This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Did you ever answer Eots?[/COLOR][/B]

so candycornhole what flight path is correct the one from numerous credible eyewitnesses ..independently giving the same account or what the white house told the commission ?
the one used in the Purdue simulation

that would be the one that contradicts all eyewitness testimony except for USA today employees and that does not make sense as perdue did not wittiness the event
what a stupid video
reminds me why i hardly ever watch your videos
you take a few minor inconsistencies and make it say something it does
of course someone 5 years later would remember things slightly different because they had likely seen other reports on it

well the pilots and police officers and other independent witnesses gave their sworn accounts to the military history museum in the weeks after 9/11 and confirmed them again in detail..all of them...consistently and independently 5 years later however the USA today wittiness statements changed dramatically ..from having they view of the impact blocked to seeing the wings fold back and slide into the hole...
what a stupid video
reminds me why i hardly ever watch your videos
you take a few minor inconsistencies and make it say something it does
of course someone 5 years later would remember things slightly different because they had likely seen other reports on it

well the pilots and police officers and other independent witnesses gave their sworn accounts to the military history museum in the weeks after 9/11 and confirmed them again in detail..all of them...consistently and independently 5 years later however the USA today wittiness statements changed dramatically ..from having they view of the impact blocked to seeing the wings fold back and slide into the hole...
so, we can add USAToday to the list of "they"
what a stupid video
reminds me why i hardly ever watch your videos
you take a few minor inconsistencies and make it say something it does
of course someone 5 years later would remember things slightly different because they had likely seen other reports on it

well the pilots and police officers and other independent witnesses gave their sworn accounts to the military history museum in the weeks after 9/11 and confirmed them again in detail..all of them...consistently and independently 5 years later however the USA today wittiness statements changed dramatically ..from having they view of the impact blocked to seeing the wings fold back and slide into the hole...
so, we can add USAToday to the list of "they"

so we can add the police officers.. the pilots.. the witnesses at the impact point... to your list as truther morons ??...the ones that didn't drastically change aspects of their account and gave their statements independently of each seem to consistently have a far greater respect for the accounts of news casters and magazine writers than you do military .. first responders.and other eyewitnesses...
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well the pilots and police officers and other independent witnesses gave their sworn accounts to the military history museum in the weeks after 9/11 and confirmed them again in detail..all of them...consistently and independently 5 years later however the USA today wittiness statements changed dramatically ..from having they view of the impact blocked to seeing the wings fold back and slide into the hole...
so, we can add USAToday to the list of "they"

so we can add the police officers.. the pilots.. the witnesses at the impact point... to your list as truther morons ??...the ones that didn't drastically change aspects of their account and gave their statements independently of each seem to consistently have a far greater respect for the accounts of news casters and magazine writers than you do military .. first responders.and other eyewitnesses...
nope, because i doubt they actually believe what you do
so, we can add USAToday to the list of "they"

so we can add the police officers.. the pilots.. the witnesses at the impact point... to your list as truther morons ??...the ones that didn't drastically change aspects of their account and gave their statements independently of each seem to consistently have a far greater respect for the accounts of news casters and magazine writers than you do military .. first responders.and other eyewitnesses...
nope, because i doubt they actually believe what you do

the interesting thing about the credible and independent witnesses to the flight path..they saw a plane and believe a plane struck the pentagon but clearly when asked about the flight path they give a completely different account than the official account
and then there are the two sworn witnesses that said they saw a commercial jet pass over the pentagon after running outside immediately after the strike..

Hi Retired:

Then we have this gem...

The JT8D and A3 Skywarrior Pentagon Theory

Further a small fighter jet could not punch the hole in the Pentagon that was made. Nor would it be able to clip 5 telephone or light poles and keep flying.

If you guys ever hope to get ANYWHERE in this Pentagon Debate, then you MUST at the very least take the time to read through the OPENING POST of ‘this’ thread. First of all, the A-3 Jet was RETROFITTED (story) by Department of Defense Contractors (story) using many different parts from many different Military Jets! The DoD intentionally painted up the 'retrofitted' A-3 Jet to look very much like a real Boeing 757-200 Jetliner.

