This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Hi Toro and Retired (answer to Post #81):

Here is a picture of a turbine found at the crash site. This is a Rolls-Royce turbine used in a Boeing 757.

No. Before you can start hauling out Boeing 757 parts, then you must explain how a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed through this standing E-ring wall!


You have one 18-feet 3-inch entry hole on the second floor ‘and’ a solid line of unbroken windows on the third floor (damage schematic), but ‘your’ 100-ton Jetliner is almost 50 feet tall!!! Now you want to prove that a real 100-ton Jetliner passed through this standing E-ring wall by pulling out one itsy bitsy little piece that ‘you say’ belongs to a real 100-ton Jetliner, when all of these Military Experts say no Boeing parts were ever found at the Pentagon.

[ame=]YouTube - Boeing Hijackers on the Pentagon lawn[/ame]

This is how it fits into the engine.

No. This is how Pratt & Whitney Military Jet parts are used by DUPES to say a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed through this standing E-ring wall!


And here is more evidence of photos from the turbine.

Turbine? :0) You are joking right? Toro is saying that a turbine crashed through the Pentagon wall . . . BTW, what happened to the remainder of the 100-ton Jetliner? :0) The fact that no 100-ton Jetliner crashed through the Pentagon is very easy to determine. What some help? Yes? Okay then: The Official Story says a Boeing 757-200 Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon from the southwest going 530 Miles Per Hour! The distance from the outer E-ring wall to the inner C-ring wall is only 220 feet!


When you allow for a 45-degree trajectory, the distance traveled is 330 feet, which means your 100-ton Jetliner had just .39 seconds to exit the rear C-ring wall. That is just about one-third of a second! Snap your fingers and that is one-third of a second if you snap very quickly . . . Okay, so let’s take a look at the evidence on full display at the C-ring wall location:



The rear C-ring wall is on the left in Picture# 1 and directly in front of us in Picture #2. So where are the exit holes for ‘two’ Rolls-Royce engines weighing in at 6 tons each??!! :0)


Where did your 100-ton Jetliner exit the rear C-ring wall in just .39 seconds after hitting the still-standing E-ring wall?


Oh, I forgot, el Toro has the picture of a Pratt & Whitney turbine . . .

[ame=]YouTube - Laugh Out Loud[/ame]

You guys crack a real 911Truther up . . .



This engine here looks NOTHING like the engine at the pentagon that the Bush dupes and agent candy corn like to post all the time.Cant help but laugh my butt off over that as well Terral. This engine is 10 times bigger than the one found at the pentagon.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:
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Many people saw a Jetliner, no one saw a missile. But in a Twisted Troofers' mind that's just proof positive of a conspiracy. :cuckoo:

not true there are conflicting accounts of eyewittnesses...who did the crash investigation...who collected sworn wittness staements ..where is the recovered evidence ? why cant we see the classified survellence tapes
Many people saw a Jetliner, no one saw a missile. But in a Twisted Troofers' mind that's just proof positive of a conspiracy. :cuckoo:

not true there are conflicting accounts of eyewittnesses...who did the crash investigation...who collected sworn wittness staements ..where is the recovered evidence ? why cant we see the classified survellence tapes
please list those people that claimed to have seen a missile(and for terral also an A3 Skyhawk)
Many people saw a Jetliner, no one saw a missile. But in a Twisted Troofers' mind that's just proof positive of a conspiracy. :cuckoo:

not true there are conflicting accounts of eyewittnesses...who did the crash investigation...who collected sworn wittness staements ..where is the recovered evidence ? why cant we see the classified survellence tapes

thats what I been saying this whole time.Like i said,Mad here has been taken in by the lies and propaganda from people like agents Gam and CandyCorn.
still MORE evidence and proof that it was not an airliner that hit the pentagon.Of course Candycorn will come back and just post something to try and save face as always.

Where are the bodies? Supposedly 100 Tons of steel and titanium alloy completely disintegrated, yet, government forensics teams claim to have identified 180+ bodies. This is just on 'paper'. No witnesses saw any bodies, no witnesses saw damage consistent with a 757 slamming onto the lawn and Pentagon. And Massive Pilot Irony Gone Unreported!

