This is what atheist believe? Atheist believe that nothing created everything

There's no other explanation for it except that space and time were created from nothing.
The only nothing in the universe is God, everything else is energy in some form, and energy is something that can neither be created nor destroyed.

It's really that simple, everything that is, came to be what it is, because nothing decided to write genetic code

The problem with your argument here is that, and let's assume God created everything, that either God was created from nothing, or God wasn't even created.

So, if God wasn't created, then things being created from nothing is more plausible than something not even being created.

If God was created, then God was created from nothing. Which means things can be created from nothing, which means you don't need a God.

Or, God was created from something, who created God? Another God? And who created that God?

Your belief system is just as wacky, if not more so, than atheists' belief system.
The fact is at least if you adhere to science that the Earth is 5 billion years old, and that the Universe was around for 8 billion years before that. So with this it is clear that the Earth was not the beginning and that there was plenty of time before Earth for life to come from elsewhere. Assuming that everything that is here is from here because it is here is illogical as we know that things travel

Well, there are plenty of possibilities of what happened.

Chances are life is flying around in outer space passing through solar systems and then being bombarded onto planets and may or may not take hold as life. But also, it's potentially possible that life on Earth started from the heat in the seas.

Or both. Who knows? We don't. But some will make it up and tell us they do.
Life could be in space, on ships looking for the next place to live. Not sure why people like you discount this and yet claim that life came on meteors

Huh? I haven't discounted anything.
Well then genius, what is it that atheist believe created life.

I'll answer, nothing got bored and wrote genetic code.

You can not escape
The only nothing in the universe is God.

You can not escape!
This game is fun. The rational answer is to know as I do that no one wins because no one knows, so all efforts lead to a draw. Been doing this for years, never quite seen the atheist get this riled up before. I guess that they do not like their own nothing stew

CIAO Charlie
Again atheist believe that everything was produced by nothing.

Those are your facts
No that is a LIE from those who claim to be made in the image of God, the creator of LIARS.
Well then genius, what is it that atheist believe created life.

I'll answer, nothing got bored and wrote genetic code.

You can not escape
Well then genius, what is it that atheist believe created life.
physiology and its spiritual content, life evolved from a matrix of metaphysical forces and the elements of the periodic table in combination ... over time.
Again atheist believe that everything was produced by nothing.

Those are your facts
No that is a LIE from those who claim to be made in the image of God, the creator of LIARS.
Well then genius, what is it that atheist believe created life.

I'll answer, nothing got bored and wrote genetic code.

You can not escape
Well then genius, what is it that atheist believe created life.
physiology and its spiritual content, life evolved from a matrix of metaphysical forces and the elements of the periodic table in combination ... over time.
LOL the observation that the universe is expanding has led scientist
scientistS! What language do you normally speak anyway?
The observation that the universe is expanding has led scientist to find new ideas instead of gravity forcing the universe apart as they claim that there is not enough mass to achieve this, now they are babbling that the universe is not real or that an attractive force is coming from outside the universe.

LOL no scientist has a clue, yet they have convinced fools like you that they know.

No scientist has a clue. But somehow an evangelist who wrote a book is infallible?
The scientist are arguing with each other as though each one knows but nothing adds up so all roads lead beck to God.

LOL science is claiming that 85 percent of the universe is missing.


And still, not all atheists believe something came from nothing.
Again atheist believe that everything was produced by nothing.

Those are your facts
No that is a LIE from those who claim to be made in the image of God, the creator of LIARS.
Well then genius, what is it that atheist believe created life.

I'll answer, nothing got bored and wrote genetic code.

You can not escape

It is you who cannot escape. Your claims that all atheists believe something from nothing are an abject lie.
It is you who cannot escape. Your claims that all atheists believe something from nothing are an abject lie.
Well, the definition of a "lie" is claiming something that one knows to be untrue. It may very well be his belief that atheists DO believe that something can come from nothing. In any event, if one believes that something came into existence without a cause or a "creator", then they seemingly believe that it DID "create itself". Simple logic.
Or just admit that atheist believe that they are the product of nothing
Dusty, you and I could be hiking in the mountains and, after many miles of nothing but forests of trees, we encounter a beautiful, magnificent, mansion. You and I would logically conclude that someone built (or "created") it. The atheist would counter that, we weren't there to see it being built so we can't possibly know how it got there, and, furthermore, they don't know it got there either and don't care. It's not knowable and we'll never know.

That's their "logic". I suggest you stop wasting your time with such people and, instead, focus your efforts elsewhere with people that appreciate your pearls.
It is you who cannot escape. Your claims that all atheists believe something from nothing are an abject lie.
Well, the definition of a "lie" is claiming something that one knows to be untrue. It may very well be his belief that atheists DO believe that something can come from nothing. In any event, if one believes that something came into existence without a cause or a "creator", then they seemingly believe that it DID "create itself". Simple logic.

He claims that all atheists believe something came from nothing. In fact, he added that to the accepted definition of what an atheist is.

And he has had at least 2 atheists tell him that is not what he believes. He does not alter his claim. He simply claims they lie or are not atheists.

No one I know believes life came from nothing. The very first life did not come from other life, but it did come from something. The materials that make up that living thing existed prior to life.

The matter and energy in the universe has always existed. This is according to the laws of physics.

I stand by my calling him a liar.
LOL the observation that the universe is expanding has led scientist
scientistS! What language do you normally speak anyway?
The observation that the universe is expanding has led scientist to find new ideas instead of gravity forcing the universe apart as they claim that there is not enough mass to achieve this, now they are babbling that the universe is not real or that an attractive force is coming from outside the universe.

LOL no scientist has a clue, yet they have convinced fools like you that they know.

No scientist has a clue. But somehow an evangelist who wrote a book is infallible?
The scientist are arguing with each other as though each one knows but nothing adds up so all roads lead beck to God.

LOL science is claiming that 85 percent of the universe is missing.


And still, not all atheists believe something came from nothing.
Where then do some atheist say that life came from?

Answer a pond full of nothing that just became life.

Hardly science

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