This is the Republican Frontrunner

It's true. Bush may have murdered more grunts but Trump did a bunch of high risk missions that killed our best and brightest in the military. Men not easily replaced. And you hardly hear a word about it

During his first 100 days in office, it has become clear that President Donald Trump views military force as his primary—if not only—foreign policy tool. From a botched special operations raid in Yemen to a cruise missile strike against an Assad-regime airfield in Syria, Trump has proven more than willing to order America’s armed forces into action.

Making this situation worse is the president himself. Mercurial in nature and largely ignorant when it comes to complex foreign policy issues, President Trump does not appear to have any method at all to govern the use of force and lacks a clearly articulated end goal for the use of force. As a result, Trump has failed to articulate coherent reasons for his decisions to use force—not even in his head-spinning policy reversal in Syria—leaving his national security team unable to speak with one clear public voice on these decisions.

At the same time, President Trump has failed to nominate or appoint the officials necessary to run the State Department and much of the Pentagon, preferring instead to hand difficult diplomatic tasks to his son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Trump's wars?

Beyond overseeing ongoing military campaigns in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, Trump has authorized or threatened force on numerous occasions in or against a number of countries since taking office:

  • Yemen: Trump authorized a botched special operations raid in late January that left a Navy SEAL and several civilians dead.4 His administration also discreetly escalated the American air campaign against Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in early March.5 In addition, Secretary Mattis has requested authorization to give greater military assistance to the Saudi-led coalition fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen.
Somalia: Trump eased Obama-era restrictions on the use of force in Somalia, giving military commanders more freedom of action against the Al Qaeda-affiliated al-Shabab terrorist group.8 Dozens of American soldiers have since deployed to Somalia

President Trump’s decision to launch a limited cruise missile strike against the Assad regime in Syria came after more than a year of statements on the campaign trail and in office that strongly suggested that Trump took little issue with President Bashar al-Assad staying in power in Damascus and believed the United States had no reason to intervene against him. His position was echoed by Secretary Tillerson and Ambassador Haley in the week before the April 4 attack. 16

Moreover, as a private citizen, Trump vehemently opposed President Obama’s proposed retaliatory strikes against the Assad regime when it used sarin nerve agent to kill 1,300 Syrians in August 2013.17 Similarly, candidate Trump exhibited a cavalier attitude toward chemical weapons use, objecting that “everyone goes crazy” when “Saddam Hussein throws a little gas.”18 The Iraqi dictator most notoriously used chemical weapons against Iraqi Kurds at Halabja in 1988, killing as many as 5,000 civilians.

But after seeing images of children killed by sarin on television, Trump undertook a dramatic policy reversal.19 In the space of a week, the Trump administration went from accepting Assad’s continuation in power to launching 59 cruise missiles at one of Assad’s airfields.

President Trump’s late January authorization of a special operations raid in Yemen provides corroboration of his casual attitude toward decisions to use force. Trump reportedly authorized the raid—in which a Navy SEAL and several civilians died—over dinner with key national security advisers, as well as Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner.20 He also reportedly heard the suggestion that President Obama would not have ordered the raid as a reason to go forward.
Verbose and pointless ^ TDS.
Verbose and pointless ^ TDS.
No its not pointless. Bush almost broke our army. Treated it like a rich kid treats his toys.

Trump and Republicans are risky. Both with foreign policy and the economy. Booms and Busts.

a. Democrats don't Benghazi Republicans. If we did, oh boy could we tell some stories of high risk missions we could arm chair QB and good soldiers died. No, great soldiers.

b. Soldiers Trump calls suckers and losers.

BDS is what you have. The corporate media is hard at work trying to tell us this one's close. You wouldn't care as much if they told you Biden's going to crush Trump. So they say it's close. Hell, Trump's winning in key battleground states. And suddenly you believe the lying media and polls. LOL
A prospective headline which strikes terror in the heart of our OP:

Washington, DC
January 20, 2025

President Donald J. Trump
No its not pointless. Bush almost broke our army. Treated it like a rich kid treats his toys.

Trump and Republicans are risky. Both with foreign policy and the economy. Booms and Busts.

a. Democrats don't Benghazi Republicans. If we did, oh boy could we tell some stories of high risk missions we could arm chair QB and good soldiers died. No, great soldiers.

b. Soldiers Trump calls suckers and losers.

BDS is what you have. The corporate media is hard at work trying to tell us this one's close. You wouldn't care as much if they told you Biden's going to crush Trump. So they say it's close. Hell, Trump's winning in key battleground states. And suddenly you believe the lying media and polls. LOL
Yeah. It’s pointless.
Nice dodge but his actions hindered oil and you know it. Hell he campaigned on lets get rid of fossil fuels.
For sure. Republicans give the oil companies our oil. And they don't sell it to us. They sell it on the open market. Which means we don't see that much savings from giving it away. It's not like when OPEC shorts us on gas our oil companies turn around and flood the market with our gas in order to keep prices down.
I can't think of another presidential candidate in American history, or any other country, really, who takes to the media and engages in taunting and name calling of his opponents resembling that of a 12 year old. In fact, even a 12 year old would likely come up with more sophisticated insults. This man does not belong in the White House. He's completely unhinged and an embarrassment.
Suppose all that is true.