If you saw the tape that the Pentagon claims shows the Boeing 757, you can see there is no 757! It is laughable, if it wasn't so horrific.
They claim you can see the nose of the 757 in one of the frames, however, if you apply scientific laws of distance and size, it is obvious that this is no Boeing 757 ...In fact, it does have the dimensions of a small drone or missile.

This picture reveals the distance that the security camera was from the scene of impact.
Not to mention, their were many cameras that would have caught a clear picture of a real 757 so close to the ground, highways, buildings, and Pentagon.

Their are disinformation sites that tell you what you are seeing.

Will the public believe what they are told, or their own senses of perception and reality?

This is from the pentagon video from a parking lot security camera.

They claim you can see the the 757 in one of the frames, however, if you apply scientific laws of distance and size, it is obvious that this is no Boeing 757

Lets take a closer look at what this frame shows.
Below is a segment from same picture X's 600.

You can determine what is a solid object, and what is not.

You clearly see a line of dense (but not solid) white exhaust, trailing a solid narrow lineal object.

Why did the FBI Confiscate all tapes government and private?

Look at the Picture below, illustrating how a Boeing 757 would be more likely to appear if it were in the same place as the object in this frame.

This more what a Boeing 757 would look like if it were the actual object in the frame.

Remember ..The collision into the pentagon was exactly perpendicular, like a missile strike, not 'bombed into' like a kamikaze airplane strike.

Not to mention, the incredible skill necessary for a pilot to achieve such a narrow band of altitude ...Like a cruise missile, in the middle of Washington DC.

If a 757 hit the Pentagon, you would SEE a HUGE jetliner in the video frames!

How we calculated the size.

A Boeing 757 is 44 tall.
Airliner Dimensions

That is over half the height of the Entire Pentagon Building, which is only 77 Feet Tall.

With all the cameras taping the Pentagon, isn't it odd they cannot prove it, and release a paltry few frames, only after federal judgment makes them?


LOOK CLOSELY, ...This is the picture the administration does not want you to see!
Look at the red image, it is scaled to size, (ACTUALLY EVEN SMALLER) and shows where the impact patterns SHOULD be, yet, there is no damage except a single hole that goes through 3 sections of the pentagon. This wall collapsed or was brought down by explosives minutes after this picture, which clearly shows inconsistent damage for a Boeing 757.

Given that the outer wall of the Pentagon had not yet collapsed and the only hole is approximately 16 ft. in diameter, how does a plane over 44 feet tall and 125 ft. wide fit into that hole as shown in the photographic evidence from the Pentagon? Furthermore, can physics explain why there is no damage to the Pentagon's upper floors where the tail section would have hit? Close-ups of this section are extremely revealing.

Why were America and the world never shown the video and photographs of the Pentagon, BEFORE the outer wall had collapsed showing only one 16 ft. hole. Many people do not realize that the outer wall did not collapse until almost 30 minutes after the initial impact.


How does a Boeing 757, constructed from lightweight aluminum, penetrate over 9 ft. of steel reinforced concrete with piercing clean round holes, and leave no evidence of itself? A 757 Did this? ...if it wasn't so horrific, it would be laughable.

You really believe this building ate a Boeing 757?

Now, 30 minutes after the missile pierced through 3 steel reinforced walls, leaving the hole shown in the picture above as it exited the last wall.
Are we supposed to believe it got hot enough to melt a 757 airliner, including two 6-ton titanium steel alloy engines? Not to mention, the 757 supposedly disintegrated, yet, you can see un-burnt desks, and un-melted computer screens immediately next to the impact sections.

You can see, the pilot passed up a clear direct frontal assault on his target.

He then passed through the air space of Reagan International. During this maneuver they dropped 7000 feet and by all reports did it like an ace fighter pilot.

Amazingly, the pilot managed maneuver the 757, through obstacles, attaining a flight level of 20 feet , in distance of about 1/4 mile, in order to strike the only wall of the entire Pentagon to be reinforced to withstand such an attack.


How could a 757 clear highway structures @A and manage to strike point B without touching the ground? Physically impossible!
“I heard a very loud, quick whooshing sound. I was convinced it was a missile. It came in so fast – it sounded nothing like an airplane.”
Lon Rains - editor for Space News (Pentagon eyewitness)

Dozens of Video Cameras Missed something like this?

