This is what expert foreign policy and diplomacy looks like

Take notes. Biden deployed his expert level foreign policy to unite the world against Russia. Now he can lead the response. PhD level stuff here. Glad we have a competent president at this moment
This has aged as well as a crack whore.
I didn't forget anything. I am not talking about whether or not it is technically "legitimate". Maybe Republicans like YOU ought think about it next time you start a war.

It appears you also forgot that I am NOT a republican, have stated many times now that I am a Free-Thinking Independent free of any membership body which allows me to be fully independent.


Meanwhile this is what YOU stated that I responded to:

"Isn’t it sometimes the answer? I think most of our wars have not been justified, but I always circle back to WW2.

What is happening with Ukraine is the beginning of the possible end of a very long cycle where most of the world’s nations agreed on common international law that one nation did not invade another. We kind of screwed any moral though when we invaded Iraq."


Quoting you,

"I think most of our wars have not been justified"

"We kind of screwed any moral though when we invaded Iraq"

You state most of the wars are not justified (presumably that includes the Iraqi war too) Then you say we screwed any moral thought when American and coalition forces invaded Iraq.

It sounds to me you ARE indeed talking about the legitimacy of wars since you opined that many of them are not justified (Legitimate)

The Democrats at first under Clinton was hot for removing Sadist Hussein which was a major reason why most of the House democrats voted for it and ALL of the Senate Democrats supported the Liberation act by vote.

Both parties thought the war was legitimate in the beginning so did many nations who were involved and so did the intelligence agencies of various countries.

I haven't supported Putin's war on Ukraine at all, but Biden and his keystone team have stumbled all over this for months before they come out with massive additional sanctions today which will not stop Putin.
In the end, after massive sanctions are implemented against Russia, the result will be, Ukraine will be a Russian puppet state and those in Ukraine that struggled will have been betrayed by the west, they thought would help defend them. My praise goes to all of those volunteer fighters from 27 different nations.
Taiwan will be the same scenario. China will see how little the U.S. will involve itself in the defense of those fighting for freedom and will go after Taiwan, knowing the U.S. administration will just bluster and be a big bag of wind, applying some sanctions, but staying out of it. Japan on the other hand, has made it clear to China that they will actually come to the defense of Taiwan. Australia is on the fence about it. They say they will, but they may just back off and go with sanctions.
Neither Japan nor Australia will come to the aid of Taiwan. For either to do so will ensure the end of those countries. Their remains would be annexed by China.
Neither Japan nor Australia will come to the aid of Taiwan. For either to do so will ensure the end of those countries. Their remains would be annexed by China.
I will at this point, take Japan's leaders at their word that they will take up arms against China, if China attacks Taiwan.
1. If China takes Taiwan, it would expand China's shipping control in that region and in turn, would negatively impact Japan's shipping and become more of a danger to Japan's region.
2. Then there's the "can't lose face" Asian thinking. Once your leadership has made its threat, you lose face if you don't follow through.
The only thing I can see deterring it would be the damn US. It has bases in Okinawa and Sasebo, Japan and the US may exert its influence to back off and allow China to do whatever it wants and only implement sanctions, which won't affect China much, as our US dollar is getting more and more worthless as inflation continues to rise.
Isn’t it sometimes the answer? I think most of our wars have not been justified, but I always circle back to WW2.

What is happening with Ukraine is the beginning of the possible end of a very long cycle where most of the world’s nations agreed on common international law that one nation did not invade another. We kind of screwed any moral though when we invaded Iraq.
Impossible to disagree with this.
It is apparently of no use to remind people that the Iraq invasion was against international treaties sign by the U.S. As these are approved by Congress, treaty obligations become part of Constitutional obligations. The invasion was illegal as was voting for it.
It is apparently of no use to remind people that the Iraq invasion was against international treaties sign by the U.S. As these are approved by Congress, treaty obligations become part of Constitutional obligations. The invasion was illegal as was voting for it.
I supported Bush very vigorously. It was the biggest mistake I have ever made politically.
“The technology of modern war is such that, whatever the cause… war, because of what it does to human beings, cannot be justified.” — Howard Zinn

Whether it’s a US government invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan or a Russian government invasion of Ukraine, war serves only one purpose: to increase the wealth and power of the rich at the expense and suffering of the poor.

No superpower on the face of this planet can credibly, morally or honestly justify the invasion of another country which it can overwhelmingly dominate with military force.