Do Dems and RINOs ever stop to think what must be so wrong with their ideology or their actions that so many hard working, law-abiding, taxpaying voters would turn to such a man and fully support him so long as he promises not to be like them?
are you bringing up BenGhazi? Do you know how many people Trump killed by lying to us about Covid? Or how many people ended up dead after the insurrection he started? The Capitol Cops were devistated and you don't care.
Esdraelon doesn't ever comment so I can't reply to him

Reckless Endangerment: President Trump and the Use of Military Force​

President Trump’s impulsive decision-making and reliance on the military as his primary foreign policy tool jeopardizes America’s national security.

Oh yea. Impulsive Trump sent lots of Seals to their death. He loved attempting risky missions. It cost us a lot of lives. Not grunts. The best of the best.
Suppose all that is true.

Do Dems and RINOs ever stop to think what must be so wrong with their ideology or their actions that so many hard working, law-abiding, taxpaying voters would turn to such a man and fully support him so long as he promises not to be like them?
It's true they've been duped to think that Trump is not a Republican or is better than the politicians. I get it. But you are so loyal you don't realize he's the most corrupt. You've swallowed and defended so many lies and so many horrible things he's said and done that now you are backed into a corner and can't get out. You can't get yourselves to go back to Nikki or Ron or Christie.

Oh, and that I get too. Republicans are horrible. I wish to god Trump would have played it down the middle from day one and got both sides on board. Instead he found his loyal base of deplorables who would even attempt a coup to keep him in power. People who think we eat our babies. People who for some reason care about trannies in bathrooms. A fucking non issue. So you all lean right that's for sure.

My brother says WOKE is why he won't vote for Biden again. That and student loan forgiveness. We had to work our asses to go to college. And who says you have to finish college in 4 years? Work 4 and take 8 years and only owe half of what you owe. No one told you to max out your student loans. And it's really up to you to get a good paying job after college to make that loan a good investment.
For sure. Republicans give the oil companies our oil. And they don't sell it to us. They sell it on the open market. Which means we don't see that much savings from giving it away. It's not like when OPEC shorts us on gas our oil companies turn around and flood the market with our gas in order to keep prices down.
More drilling here creates more oil globally. It generates jobs to expand, and the building material to do the drilling.

I know many people who made a bunch of money going out west for fracking projects.

Reckless Endangerment: President Trump and the Use of Military Force​

President Trump’s impulsive decision-making and reliance on the military as his primary foreign policy tool jeopardizes America’s national security.

Oh yea. Impulsive Trump sent lots of Seals to their death. He loved attempting risky missions. It cost us a lot of lives. Not grunts. The best of the best.

I agree Trump cannot be trusted to act responsibly where international matters are concerned or to even understand the need to defend our interests and democratic allies abroad. His “recklessness” may extend not just really or primarily to episodic adventurism but rather to leaving NATO, allying with Putin, and adopting ultra-short-term transactional economic deals without any regard for protecting the world order and world economy, or even our own genuine security interests.

I would point out your link is from 2017 and only mentions one specific death of an American soldier. Trump did indeed often act impulsively, his language often was destructive to our alliances and he gave comfort to our enemies and to dictators in other countries.

But I think Trump was in fact not a coldly calculating or hot-blooded pursuer of war or adventurism overseas. This is not really his nature. He is basically a moron about such matters and just wants to be seen grandstanding in arenas were he will be flattered on the world stage.

I am not aware of many “secret military operations” he launched. I’d be interested in reading more specifics if they exist. My biggest fear is that Trump will weaken our national will and power, divide our nation and set in on a path toward chaotic “strong man rule.”

Trump does not really understand or care about necessary international alliances and politics. He may just “recklessly” embolden our most hostile opponents by seeking alliances with the likes of Putin, or Xi, men whom he obviously thinks highly of.
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I agree Trump cannot be trusted to act responsibly where international matters are concerned or to even understand the need to defend our interests and democratic allies abroad. His “recklessness” may extend not just to episodic adventurism but even to leaving NATO, allying with Putin, and adopting ultra-short-term transactional economic deals without any regard for protecting the world order and world economy, or even our own genuine security interests.

I would point out your link is from 2017 and only mentions one specific death of an American soldier. Trump did indeed often act impulsively, his language often was destructive to our alliances and gave comfort to our enemies and to dictators in other countries.

