This is what atheist believe? Atheist believe that nothing created everything

Things to ponder besides your belly button..If God created the universe, is earth the only planet in the trillions of planets in the millions of solar systems that He put life on?? If not, does that mean there other 'people' in other parts of the universe who are wondering if there is really a God?? Closer to home, why would a benevolent God create life than sit back and watch it get ravaged by incurable diseases??
Are you familiar with the the Epicurean Riddle? I have seen it presented in different forms, all pointing to the same paradox which you raise.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil
Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?”
GOD is absolute and entirely just and perfect in every way. GOD is LOVE. GOD treats everyone better than they deserve (certainly better than HE is treated). HE offers salvation to everyone who will request it. The issue is that if GOD had destroyed Adam and Eve, HE would be destroying us all as well -- since we are their decedents. So GOD out of LOVE for those HE knew would seek HIM out and be saved, HE had to allow some very arrogant people go to HELL, as they so choose for themselves. GOD is GOD because HE is better than we are. HE created us for his pleasure and satisfaction and not the other way around. People like Carl Sagan maybe in HELL this very moment, unless at some point in life they called out for salvation. We do not know what his childhood was like or moments before he died. He likely had at least some Christian friends. He certainly has no better excuse than anyone else. He didn't live under a rock ------- and neither do you. So, you may say anything you wish concerning GOD; however, you are only digging your own hole and pulling the dirt in on top of yourself.
If God loves us all, especially the innocent children, why do we have pediatric cancer wards? Nothing more depressing than to see a small beautiful child dying from lucyhemia
Things to ponder besides your belly button..If God created the universe, is earth the only planet in the trillions of planets in the millions of solar systems that He put life on?? If not, does that mean there other 'people' in other parts of the universe who are wondering if there is really a God?? Closer to home, why would a benevolent God create life than sit back and watch it get ravaged by incurable diseases??
Are you familiar with the the Epicurean Riddle? I have seen it presented in different forms, all pointing to the same paradox which you raise.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil
Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?”
GOD is absolute and entirely just and perfect in every way. GOD is LOVE. GOD treats everyone better than they deserve (certainly better than HE is treated). HE offers salvation to everyone who will request it. The issue is that if GOD had destroyed Adam and Eve, HE would be destroying us all as well -- since we are their decedents. So GOD out of LOVE for those HE knew would seek HIM out and be saved, HE had to allow some very arrogant people go to HELL, as they so choose for themselves. GOD is GOD because HE is better than we are. HE created us for his pleasure and satisfaction and not the other way around. People like Carl Sagan maybe in HELL this very moment, unless at some point in life they called out for salvation. We do not know what his childhood was like or moments before he died. He likely had at least some Christian friends. He certainly has no better excuse than anyone else. He didn't live under a rock ------- and neither do you. So, you may say anything you wish concerning GOD; however, you are only digging your own hole and pulling the dirt in on top of yourself.
If God is a loving God and loves us all, especially innocent children, why do we have pediatric cancer wards? Nothing more depressing than to see a small beautiful child dying from leukemia. Why use innocent children to punish us, if that is what it is.

