This is what atheist believe? Atheist believe that nothing created everything

LOL the observation that the universe is expanding has led scientist
scientistS! What language do you normally speak anyway?
The observation that the universe is expanding has led scientist to find new ideas instead of gravity forcing the universe apart as they claim that there is not enough mass to achieve this, now they are babbling that the universe is not real or that an attractive force is coming from outside the universe.

LOL no scientist has a clue, yet they have convinced fools like you that they know.
Gravity is an attractive force not a repulsive force. Have you fallen down again and bumped your head?

It's really that simple, everything that is, came to be what it is, because nothing decided to write genetic code
What "thing" is God?
NO thing!
This is what the worthless LYING scum Right does, they take the bible argument that everything came from God, which is NOT a thing, and make it the "scientific" argument. So suddenly all the arguments that discredit the bible now discredit science.
Knowing that a dog's, or a chimpanzee's brain are made from the same stuff as a human brain isn't it reasonable to think that even the human brain has a limit as to what types of information is can process?

We cannot understand Creation and yet it happened

Looking at nature its obvious to me that there must be a Creator

We could not have come to exist though dumb luck as Darwin claims

Some higher intelligence must be responsible
I see no reason why creation, meaning the beginning of the universe, is something humanity can never understand.

I see nothing in nature that points to any creator. In any event, any creator implies a hierarchy of creators.

lastly, Darwin never made any claims to dumb luck about a force of nature. In fact, his theory proposed clearly identifiable circumstances that guided the evolution of species.
The universe can not actually have a beginning, perhaps the current phase that we are in had a beginning but the matter always had to exist.

Or you can babble that everything just popped into existence because nothing wanted to make a universe.

That is pure non scientific babble

There is no scientific theory that the universe had a beginning.

I am not babbling that everything popped into existence. You are the one claiming scientists claim that. They don't.
There are only two possibilities and these possibilities have been debated since man first became aware; the universe began or the universe has always existed.

The latter just isn't possible for a number of good reasons and the former has been proven through observations.
Actually the latter is quite possible as if the universe was not here then it must have been created by some means. Not meaning God either but something has to come from somewhere

So you are claiming that the Universe came from nothing? Hmmmm

Most scientists believe in the Big Bang. And that the Universe has always existed.
Where the universe came from is a silly question when humanity still has no idea what the universe is

I agree that it is a silly question. But many people seem obsessed with it.
There is nothing wrong with the question, the problem rest with the sanity of the people who claim to know

I accept the science based answer. And, I say again, I do not believe that nothing created something. Which you claim means I am not an atheist, despite the fact I do not believe in God.
There is no science based answer as to what the universe is, all science can do is observe. The answer is not knowable from humanities current position on Earth

Actually, we can observe that the universe is expanding. And we can observe that the rate of expansion is slowing, however small the incremental slowing may be.

Apparently, what cannot be proven is your repeated claim that atheists believe nothing created something, and that anyone who does not believe nothing created something is not an atheist.
LOL the observation that the universe is expanding has led scientist to an impasse because the expansion is both faster than light and faster than gravity can create, so they invented dark matter. Simplified the universe can not even be proved to exist mathematically. So according to science the universe is not real

There is no science that proves your claim "Dude atheist means one does not believe in God and that everything came from nothing.". You don't seem to have a problem repeating it over and over.
Science is not needed for someone not to believe in something, that is a personal choice as all atheist believe that everything came from nothing

Knowing that a dog's, or a chimpanzee's brain are made from the same stuff as a human brain isn't it reasonable to think that even the human brain has a limit as to what types of information is can process?

We cannot understand Creation and yet it happened

Looking at nature its obvious to me that there must be a Creator

We could not have come to exist though dumb luck as Darwin claims

Some higher intelligence must be responsible
I see no reason why creation, meaning the beginning of the universe, is something humanity can never understand.

I see nothing in nature that points to any creator. In any event, any creator implies a hierarchy of creators.

lastly, Darwin never made any claims to dumb luck about a force of nature. In fact, his theory proposed clearly identifiable circumstances that guided the evolution of species.
The universe can not actually have a beginning, perhaps the current phase that we are in had a beginning but the matter always had to exist.

