This is what expert foreign policy and diplomacy looks like

Merely implementing Machiavellian principles is neither highly intelligent nor morally supportable. All divisiveness at this time serves as support for authoritarians such as Putin.
The military situation is only favorable to Russia at this time. It would take months to mount a serious martial endeavor against Moscow. The only thing that can be done is to close ranks and display resolve that continuation of his present course will lead to Putin's ultimate demise.
“The technology of modern war is such that, whatever the cause… war, because of what it does to human beings, cannot be justified.” — Howard Zinn

Whether it’s a US government invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan or a Russian government invasion of Ukraine, war serves only one purpose: to increase the wealth and power of the rich at the expense and suffering of the poor.

No superpower on the face of this planet can credibly, morally or honestly justify the invasion of another country which it can overwhelmingly dominate with military force.

War is not the answer.

Isn’t it sometimes the answer? I think most of our wars have not been justified, but I always circle back to WW2.

What is happening with Ukraine is the beginning of the possible end of a very long cycle where most of the world’s nations agreed on common international law that one nation did not invade another. We kind of screwed any moral though when we invaded Iraq.
Are you supporting your president and the moves he's made to try to hamstring the Russians? Nope.
He didn't make any moves to hamstring

Last year he lifted sanctions on the Nordstream 2 pipeline. He double oil imports from Russia. He gave Russia a 5 year extension on the START treaty.
Take notes. Biden deployed his expert level foreign policy to unite the world against Russia. Now he can lead the response. PhD level stuff here. Glad we have a competent president at this moment

Lol!!!!! Thanks, that's was a good one.
Isn’t it sometimes the answer? I think most of our wars have not been justified, but I always circle back to WW2.

What is happening with Ukraine is the beginning of the possible end of a very long cycle where most of the world’s nations agreed on common international law that one nation did not invade another. We kind of screwed any moral though when we invaded Iraq.

Again, democrats like YOU forget the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998 which CONGRESS overwhelmingly gave future Presidents the support to remove Saddamit Hussein from power.

"Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 - Declares that it should be the policy of the United States to seek to remove the Saddam Hussein regime from power in Iraq and to replace it with a democratic government."

That was the LAW President Bush used to justify invading Iraq.


Congress strongly passed this LAW too in support of President Bush.

Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002

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Just announced that he will make a noon.

Freaking NOON
12:30, they are saying now. He'll be late; they always are. Keeping people waiting shows you have power.

I'm not going to watch, because it will all be platitudes, and I don't care about this war. This is a war over legitimate sphere of interest, and so will be the one over Taiwan. What we need to worry about is open war of aggression into NATO countries: that is Hitler-type war.

The only really interesting thing the president could say is whether we'll knock Russia out of SWIFT and cripple its banking system. And whether Russia threatens us with war if we do.

The problem with war is you can never tell how far it will go.
When are you going to hold the incompetent boob that is accountable for what's happening on his watch?
They never will: they can only talk about Trump, who is NOT in the White House, because they are so worried Trump will be elected again in 2024. It seems strange to me that they want to keep Biden considering how badly he is doing on every problem.
Isn’t it sometimes the answer? I think most of our wars have not been justified, but I always circle back to WW2.

What is happening with Ukraine is the beginning of the possible end of a very long cycle where most of the world’s nations agreed on common international law that one nation did not invade another. We kind of screwed any moral though when we invaded Iraq.
Agreed, I just read that last night, that we were doing international law for some years post-WWII, enforced by us and only us. But that has frayed and is now rolling into a system of great-power spheres of interest, ours, Russia's, and China's. I'm okay with these three great powers securing obvious parts of their spheres of interest (Ukraine, Taiwan, and Cuba) but Hitler got a long way by claiming lots of territories as part of his legitimate sphere of influence, until people figured out that he was simply taking over all the world he could as fast as possible.

When they start that, it is a problem; that isn't happening right now, however.
Again, democrats like YOU forget the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998 which CONGRESS overwhelmingly gave future Presidents the support to remove Saddamit Hussein from power.

"Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 - Declares that it should be the policy of the United States to seek to remove the Saddam Hussein regime from power in Iraq and to replace it with a democratic government."

That was the LAW President Bush used to justify invading Iraq.


Congress strongly passed this LAW too in support of President Bush.

Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002

I didn't forget anything. I am not talking about whether or not it is technically "legitimate". Maybe Republicans like YOU ought think about it next time you start a war.

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