This is too funny!


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
So Carson City's local newspaper is the Nevada Appeal and one fo the reporters is Sue Morrow who ia a longtime member of the Fourth Estate and as such knows far more about the world than any of us peons.

Recently she penned a op ed piece where she castigates the likes of Sharon Angle and others of the conservative mindset for their vitriolic political reheotric. An admirable goal to be sure but I just couldn't stop laughing at the final paragraph......


Saturday's rampage in Tucson, Ariz., in which Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., was gravely injured when shot in the head and six others killed, has the nation reeling as non-stop television coverage of the tragedy continues.

The dead included an aide to Giffords, a 63-year-old federal judge, a 9-year-old girl and three elderly people. In addition to Giffords, 13 others were shot and hospitalized. All were at a Safeway store where Giffords was holding a “Congress on Your Corner” meet-and-greet event.

Giffords, 40 and in her third term in office, was the first to be shot, according to law enforcement officials who said she was the target of suspect 22-year-old Jared Loughner. Loughner was tackled by two event attendees and held for authorities but not before he allegedly got off 31 shots.

Loughner has been described as a mentally disturbed, pot-smoking, community college drop-out who had tried to join the military but was rejected.

Giffords, described by colleagues as kind and caring, made enemies over her support of the health care legislation and had been the victim of incidents of vandalism at her Tucson office.

It's unclear if Loughner's actions were politically motivated. Just the same, there's too much vitriol in the rhetoric in today's political climate.

Consider that when Giffords was running in the recent mid-term elections, vice presidential wannabee and half-governor Sarah Palin placed Giffords' district on her list of targets, illustrating it with the crosshairs of a gunsight.

Giffords responded by saying, “When people do that they have to realize that there are consequences to that action.” Certainly a prophetic observation.

I would love to know the reaction to the Giffords shooting of Republican whack-job and perpetual candidate Sharron Angle, the unsuccessful contender for the seat of U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev. In an interview with a right-wing talk radio host in May, Angle said, “If Congress keeps going the way it is, people are looking toward those Second Amendment remedies.”

I would guess the attempted murder of Gabrielle Giffords fits the bill, wouldn't you, Sharron?

I wonder if she's related to rdean or truthinessmatters?

SUE MORROW: It's past time to take violence out of political rhetoric |
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