This is what expert foreign policy and diplomacy looks like

The thread is great...really. Absolutely zero support for the United States from the right

Remember when libs were the ones who protested the Vietnam War in the late 60s? Right, now if the oligarchs wanted to send troops to Antarctica you'd be anti-American if you said no.

A running joke they are
Again, the neutered right wing is long on faux outrage but short on suggestions that might remotely help. Poor babies.
Sorry but the elder statesman, the giggling word salad lady, along with the children at the White House are in charge. The same ones who with the "New Pentagon" decreed that the worlds biggest threat is "climate change". While Russia and China developed hypersonic missiles, Joe was killing oil production here and making us dependent on Russia for oil. When Joe wakes up give him a gold star.
Historic inflation, out of control crime, the best armed terrorists in the world, a new war in Europe, a totally unstable world, a convoy of discontent heading to DC, and in return we got a few less mean tweets. What a bargain.

Crime was out of control under the blob.
Terrorists--oh you mean the ones Trump ignored?
Russia invaded don't blame blame America
The world is unstable? Really?

A truck convoy...that is the topper.

Thanks for the chuckle.

What are you REALLY mad about? Losing the election... right?
Take notes. Biden deployed his expert level foreign policy to unite the world against Russia. Now he can lead the response. PhD level stuff here. Glad we have a competent president at this moment
Yea....”PhD level stuff” as Putin rolls in and takes what he wants.

Meanwhile Biden is getting his diaper changed.
Crime was out of control under the blob.
Terrorists--oh you mean the ones Trump ignored?
Russia invaded don't blame blame America
The world is unstable? Really?

A truck convoy...that is the topper.

Thanks for the chuckle.

What are you REALLY mad about? Losing the election... right?
No, I'm mad that an incompetent moron is in the White House. I might gag a few times, but I could have accepted someone like Klobuchar, the best candidate in your pathetic field. That aside I will never believe Biden/Harris got 80 million votes, too many anomalies, too many last second violations of state election laws and whatnot. It's fun to wind you folks up about Trump, but he's not in the White House, I get that. When are you going to hold the incompetent boob that is accountable for what's happening on his watch?
No, I'm mad that an incompetent moron is in the White House. I might gag a few times, but I could have accepted someone like Klobuchar, the best candidate in your pathetic field. That aside I will never believe Biden/Harris got 80 million votes, too many anomalies, too many last second violations of state election laws and whatnot. It's fun to wind you folks up about Trump, but he's not in the White House, I get that. When are you going to hold the incompetent boob that is accountable for what's happening on his watch?
Biden got 81M votes; not 80M. There were no "anomalies". All of that is fake news. And of course there are the pesky things such as no proof of widespread voter fraud anywhere, the fact that the GOP actually gained seats in the swing states, and that none of the other 8,000 losers on election night are still crying about a stolen election.

If you have read what I have written in the would see that I have called President Biden out on many things... But of course you won't.

Is Biden responsible for Russia invading the Ukraine. Not even remotely. You know this but saying so would require some honesty. You can't muster it.

Again...please tell us what you think Biden should be doing at this time that he isn't doing. You won't of course. Because it's too big a risk and you're a pussy.
Biden got 81M votes; not 80M. There were no "anomalies". All of that is fake news. And of course there are the pesky things such as no proof of widespread voter fraud anywhere, the fact that the GOP actually gained seats in the swing states, and that none of the other 8,000 losers on election night are still crying about a stolen election.

If you have read what I have written in the would see that I have called President Biden out on many things... But of course you won't.

Is Biden responsible for Russia invading the Ukraine. Not even remotely. You know this but saying so would require some honesty. You can't muster it.

Again...please tell us what you think Biden should be doing at this time that he isn't doing. You won't of course. Because it's too big a risk and you're a pussy.
Now, now none of that. I know you have kinda sorta criticized Biden, when said criticism was MSM sanctioned.

Sorry, Biden and friends have done everything possible to ensure Russia would invade. The final push was sanctions against companies and individuals. What choice did they have but to support an invasion? The proper response was a cooling off period after Russia recognized the Donbas provinces as independent. The opportunity to send in neutral peace keepers was lost, yet had it been offered Putin would've had to accept. Instead that moron Biden named it an invasion and any chance for a peaceful resolution was lost.
Now, now none of that. I know you have kinda sorta criticized Biden, when said criticism was MSM sanctioned.

Sorry, Biden and friends have done everything possible to ensure Russia would invade. The final push was sanctions against companies and individuals. What choice did they have but to support an invasion? The proper response was a cooling off period after Russia recognized the Donbas provinces as independent. The opportunity to send in neutral peace keepers was lost, yet had it been offered Putin would've had to accept. Instead that moron Biden named it an invasion and any chance for a peaceful resolution was lost.
Yeah, we tried the peace keeper role in Beirut. No thanks.

Sanctions forced Russia to invade? Really?
Yeah, we tried the peace keeper role in Beirut. No thanks.

Sanctions forced Russia to invade? Really?
I didn't say us, I said neutral.

Yes. Sanctions on individuals and companies had only one option, support invasion out of national interest. Any attempt to sue for peace could only be seen as an act of self interest. Even the clown show of the Biden administration had to know this. Which is why they did it.
Take notes. Biden deployed his expert level foreign policy to unite the world against Russia. Now he can lead the response. PhD level stuff here. Glad we have a competent president at this moment
The French and Brits don't trust Joe Biden.

CCP Internet Outreach Agitprop there
I didn't say us, I said neutral.
Yeah...still no-thanks. Its an invitation to be attacked and has seldom worked in the past.
Yes. Sanctions on individuals and companies had only one option, support invasion out of national interest. Any attempt to sue for peace could only be seen as an act of self interest. Even the clown show of the Biden administration had to know this. Which is why they did it.
That is bizarre logic to put it mildly. Reminds me of the guys who think FDR forced Japan to attack Pearl Harbor. Nobody forced right wing hero Putin to attack Ukraine.

Yeah...still no-thanks. Its an invitation to be attacked and has seldom worked in the past.

That is bizarre logic to put it mildly. Reminds me of the guys who think FDR forced Japan to attack Pearl Harbor. Nobody forced right wing hero Putin to attack Ukraine.

Holy shit, and you wonder why I consider you a war loving freak with the words you write in support of Biden hostility!

You will write about how you support the war effort if and when Biden send troops in even though in another thread you wrote we shouldn’t send troops in…

Just watch and you already consider anyone opposing conflict as a traitor because you are either with Putin or Biden when for me both can go fuck themselves!
Yeah...still no-thanks. Its an invitation to be attacked and has seldom worked in the past.

That is bizarre logic to put it mildly. Reminds me of the guys who think FDR forced Japan to attack Pearl Harbor. Nobody forced right wing hero Putin to attack Ukraine.

Neutral peace keepers have worked in other areas. Over 70 years in Kashmir. There are also seven other peace keeping missions going on.

I didn't say forced, I'm usually particular with my words. Yes, the final decision was Putin's, but that decision was influenced heavily by the situation Biden and friends created. Is it so different from Biden abandoning thousands of Americans in Afghanistan because the Taliban set a new timeline?

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