The original impact hole was created by the 9:31:39 AM MISSILE using this 45-degree trajectory heading (pic). The DoD “L-Pill” (Lethal Pill) detonations were explained to April Gallop here. Briefly: L-Pill’s are accessories for missiles designed to detonate at various ‘time’ sequences and these three L-Pills detonated along the same 45-degree trajectory line (like this) creating the three holes on ‘this line of destruction’ from this picture:


This damage was done to kill as many Navy Commanders (story = so Navy Jets would not invade NY Theater and blow War Games Cover) as possible and everyone in the Defense Intelligence Agency Office (pic = in yellow); along with the civilian and military bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts (story) trying to track down the missing 2.3 Trillion Dollars (CBS story) =

[ame=]Rumsfeld Video[/ame]



Good Video.
Just one question requiring a "yes" or "no"; do you believe a bow shockwave brought down the light poles outside of the Pentagon?

A secondary question is why you can't simply write a "yes" or "no".

Did you ever answer Eots?

your question is not relevant to the fact that all eyewitness report a flight path that was no where near the lamp post and others at the point of impact reported seeing the commercial airliner pass over the pentagon at extremely low altitude immediately after the impact or the fact these very credible reports were never investigated or resolved

No, Terral says it was a bow shockwave.
I'm just curious if you agree with him.
Not that hard. A simple "yes" or "no" will suffice.

Hi Corn:

No, Terral says it was a bow shockwave.
I'm just curious if you agree with him. Not that hard. A simple "yes" or "no" will suffice.

No. Terral knows for a fact that the five light poles (pic) were taken down by a combination of the painted-up A-3 Skywarrior (pic) 'and' the Hypersonic Raytheon Missile (pic) at exactly 9:31:39 AM on 9/11.


I have spent thousands of hours milling all of the 9/11 Pentagon Evidence, which means my 'Two Attack' Thesis (9:31:39 AM 'and' 9:36:27 AM) is more complicated than that of the average bear or park ranger. :0)

Those among you seeking to agree with my Pentagon Explanations need to walk a few more miles in my shoes . . .

[ame=]The 9/11 Commissioner Knows What Hit The Pentagon[/ame]

Primary 9/11 Topics:

Flight 93/Shanksville
Flight 77/Pentagon
WTC-7 Controlled Demolition

Pentagon Topics:

Pentagon Timeline
DoD Manipulated Fire And Firemen
Flight 77 Never Crashed Near The Pentagon
April Gallop Was Injured During 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike
9:31 AM Missile Strike: Answers To Bill Veale's Questions
"9/11 Press For Truth" Continues: The Video
Secret Bush-Clinton-FED Pakistani Accounts Linked To 9/11 Attacks
Dick Cheney, Karl Rove And Donald Rumsfeld Have Been Murdering Americans
Rebuttal To CIT Claims About What "Did Not" Hit The Pentagon
Poll: Who Supports The Official 9/11 Cover Stories


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Did you ever answer Eots?[/COLOR][/B]

your question is not relevant to the fact that all eyewitness report a flight path that was no where near the lamp post and others at the point of impact reported seeing the commercial airliner pass over the pentagon at extremely low altitude immediately after the impact or the fact these very credible reports were never investigated or resolved

No, Terral says it was a bow shockwave.
I'm just curious if you agree with him.
Not that hard. A simple "yes" or "no" will suffice.

it is a theory...but one that is unproven..however what appears certain is the flightpath according numerous very credible witnesses in sworn statements give an account of flight path no where near the lamp post and their independent accounts are identical and unwavering all these years later the few USA today witnesses that confirm the official flight path appear disingenuous in their story's and changed very critical aspects of their statements years later
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There is video footage of the entire incident, but the videos are being withheld from public view.

Not only will this save a great deal of debate, but this will definitely reveal the truth.
your question is not relevant to the fact that all eyewitness report a flight path that was no where near the lamp post and others at the point of impact reported seeing the commercial airliner pass over the pentagon at extremely low altitude immediately after the impact or the fact these very credible reports were never investigated or resolved

No, Terral says it was a bow shockwave.
I'm just curious if you agree with him.
Not that hard. A simple "yes" or "no" will suffice.

it is a theory...but one that is unproven..however what appears certain is the flightpath according numerous very credible witnesses in sworn statements give an account of flight path no where near the lamp post and their independent accounts are identical and unwavering all these years later the few USA today witnesses that confirm the official flight path appear disingenuous in their story's and changed very critical aspects of their statements years later
if its a theory, then he is a nut for saying it since it is totally ridiculous
There is video footage of the entire incident, but the videos are being withheld from public view.

