This Is Treason, Biden, Military Leadership, Conspiring To Airlift Illegal Aliens Into Nations Heartland

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

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Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

really tucker???? he is your source of information ??? we are supposed to believe your post as being factual ??? nothing he says has a ounce of truth To it ... nice try we didn't just fall off the turnip truck ...
Except his report was backed up by ICE.

This Is Treason​

No, this is treason:


Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

You have zero idea what Treason is.

Why does Carlson always look like he's about to poop and can't find a bathroom?

I'd say providing aid to criminal cartels that are responsible for the deaths of 10s of thousands of Americans and to the people that are paying them billions would qualify. If the cartels aren't enemies of this country, I guess I don't know who is, Well other than you commie that think this is a great thing.


Really? What is the name of a cartel member we're supposedly flying around?

Can you fucking read? xiden is providing them aid by providing transportation for the final leg of their customers illegal trips. Transportation that we pay 100s of millions or more for, while the cartels pocket billions. ICE may lose track of those people, but the cartels damn sure won't if they're owed money. But hey, you commies just love this regime refusing to enforce US law, it's always different when it's your guy doing it.


You're making an allegation that these are "cartel members"...
What are you basing that on?

You're a lying commie bitch. I plainly said "their customers", though I wouldn't doubt some are cartel members. And I guess the answer to my question is NO, you can't fucking read.

. the cartel wanted people moved to a military base? Wow...some fucked up "logic" you've gotten there. From the bullshit you post, I think you're probably a great customer of drug pushers both near and far. What else could explain it?

Yep, you still can't fucking read. Carry on commie.

You fascists, how impossibly obtuse you are, conflating a silly protest march with the organized subversion of the nations constitutional system of law by the democratic party and the absolute top echelon of the DoD, you would not believe a person could be that fucking stupid, but then here you are, with a small mob of equally brain dead blm' fucktards in tow, doing just that! Do you understand what has been done to you, you were "intellectually aborted," murdered from neck up, and it would be an utter act of mercy for the Marxists who performed that procedure to finish the job upon rest of body!

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

These people are going to be killed, their families are gong to be killed because the asisted the U.S. Military in Afghanistan.

They deserve U.S. protection. They put their lives on the line for our country.

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

What does it matter if Biden uses airlift or busses? It has already been reported that unaccompanied illegal children have been held on busses for up to 3 days while decisions are made to bus them, finally bussing them all across the US without letting local and state officials know they are coming.


Imposing an Open Border policy
Defunding the US BP and ICE
Surrendering our sovereignty
Surrendering control of our border to Cartels and Coyotes
Trafficking children all over the US (completing the Cartels' , coyotes' work)

During the Obama administration it was reported he sent teams to Mexico to brief illegals on how to apply for tax payer-funded benefits as soon as they crossed the border.

In their effort to obtain votes / power Democrats have sold out this country years ago.

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

These people are going to be killed, their families are gong to be killed because the asisted the U.S. Military in Afghanistan.

They deserve U.S. protection. They put their lives on the line for our country.
This isn't about Afghanistan, its about Biden/Harris and the pentagon conspiring to disperse over 1,000,000 illegal alien Hispanics into the heartland of the United States, and then doing exactly that! That is treason, on all fronts, treason, with naked ambition of using those illegal Hispanics to subvert the nations political balance! Its an act of fucking war and they all need to pay for it with their fucking lives!

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

These people are going to be killed, their families are gong to be killed because the asisted the U.S. Military in Afghanistan.

They deserve U.S. protection. They put their lives on the line for our country.
This isn't about Afghanistan, its about Biden/Harris and the pentagon conspiring to disperse over 1,000,000 illegal alien Hispanics into the heartland of the United States, and then doing exactly that! That is treason, on all fronts, treason, with naked ambition of using those illegal Hispanics to subvert the nations political balance! Its an act of fucking war and they all need to pay for it with their fucking lives!
What the President is doing is saving the lives of Men who served along side U.S. Forces in Afghanistan.

But you of course, refuse to accept that.

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

You have zero idea what Treason is.

Why does Carlson always look like he's about to poop and can't find a bathroom?
Do I, please explain to all, you impossibly stupid fucktard, just how the US Federal Government, and the absolute top echelon of the DoD intentionally subverting the nations constitutional law by illegally flooding nation with over one million illegal aliens with obvious intention of subverting the nations political landscape, and flying them and then dispersing them intentionally into red states, then ordering all involved soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines to shut up about it, and scrub any and all social media references to the activity, is not treason, I am all ears fucktard????

