This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Hi Candy:

Just one question requiring a "yes" or "no"; do you believe a bow shockwave brought down the light poles outside of the Pentagon?

Did the Raytheon Missile bring down 'all' the light poles on the west side of the Pentagon on 9/11? No. The light poles were brought down by a combination of the Hypersonic Raytheon Missile Bow Shockwave 'and' the Retrofitted A-3 Skywarrior at exactly 9:31:39 AM.

A secondary question is why you can't simply write a "yes" or "no".

Candy is the fool :)cuckoo:) in this 9/11 Pentagon Debate and not me. The A-3 almost crashed into the Pentagon Lawn during the 9:31 AM attack from losing elevation when the light poles were knocked down. The radio-control operator pulled back on the joystick to avoid ruining the entire Inside-Job Operation. The A-3 then made a wide turn to the north (seen by C-130 pilot O'Brien) and struck the Column Line 11 location at exactly 9:36:27 AM exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds later using the "North of Citgo" Flight Path (in blue):




Funny how none of your fellow idiots have rushed to your defense in support of your fairy tale:cuckoo:. That SHOULD tell you something. They don't buy your bullshit either. :clap2:

Don't worry, when "9/11 was an inside job" is out of his cell and let into the day room for a few minutes, he'll be here to back you up. :razz:

To review what is known about the Pentagon.

1.Nobody reported seeing a missile.
2.Only AA77 wreckage was found at the Pentagon
3.AA77 took down the lightpoles shortly before it hit the Pentagon
4.Phone calls from on board AA77 confirmed there was a hijacking
5. Nobody from AA77 was ever heard from again after it hit the Pentagon
6. To buy your bullshit above, you hve to believe that AA77 was hijacked for no other reason than to shield a missile attack; a missile attack that which would have put much more terror into the American psychee than any number of hijacked planes.

Imagine the line the Bush Administration could have sold "There are terrorists running around with a missile launcher. The Patriot Act would have been seen as a mere ordinance compared to the house-to-house hard target search that would have insued such an attack.

Anyway, please continue with your cartoons and skadoodles. I can tell you take great pride in them and they are a source of amusemet to me. :funnyface:
Just one question requiring a "yes" or "no"; do you believe a bow shockwave brought down the light poles outside of the Pentagon?

A secondary question is why you can't simply write a "yes" or "no"

here's some questions for you ..why are the surveillance tapes from the pentagon still classified ???...if they show a plane why not release them ??

with conflicting testimony of eyewitness why are their statements not taken under oath and investigated ???

thats something the agents like Candy Corn and Gam cant get around is the tapes were ILLEGALLY confiscated by the FBI and yet nobody was prosecuted for taking and destroying evidence at the pentagon and the trade center towers.Also if it was just mere incompetence by the government which is their explanation for how the highjackers pulled it off,amazing how NOBODY got court martialed for their incompetence or even fired when multiple heads should have been rolling for their incompetence.Instead General Myers gets PROMOTED for his incompetence.what a joke.Inside Job all the way as ANY person with logic and common sense would know.
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his question has nothing to do with the tapes
why not just answer the question?

my answer is it is all theoretical until investigated...what is your answer to my question

If you think an investigation would lead to an action you are sorely mistaken. Do you seriously want to listen to hours upon hours of rehashing the same old shit ?

It would have to be REAL independent investigation for there to be any justice done.If it took hours and hours of hearing the same thing we have heard many times over and over again,it would be well worth it for the people to stand up to their government and put the REAL terrorists-the neocons in the Bush administration behind bars.
Hi Gamolon:

Hey Terral. Answer me something will you. Who, out of all the conspiracy theorists, has the correct theory about the 9/11 attacks?

Ninety-nine percent of professing 911Truthers are DoD/FBI/CIA/NSA Handlers/Ops/Assets working 'both sides' of these 911 Topics (my post). Three Trillion Dollars (they stole on 9/11) buys a lot of Counterintelligence Disinformation Campaign. You have DoD Ops working as mods on this Board who like to delete my topics from time to time . . .

