This is what atheist believe? Atheist believe that nothing created everything

What the universe actually is, is not known
Actually it is well known, How is it that YOU don't know?????

Well, it isn't known.

We can't comprehend what the universe is.

The universe could be the equivalent of an atom somewhere else. It's a lot of energy just like an atom, and that's what we are. And there could be trillions upon trillions of universes in a multiverse. We could be one part of a dog.
You just admitted you know what you say is not known!!!!!
Newton's laws still exist, they were just expanded by Einstein.
If a law may be broken by a single exception, Newton's laws are broken. That they may still be useful is beside the point.
I don't believe any 'laws' of physics are inviolate.
What the universe actually is, is not known
Actually it is well known, How is it that YOU don't know?????

Well, it isn't known.

We can't comprehend what the universe is.

The universe could be the equivalent of an atom somewhere else. It's a lot of energy just like an atom, and that's what we are. And there could be trillions upon trillions of universes in a multiverse. We could be one part of a dog.
You just admitted you know what you say is not known!!!!!


What I'm saying is there are billions of possibilities. We KNOW we can't comprehend what is out there. See the words "could be"??? It's a dead give away.....

What you're saying is "we know this shit" and I'm saying "We don't know this shit"

You haven't proven you know this shit, mostly because it's IMPOSSIBLE for you to know this shit
The Michelson-Morley-experiment (1881+1887) "declared" Aether superflous.
Wrong. Michelson-Morley simply failed to prove (conclusively) that the Aether existed as they imagined it. After tons more study, continuing to this day, the Aether has now been detected with far more sensitive equipment mostly looking for it moving vertically to the Earth's surface.
And if it exists: What form of influence has this what you call a kind of version 2 from Aether?
First, look it up. Admit you were wrong. Then we might chat further..
Aha - you have absolutelly not any idea what you try to say.
I say piss off. :sigh2:
Seems to me your way to solve problems is the way to produce superflous and hateful nonsense. ¿Drugs?
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You really need to move your proselytizing to the religion forum.
I thought that nothing creating everything was considered science?

LOL you are a clueless buffoon who does not even know what you believe yourself

"Nothing creating everything is certainly not science. And is not what Darwin said at all.

Darwin never addressed the origins of the Universe. He addressed the biodiversity we see in the world. He addressed the changes, via mutation, change and outside forces.

Biologists believe that all cells came from preexisting cells. As for where the original cells came from, that is more difficult because of the length of time since it happened. The best theory is the primordial soup, lightning and other factors were the origins of the first cellular organisms.
Except poppy that this post is not about Darwin it is about atheist and nothing created nothing is exactly what atheist say. Now stick to the topic and stop trying to derail the thread. Do try to behave like the mod that you claim that you are

Anyone who believes that nothing created something is simply uneducated.

Whatelse than nothing creates virtual particles in a quantum-vacuum?

I am sticking with the topic, junior.

What scientific theory claims nothing created something?
Again virtual particles only exist in physics equations because without them the equation is just a bunch of ends that do not add up so they invent fake particles

You however think that virtual particles are real
They are real. I remember in this context that virtual particles had to be calculated in a measurement which had to do with the nucleus of an atom because otherwise the result would had been wrong. The force for the interaction between electrons are for example virtual photons, I heard.
Knowing that a dog's, or a chimpanzee's brain are made from the same stuff as a human brain isn't it reasonable to think that even the human brain has a limit as to what types of information is can process?

We cannot understand Creation and yet it happened

Looking at nature its obvious to me that there must be a Creator

We could not have come to exist though dumb luck as Darwin claims

Some higher intelligence must be responsible
I see no reason why creation, meaning the beginning of the universe, is something humanity can never understand.

I see nothing in nature that points to any creator. In any event, any creator implies a hierarchy of creators.

lastly, Darwin never made any claims to dumb luck about a force of nature. In fact, his theory proposed clearly identifiable circumstances that guided the evolution of species.
The universe can not actually have a beginning, perhaps the current phase that we are in had a beginning but the matter always had to exist.

