). The Republican Party leaders made these destructive decisions. This party has chosen to attack the rights of Americans and the values that we hold dear.
So you deny association with political propaganda and then put out your own political propaganda.
What propaganda? Please explain to me how these people are not doing the things that I accuse them of doing. How have I lied? I have not accused the Republicans or the so-called "Christian" right of anything that they have not actually done. I have not made up anything to the best of my knowledge and belief. These people need to be held accountable for their actions.
It is pretty easy really. You first assign intent and purpose that you disagree with, then state, "But I'm only replying to what they are actually doing".

It is propaganda.

If I want every citizen in the United States to show an ID before voting, it is exactly as I stated. I want everyone to show an ID.

People like you come along and say, "I don't agree with that" so in order to get yourself heard above the din, you claim that I am a racist because it 'disenfranchises' blacks. So, I must be anti-black. Never mind that I said, everyone.

Now you promote your viewpoint as, "All conservatives hate blacks" and then you point to them wanting to require citizens to show ID before voting. You of course, conveniently leave off that we want ALL citizens to show ID. That is propaganda.

Take the illegal problem with people from other countries entering the United States illegally. Conservatives say, "No one should enter this country without proper channels and paperwork. There is no statement of nationality. It applies to every and anyone who is not a citizen of this country entering without proper authorization. People like you say, "Well, we really know what you mean, you're just a racist against the Mexican" You then proceed to make statements that all conservatives hate immigration and the brown man. You then take the statement made "No illegal aliens should be permitted to stay" as proof of your nonsense, and then point to it and say, "See, what have I said that is untrue about what they are doing?"

You don't even see it anymore. People have told you about the evils of Conservatives and you spew those talking points and use their examples. You may not even realize that the examples you are using are outright lies or half-truths that have been twisted to mean something else in order to score political points.
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Trolled Progs are so funny.

If no one likes Trump, he shouldn’t have lost the election.

62 million people voted for Trump...just a reminder.

And 65 million people voted for Hillary...just a reminder
But how many states voted for her?

Yes. We all know he won because of a glitch in the Electoral College

Winning 30 of 50 states was no glitch.

Winning with 3 million less votes is a glitch.
Notice how all the dumb progs in this thread quickly changed the topic since the OP was debunked.
Trolled Progs are so funny.

If no one likes Trump, he shouldn’t have lost the election.

62 million people voted for Trump...just a reminder.

And 65 million people voted for Hillary...just a reminder
But how many states voted for her?

Yes. We all know he won because of a glitch in the Electoral College

Winning 30 of 50 states was no glitch.

Winning with 3 million less votes is a glitch.

Getting an extra 3 million in California and New York we’re totally worthless. Getting extra votes in states you’ve already won does not give you extra EC votes.
And 65 million people voted for Hillary...just a reminder
But how many states voted for her?

Yes. We all know he won because of a glitch in the Electoral College

Winning 30 of 50 states was no glitch.

Winning with 3 million less votes is a glitch.

Getting an extra 3 million in California and New York we’re totally worthless. Getting extra votes in states you’ve already won does not give you extra EC votes.

It’s like RUTS in doesn’t help get more of a win.

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