Why can't you truthers come together on ONE theory and stick to it?

I could write for days answering this single question: Again, most of what you perceive as the '911Truth Movement' is working for the Rothschild/Rochefeller-funded DoD/FBI/CIA/NSA Counterintelligence Disinformation Campaign only running-in-place and pretending to be real 911Truthers. That is the reason that I have been banned from practically every pretender 911Truth Board on this planet. :0) Dylan Avery (Loose Change Brat) and Killtown (911Movement Retard) care nothing about what hit the Pentagon, but they have two dozen theories and you can take your pick. My post on How to spot a Disinfo Agent is here (link). The 'pretender' 911Truth Movement is running in place and will NEVER bring anyone to 911Justice . . .

Why is it that the official story can do that, but you guys can't?

Go right ahead and start your own Topic in support of the Official Cover Story LIES. Better yet . . . Go to one of my Topics:

Flight 93 Topic


Go ahead and tell everyone what you see in the empty hole outside Shanksville on 9/11??? This is AN EMPTY HOLE no matter how many times you want to agree with George Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld telling 911 LIES. You want to believe LIES, because you 'are' worthy of utter destruction (#7). Period. Scripture says that a 'prophet' is coming and those refusing to heed his word will be utterly destroyed (Acts 3:22-23). Right? Al-rightly then . . .

You have:

1. Christophera with his UNDENIABLE proof of a concrete core and explosives used to bring it down.

Chris will stay off of my 911Truth Topics, OR will be exposed as a Govt Disinformation Cronie in about three posts.

2. There is thermite only used on the columns

None of that thermate business means anything. WTC-7 was taken down using Controlled Demolition (my Topic), OR building fires/debris. There only two possible choices and only one makes any sense at all.

3. There is a beam weapon theory

Who cares? The difference is that I 'know' the 911Truth and you are still hunting around . . .

4. There is a flyover with the pentagon

Yes. That happened at 9:31:39 AM (my Topic).

5. There is your missile theory

No. There is my Raytheon Missile Explanation at the link above . . .

6. There is a micronuke theory
7. There is a thermAte theory
8. There is a combination conventional explosives with thermite det cords theory

Each theory and their backers supposedly has concrete proof that THEIR theory is correct making everyone else wrong. How can that be? Who is correct?

I am right 'and' those who agree with me. :0)

You guys seem to gravitate towards proving the official story wrong, but fail to go against the other theories? Why?

The Govt is either lying (yes), OR they are telling us 'the 911Truth.' Period. The evidence says the Govt is definitely lying and every 911Truther has the right to believe his hypothesis until they eventually see 'the Light' of 'the Truth' in my 911Truth Explanations.

Is it because you are all anti-government and as long as it is under fire, you don't care what they the other theories state?

I am in no way 'anti-government,' but cannot stand a LIAR. There is no reason for We The People to tolerate LIES from politicians and public servants. Swine11 (my Topic) is about to kill billions of people, because the majority continue to believe Loyal Bushie/Obama LIES.

All this supposed proof and you truthers cant even agree on ONE theory. Unbelievable. And you wonder why nobody believes you.

You have yet to recognize the difference between 'real' 911Truthers (like me) and the pretenders running-in-place for the DoD/FBI/CIA/NSA and their subordinate inside-job agencies . . .


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I already answered that question cant go to new york and knock of ten of thousands of people family members first cant just kill off hundreds of thousands of people across the country..ex-military command Intel people...without really upsetting everyone..stop with your grade school level debunking/denial rookie...its embarrassing

:lol: But if this group is so powerful as you say, why not? Hundreds of thousands of people get involved in accidents, get diseases, etc each day.

I just want to know what happened to the 100 passengers that were on the plane that allegedly didn't crash into the Pentagon. You know, the plane that had over 100 documented witnesses which did see it crash into the Pentagon.