Or you can babble that everything just popped into existence because nothing wanted to make a universe.

That is pure non scientific babble
You makes statements presuming 100% certainty supported by 0% facts.
Again atheist believe that everything was produced by nothing.

Those are your facts

Play on
Religionist make nonsense statements unsupported by facts.
Atheist make the statement not supported by fact that nothing created everything.

This is fact

So did you pick a cannabis equity yet?
You’re repeating a falsehood. That’s dishonest.
Again it is a fact that atheist believe that nothing created everything. This is fact not a falsehood, you are having emotional difficulties repeating the nonsense that you actually spew
Your version of facts have a real disconnect from reality.

Did you learn such hate and dishonesty from your religion?
Again atheist believe that everything that is, was created from nothing. Atheist believe that life created itself when nothing just turned into everything. Not sure why you are having so much difficulty accepting what you say that you believe.
Again, you make sweeping, nonsensical generalizations with no ability to support your claims.
Again atheist believe that everything came from nothing.

Only to make this clear: Christians believe since about 1700 years god created everything out of nothing. This is not an essential belief - if god made it in another way, why not? He made it very well, however he made it. Nevertheless never anyone found in this long time any other really plausible and convincing solution as far as I know.

Is aether another name for the fabric of space? If not what does it do for us?
It's the original "fabric of space" and.. Everything. Why, what does a "fabric of space" do for you?
It tells me we are fundamentally ignorant of some basic physics of how the universe is constructed: big bang, black holes, dark matter & energy, quantum gravity, etc.
There is no physics to the universe as Tyson says that it is a computer simulation
We do not live in a matrix. God is not a liar. The reality - the world all around and in us - is really real. As well in the visible and invisible components.
Again it is a fact that atheist believe that nothing created everything.
Again, this is a lie.

The thread premise fails as a strawman fallacy.
Again atheist believe that everything came from nothing, so if you do not then you are not an atheist

Amazon product ASIN 1935071238

If someone does not believe in God, they are, by definition, an atheist. Your claims of any other definition is simply bullshit.
Buddhists are not atheists because they do not [have to] believe in god. Atheists deny all forms of spirituality. And in case of god atheists believe god not exists - what also means not to believe (=to trust) in god.
Again it is a fact that atheist believe that nothing created everything.
Again, this is a lie.

The thread premise fails as a strawman fallacy.
Again atheist believe that everything came from nothing, so if you do not then you are not an atheist

Amazon product ASIN 1935071238
It's been my experience that most atheists are scared of a universe being created from nothing. It's been a long standing belief by people of faith that God created the universe out of nothing. Like 6,000 years before science proved it.

The following is an excerpt from the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

God creates "out of nothing"

We believe that God needs no pre-existent thing or any help in order to create, nor is creation any sort of necessary emanation from the divine substance.144God creates freely "out of nothing":145

If God had drawn the world from pre-existent matter, what would be so extraordinary in that? A human artisan makes from a given material whatever he wants, while God shows his power by starting from nothing to make all he wants.146
297 Scripture bears witness to faith in creation "out of nothing" as a truth full of promise and hope. Thus the mother of seven sons encourages them for martyrdom:

I do not know how you came into being in my womb. It was not I who gave you life and breath, nor I who set in order the elements within each of you. Therefore the Creator of the world, who shaped the beginning of man and devised the origin of all things, will in his mercy give life and breath back to you again, since you now forget yourselves for the sake of his laws. . . Look at the heaven and the earth and see everything that is in them, and recognize that God did not make them out of things that existed. Thus also mankind comes into being.147
298 Since God could create everything out of nothing, he can also, through the Holy Spirit, give spiritual life to sinners by creating a pure heart in them,148 and bodily life to the dead through the Resurrection. God "gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist."149 And since God was able to make light shine in darkness by his Word, he can also give the light of faith to those who do not yet know him.150

"It's been a long standing belief by people of faith that God created the universe out of nothing. Like 6,000 years before science proved it."

