This is the Representative From the District where Todays shooting occurred


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
What you elect to represent you reflects who and what you are sometimes. This guy represents the area where the shooting occurred today. Then people wonder why a kid would go into a school and shoot up people.

Just a few important words of advice on this AR-15 shoot-em-up.

The shooter was known to ;be a big risk of trouble and many wonder why the FBI didn't act sooner.

The simple reason is, once again, that the shooter was a good guy with a gun right up until the instant that he cut loose on the teachers and kids with his gun. It would have clearly been an abuse of his 2A rights to eliminate the asshole even in the school hallways before he pulled the trigger. All good guys with guns have that potential. It's the nature of the sport that makes it so popular.

In any case, the news shows people with candles praying! And it's obvious they're sending powerful thoughts by the frowns on their faces!
What you elect to represent you reflects who and what you are sometimes. This guy represents the area where the shooting occurred today. Then people wonder why a kid would go into a school and shoot up people.

Dear God.. He's a moron.
The shooter was 14, so pretty sure he didn’t vote for the Rep.

Xiden and harris fbi apparently let this kid go last year when he was reported to have made threats about shooting up a school last year. Sadly it could of been prevented had they done their jobs then
Just a few important words of advice on this AR-15 shoot-em-up.

The shooter was known to ;be a big risk of trouble and many wonder why the FBI didn't act sooner.

The simple reason is, once again, that the shooter was a good guy with a gun right up until the instant that he cut loose on the teachers and kids with his gun. It would have clearly been an abuse of his 2A rights to eliminate the asshole even in the school hallways before he pulled the trigger. All good guys with guns have that potential. It's the nature of the sport that makes it so popular.

In any case, the news shows people with candles praying! And it's obvious they're sending powerful thoughts by the frowns on their faces!
The fbi knew about the little shit a year ago. They visited his house.

They did nothing.

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