But I think Trump was in fact not a coldly calculating or hot-blooded pursuer of war or adventurism overseas. This is not really his nature. He is basically a moron about such matters and just wants to seen arenas were he will be flattered on the world stage.

I am not aware of many “secret military operations” he launched. I’d be interested in reading more specifics if they exist. My biggest fear is that Trump will weaken our national will and power, divide the nation and set in on a path toward chaotic “strong man rule.”

Trump does not really understand or care about necessary international alliances and politics. His may even “recklessly” embolden our most hostile opponents by seeking alliances with the likes of Putin, or Xi, men whom he obviously thinks highly of.

OMG I just realized something. If there is a war and Trump is president it will probably be

N. Korea
Saudi Arabia

Vs the rest of the world.

If Biden is president and WW3 breaks out we will be with Europe, Canada, France, Germany, Japan

It's true they've been duped to think that Trump is not a Republican or is better than the politicians. I get it. But you are so loyal you don't realize he's the most corrupt. You've swallowed and defended so many lies and so many horrible things he's said and done that now you are backed into a corner and can't get out. You can't get yourselves to go back to Nikki or Ron or Christie.

Oh, and that I get too. Republicans are horrible. I wish to god Trump would have played it down the middle from day one and got both sides on board. Instead he found his loyal base of deplorables who would even attempt a coup to keep him in power. People who think we eat our babies. People who for some reason care about trannies in bathrooms. A fucking non issue. So you all lean right that's for sure.

My brother says WOKE is why he won't vote for Biden again. That and student loan forgiveness. We had to work our asses to go to college. And who says you have to finish college in 4 years? Work 4 and take 8 years and only owe half of what you owe. No one told you to max out your student loans. And it's really up to you to get a good paying job after college to make that loan a good investment.
How have they been “duped?”

Trump did what he ran on, other than the border wall. But even without building the wall, he sharply reduced illegal immigration through his remain in Mexico negotiations, and other actions. He cut regulations, opened up more drilling, and he negotiated with adversaries taking an America First stance instead of kowtowing to them as Dem and RINOs do.

The economy boomed as a result, and now we see the results of Biden’s reversal of Trump’s policies.

His action during COVID were horribly misguided, but that only means that he was no better than the Dems and RINOs in that issue, not that he was worse.
How have they been “duped?”

Trump did what he ran on, other than the border wall. But even without building the wall, he sharply reduced illegal immigration through his remain in Mexico negotiations, and other actions. He cut regulations, opened up more drilling, and he negotiated with adversaries taking an America First stance instead of kowtowing to them as Dem and RINOs do.

The economy boomed as a result, and now we see the results of Biden’s reversal of Trump’s policies.

His action during COVID were horribly misguided, but that only means that he was no better than the Dems and RINOs in that issue, not that he was worse.
It's too much to explain. If you liked the way he handled himself as president, vote for him. Just know that if you liked how he handled himself, you're a republican. Not much difference between Bush and Trump.

The economy didn't boom as a fucking result. Trump gave a tax break that was historic remember? It did very little to MAGA.

Here's an example of how you were being duped. A wall was never going to do shit. You have to patrol a wall. So don't build a wall, just patrol it. And what are we doing when they show up to the wall when we see them coming? We let them in.

So it's a lot more difficult than just building a wall. I saw the wall the other day. At the right end of the wall was enough space that they could squeeze through. So now we should fix the wall?

And get this. We have an illegal employer problem. Not an illegal immigrant problem. If they don't hire them then they are just tourists. Trump duped you because half way through his presidency he hiimself was an illegal employer. And probably is again now that he's not president anymore. DUPED. Completely duped.

I heard all the shit he said running for president. I like a lot of what he said like Bush lied us into Iraq. Bush was a great candidate. Still is. Shitty president. But he knew to do enough that you could say "he tried but the rino's and globalists stopped him".

Trump is no FDR.

Bring jobs back home? At $15 hr?
No its not pointless. Bush almost broke our army. Treated it like a rich kid treats his toys.

Trump and Republicans are risky. Both with foreign policy and the economy. Booms and Busts.

a. Democrats don't Benghazi Republicans. If we did, oh boy could we tell some stories of high risk missions we could arm chair QB and good soldiers died. No, great soldiers.

b. Soldiers Trump calls suckers and losers.

BDS is what you have. The corporate media is hard at work trying to tell us this one's close. You wouldn't care as much if they told you Biden's going to crush Trump. So they say it's close. Hell, Trump's winning in key battleground states. And suddenly you believe the lying media and polls. LOL

Ludicrous, all of it.
I can't think of another presidential candidate in American history, or any other country, really, who takes to the media and engages in taunting and name calling of his opponents resembling that of a 12 year old. In fact, even a 12 year old would likely come up with more sophisticated insults. This man does not belong in the White House. He's completely unhinged and an embarrassment.

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