When did science prove that God created the universe from nothing?
When they proved the universe was created from nothing?

I am not aware that any scientists has ever proven that.
Proving it's not possible for the universe to have always existed proves it. Not to mention that the universe being created from nothing explains everything we see and violates no laws of nature in doing so.

I think you need to face that the universe began. All matter in the universe occupying the space of a single proton should have clued you in.

All the matter in the universe has always existed. That is the simplest and best answer.
A simple and wrong answer. The universe expands.
The Big Bang propelled everything outward. We have seen that the universe is expanding. And we can prove the rate of expansion is slowing.
accelerating since some billion years - except this is a measurement mistake, what's still not totally clear, as far as I heard
The best theory is that when it slows to a stop, it will begin to fall back into the center, as gravity brings all the matter back together. When the matter collapses into one spot, it will explode again, and the cycle will continue.
This will not happen, because it is clear meanwhile that the universe is really flat (=A triangle in the size of billions if lightyears up to the background radiation has exactly 180°). And this theory always had a problem, because entropy never sinks.
Atheists can't explain where the Universe came from

And they don't want anyone else to either
The Big Bang.

Where is your god come from?
God is eternal and unchanging. It's the only solution to the first cause conundrum. It's also the definition of truth.
Doesn't answer the question.
It does. Do you understand what it means to be eternal?
To live a boring life, how the Buddhists fear?
Well then genius, what is it that atheist believe created life.

I'll answer, nothing got bored and wrote genetic code.

You can not escape
The only nothing in the universe is God.

You can not escape!
That's the really strange thing of our belief in god. God exists in every nothing which exists and not exists. Imagine there is a nothing and suddenly is god there because he created himselve out of nothing. We would immediatelly think Scotty beamed him up. But nowhere is a Scotty nor a starship Enterprise.

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Again it is a fact that atheist believe that nothing created everything. T
No matter how many times you repeat that LIE you will always be a LIAR made in the image of God.
If I lie, then you must know the truth. So let us have it, clowny

Or just admit that atheist believe that they are the product of nothing
It has already been explained to you. You only play dumb so you can continue to LIE.
Again, there is no such thing as NOTHING. God is the only nothing in the universe.
Hmm ... "there is no such thing like nothing" ... "God is the only nothing in the universe" ... one day you will not be here any longer ... then you will be in the nothing which his god, isn't it? ... Would you hate it to meet your sisters and brothers and your smart phone there again? ...
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I believe that we are yet to learn how it all got started.
You are unwilling to acknowledge the overwhelming likelihood that a higher being created this universe and everything within it.
Where did this "Higher Power" come from?
Out of 'nothing'?
Or the "Higher Power" created the nothing before it created all the other things. God is really very unimaginable. That's perhaps the main reason why he sent his son. To show to us that he is with us and feels with us the goodness and the wrongness of the world and our joy and pain. We don't know his plans but I'm sure it will be a wonderful life in his heaven(s).
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I didn't realize that ALL Christians went to heaven. I guess that must include Catholics, Mormons, Eastern Orthodox, and Branch Davidians. That's a pretty big tent
Sarcasm noted

There many sects of Christians, sometimes with somewhat conflicting views about salvation

But most believe that accepting Christ as your savior will wash away your sins and guarantee eternal life
What the universe actually is, is not known
Actually it is well known, How is it that YOU don't know?????

Well, it isn't known.

We can't comprehend what the universe is.

The universe could be the equivalent of an atom somewhere else. It's a lot of energy just like an atom, and that's what we are. And there could be trillions upon trillions of universes in a multiverse. We could be one part of a dog.
You just admitted you know what you say is not known!!!!!


What I'm saying is there are billions of possibilities. We KNOW we can't comprehend what is out there. See the words "could be"??? It's a dead give away.....

What you're saying is "we know this shit" and I'm saying "We don't know this shit"

You haven't proven you know this shit, mostly because it's IMPOSSIBLE for you to know this shit
You admitted the universe is ENERGY a lot of it in fact to quote you. You can't backtrack now.

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