Do you require a civic lesson, we allow the federal government to exist, to levy taxes upon us, for one specific reason and one specific reason only, to protect the nation and its borders, to ENFORCE the nations laws, including most especially the nations immigration laws, and when they intentionally do exactly the opposite of that with naked intention of permanently entrenching themselves in totally unassailable political power, they are engaging in treason, openly, right in your stupid fucking face! One million illegal aliens dispersed just since Biden was cheated into the capital,

You have zero idea what treason is.

And apparently there is no Lt. Colonel by that name at Laughlin AFB.

Translated you cannot defend your Demonicrats.
Tucker is no more reliable than Maddow.

If this is the whole story then there is a problem here. Somehow, I do not think it is the whole story.

If Trump wants to shine a light on this it would be very beneficial.

Most Americans have short attention spans, and when it comes to voting, they'll conveniently forget under the Deminicrat's newest ploy of distraction.

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

Trying to label previous post, is it stupid or dumb?

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

Foreign Takeover by Third-World United Nations and Its Globalist Politburo

Treason runs wild
What's the reason?
Treason wins only when
Last edited:

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

You have zero idea what Treason is.

Why does Carlson always look like he's about to poop and can't find a bathroom?
Do I, please explain to all, you impossibly stupid fucktard, just how the US Federal Government, and the absolute top echelon of the DoD intentionally subverting the nations constitutional law by illegally flooding nation with over one million illegal aliens with obvious intention of subverting the nations political landscape, and flying them and then dispersing them intentionally into red states, then ordering all involved soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines to shut up about it, and scrub any and all social media references to the activity, is not treason, I am all ears fucktard????

Do you require a civic lesson, we allow the federal government to exist, to levy taxes upon us, for one specific reason and one specific reason only, to protect the nation and its borders, to ENFORCE the nations laws, including most especially the nations immigration laws, and when they intentionally do exactly the opposite of that with naked intention of permanently entrenching themselves in totally unassailable political power, they are engaging in treason, openly, right in your stupid fucking face! One million illegal aliens dispersed just since Biden was cheated into the capital,

You have zero idea what treason is.

And apparently there is no Lt. Colonel by that name at Laughlin AFB.

Translated you cannot defend your Demonicrats.
You waste time and intellect upon that thug, this is not a debate, its treason, the thug merely lies and provokes, that is all it has, its literally dead from neck up!

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

You have zero idea what Treason is.

Why does Carlson always look like he's about to poop and can't find a bathroom?
Do I, please explain to all, you impossibly stupid fucktard, just how the US Federal Government, and the absolute top echelon of the DoD intentionally subverting the nations constitutional law by illegally flooding nation with over one million illegal aliens with obvious intention of subverting the nations political landscape, and flying them and then dispersing them intentionally into red states, then ordering all involved soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines to shut up about it, and scrub any and all social media references to the activity, is not treason, I am all ears fucktard????

Do you require a civic lesson, we allow the federal government to exist, to levy taxes upon us, for one specific reason and one specific reason only, to protect the nation and its borders, to ENFORCE the nations laws, including most especially the nations immigration laws, and when they intentionally do exactly the opposite of that with naked intention of permanently entrenching themselves in totally unassailable political power, they are engaging in treason, openly, right in your stupid fucking face! One million illegal aliens dispersed just since Biden was cheated into the capital,
A Republic Is Elitist Tyranny

It's the legal immigrants who have empowered treason and made all multicultie elections null and void. A free country would have had referendums on what minorities could vote and which nations we would accept immigrants from.
Stand up if these Demonicrats are worse than you thought they'd be? I'm always shocked, never surprised.

I thought you assholes were all about the Right To Life. These Men and their families are in danger of being killed. These men Fought With and Served With out Troops. They have earned their right to come to this country.
This retard is totally out in the weeds, the issue is the military helping democrats subvert the nations political balance by directly aiding democrats in flooding nation with illegal aliens, primarily Hispanic illegal aliens! The military has one job, and it is not to conspire with Marxist democratic party so as to manufacture permanent totalitarian political rule over the nation, for that they have committed the gravest treason, and they must pay for that with their lives, all of them, and this has absolutely nothing to do with war refugees from Afghanistan, they are conducting naked acts of war against the American republic!

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