This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

There are 136 people who have gone on record saying they saw a plane crash into the Pentagon in these links here.

I'm always amused at people who swear up and down they, alone, can see the entire big picture yet all of the world's other 6,000,000,000 inhabitants can't see it. Yeah, were supposed to believe the moron on a message board because HE has the goods. Uh huh.

I wonder what kicked him out of the Arts and Etnertainers for 9/11 loot or whatever they call themselves? I guess he's going for the triple crown of banishements.

by moron on a message board you would be referring to yourself and the other official story CTers ??? in your deluded thoughts the rest of the world sees through your eyes ???

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by the 2nd part but to the first part, okay...yeah you can include me in that I suppose. I know what happened that day due to about five years of pretty intense research into the topic. I've looked at the conspiracy theory and have decided that none of them hold water because when one is considered, the others get out of place.

Take Fecal or whatever his name is who thinks a plane flew over the Pentagon. Does it make any sense at all--and be honest--does it make any sense at all that they would fly AA11 into the North Tower, fly UAL 175 into the South Tower and then, when it comes to the Pentagon, hijack AA77 but decide NOT to crash it...but do the following:

  • Paint a military jet to look like AA77
  • Outfit it with extra long wings for some strange reason
  • Have it fire a missile at the Pentagon
  • Have it crash into the Pentagon
  • Hire a company to fake phone calls (one from a GOP big whig) from AA77
  • Rely on the silence of that company and its officials (money doesn't necessarily equal silence)
  • Hire people to plant AA77 congruent parts in and around the Pentagon
  • Rely on their silence
  • Rely on the silence of hundreds of military men and women
  • Rely on the silence of hundreds of investigators at the scene
  • Rely on the Mortuary at Dover AFB to certify the remains of the fallen military men and women
  • Hope to hell nobody saw a flyover

See, it doesn't make any sense that they would slam two planes into two buidlings in NY and then go through these steps in DC.

So you either have to believe that the NY attacks didn't take place as advertised which we have video of those attacks taking place just as advertised.

And before you go we don't have a "cockpit cam" showing Atta at the controls of AA11. But we do have video of it hitting the North Tower. We do have multiple videos from "non-NWO-controlled" (heading your off at the pass there hoss) sources of UAL 175 hitting the south tower. But we're supposed to believe that in DC, all of their modus operandi was cast aside and this spectacular plot involving hundreds of people and dozens of moving parts somehow took place.

Anyway, back to the point at hand. I've looked at this stuff pretty closely. I wouldn't call myself an expert (insert your cheapshot here). But I wouldn't consider anybody on THIS message board in particular the end-authority on 9/11.

This guy Fecal or Ferral or what the hell ever it is is no more of an expert than I am. I seem to have common sense on my side though as he seems to have a lot of diagrams that shows nothing.
Funny how none of your fellow idiots have rushed to your defense in support of your fairy tale:cuckoo:. That SHOULD tell you something. They don't buy your bullshit either. :clap2:

Don't worry, when "9/11 was an inside job" is out of his cell and let into the day room for a few minutes, he'll be here to back you up. :razz:

To review what is known about the Pentagon.

1.Nobody reported seeing a missile.
2.Only AA77 wreckage was found at the Pentagon
3.AA77 took down the lightpoles shortly before it hit the Pentagon
4.Phone calls from on board AA77 confirmed there was a hijacking
5. Nobody from AA77 was ever heard from again after it hit the Pentagon
6. To buy your bullshit above, you hve to believe that AA77 was hijacked for no other reason than to shield a missile attack; a missile attack that which would have put much more terror into the American psychee than any number of hijacked planes.

Imagine the line the Bush Administration could have sold "There are terrorists running around with a missile launcher. The Patriot Act would have been seen as a mere ordinance compared to the house-to-house hard target search that would have insued such an attack.

Anyway, please continue with your cartoons and skadoodles. I can tell you take great pride in them and they are a source of amusemet to me. :funnyface:

There are 136 people who have gone on record saying they saw a plane crash into the Pentagon in these links here.

yeah but there are many others that reported seeing a missle which proves what a liar agent Candy Corn is as always .If you ever bothered to read Griffins book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,you would know that just as many reported seeing a missile.

Who said they saw a missile? Source (for once).
Ummmm...Miss Corn,

Would you comment on what Didn't happen when the jet engines of the jumbo jet airliner hit the pentagon? I'm sure you read my posts describing what a jet engine does and how large they are on that specific slice of this question. I did not see your response.

Sean Corey
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Ummmm...Miss Corn,

Would you comment on what Didn't happen when the jet engines of the jumbo jet airliner hit the penatagon? I'm sure you read my posts describing what a jet engine does and how large they are on that specific slice of this question. I did not see your response.

Sean Corey

No, I must have missed it.

That is why there was no response.
Ummmm...Miss Corn,

Would you comment on what Didn't happen when the jet engines of the jumbo jet airliner hit the penatagon? I'm sure you read my posts describing what a jet engine does and how large they are on that specific slice of this question. I did not see your response.

