This is what expert foreign policy and diplomacy looks like

Guess your limited intellect ran out after the first sentence. I can think of no other reason you missed the rest of my post.

The world was stable and more peaceful under Trump. Are you satisfied with the results of your stolen election? No doubt the people of the Ukraine are. Oh wait.
Stolen election? LOL...

More conspiracy theories.... Thats all you've got.
Nobody on the right will roll the dice and tell us what they think Biden should do. Because he just may do it and then they would have to own up to it.

Yes Siree.... Joey Xi will get up to that podium this afternoon and tell us again the story of his clash with Corn Pop. Putin on the other hand is a different story and out classes Joey Xi when it comes to being forceful.
Putin made his decision to invade the Ukraine when he saw the incompetent mess Joey Xi made of the Afghanistan withdrawal.
Give it a couple of months after Putin's success and Xi Jinping will "Annex" Tiawan.
Although, Putin may find his hands full in the aftermath of his invasion of the Ukraine.
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Yes Siree.... Joey Xi will get up to that podium this afternoon and tell us again the story of his clash with Corn Pop. Putin on the other hand is a different story and out classes Joey Xi when it comes to being forceful.
Although, Putin may find his hands full in the aftermath of his invasion of the Ukraine.

Just announced that he will make a noon.

Freaking NOON
Guess your limited intellect ran out after the first sentence. I can think of no other reason you missed the rest of my post.

The world was stable and more peaceful under Trump. Are you satisfied with the results of your stolen election? No doubt the people of the Ukraine are. Oh wait.

Well, you know. Trump hurt her feeeeeeelings
Biden is a weak leader.....he as obama put it, fucks up everything. With a normal leader, the correct response is easy--this is WAR and RUSSIA must pay for their crimes. This is why Putin didn't try his shit with Trump.... With Biden----we would certainly lose as both he and his generals work for the Chinese and Russians. Hunter and Joe both taking bribes from Ukraine corrupt companies and RUSSIAS has already been documented. There is no right response to this. Russia will seize more and China will be seizing immediately after the olympics are over. That fucking biden has already caused the death of thousands now the whole world is unstable.

Correct response is remove Biden, his HO, and then our corrupt generals. The new axis of evil will keep going till one of the group decides that the US is so weak and that it will be so funny to attack us directly that then we will have to go in anyways in far worse footing.

You would be able to see what is coming if you had any common sense and knew anything about how WW2 started.

Oh and fyi, as soon as the US does anything at all----expect the WEB to be attacked with HACKS.

I suggest with the upcoming cyber attacks--that everyone stock up on essentials and pull out some cash.

Please do not demean our lipstick-wearing men in uniform.
Yes Siree.... Joey Xi will get up to that podium this afternoon and tell us again the story of his clash with Corn Pop. Putin on the other hand is a different story and out classes Joey Xi when it comes to being forceful.
Putin made his decision to invade the Ukraine when he saw the incompetent mess Joey Xi made of the Afghanistan withdrawal.
Give it a couple of months after Putin's success and Xi Jinping will "Annex" Tiawan.
Although, Putin may find his hands full in the aftermath of his invasion of the Ukraine.

Again, the neutered right wing is long on faux outrage but short on suggestions that might remotely help. Poor babies.
Again, the neutered right wing is long on faux outrage but short on suggestions that might remotely help. Poor babies.

Opens internet: "OH, I see Putin is misbehaving in Europe".

"Well they can deal with it, I'm sure"

Problem solved

"If you aren't willing to personally suffer for Hunter Biden's personal portfolio oh I mean Ukraine you are a Terrible Person"

Get used to that. But they have punked themselves, to coin an old phrase. They have called us haters, racists, xenophobes etc so many times we don't care. They lose again.
"If you aren't willing to personally suffer for Hunter Biden's personal portfolio oh I mean Ukraine you are a Terrible Person"

Get used to that. But they have punked themselves, to coin an old phrase. They have called us haters, racists, xenophobes etc so many times we don't care. They lose again.
My oldest son is a naval officer--------where do you think he is at right now?
My oldest son is a naval officer--------where do you think he is at right now?

I don't know if you mean physically in the world, or in his head space. I would think many military folks went into it not to defend Hunter Biden's personal portfolio investments and etc But life keeps surprising me.
Sanctions. Experts are saying that sanctions aren't going to work, make it bad enough and it will be "nice little satellite system you got there. It would be a shame if something happened to it. "

So early tomorrow, the stock market has already tanked and we are looking at spiking gas and grocery prices PLUS cyber attacks.

And the people who have shamed us and called us names for decades will....shame us and call us names for not being willing to "sacrifice" for Ukraine. How well do they think that will work?
Nobody on the right will roll the dice and tell us what they think Biden should do. Because he just may do it and then they would have to own up to it.
He’s going to let Russia roll in and take what they want.

He already gave them the green light.

Sanctions. Experts are saying that sanctions aren't going to work, make it bad enough and it will be "nice little satellite system you got there. It would be a shame if something happened to it. "

Follow up question:

The "minority communities" Dems are freaking out about. How much will they love "sacrificing" for Ukraine?




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