Thats why we need a new investigation.Right now we dont know.Right now we can only speculate as to what happened to them.All we DO know is the official story is B.S due to the fact that the wreckage at the site and damage to the buildings unlike Candy Corn will tell you,WASNT consistant to that of a 757 Boeing.He lies all the time like the dis in fo agent he is.For one thing,he said nobody reported seeing a missle,when in fact some witnesses DID.

We know that there were no bodies found at the site in the fact that all the rescue dogs there just wondered around and did absolutely nothing instead of doing what they do when they do find bodies.When they DO find bodies,they start barking and digging.None of the dogs did ANY of that.when asked why there were no bodies found at the site,the governments version was they vaporized.That kind of explanation may work for a science fiction novel or film but not in the REAL world.:lol::lol::cuckoo:
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You have yet to recognize the difference between 'real' 911Truthers (like me)


You mean "real truthers like you" who get shit wrong because the jump to conclusions? Like the other thread about your "45 degree angle cut" which is nothing more that a beam at an angle?

Yeah, you're a "real truther" all right.


Damn my stomach hurts form laughing. Or maybe it's the swine flu?
Just one question requiring a "yes" or "no"; do you believe a bow shockwave brought down the light poles outside of the Pentagon?

A secondary question is why you can't simply write a "yes" or "no"

here's some questions for you ..why are the surveillance tapes from the pentagon still classified ???...if they show a plane why not release them ??

with conflicting testimony of eyewitness why are their statements not taken under oath and investigated ???

thats something the agents like Candy Corn and Gam cant get around is the tapes were ILLEGALLY confiscated by the FBI and yet nobody was prosecuted for taking and destroying evidence at the pentagon and the trade center towers.Also if it was just mere incompetence by the government which is their explanation for how the highjackers pulled it off,amazing how NOBODY got court martialed for their incompetence or even fired when multiple heads should have been rolling for their incompetence.Instead General Myers gets PROMOTED for his incompetence.what a joke.Inside Job all the way as ANY person with logic and common sense would know.

See, told you he would be around any time once he gets into the dayroom, he's here.
Hi Candy:

Just one question requiring a "yes" or "no"; do you believe a bow shockwave brought down the light poles outside of the Pentagon?

Did the Raytheon Missile bring down 'all' the light poles on the west side of the Pentagon on 9/11? No. The light poles were brought down by a combination of the Hypersonic Raytheon Missile Bow Shockwave 'and' the Retrofitted A-3 Skywarrior at exactly 9:31:39 AM.

A secondary question is why you can't simply write a "yes" or "no".

Candy is the fool :)cuckoo:) in this 9/11 Pentagon Debate and not me. The A-3 almost crashed into the Pentagon Lawn during the 9:31 AM attack from losing elevation when the light poles were knocked down. The radio-control operator pulled back on the joystick to avoid ruining the entire Inside-Job Operation. The A-3 then made a wide turn to the north (seen by C-130 pilot O'Brien) and struck the Column Line 11 location at exactly 9:36:27 AM exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds later using the "North of Citgo" Flight Path (in blue):




Funny how none of your fellow idiots have rushed to your defense in support of your fairy tale:cuckoo:. That SHOULD tell you something. They don't buy your bullshit either. :clap2:

Don't worry, when "9/11 was an inside job" is out of his cell and let into the day room for a few minutes, he'll be here to back you up. :razz:

To review what is known about the Pentagon.

1.Nobody reported seeing a missile.
2.Only AA77 wreckage was found at the Pentagon
3.AA77 took down the lightpoles shortly before it hit the Pentagon
4.Phone calls from on board AA77 confirmed there was a hijacking
5. Nobody from AA77 was ever heard from again after it hit the Pentagon
6. To buy your bullshit above, you hve to believe that AA77 was hijacked for no other reason than to shield a missile attack; a missile attack that which would have put much more terror into the American psychee than any number of hijacked planes.

Imagine the line the Bush Administration could have sold "There are terrorists running around with a missile launcher. The Patriot Act would have been seen as a mere ordinance compared to the house-to-house hard target search that would have insued such an attack.