CNN Reporter at pentagon:
"there does not appear to be any evidence that a jet-liner crashed here"

Official claim the jet disintegrated due to the heat. 12-ton titanium alloy engines, wings, fuselage, all gone.

In the aftermath, it was reported by media sources that a giant 100 ft. crater was plowed into the front lawn of the Pentagon as the result of a powerful airliner crash? Why does photographic evidence overwhelmingly show that this was absolutely not the case? Why no crater? Why no skid marks? Why no burn marks? Why was the entire world deliberately mislead? Examine the photographic evidence for yourself. (click to enlarge)

Pentagon Crash has NO EVIDENCE of a jet-liner.
These 3 pictures are the only evidence whatsoever that an airliner crashed at the Pentagon

There seems to be a few 'clean & placed' pieces of plane, small enough to carry off, the lawn, which was undisturbed.

Not one seat cushion.

No engines

No Vertical Stabilizer

No wing sections

Nothing.... Nothing but pictures. And of course, these 'pieces' have since, conveniently disappeared and cannot be analyzed.

This piece of wreckage looks real, not planted!
But unfortunately, it is not from a Boeing 757!
Official reaction to this photo / part, was to claim it is a HoneyWell rotor from the rear 'APU' engine in a Boeing 757's tail-section.

But, after studying these high-resolution photos, HoneyWell, the manufacturers of the supposed APU engines, said: "there is no way that is any part of a APU engine we manufacture"

Karl Schwartz, former GOP Stratagist, patmoz nanotechnologies
-inet security systems CEO
recognizes the part as a JT8D Turbo from from a US Air Force A-3 Skywarrior.

The only piece of wreckage that appears 'genuine' in the FEMA photo is the front shaft-bearing housing from a US Air Force A-3 Skywarrior, or something very similar.

Only 4 or 5 still existed on 911, and they were stored at Hughes Aircraft in Van Nuys, CA,
now better known as RAYTHEON, a big war profiteer.
RAYTHEON corp has been in this site, here is the proof.

If a 757 had hit the building it would be an easy matter to prove, but,
They have not.
They will not.
They can not ...Because it didn't happen.

Lets look at this again frame by frame

Leave a Message for 911Lies

911 Pentagon video examination 1
by Dave VonKleist of
Watch Video 1

911 Pentagon video examination 2
by Dave VonKleist of
Watch Video 2
911 Pentagon video examination 3
by Dave VonKleist of
Watch Video 3

As details of the passengers on the four hijacked flights emerge, some are shown to have curious connections to the defense company Raytheon, and possibly its Global Hawk pilot-less aircraft program.

*Stanley Hall (Flight 77) was director of program management for Raytheon Electronics Warfare. One Raytheon colleague calls him "our dean of electronic warfare." [AP, 9/25/01]

*Peter Gay (Flight 11) was Raytheon's Vice President of Operations for Electronic Systems and had been on special assignment to a company office in El Segundo, Calif. [AP, 9/25/01]

Raytheon's El Segundo's Electronic Systems division is one of two divisions making the Global Hawk. [ISR Journal, 3/02]

*Kenneth Waldie (Flight 11) was a senior quality control engineer for Raytheon's electronic systems.

*David Kovalcin (Flight 11) was a senior mechanical engineer for Raytheon's electronic systems. [CNN, 9/01]

*Herbert Homer (Flight 175) was a corporate executive working with the Department of Defense. [CNN, 9/01, Northeastern University Voice, 12/11/01]

Raytheon employees with possible links to Global Hawk can be connected to three of the four flights. There may be more, since many of the passengers' jobs and personal information have remained anonymous.
A surprising number of passengers, especially on Flight 77, have military connections. For instance, William E. Caswell was a Navy scientist.

Could these Raytheon employees have been on board to activate Global Hawk technology, or make sure it worked?

The evidence that this aircraft was not a Boeing 757, includes among other things :

1. The width of the impact wound is nowhere near wide enough.
2. The Bush administration has refused to release the black boxes, the voice recorders or even pictures of any wreckage of flight 77.
3. The Bush administration has refused access, by independent investigators, to any wreckage it, or the FAA, may have.