GOD brings such little children and snatches them from Satan's grasp. They become beacons of light to an evil world. I have found that very sick/dying children see themselves as special to GOD and not rejected by HIM in the least. They posses a humble tenderness that very often goes far in reaching any stone hearts of those around them. Heaven for them is blissful and death but a door everyone eventually passes through.
Things to ponder besides your belly button..If God created the universe, is earth the only planet in the trillions of planets in the millions of solar systems that He put life on?? If not, does that mean there other 'people' in other parts of the universe who are wondering if there is really a God?? Closer to home, why would a benevolent God create life than sit back and watch it get ravaged by incurable diseases??
Are you familiar with the the Epicurean Riddle? I have seen it presented in different forms, all pointing to the same paradox which you raise.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil
Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?”
GOD is absolute and entirely just and perfect in every way. GOD is LOVE. GOD treats everyone better than they deserve (certainly better than HE is treated). HE offers salvation to everyone who will request it. The issue is that if GOD had destroyed Adam and Eve, HE would be destroying us all as well -- since we are their decedents. So GOD out of LOVE for those HE knew would seek HIM out and be saved, HE had to allow some very arrogant people go to HELL, as they so choose for themselves. GOD is GOD because HE is better than we are. HE created us for his pleasure and satisfaction and not the other way around. People like Carl Sagan maybe in HELL this very moment, unless at some point in life they called out for salvation. We do not know what his childhood was like or moments before he died. He likely had at least some Christian friends. He certainly has no better excuse than anyone else. He didn't live under a rock ------- and neither do you. So, you may say anything you wish concerning GOD; however, you are only digging your own hole and pulling the dirt in on top of yourself.
If God loves us all, especially the innocent children, why do we have pediatric cancer wards? Nothing more depressing than to see a small beautiful child dying from lucyhemia
Things to ponder besides your belly button..If God created the universe, is earth the only planet in the trillions of planets in the millions of solar systems that He put life on?? If not, does that mean there other 'people' in other parts of the universe who are wondering if there is really a God?? Closer to home, why would a benevolent God create life than sit back and watch it get ravaged by incurable diseases??
Are you familiar with the the Epicurean Riddle? I have seen it presented in different forms, all pointing to the same paradox which you raise.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil
Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?”
GOD is absolute and entirely just and perfect in every way. GOD is LOVE. GOD treats everyone better than they deserve (certainly better than HE is treated). HE offers salvation to everyone who will request it. The issue is that if GOD had destroyed Adam and Eve, HE would be destroying us all as well -- since we are their decedents. So GOD out of LOVE for those HE knew would seek HIM out and be saved, HE had to allow some very arrogant people go to HELL, as they so choose for themselves. GOD is GOD because HE is better than we are. HE created us for his pleasure and satisfaction and not the other way around. People like Carl Sagan maybe in HELL this very moment, unless at some point in life they called out for salvation. We do not know what his childhood was like or moments before he died. He likely had at least some Christian friends. He certainly has no better excuse than anyone else. He didn't live under a rock ------- and neither do you. So, you may say anything you wish concerning GOD; however, you are only digging your own hole and pulling the dirt in on top of yourself.
If God is a loving God and loves us all, especially innocent children, why do we have pediatric cancer wards? Nothing more depressing than to see a small beautiful child dying from leukemia. Why use innocent children to punish us, if that is what it is.

GOD brings such little children and snatches them from Satan's grasp. They become beacons of light to an evil world. I have found that very sick/dying children see themselves as special to GOD and not rejected by HIM in the least. They posses a humble tenderness that very often goes far in reaching any stone hearts of those around them. Heaven for them is blissful and death but a door everyone eventually passes through.
What the hell is a little child doing in Satan's grasp??
Yep, science deals with the how, not the why. And that person obviously agrees with me.
So you agree
that our contemporary physicists don’t understand how all these things work
Yes, of course! Would we need science if that WERE true?
I think we'll always need scientists regardless. But the premise that "physicists don't {yet} understand how all these things work" clearly indicates they've been barking up the wrong tree while wasting a lot of time and money.
This model is truly refreshing, imo. Compared to the crap our kids are still being taught, makes so much tactile sense one wishes they could just grab it all and stuff in their pockets for later reference.

First, your truncated quote of what I wrote dilutes the balanced comment
But i wasnt responding to that. I was responded to the statement i quoted. I am sure people know how to scroll up 3 comments.
You assigned me the question of what explanation I expect, and here I am defending that strawman. I didn't ask for an explanation.
You said it explains nothing to you. You don't have to say you "expect" an explanation for me to ask what explanation you expect, so it isn't a strawman. If the answer is "none", then say "none", instead of taking the discussion in circles.
Sorry but not everyone expects an answer to everything. Is it not possible to conclude that some things are unknowable, that an explanation is not possible.

My apology to you if it was someone else who truncated what I wrote.
Things to ponder besides your belly button..If God created the universe, is earth the only planet in the trillions of planets in the millions of solar systems that He put life on?? If not, does that mean there other 'people' in other parts of the universe who are wondering if there is really a God?? Closer to home, why would a benevolent God create life than sit back and watch it get ravaged by incurable diseases??
Are you familiar with the the Epicurean Riddle? I have seen it presented in different forms, all pointing to the same paradox which you raise.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil
Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?”
GOD is absolute and entirely just and perfect in every way. GOD is LOVE. GOD treats everyone better than they deserve (certainly better than HE is treated). HE offers salvation to everyone who will request it. The issue is that if GOD had destroyed Adam and Eve, HE would be destroying us all as well -- since we are their decedents. So GOD out of LOVE for those HE knew would seek HIM out and be saved, HE had to allow some very arrogant people go to HELL, as they so choose for themselves. GOD is GOD because HE is better than we are. HE created us for his pleasure and satisfaction and not the other way around. People like Carl Sagan maybe in HELL this very moment, unless at some point in life they called out for salvation. We do not know what his childhood was like or moments before he died. He likely had at least some Christian friends. He certainly has no better excuse than anyone else. He didn't live under a rock ------- and neither do you. So, you may say anything you wish concerning GOD; however, you are only digging your own hole and pulling the dirt in on top of yourself.
You cite the arrogance of others without any apparent recognition of the arrogance it requires to condemn others for not believing that which you take entirely on faith.