Anyway, please continue with your cartoons and skadoodles. I can tell you take great pride in them and they are a source of amusemet to me. :funnyface:

There are 136 people who have gone on record saying they saw a plane crash into the Pentagon in these links here.
You have yet to recognize the difference between 'real' 911Truthers (like me)


You mean "real truthers like you" who get shit wrong because the jump to conclusions? Like the other thread about your "45 degree angle cut" which is nothing more that a beam at an angle?

Yeah, you're a "real truther" all right.


Damn my stomach hurts form laughing. Or maybe it's the swine flu?

Terral was booted off the Loose Change boards because he accused the makers of Loose Change that they are agents of the government and part of the 9/11 conspiracy.
You have yet to recognize the difference between 'real' 911Truthers (like me)


You mean "real truthers like you" who get shit wrong because the jump to conclusions? Like the other thread about your "45 degree angle cut" which is nothing more that a beam at an angle?

Yeah, you're a "real truther" all right.


Damn my stomach hurts form laughing. Or maybe it's the swine flu?

Terral was booted off the Loose Change boards because he accused the makers of Loose Change that they are agents of the government and part of the 9/11 conspiracy.

christophera claims Terral is a disinfo agent
of course, he thinks I am too
You have yet to recognize the difference between 'real' 911Truthers (like me)


You mean "real truthers like you" who get shit wrong because the jump to conclusions? Like the other thread about your "45 degree angle cut" which is nothing more that a beam at an angle?

Yeah, you're a "real truther" all right.


Damn my stomach hurts form laughing. Or maybe it's the swine flu?

Terral was booted off the Loose Change boards because he accused the makers of Loose Change that they are agents of the government and part of the 9/11 conspiracy.

Wow, when you've gone so far around the bend that Bermus (sp? hes not important enough to spell correctly) bans you, you know its time for a refill of your meds.
Hi Candy:

Did the Raytheon Missile bring down 'all' the light poles on the west side of the Pentagon on 9/11? No. The light poles were brought down by a combination of the Hypersonic Raytheon Missile Bow Shockwave 'and' the Retrofitted A-3 Skywarrior at exactly 9:31:39 AM.

Candy is the fool :)cuckoo:) in this 9/11 Pentagon Debate and not me. The A-3 almost crashed into the Pentagon Lawn during the 9:31 AM attack from losing elevation when the light poles were knocked down. The radio-control operator pulled back on the joystick to avoid ruining the entire Inside-Job Operation. The A-3 then made a wide turn to the north (seen by C-130 pilot O'Brien) and struck the Column Line 11 location at exactly 9:36:27 AM exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds later using the "North of Citgo" Flight Path (in blue):




Funny how none of your fellow idiots have rushed to your defense in support of your fairy tale:cuckoo:. That SHOULD tell you something. They don't buy your bullshit either. :clap2:

Don't worry, when "9/11 was an inside job" is out of his cell and let into the day room for a few minutes, he'll be here to back you up. :razz:

To review what is known about the Pentagon.

1.Nobody reported seeing a missile.
2.Only AA77 wreckage was found at the Pentagon
3.AA77 took down the lightpoles shortly before it hit the Pentagon
4.Phone calls from on board AA77 confirmed there was a hijacking
5. Nobody from AA77 was ever heard from again after it hit the Pentagon
6. To buy your bullshit above, you hve to believe that AA77 was hijacked for no other reason than to shield a missile attack; a missile attack that which would have put much more terror into the American psychee than any number of hijacked planes.

Imagine the line the Bush Administration could have sold "There are terrorists running around with a missile launcher. The Patriot Act would have been seen as a mere ordinance compared to the house-to-house hard target search that would have insued such an attack.

Anyway, please continue with your cartoons and skadoodles. I can tell you take great pride in them and they are a source of amusemet to me. :funnyface:

There are 136 people who have gone on record saying they saw a plane crash into the Pentagon in these links here.

