This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Hi 9/11 inside job with Candy and Gamolon and Liability mentioned:

There are 'many' DoD/FBI/CIA/NSA Counterintelligence Disinformation Operatives :)eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:) working the 'pretender' 911Truth Boards (my post again = read and educate yourself) for the sole purpose of spreading Loyal Bushie/Obama Official Cover Story LIES. Then we have a myriad of 'deluded' Bush/Obama DUPES :)cuckoo:) simply deceived by their handiwork. I can show you pictures of the Empty Shanksville Hole (pic and pic = my Topic) and pre-collapse pictures of the Pentagon E-Ring Wall (pic and pic and pic = my Topic) proving beyond all doubt that "NO 100-TON JETLINER CRASHED HERE!!!" However, We The Sheeple 'are' really this STUPID (#7 + #8). Candy and Gamolon and Liability are here to throw as much dust into the air as humanly possible to keep your eye off the "Swine11 Ball" (my Topic) and the chaos coming with Medical Martial Law (my Topic).

We The Sheeple :)confused::cuckoo::confused::eusa_whistle::eek:) never solved 9/11 'and' now the Rothschild/Rockefeller-funded Inside-Job Terrorists are back for Round 2. I removed my intercession for this godless people on 4/20/2009 @ 3:30 P.M. (my post), which is the anniversary of this U.S. Geological Survey Photograph (here) being taken, and the airborne plague is at your doorstep even as we speak . . .

GCN Podcast << Bookmark and listen daily

Nutrimedical Report Sept. 24 Hour1 << The Stupid Sheeple have no clue :)cuckoo:) . . .



Wow..that looks just like the engine part they found at the Pentagon.

except for the strucal diffrences and size...other than that they are almost

More identical than that YouTube (how surprising) video of a missile being dropped from a plane vertically and the one that Fecal says was fired horizontally to knock down poles. If you can relate a supposed supersonic missile hugging the ground with one dropped for 5,000 feet or so, I can equate that jet engine with another jet engine that slammed into the world's largest building no less.

Anyway, that is how we roll in the real world. In "truther land" where you and Fecal live, who the fuck knows what reality looks like?:cuckoo:
where is the damage to the lawns...why were objects and people ect hurled like rag was a commercial airliner able to fly over the rooftops of cars and feet above the ground but none of the wittnesses or evidence report such effects
where is the damage to the lawns...why were objects and people ect hurled like rag was a commercial airliner able to fly over the rooftops of cars and feet above the ground but none of the wittnesses or evidence report such effects
why would it damage the lawn?
it was a moving plane, not stationary
where is the damage to the lawns...why were objects and people ect hurled like rag was a commercial airliner able to fly over the rooftops of cars and feet above the ground but none of the wittnesses or evidence report such effects
why would it damage the lawn?
it was a moving plane, not stationary

oh I see if a plane is a few feet of the ground and moving the engine no longer produce thrust and it is safe to stand behind them..what was I thinking
where is the damage to the lawns...why were objects and people ect hurled like rag was a commercial airliner able to fly over the rooftops of cars and feet above the ground but none of the wittnesses or evidence report such effects
why would it damage the lawn?
it was a moving plane, not stationary

oh I see if a plane is a few feet of the ground and moving the engine no longer produce thrust and it is safe to stand behind them..what was I thinking
no, the thrust would not have the same effect as it would if the plane was stationary
Many people saw a Jetliner, no one saw a missile. But in a Twisted Troofers' mind that's just proof positive of a conspiracy. :cuckoo:

not true there are conflicting accounts of eyewittnesses...who did the crash investigation...who collected sworn wittness staements ..where is the recovered evidence ? why cant we see the classified survellence tapes
please list those people that claimed to have seen a missile(and for terral also an A3 Skyhawk)

the most interesting thing about eyewitness testimony is all key eyewitness report a completely different flight path than the official account that would make hitting the lamp post impossible as well there are two pentagon employees that ran out through to hole after the impact and witnessed a commercial airliner pass over only feet above the pentagon...yet the statements are never investigated or included in any report...why ???
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not true there are conflicting accounts of eyewittnesses...who did the crash investigation...who collected sworn wittness staements ..where is the recovered evidence ? why cant we see the classified survellence tapes
please list those people that claimed to have seen a missile(and for terral also an A3 Skyhawk)

the most interesting thing about eyewitness testimony is all key eyewitness report a completely different flight path than the official account that would make hitting the lamp post impossible as well there are two pentagon employees that ran out through to hole after the impact and witnessed a commercial airliner pass over only feet above the pentagon...yet the statements are never investigated or included in any report...why ???
because more than likely those reports of those people were WRONG
as are most early reports of ANY incident that happens
you also must know there were "reports" that the Mall of America had also been hit as well as one in Canada that day
both of which were totally wrong
please list those people that claimed to have seen a missile(and for terral also an A3 Skyhawk)