Contrary to the pictures shown to the American public, after the fact, why does photographic evidence taken only a few moments after the Pentagon event show no wreckage on the lawn of the Pentagon? Where is the plane? Where is the tail, the wings, the luggage, the seats, the landing gear; the engines? What happened to the passengers?

No one reports Bodies ...They are just on paper, supposedly 177 or more bodies were identified, even though their are no eyewitness reports. Not to mention the fire was so hot it supposedly incinerated 100 tons of Aluminum and titanium steal alloy.
Pratt & Whitney / Roll Royce engines
12' x 9' Diameter Titanium steel alloy
6 tons each Melting point of titanium: 1,688
Max burning Temp of Jet-Fuel: 1,120.
Many people saw a Jetliner, no one saw a missile. But in a Twisted Troofers' mind that's just proof positive of a conspiracy. :cuckoo:

not true there are conflicting accounts of eyewittnesses...who did the crash investigation...who collected sworn wittness staements ..where is the recovered evidence ? why cant we see the classified survellence tapes

thats what I been saying this whole time.Like i said,Mad here has been taken in by the lies and propaganda from people like agents Gam and CandyCorn.
Right. I can't figger out anything by myself. I need it spoonfed to me.

That does nothing to strengthen your argument.
not true there are conflicting accounts of eyewittnesses...who did the crash investigation...who collected sworn wittness staements ..where is the recovered evidence ? why cant we see the classified survellence tapes

thats what I been saying this whole time.Like i said,Mad here has been taken in by the lies and propaganda from people like agents Gam and CandyCorn.
Right. I can't figger out anything by myself. I need it spoonfed to me.

That does nothing to strengthen your argument.

Your in denial.I have provided hard facts here "with the help of others of course" that prove that the pentagon story is B.S and an airliner never hit it.your so much in denial though that you only see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear.If it doesnt go along with your version of events you want to hear,you ignore it.:rolleyes:
thats what I been saying this whole time.Like i said,Mad here has been taken in by the lies and propaganda from people like agents Gam and CandyCorn.
Right. I can't figger out anything by myself. I need it spoonfed to me.

That does nothing to strengthen your argument.

Your in denial.I have provided hard facts here "with the help of others of course" that prove that the pentagon story is B.S and an airliner never hit it.your so much in denial though that you only see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear.If it doesnt go along with your version of events you want to hear,you ignore it.:rolleyes:
sarcasm is wasted on morons like you
Hi 9/11 inside job with Candy and Gamolon and Liability mentioned:

This engine here looks NOTHING like the engine at the pentagon that the Bush dupes and agent candy corn like to post all the time.Cant help but laugh my butt off over that as well Terral. This engine is 10 times bigger than the one found at the pentagon.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

There are 'many' DoD/FBI/CIA/NSA Counterintelligence Disinformation Operatives :)eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:) working the 'pretender' 911Truth Boards (my post again = read and educate yourself) for the sole purpose of spreading Loyal Bushie/Obama Official Cover Story LIES. Then we have a myriad of 'deluded' Bush/Obama DUPES :)cuckoo:) simply deceived by their handiwork. I can show you pictures of the Empty Shanksville Hole (pic and pic = my Topic) and pre-collapse pictures of the Pentagon E-Ring Wall (pic and pic and pic = my Topic) proving beyond all doubt that "NO 100-TON JETLINER CRASHED HERE!!!" However, We The Sheeple 'are' really this STUPID (#7 + #8). Candy and Gamolon and Liability are here to throw as much dust into the air as humanly possible to keep your eye off the "Swine11 Ball" (my Topic) and the chaos coming with Medical Martial Law (my Topic).

We The Sheeple :)confused::cuckoo::confused::eusa_whistle::eek:) never solved 9/11 'and' now the Rothschild/Rockefeller-funded Inside-Job Terrorists are back for Round 2. I removed my intercession for this godless people on 4/20/2009 @ 3:30 P.M. (my post), which is the anniversary of this U.S. Geological Survey Photograph (here) being taken, and the airborne plague is at your doorstep even as we speak . . .

GCN Podcast << Bookmark and listen daily

Nutrimedical Report Sept. 24 Hour1 << The Stupid Sheeple have no clue :)cuckoo:) . . .


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The vertical deployment of the missile in YOUR video could not have hit the light poles. But nice try.

Don't you want to win an argument sometime?