Or you can babble that everything just popped into existence because nothing wanted to make a universe.

That is pure non scientific babble

There is no scientific theory that the universe had a beginning.

I am not babbling that everything popped into existence. You are the one claiming scientists claim that. They don't.
There are only two possibilities and these possibilities have been debated since man first became aware; the universe began or the universe has always existed.

The latter just isn't possible for a number of good reasons and the former has been proven through observations.
Actually the latter is quite possible as if the universe was not here then it must have been created by some means. Not meaning God either but something has to come from somewhere

So you are claiming that the Universe came from nothing? Hmmmm

Most scientists believe in the Big Bang. And that the Universe has always existed.
Where the universe came from is a silly question when humanity still has no idea what the universe is

I agree that it is a silly question. But many people seem obsessed with it.
There is nothing wrong with the question, the problem rest with the sanity of the people who claim to know

I accept the science based answer. And, I say again, I do not believe that nothing created something. Which you claim means I am not an atheist, despite the fact I do not believe in God.
There is no science based answer as to what the universe is, all science can do is observe. The answer is not knowable from humanities current position on Earth

Actually, we can observe that the universe is expanding. And we can observe that the rate of expansion is slowing, however small the incremental slowing may be.

Apparently, what cannot be proven is your repeated claim that atheists believe nothing created something, and that anyone who does not believe nothing created something is not an atheist.
LOL the observation that the universe is expanding has led scientist to an impasse because the expansion is both faster than light and faster than gravity can create, so they invented dark matter. Simplified the universe can not even be proved to exist mathematically. So according to science the universe is not real

There is no science that proves your claim "Dude atheist means one does not believe in God and that everything came from nothing.". You don't seem to have a problem repeating it over and over.
Science is not needed for someone not to believe in something, that is a personal choice as all atheist believe that everything came from nothing

Your continued insistence that all atheists believe that everything came from nothing is bullshit. I don't know if any believe that. I certainly don't. Nor do any atheists that I know.
atheist say everyday that nothing created everything.
Humor us and quote one doing so..
What any person says is of no meaning.

I just want Apple to turnaround

That said if one does not believe in God, then nothing created everything.

As I said the words have no meaning, unless they bother you and you assign a meaning to them in you mind.

I believe that the matter and energy in the universe has always existed. And I do not believe in God.
atheist say everyday that nothing created everything.
Humor us and quote one doing so..
What any person says is of no meaning.

I just want Apple to turnaround

That said if one does not believe in God, then nothing created everything.

As I said the words have no meaning, unless they bother you and you assign a meaning to them in you mind.
Your simpleminded and regressive view of things is a part of what causes your befuddlement.

As you said, ''words have no meaning''. That obviously is a drawback when using sentences to express thoughts.
LOL the observation that the universe is expanding has led scientist
scientistS! What language do you normally speak anyway?
The observation that the universe is expanding has led scientist to find new ideas instead of gravity forcing the universe apart as they claim that there is not enough mass to achieve this, now they are babbling that the universe is not real or that an attractive force is coming from outside the universe.

LOL no scientist has a clue, yet they have convinced fools like you that they know.

No scientist has a clue. But somehow an evangelist who wrote a book is infallible?
Nope, either you believe that nothing created everything or you believe in the need for assistance from elsewhere, titled God
If you believe in God then you believe nothing created everything since you cannot say that God is a thing.
LOL the observation that the universe is expanding has led scientist
scientistS! What language do you normally speak anyway?
The observation that the universe is expanding has led scientist to find new ideas instead of gravity forcing the universe apart as they claim that there is not enough mass to achieve this, now they are babbling that the universe is not real or that an attractive force is coming from outside the universe.

LOL no scientist has a clue, yet they have convinced fools like you that they know.

No scientist has a clue. But somehow an evangelist who wrote a book is infallible?
The scientist are arguing with each other as though each one knows but nothing adds up so all roads lead beck to God.

LOL science is claiming that 85 percent of the universe is missing.

Again atheist believe that everything was produced by nothing.

Those are your facts
No that is a LIE from those who claim to be made in the image of God, the creator of LIARS.
Well then genius, what is it that atheist believe created life.

I'll answer, nothing got bored and wrote genetic code.

You can not escape

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