Not only will this save a great deal of debate, but this will definitely reveal the truth.
while i'd love to see all those videos released, it wont change a thing for the troofers
No, Terral says it was a bow shockwave.
I'm just curious if you agree with him.
Not that hard. A simple "yes" or "no" will suffice.

it is a theory...but one that is unproven..however what appears certain is the flightpath according numerous very credible witnesses in sworn statements give an account of flight path no where near the lamp post and their independent accounts are identical and unwavering all these years later the few USA today witnesses that confirm the official flight path appear disingenuous in their story's and changed very critical aspects of their statements years later
if its a theory, then he is a nut for saying it since it is totally ridiculous

what is ridiculous is ignoring the sworn testimony of numerous eyewitnesses in favour of government supplied data
it is a theory...but one that is unproven..however what appears certain is the flightpath according numerous very credible witnesses in sworn statements give an account of flight path no where near the lamp post and their independent accounts are identical and unwavering all these years later the few USA today witnesses that confirm the official flight path appear disingenuous in their story's and changed very critical aspects of their statements years later
if its a theory, then he is a nut for saying it since it is totally ridiculous

what is ridiculous is ignoring the sworn testimony of numerous eyewitnesses in favour of government supplied data - Transcripts :eusa_whistle:
FRANKEN: You are a pilot. Tell us what you saw. TIMMERMAN: I was looking out the window; I live on the 16th floor, overlooking the Pentagon, in a corner apartment, so I have quite a panorama. And being next to National Airport, I hear jets all the time, but this jet engine was way too loud. I looked out to the southwest, and it came right down 395, right over Colombia Pike, and as is went by the Sheraton Hotel, the pilot added power to the engines. I heard it pull up a little bit more, and then I lost it behind a building.

How does a plane disappear in the last 25 or so feet before it hits the ground?

let me guess: They used the device from the philidelphia experiment to phase shift the plane and travel through the Earth back to a secret base as a missile phased in and struck the building :eek:
what is ridiculous is ignoring the sworn testimony of numerous eyewitnesses

"As I approached the Pentagon, which was still not quite in view, listening on the radio to the first reports about the World Trade Center disaster in New York, a jetliner, apparently at full throttle and not more than a couple of hundred yards above the ground, screamed overhead. ... Seconds before the Pentagon came into view a huge black cloud of smoke rose above the road ahead. I came around the bend and there was the Pentagon billowing smoke, flames and debris, blackened on one side and with a gaping hole where the airplane had hit it."- "Eyewitness at the Pentagon." Human Events, 17 Sep 2001

"Frank Probst, an information management specialist for the Pentagon Renovation Program, left his office trailer near the Pentagon's south parking lot at 9:36 a.m. Sept. 11. Walking north beside Route 27, he suddenly saw a commercial airliner crest the hilltop Navy Annex. American Airlines Flight 77 reached him so fast and flew so low that Probst dropped to the ground, fearing he'd lose his head to its right engine."- "A Defiant Recovery." The Retired Officer Magazine, January 2002

" Editor Joel Sucherman saw it all: an American Airlines jetliner fly left to right across his field of vision as he commuted to work Tuesday morning. It was highly unusual. The large plane was 20 feet off the ground and a mere 50 to 75 yards from his windshield. Two seconds later and before he could see if the landing gear was down or any of the horror-struck faces inside, the plane slammed into the west wall of the Pentagon 100 yards away. 'My first thought was he's not going to make it across the river to [Reagan] National Airport. But whoever was flying the plane made no attempt to change direction,' Sucherman said. 'It was coming in at a high rate of speed, but not at a steep angle—almost like a heat-seeking missile was locked onto its target and staying dead on course.'"- "Journalist Witnesses Pentagon Crash.", 13 Sep 2001

"'(The plane) was flying fast and low and the Pentagon was the obvious target,' said Fred Gaskins, who was driving to his job as a national editor at USA Today near the Pentagon when the plane passed about 150 feet overhead. 'It was flying very smoothly and calmly, without any hint that anything was wrong.'"- "Bush Vows Retaliation for 'Evil Acts'." USA Today, 11 Sep 2001

Pentagon Attack Eyewitness Accounts

9/11 Pentagon Eyewitness Accounts
They saw the aircraft
ya get with the program I am aware that USA today employesss confirmed the official story..the issue is the independent sworn testomny of 14 very crediable wittnesssess that give a completly diffrent account of the flight path and unlike the USA empoyees the..the independent wittnesssess storys remain unwavering after all these years where as USA employees have changed dramaticaly over the years to accomidate the official story

:lol: the dumbasses start out by saying that we should be suspicious because there were no cameras at the pentagon broadcasting live whem the plane came in:cuckoo:

You can't start off with something so moronic and expect to be taken seriously or have anyone hear you out

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