I win the argument everytime corn-hole the deployment is irrrelevant the point was to show missiles explode with a fireball

The fireballs are much smaller than the ones at WTC and the Pentgon.
You still have to account for the light poles; which YOU CAN'T

Check mate Bitch.
Hi 9/11 inside job with Candy and Gamolon and Liability mentioned:

This engine here looks NOTHING like the engine at the pentagon that the Bush dupes and agent candy corn like to post all the time.Cant help but laugh my butt off over that as well Terral. This engine is 10 times bigger than the one found at the pentagon.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

There are 'many' DoD/FBI/CIA/NSA Counterintelligence Disinformation Operatives :)eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:) working the 'pretender' 911Truth Boards (my post again = read and educate yourself) for the sole purpose of spreading Loyal Bushie/Obama Official Cover Story LIES. Then we have a myriad of 'deluded' Bush/Obama DUPES :)cuckoo:) simply deceived by their handiwork. I can show you pictures of the Empty Shanksville Hole (pic and pic = my Topic) and pre-collapse pictures of the Pentagon E-Ring Wall (pic and pic and pic = my Topic) proving beyond all doubt that "NO 100-TON JETLINER CRASHED HERE!!!" However, We The Sheeple 'are' really this STUPID (#7 + #8). Candy and Gamolon and Liability are here to throw as much dust into the air as humanly possible to keep your eye off the "Swine11 Ball" (my Topic) and the chaos coming with Medical Martial Law (my Topic).

We The Sheeple :)confused::cuckoo::confused::eusa_whistle::eek:) never solved 9/11 'and' now the Rothschild/Rockefeller-funded Inside-Job Terrorists are back for Round 2. I removed my intercession for this godless people on 4/20/2009 @ 3:30 P.M. (my post), which is the anniversary of this U.S. Geological Survey Photograph (here) being taken, and the airborne plague is at your doorstep even as we speak . . .

GCN Podcast << Bookmark and listen daily

Nutrimedical Report Sept. 24 Hour1 << The Stupid Sheeple have no clue :)cuckoo:) . . .



Wow..that looks just like the engine part they found at the Pentagon.
Hi Candy:

Candy plays to the 'least' common denominator . . .

Wow..that looks just like the engine part they found at the Pentagon.

Anyone believing one word from Candy 'is' really that STUPID :)confused: = #8).


Hi 9/11 inside job with Candy and Gamolon and Liability mentioned:

This engine here looks NOTHING like the engine at the pentagon that the Bush dupes and agent candy corn like to post all the time.Cant help but laugh my butt off over that as well Terral. This engine is 10 times bigger than the one found at the pentagon.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

There are 'many' DoD/FBI/CIA/NSA Counterintelligence Disinformation Operatives :)eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:) working the 'pretender' 911Truth Boards (my post again = read and educate yourself) for the sole purpose of spreading Loyal Bushie/Obama Official Cover Story LIES. Then we have a myriad of 'deluded' Bush/Obama DUPES :)cuckoo:) simply deceived by their handiwork. I can show you pictures of the Empty Shanksville Hole (pic and pic = my Topic) and pre-collapse pictures of the Pentagon E-Ring Wall (pic and pic and pic = my Topic) proving beyond all doubt that "NO 100-TON JETLINER CRASHED HERE!!!" However, We The Sheeple 'are' really this STUPID (#7 + #8). Candy and Gamolon and Liability are here to throw as much dust into the air as humanly possible to keep your eye off the "Swine11 Ball" (my Topic) and the chaos coming with Medical Martial Law (my Topic).

We The Sheeple :)confused::cuckoo::confused::eusa_whistle::eek:) never solved 9/11 'and' now the Rothschild/Rockefeller-funded Inside-Job Terrorists are back for Round 2. I removed my intercession for this godless people on 4/20/2009 @ 3:30 P.M. (my post), which is the anniversary of this U.S. Geological Survey Photograph (here) being taken, and the airborne plague is at your doorstep even as we speak . . .

GCN Podcast << Bookmark and listen daily

Nutrimedical Report Sept. 24 Hour1 << The Stupid Sheeple have no clue :)cuckoo:) . . .



Wow..that looks just like the engine part they found at the Pentagon.

except for the strucal diffrences and size...other than that they are almost

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