I'm always amused at people who swear up and down they, alone, can see the entire big picture yet all of the world's other 6,000,000,000 inhabitants can't see it. Yeah, were supposed to believe the moron on a message board because HE has the goods. Uh huh.

I wonder what kicked him out of the Arts and Etnertainers for 9/11 loot or whatever they call themselves? I guess he's going for the triple crown of banishements.
Funny how none of your fellow idiots have rushed to your defense in support of your fairy tale:cuckoo:. That SHOULD tell you something. They don't buy your bullshit either. :clap2:

Don't worry, when "9/11 was an inside job" is out of his cell and let into the day room for a few minutes, he'll be here to back you up. :razz:

To review what is known about the Pentagon.

1.Nobody reported seeing a missile.
2.Only AA77 wreckage was found at the Pentagon
3.AA77 took down the lightpoles shortly before it hit the Pentagon
4.Phone calls from on board AA77 confirmed there was a hijacking
5. Nobody from AA77 was ever heard from again after it hit the Pentagon
6. To buy your bullshit above, you hve to believe that AA77 was hijacked for no other reason than to shield a missile attack; a missile attack that which would have put much more terror into the American psychee than any number of hijacked planes.

Imagine the line the Bush Administration could have sold "There are terrorists running around with a missile launcher. The Patriot Act would have been seen as a mere ordinance compared to the house-to-house hard target search that would have insued such an attack.

Anyway, please continue with your cartoons and skadoodles. I can tell you take great pride in them and they are a source of amusemet to me. :funnyface:

There are 136 people who have gone on record saying they saw a plane crash into the Pentagon in these links here.

I'm always amused at people who swear up and down they, alone, can see the entire big picture yet all of the world's other 6,000,000,000 inhabitants can't see it. Yeah, were supposed to believe the moron on a message board because HE has the goods. Uh huh.

I wonder what kicked him out of the Arts and Etnertainers for 9/11 loot or whatever they call themselves? I guess he's going for the triple crown of banishements.

by moron on a message board you would be referring to yourself and the other official story CTers ??? in your deluded thoughts the rest of the world sees through your eyes ???
There are 136 people who have gone on record saying they saw a plane crash into the Pentagon in these links here.

I'm always amused at people who swear up and down they, alone, can see the entire big picture yet all of the world's other 6,000,000,000 inhabitants can't see it. Yeah, were supposed to believe the moron on a message board because HE has the goods. Uh huh.

I wonder what kicked him out of the Arts and Etnertainers for 9/11 loot or whatever they call themselves? I guess he's going for the triple crown of banishements.

by moron on a message board you would be referring to yourself and the other official story CTers ??? in your deluded thoughts the rest of the world sees through your eyes ???
the official story is not a conspiracy THEORY
it was a conspiracy of Al Qaeda that is KNOWN

I'm always amused at people who swear up and down they, alone, can see the entire big picture yet all of the world's other 6,000,000,000 inhabitants can't see it. Yeah, were supposed to believe the moron on a message board because HE has the goods. Uh huh.

I wonder what kicked him out of the Arts and Etnertainers for 9/11 loot or whatever they call themselves? I guess he's going for the triple crown of banishements.

by moron on a message board you would be referring to yourself and the other official story CTers ??? in your deluded thoughts the rest of the world sees through your eyes ???
the official story is not a conspiracy THEORY
it was a conspiracy of Al Qaeda that is KNOWN

well eots is correct if he considers gravity a THEORY.

I'm always amused at people who swear up and down they, alone, can see the entire big picture yet all of the world's other 6,000,000,000 inhabitants can't see it. Yeah, were supposed to believe the moron on a message board because HE has the goods. Uh huh.