If your god is all-powerful, she should be able to accomplish whatever she wishes without allowing evil, without concessions to horrible pain and suffering. If everything is god's design, then she is the ultimate offender. How cruel to design a faulty species and then punish it for being so.
Things to ponder besides your belly button..If God created the universe, is earth the only planet in the trillions of planets in the millions of solar systems that He put life on?? If not, does that mean there other 'people' in other parts of the universe who are wondering if there is really a God?? Closer to home, why would a benevolent God create life than sit back and watch it get ravaged by incurable diseases??
Are you familiar with the the Epicurean Riddle? I have seen it presented in different forms, all pointing to the same paradox which you raise.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil
Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?”
GOD is absolute and entirely just and perfect in every way. GOD is LOVE. GOD treats everyone better than they deserve (certainly better than HE is treated). HE offers salvation to everyone who will request it. The issue is that if GOD had destroyed Adam and Eve, HE would be destroying us all as well -- since we are their decedents. So GOD out of LOVE for those HE knew would seek HIM out and be saved, HE had to allow some very arrogant people go to HELL, as they so choose for themselves. GOD is GOD because HE is better than we are. HE created us for his pleasure and satisfaction and not the other way around. People like Carl Sagan maybe in HELL this very moment, unless at some point in life they called out for salvation. We do not know what his childhood was like or moments before he died. He likely had at least some Christian friends. He certainly has no better excuse than anyone else. He didn't live under a rock ------- and neither do you. So, you may say anything you wish concerning GOD; however, you are only digging your own hole and pulling the dirt in on top of yourself.
You cite the arrogance of others without any apparent recognition of the arrogance it requires to condemn others for not believing that which you take entirely on faith.

If your god is all-powerful, she should be able to accomplish whatever she wishes without allowing evil, without concessions to horrible pain and suffering. If everything is god's design, then she is the ultimate offender. How cruel to design a faulty species and then punish it for being so.
So unless everything is perfect there can be no God? Why?

How are you being punished?
So then you must be arguing with Ken Wheeler who I quoted next somewhat expecting you might try weaseling out that way.
But i am not. Do i have to keep explaining this to you?

Yep, science deals with the how, not the why. And that person obviously agrees with me.

"Why" is for philosophy and self delusio

Things to ponder besides your belly button..If God created the universe, is earth the only planet in the trillions of planets in the millions of solar systems that He put life on?? If not, does that mean there other 'people' in other parts of the universe who are wondering if there is really a God?? Closer to home, why would a benevolent God create life than sit back and watch it get ravaged by incurable diseases??
Are you familiar with the the Epicurean Riddle? I have seen it presented in different forms, all pointing to the same paradox which you raise.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil
Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?”
GOD is absolute and entirely just and perfect in every way. GOD is LOVE. GOD treats everyone better than they deserve (certainly better than HE is treated). HE offers salvation to everyone who will request it. The issue is that if GOD had destroyed Adam and Eve, HE would be destroying us all as well -- since we are their decedents. So GOD out of LOVE for those HE knew would seek HIM out and be saved, HE had to allow some very arrogant people go to HELL, as they so choose for themselves. GOD is GOD because HE is better than we are. HE created us for his pleasure and satisfaction and not the other way around. People like Carl Sagan maybe in HELL this very moment, unless at some point in life they called out for salvation. We do not know what his childhood was like or moments before he died. He likely had at least some Christian friends. He certainly has no better excuse than anyone else. He didn't live under a rock ------- and neither do you. So, you may say anything you wish concerning GOD; however, you are only digging your own hole and pulling the dirt in on top of yourself.
You cite the arrogance of others without any apparent recognition of the arrogance it requires to condemn others for not believing that which you take entirely on faith.

If your god is all-powerful, she should be able to accomplish whatever she wishes without allowing evil, without concessions to horrible pain and suffering. If everything is god's design, then she is the ultimate offender. How cruel to design a faulty species and then punish it for being so.
So unless everything is perfect there can be no God? Why?

How are you being punished?
Are you serious with those two questions? Do you live in a cocoon?

The world has its share of injustice and suffering, the victims often being innocent. Let's put it this way... if there is a God, he isn't anything like Christianity defines.

Solve the Riddle.
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So then you must be arguing with Ken Wheeler who I quoted next somewhat expecting you might try weaseling out that way.
But i am not. Do i have to keep explaining this to you?

Yep, science deals with the how, not the why. And that person obviously agrees with me.

"Why" is for philosophy and self delusion.
I know this was not written to me but I have to jump in.