the most interesting thing about eyewitness testimony is all key eyewitness report a completely different flight path than the official account that would make hitting the lamp post impossible as well there are two pentagon employees that ran out through to hole after the impact and witnessed a commercial airliner pass over only feet above the pentagon...yet the statements are never investigated or included in any report...why ???
because more than likely those reports of those people were WRONG
as are most early reports of ANY incident that happens
you also must know there were "reports" that the Mall of America had also been hit as well as one in Canada that day
both of which were totally wrong

well that is just crazy talk have multiple reports from some very credible witnesses all telling the very same story...and it is irrational that people were mistaken they saw a commercial airliner flying feet above there has but just imagined it..and these are not Early reports these are witness statements that were given immediately after and the confirmed again years later and they included the statement of professional pilots and police officers....and none of your early report theory would explain the omission of all of this sworn testimony without any investigation
the most interesting thing about eyewitness testimony is all key eyewitness report a completely different flight path than the official account that would make hitting the lamp post impossible as well there are two pentagon employees that ran out through to hole after the impact and witnessed a commercial airliner pass over only feet above the pentagon...yet the statements are never investigated or included in any report...why ???
because more than likely those reports of those people were WRONG
as are most early reports of ANY incident that happens
you also must know there were "reports" that the Mall of America had also been hit as well as one in Canada that day
both of which were totally wrong

well that is just crazy talk have multiple reports from some very credible witnesses all telling the very same story...and it is irrational that people were mistaken they saw a commercial airliner flying feet above there has but just imagined it..and these are not Early reports these are witness statements that were given immediately after and the confirmed again years later and they included the statement of professional pilots and police officers....and none of your early report theory would explain the omission of all of this sworn testimony without any investigation
i never saw any reports of what you claim
i bet the only place you will find them are on troofer moron sites
because more than likely those reports of those people were WRONG
as are most early reports of ANY incident that happens
you also must know there were "reports" that the Mall of America had also been hit as well as one in Canada that day
both of which were totally wrong

well that is just crazy talk have multiple reports from some very credible witnesses all telling the very same story...and it is irrational that people were mistaken they saw a commercial airliner flying feet above there has but just imagined it..and these are not Early reports these are witness statements that were given immediately after and the confirmed again years later and they included the statement of professional pilots and police officers....and none of your early report theory would explain the omission of all of this sworn testimony without any investigation
i never saw any reports of what you claim
i bet the only place you will find them are on troofer moron sites

well that is the beauty of mind control through the corporate media..they do not investigate or report the government does not investigate or anyone who does is labeled a truther moron and dismissed ...people like you make it all too easy
Sgt. Chadwick Brooks and Sgt. William Lagasse &#8211; U.S. Pentagon Police Department (Pentagon Force Protection Agency) officers, who were on duty at or near the CITGO gas station on 9/11 and eyewitnesses to the approach of Flight 77 and its alleged impact at the Pentagon.
Interviewed by Craig Ranke in the PentaCon video documentary, filmed on 11/7/06:

Craig Ranke: Now how sure are you that the plane was to the north, coming from the north side of the Navy Annex--you're saying it was pretty much between the Navy Annex and Arlington cemetery. How certain are you of that?

Sgt. Lagasse: 100 percent, I'd bet my life on it. ...

Craig Ranke: Is there anything you told me that you think you might have just deduced?

Sgt. Lagasse: No, I mean, like I said the things that aren't up for grabs; the plane was there; went into the building.

Craig Ranke: The plane was far to the North side of the station. Did not pass over the station.

Sgt. Lagasse: Yeah, it's not like there was the shadow of a wingtip going over here. It was far enough out that I could see it because the one thing that made me realize what kind of plane it was; was being able to see both engines, you know, so it wasn't obscured at all. ...

Craig Ranke: Sgt. Brooks is going to draw for me on the image, where he saw the plane fly. ... [Sgt. Brooks draws a line on the aerial photo of the Pentagon area.]

Sgt. Lagasse: That's damn near perfect from what I saw. And we've never -- for the record we never talked to each other about this.

Sgt. Brooks: Yeah, for the record, we never -- we've never discussed it at all. ...

Craig Ranke: So you guys, neither of you guys have really talked about this with each other? Never in all these five years, and you both independently drew the flight path line pretty much exact.

Sgt. Lagasse: I know, I was -- the way this has been going -- who knew what he was going to put down there because he was in a different location. But it's right there, which makes me feel good about the way I remembered it.

Craig Ranke: So you're both pretty much 100% certain that that's what you remember the flight path being?

Sgt. Brooks: But from different locations, yes. The Pentacon - Eyewitnesses Speak, Conspiracy Revealed

Editor's note: Sgt. Brooks' and Sgt. Lagasse's eyewitness descriptions of the path taken by Flight 77 as it approached the Pentagon from north of the Naval Annex and CITGO gas station differ significantly from the official account, which claims Flight 77 approached the Pentagon from significantly further south. The officers' statements are corroborated by the statements of other eyewitnesses recorded in the PentaCon documentary.

