This is the platform i am running on make THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THE GOVERNMENT under th


Dec 13, 2012
Here we go. How we accomplish this is through CONSTITUTIONAL amendment. Since the inception of this nation we have had a few loopholes and intentionals left on our structure that got us in the position of being ruled by an occupying foreign power in the white house to begin with. Eliminating the variable of misuse and putting American citizens back into the drivers seat. It's called the 28th amendment of the United States of America called THE AMERICAN CITIZENS ACCOUNTABILITY ACT. this creates direct as well as elected representation. Think of it this way. Who do you trust more with your money? You.. Or an elected official without any guarantee of your interests being addressed? The answer is obvious. This amendment also restores the full strength of the constitution as the basis of all legislation in the United States as it was intended.

"by virtue and intent of this amendment all American citizens natural born or naturalized shall have under this amendment full guarantee by implementation of citizens majority vote voice of any matter private or public to be made and contracted by virtue of this amendment to be made as directive to all leaders elected appointed or succeeded that the collective citizens majority vote will determine the actions they take concerning any legislature budget proposal item or writ to be based solely on the collective majority vote of the AMERICAN people in any matter public and private inclusive of any and every level of government jurisdiction. This amendment and it's intent virtue and creation provides guarantee to the citizens of the United states of America right and final say by virtue of collective majority vote in any matter public or private and provides guarantee and protect by virtue and implementation of this amendment that no government officials shall nor will they work unto their own accord without accountability by citizens majority vote voice approval of any and every matter public or private and at any and every level of government jurisdiction. Without such majority vote no action legislation budget writ or proposal shall be entered into law as by virtue of this amendment such actions will now be defined as actions made against the will of the AMERICAN people and these actions are in violation of this amendment and the constitution of the United States of America. Any written or legislation budget item or writ cannot be any longer approved unless there is a citizens vote this amendment not only grants full authority of the AMERICAN CITIZENS to over see all matters but also protects the constitution from misuse by citizens and officials and restores it's full power and authority and intent without limitation or breach as the basis of any and all legislation at any and every level of government jurisdiction and cannot be altered or breached or changed or limited of its authority by inception virtue and intent. The power and governance of the constitution cannot and will not be altered breached or misinterpreted as being the legislative basis for all law in the United States of America by any official or citizen as by inception of this amendment its full power is restored as well as its full. AUTHORITY under its power and inception and such shall remain in whole by its amendments words and law. "
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Progressivism is DEAD. I drew up this draft amendment to take our republic to refinement give author ity to the American people and restore the full power of the constitution.
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No more DNC or DNC light (gop) working its own needs opposite ends to the same masters. The American people shall and will under the constitution have direct vote authority in all matters.
Thanks for putting "gop" in parenthesis. It really helped me to understand what you were trying to say.

You have a way with words. I will follow you. You seem like a great leader with really, really neat ideas and stuff.

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