I'm not sure I follow the point of your last sentence. Could you elaborate?
Seems like exactly the sort of question any decent, upstanding theory should be able to answer

Theories don't answer "why". They answer "how".
Just read through this snooty BS:
Again, "science" is just a word. Words obviously don't "do" anything in isolation. Pompous assholes like that unfortunate student's professor there and Feynman are typical of those who teach because they've grown so drunk with their own authority they can no longer do anything of practical use other than perhaps splitting hairs while blowing gas.
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So then you must be arguing with Ken Wheeler who I quoted next somewhat expecting you might try weaseling out that way.
But i am not. Do i have to keep explaining this to you?

Yep, science deals with the how, not the why. And that person obviously agrees with me.

"Why" is for philosophy and self delusio

Things to ponder besides your belly button..If God created the universe, is earth the only planet in the trillions of planets in the millions of solar systems that He put life on?? If not, does that mean there other 'people' in other parts of the universe who are wondering if there is really a God?? Closer to home, why would a benevolent God create life than sit back and watch it get ravaged by incurable diseases??
Are you familiar with the the Epicurean Riddle? I have seen it presented in different forms, all pointing to the same paradox which you raise.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil
Is he neither able nor willing?

Then why call him God?”
GOD is absolute and entirely just and perfect in every way. GOD is LOVE. GOD treats everyone better than they deserve (certainly better than HE is treated). HE offers salvation to everyone who will request it. The issue is that if GOD had destroyed Adam and Eve, HE would be destroying us all as well -- since we are their decedents. So GOD out of LOVE for those HE knew would seek HIM out and be saved, HE had to allow some very arrogant people go to HELL, as they so choose for themselves. GOD is GOD because HE is better than we are. HE created us for his pleasure and satisfaction and not the other way around. People like Carl Sagan maybe in HELL this very moment, unless at some point in life they called out for salvation. We do not know what his childhood was like or moments before he died. He likely had at least some Christian friends. He certainly has no better excuse than anyone else. He didn't live under a rock ------- and neither do you. So, you may say anything you wish concerning GOD; however, you are only digging your own hole and pulling the dirt in on top of yourself.
You cite the arrogance of others without any apparent recognition of the arrogance it requires to condemn others for not believing that which you take entirely on faith.

If your god is all-powerful, she should be able to accomplish whatever she wishes without allowing evil, without concessions to horrible pain and suffering. If everything is god's design, then she is the ultimate offender. How cruel to design a faulty species and then punish it for being so.
So unless everything is perfect there can be no God? Why?

How are you being punished?
Are you serious with those two questions? Do you live in a cocoon?

The world has its share of injustice and suffering, the victims often being innocent. Let's put it this way... if there is a God, he isn't anything like Christianity defines.

Solve the Riddle.
Yes, I was serious. No, I don't live in a cocoon. I just don't see the logic in your "logic."

So humor me. Why must everything be perfect for God to exist?

Am I to assume that you are being punished because everything isn't perfect? Cause I'm still not understanding how you are being punished. Can you explain how you are being punished?
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The world has its share of injustice and suffering, the victims often being innocent. Let's put it this way... if there is a God, he isn't anything like Christianity defines.
How does Christianity define God? What are you using as your source for what Christians believe and can you quote the relevant part of that source that supports your contention?
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This model is truly refreshing, imo. Compared to the crap our kids are still being taught, makes so much tactile sense one wishes they could just grab it all and stuff in their pockets for later reference.

I tried to watch it but could only get through the first 5 minutes. Is there a point to this?
I think we'll always need scientists regardless. But the premise that "physicists don't {yet} understand how all these things work" clearly indicates they've been barking up the wrong tree while wasting a lot of time and money.
No it doesn't. What an absurd thing to say. Now i rightfully question your motives for saying such an absurd thing. Lemme guess: you have a fantastic "theory" for which you have zero evidence or research, and which has been ignored by the scientific community.

Nailed it, i bet.
Seems like exactly the sort of question any decent, upstanding theory should be able to answer

Theories don't answer "why". They answer "how".
Just read through this snooty BS:
Again, "science" is just a word. Words obviously don't "do" anything in isolation. Pompous assholes like that unfortunate student's professor there and Feynman are typical of those who teach because they've grown so drunk with their own authority they can no longer do anything of practical use other than perhaps splitting hairs while blowing gas.
Teachers also do research. What is causing you to say so many stupid fucking things? Sober up.
It's really that simple, everything that is, came to be what it is, because nothing decided to write genetic code
Nothing except some magical being living in the sky.
What makes more sense, nothing deciding to create everything, or God creating everything?
"God" is just your substitute for "nothing". You want a nothing that cares where you put your peepee, because you think you are a special, unique boy and can maybe live forever.

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