This more northerly flight path is inconsistent with the swath of destruction inside the Pentagon, which runs from the southwest to northeast, as reported in the Pentagon Building Damage Report. The more northerly flight path is also inconsistent with downing the five light poles, which is attributed to Flight 77 in the official account.

Sgt. Brooks' and Sgt. Lagasse's eyewitness statements are further corroborated by the analysis of Flight 77's Flight Data Recorder performed by the group, Pilots for 911 Truth, whose members include the former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering at the U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology, Lt. Col. Robert Bowman.

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
the documentation in this film is meticulous and leaves no question that the official story is a cover-up
but it requires a greater attention span than 30 secs. and a interest in the most likely will fall on deaf ears

the most interesting thing about eyewitness testimony is all key eyewitness report a completely different flight path than the official account that would make hitting the lamp post impossible as well there are two pentagon employees that ran out through to hole after the impact and witnessed a commercial airliner pass over only feet above the pentagon...yet the statements are never investigated or included in any report...why ???
because more than likely those reports of those people were WRONG
as are most early reports of ANY incident that happens
you also must know there were "reports" that the Mall of America had also been hit as well as one in Canada that day
both of which were totally wrong

well that is just crazy talk have multiple reports from some very credible witnesses all telling the very same story...and it is irrational that people were mistaken they saw a commercial airliner flying feet above there has but just imagined it..and these are not Early reports these are witness statements that were given immediately after and the confirmed again years later and they included the statement of professional pilots and police officers....and none of your early report theory would explain the omission of all of this sworn testimony without any investigation

none of thats good enough for ditzcon though.thats the ditzcon logic for you.:lol:the ditzcon logic is even if a video is shown to him with a reporter there at the site on the front lawn saying-there is NO EVIDENCE OF WRECKAGE OF AN AMERICAN AIRLINER .thats not good enough for him.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:
because more than likely those reports of those people were WRONG
as are most early reports of ANY incident that happens
you also must know there were "reports" that the Mall of America had also been hit as well as one in Canada that day
both of which were totally wrong

well that is just crazy talk have multiple reports from some very credible witnesses all telling the very same story...and it is irrational that people were mistaken they saw a commercial airliner flying feet above there has but just imagined it..and these are not Early reports these are witness statements that were given immediately after and the confirmed again years later and they included the statement of professional pilots and police officers....and none of your early report theory would explain the omission of all of this sworn testimony without any investigation

none of thats good enough for ditzcon though.thats the ditzcon logic for you.:lol:the ditzcon logic is even if a video is shown to him with a reporter there at the site on the front lawn saying-there is NO EVIDENCE OF WRECKAGE OF AN AMERICAN AIRLINER .thats not good enough for him.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:
except they found TONS of wreckage from flight 77 inside the pentagon as well as outside
they also found and identified the people on flight 77
you are just a massive liar, Fall/Fall 01/unacount.htm

i know, you will discount that as a propaganda site
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because more than likely those reports of those people were WRONG
as are most early reports of ANY incident that happens
you also must know there were "reports" that the Mall of America had also been hit as well as one in Canada that day
both of which were totally wrong

well that is just crazy talk have multiple reports from some very credible witnesses all telling the very same story...and it is irrational that people were mistaken they saw a commercial airliner flying feet above there has but just imagined it..and these are not Early reports these are witness statements that were given immediately after and the confirmed again years later and they included the statement of professional pilots and police officers....and none of your early report theory would explain the omission of all of this sworn testimony without any investigation

none of thats good enough for ditzcon though.thats the ditzcon logic for you.:lol:the ditzcon logic is even if a video is shown to him with a reporter there at the site on the front lawn saying-there is NO EVIDENCE OF WRECKAGE OF AN AMERICAN AIRLINER .thats not good enough for him.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

DITZCON..couldn't make it through the testimony given in this film..he would get all confused and all that brain thinkin stuff would make his head hurt..much easier to label the witnesses truther morons...even though the majority of them believe a plane struck the pentagon...ditz believes only what Bush/cheney told the controlled media to tell him and nothing else
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well that is just crazy talk have multiple reports from some very credible witnesses all telling the very same story...and it is irrational that people were mistaken they saw a commercial airliner flying feet above there has but just imagined it..and these are not Early reports these are witness statements that were given immediately after and the confirmed again years later and they included the statement of professional pilots and police officers....and none of your early report theory would explain the omission of all of this sworn testimony without any investigation

none of thats good enough for ditzcon though.thats the ditzcon logic for you.:lol:the ditzcon logic is even if a video is shown to him with a reporter there at the site on the front lawn saying-there is NO EVIDENCE OF WRECKAGE OF AN AMERICAN AIRLINER .thats not good enough for him.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

DITZCON..couldn't make it through the testimony given in this film..he would get all confused and all that brain thinkin stuff would make his head hurt..much easier to label the witnesses truther morons...even though the majority of them believe a plane struck the pentagon...ditz believe only what Bush/cheney told the controlled media to tell him and nothing else
and Id-Eots cant read for comprehension

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