This is what expert foreign policy and diplomacy looks like

Neutral peace keepers have worked in other areas. Over 70 years in Kashmir. There are also seven other peace keeping missions going on.

I didn't say forced, I'm usually particular with my words. Yes, the final decision was Putin's, but that decision was influenced heavily by the situation Biden and friends created. Is it so different from Biden abandoning thousands of Americans in Afghanistan because the Taliban set a new timeline?
Yeah... no.

Also...if the laughable pre-text for going into the Ukraine was that they were some sort of threat to Russia...putting a few thousands armed guys in the theater isn't likely to make Vlad very happy.
“The technology of modern war is such that, whatever the cause… war, because of what it does to human beings, cannot be justified.” — Howard Zinn

Whether it’s a US government invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan or a Russian government invasion of Ukraine, war serves only one purpose: to increase the wealth and power of the rich at the expense and suffering of the poor.

No superpower on the face of this planet can credibly, morally or honestly justify the invasion of another country which it can overwhelmingly dominate with military force.

War is not the answer.

Zinn is a moron.
Yeah... no.

Also...if the laughable pre-text for going into the Ukraine was that they were some sort of threat to Russia...putting a few thousands armed guys in the theater isn't likely to make Vlad very happy.

The Ukraine was a threat to ethnic Russians within their borders. I get how that would escape you, Putin actually protecting Russians outside his borders. Your boy Biden only excels at abandoning US citizens outside of the US. How many Ukrainians will Biden accept as refugees? What's a good number for you folks? 3 or 4 times the number of Americans he abandoned there?

The Ukraine was a threat to ethnic Russians within their borders. I get how that would escape you, Putin actually protecting Russians outside his borders.
That didn't take long.

Your support of Putin is noted.
That didn't take long.

Your support of Putin is noted.
I merely stated a fact. I am utterly neutral to Russian ambitions. One thing I don't support is that moron Biden. He is actively destroying America and decimating our reputation and future.

You read too much of your own thoughts into my posts. It's sort of entertaining having to keep correcting you.
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The Ukraine was a threat to ethnic Russians within their borders. I get how that would escape you, Putin actually protecting Russians outside his borders. Your boy Biden only excels at abandoning US citizens outside of the US. How many Ukrainians will Biden accept as refugees? What's a good number for you folks? 3 or 4 times the number of Americans he abandoned there?
There's travel warnings for Ukraine just like there is for Afghanistan. Americans have been told to leave Ukraine.
For several years. Trump is a big fan of Putin. Remember when he told the Russians about Israeli intelligence assets.
That was not an answer to my question. So, disingenuous it is. You never disappoint.
He exposed Israeli intelligence assets in the first 3 months of his presidency. He wanted Putin to like him.
What does that have to do with anything in this thread? Take your off topic TDS elsewhere.
Take notes. Biden deployed his expert level foreign policy to unite the world against Russia. Now he can lead the response. PhD level stuff here. Glad we have a competent president at this moment
You know Russia rolled into Ukraine last night. Right?

It's time for the armies of Europe to mobilize and attack.
I merely stated a fact. I am utterly neutral to Russian ambitions. One thing I don't support is that moron Biden. He is actively destroying America and decimating our reputation and future.

You read too much of your own thoughts into my posts. It's sort of entertaining having to keep correcting you.
You're stating that Putin is protecting Russians.... Either you're insane, dishonest, or both.

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