War is not the answer.
The U.S. already did that several years ago by sending covert CIA operatives to illegally oust Ukraine's pro-Russian government in favor of one that allows western corporations and contractors to do business there on their own terms. What is happening now is just Russia putting it back the way it was.
I supported Bush very vigorously. It was the biggest mistake I have ever made politically.
Me too. I didn't know about RINO's back then. I also didn't know so much about the New World Order or Manchurian candidates, or that Bush Sr was head of the CIA and would have been president had Reagan died after being shot.. or that his son would just happen to be president during 9/11 giving way to the Patriot Act. I also didn't know that Bush Sr and Bill Clinton were bosom buddies, and that Bill also endorsed the New World Order...and in fact all presidents did until Trump came along...which kind of.explains Trump Derangement Syndrome entirely.
Take notes. Biden deployed his expert level foreign policy to unite the world against Russia. Now he can lead the response. PhD level stuff here. Glad we have a competent president at this moment
A+ satire here. Didn't think you had it in you.
It appears you also forgot that I am NOT a republican, have stated many times now that I am a Free-Thinking Independent free of any membership body which allows me to be fully independent.

I didn't forget anything. I have stated multiple times that I am not a Democrat.


Meanwhile this is what YOU stated that I responded to:

"Isn’t it sometimes the answer? I think most of our wars have not been justified, but I always circle back to WW2.

What is happening with Ukraine is the beginning of the possible end of a very long cycle where most of the world’s nations agreed on common international law that one nation did not invade another. We kind of screwed any moral though when we invaded Iraq."


Quoting you,

"I think most of our wars have not been justified"

"We kind of screwed any moral though when we invaded Iraq"

You state most of the wars are not justified (presumably that includes the Iraqi war too) Then you say we screwed any moral thought when American and coalition forces invaded Iraq.

It sounds to me you ARE indeed talking about the legitimacy of wars since you opined that many of them are not justified (Legitimate)
I am talking about the legitimacy of war, yes. Any politician or leader can legatimize a war. For any reason. After all didn't Hitler?

Does that mean it is justified? Big difference.

The Democrats at first under Clinton was hot for removing Sadist Hussein which was a major reason why most of the House democrats voted for it and ALL of the Senate Democrats supported the Liberation act by vote.

The Republican president, Bush, made a (largely fraudulant) case for war. The Republicans were almost fully on board. Funny how you leave that out.

Six out 215 Republicans voted against it.
Eighty-one out of 126 Democrats voted against it. The rest were moral cowards.

Both parties thought the war was legitimate in the beginning so did many nations who were involved and so did the intelligence agencies of various countries.
Intelligence was not unified on it, the intelligence tosupport it was carefully picked and faulty. It was weak, Congress was prevented from seeing it all under claims of being classified. and we were sold a bill of goods.
I haven't supported Putin's war on Ukraine at all, but Biden and his keystone team have stumbled all over this for months before they come out with massive additional sanctions today which will not stop Putin.
Exactly what were they supposed to do?
Slap sanctions on before Putin invades? Then run the risk of Putin having nothing to lose. Do you slap all the sanctions on at once? Then what are you left with if they don't work? Boots on the ground? I think you and I both how how well that would go down.

What we have is a situation with few to no good options, but you all want to criticize Biden but offer nothing better. Kudos to Biden for getting a strong coalition.
Isn’t it sometimes the answer? I think most of our wars have not been justified, but I always circle back to WW2.

What is happening with Ukraine is the beginning of the possible end of a very long cycle where most of the world’s nations agreed on common international law that one nation did not invade another. We kind of screwed any moral though when we invaded Iraq.

When do you imagine this "very long cycle" of global non-invasion policy started? Here's just a partial list of military invasions off the top of my head since the end of WWII, by decade (irrespective of the ultimate reason for each invasion):

N. Korea invasion of S. Korea (1950s) - multi-year international war ensued.

Chinese invasion of Tibet (1950s)

N. Vietnam invasion of S. Vietnam (1960s-70s) - multi-year international war ensued.

Turkish invasion of Cyprus (1970s)

N. Yemen invasion of S. Yemen (1970s) - international involvement by proxy (along cold war alliance-lines)

Iraq invasion of Iran (1980s) - some direct international involvement.

U.S. invasion of Grenada (1980s)

Iraq invasion of Kuwait (1990s) - international war ensued.

Serbia invasion of Croatia (1990s) - international war ensued.

U.S. invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan (2000s - 2020s) - multi-year international war ensued.

That is by no means a complete list. I was just thinking through each decade and listed the first ones that came to mind. Not seeing this "long cycle" of which you speak. Seems like more of the same, in fact.

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