I wonder what kicked him out of the Arts and Etnertainers for 9/11 loot or whatever they call themselves? I guess he's going for the triple crown of banishements.

by moron on a message board you would be referring to yourself and the other official story CTers ??? in your deluded thoughts the rest of the world sees through your eyes ???
the official story is not a conspiracy THEORY
it was a conspiracy of Al Qaeda that is KNOWN

oh please elaborate where did you get this known conspiracy..who told it to you ? how was it verified
by moron on a message board you would be referring to yourself and the other official story CTers ??? in your deluded thoughts the rest of the world sees through your eyes ???
the official story is not a conspiracy THEORY
it was a conspiracy of Al Qaeda that is KNOWN

oh please elaborate where did you get this known conspiracy..who told it to you ? how was it verified
a little birdie told me

Hi Candy:

Did the Raytheon Missile bring down 'all' the light poles on the west side of the Pentagon on 9/11? No. The light poles were brought down by a combination of the Hypersonic Raytheon Missile Bow Shockwave 'and' the Retrofitted A-3 Skywarrior at exactly 9:31:39 AM.

Candy is the fool :)cuckoo:) in this 9/11 Pentagon Debate and not me. The A-3 almost crashed into the Pentagon Lawn during the 9:31 AM attack from losing elevation when the light poles were knocked down. The radio-control operator pulled back on the joystick to avoid ruining the entire Inside-Job Operation. The A-3 then made a wide turn to the north (seen by C-130 pilot O'Brien) and struck the Column Line 11 location at exactly 9:36:27 AM exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds later using the "North of Citgo" Flight Path (in blue):




Funny how none of your fellow idiots have rushed to your defense in support of your fairy tale:cuckoo:. That SHOULD tell you something. They don't buy your bullshit either. :clap2:

Don't worry, when "9/11 was an inside job" is out of his cell and let into the day room for a few minutes, he'll be here to back you up. :razz:

To review what is known about the Pentagon.

1.Nobody reported seeing a missile.
2.Only AA77 wreckage was found at the Pentagon
3.AA77 took down the lightpoles shortly before it hit the Pentagon
4.Phone calls from on board AA77 confirmed there was a hijacking
5. Nobody from AA77 was ever heard from again after it hit the Pentagon
6. To buy your bullshit above, you hve to believe that AA77 was hijacked for no other reason than to shield a missile attack; a missile attack that which would have put much more terror into the American psychee than any number of hijacked planes.

Imagine the line the Bush Administration could have sold "There are terrorists running around with a missile launcher. The Patriot Act would have been seen as a mere ordinance compared to the house-to-house hard target search that would have insued such an attack.

Anyway, please continue with your cartoons and skadoodles. I can tell you take great pride in them and they are a source of amusemet to me. :funnyface:

There are 136 people who have gone on record saying they saw a plane crash into the Pentagon in these links here.

yeah but there are many others that reported seeing a missle which proves what a liar agent Candy Corn is as always .If you ever bothered to read Griffins book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,you would know that just as many reported seeing a missile.
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There are 136 people who have gone on record saying they saw a plane crash into the Pentagon in these links here.

I'm always amused at people who swear up and down they, alone, can see the entire big picture yet all of the world's other 6,000,000,000 inhabitants can't see it. Yeah, were supposed to believe the moron on a message board because HE has the goods. Uh huh.

I wonder what kicked him out of the Arts and Etnertainers for 9/11 loot or whatever they call themselves? I guess he's going for the triple crown of banishements.

by moron on a message board you would be referring to yourself and the other official story CTers ??? in your deluded thoughts the rest of the world sees through your eyes ???

exactly.well said.
yeah but there are many others that reported seeing a missle which proves what a liar agent Candy Corn is as always .If you ever bothered to read Griffins book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,you would know that just as many reported seeing a missile.

People's perception of what they saw is dependent upon the perspective from which they saw it. I can quite easily from certain angles a distances how a plane can appear to be a missile. Look in the other thread at your buddy Terel's post. You swore up and down that a certain picture showed a 45 degree angle cut, yet the same area was photod from a slightly different angle which clearly shows it was not a 45 degree angle.

My point would be it would take some deeper investigation concerning these people's perspectives to corroborate what was seen.

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