Sean Corey

According to you, what SHOULD have happened Huggy?
Did you see the hole in the side of the pentagon and the type of material the exterior wall was made of? How big would you estimate the size of the hole? Now here is my problem with the "hole". The jet engines are made of titanium primarily which is alot tougher than steel. The engines are about twelve feet accross and spaced more than 75 feet apart. Upon impact the 10,000 rpm compression blades would explode into spinning wrecking balls taking out at least 50-100 feet on each side of the point of impact.

Sorry Huggy, I went back and found your post describing what you think would have happened.

So are you saying that as soon as the engines would have impacted the walls, they would have exploded into pieces and the compression blades would have immediately stopped their forward inertia to then go 90 degrees along the wall and further break the wall apart, thus making the hole bigger than it was?
Ummmm...Miss Corn,

Would you comment on what Didn't happen when the jet engines of the jumbo jet airliner hit the penatagon? I'm sure you read my posts describing what a jet engine does and how large they are on that specific slice of this question. I did not see your response.

Sean Corey

No, I must have missed it.

That is why there was no response

#359:..."I'll handle this..I am a pilot and a machinist that has spent about 7 years making aircraft parts for boeing airplanes. I have seen thousands of blueprints for 757's. I know exactly how they are built and how strong they are.

Here is the one sentence that cannot be refuted.

A 757 will not fit into a 20 foot hole.

#366:..."Did you see the hole in the side of the pentagon and the type of material the exterior wall was made of? How big would you estimate the size of the hole? Now here is my problem with the "hole". The jet engines are made of titanium primarily which is alot tougher than steel. The engines are about twelve feet accross and spaced more than 75 feet apart. Upon impact the 10,000 rpm compression blades would explode into spinning wrecking balls taking out at least 50-100 feet on each side of the point of impact.

You can go on and on about any number of aspects of 9/11 but you will never talk me out of what I know DIDN"T hit the pentagon. Unlike many of you my opinion is based on pure well informed fact."

#369:..."The deuschebag in the video doesn't even mention the engines which to anyone familiar with a 757 is the most destructive part of the plane in terms of mass, extremely high speed moving parts and impact and destruction caused by a collision.

If he doesn't know what forces would be unleashed by the motors he is either lying about being a scientist or lying about who writes his paychecks. "

#372:..."Even more important a factor always overlooked is what a jet engine does. The fans are made out of one huge piece of titanium. They are spinning twice as fast as your cars engine at maximum. The enertial energy they release when breaking up would be an awesome thing to witness. Parts of the fanblades would litterally be thrown for more than a mile. You do the you are too stupid..I'll do the math. a 12 foot diameter is about 50 ft circumfrance. divide 10,000 by 60..roughly 167 times 50 something like 8000...what all that gibberish means is that the outside edge of a fan assembly is travelling at around a mile and a half a second while it is still on the plane. When it breaks up it is still going a mile and a half a second. HELLO???? A rifle like an AR15 spits out bullets at roughly 2700 feet per second or just slightly more than a third of the velocity of said jet engine parts.
An AR15 sends slugs out a bit more than a mile. To suggest that the jet engines would do no harm to the building as the video shows is beyond perposterous. They were not pictured in the clip nor explained earlier in the other clip."
here's some questions for you ..why are the surveillance tapes from the pentagon still classified ???...if they show a plane why not release them ??

with conflicting testimony of eyewitness why are their statements not taken under oath and investigated ???

thats something the agents like Candy Corn and Gam cant get around is the tapes were ILLEGALLY confiscated by the FBI and yet nobody was prosecuted for taking and destroying evidence at the pentagon and the trade center towers.Also if it was just mere incompetence by the government which is their explanation for how the highjackers pulled it off,amazing how NOBODY got court martialed for their incompetence or even fired when multiple heads should have been rolling for their incompetence.Instead General Myers gets PROMOTED for his incompetence.what a joke.Inside Job all the way as ANY person with logic and common sense would know.

See, told you he would be around any time once he gets into the dayroom, he's here.

See as always,the boy instead of admitting the government commited a crime and hasnt been held accountable for their actions,like clockwork,,evades the facts.
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Ummmm...Miss Corn,

Would you comment on what Didn't happen when the jet engines of the jumbo jet airliner hit the penatagon? I'm sure you read my posts describing what a jet engine does and how large they are on that specific slice of this question. I did not see your response.

Sean Corey

No, I must have missed it.

That is why there was no response

#359:..."I'll handle this..I am a pilot and a machinist that has spent about 7 years making aircraft parts for boeing airplanes. I have seen thousands of blueprints for 757's. I know exactly how they are built and how strong they are.

Here is the one sentence that cannot be refuted.

A 757 will not fit into a 20 foot hole.

#366:..."Did you see the hole in the side of the pentagon and the type of material the exterior wall was made of? How big would you estimate the size of the hole? Now here is my problem with the "hole". The jet engines are made of titanium primarily which is alot tougher than steel. The engines are about twelve feet accross and spaced more than 75 feet apart. Upon impact the 10,000 rpm compression blades would explode into spinning wrecking balls taking out at least 50-100 feet on each side of the point of impact.

You can go on and on about any number of aspects of 9/11 but you will never talk me out of what I know DIDN"T hit the pentagon. Unlike many of you my opinion is based on pure well informed fact."

#369:..."The deuschebag in the video doesn't even mention the engines which to anyone familiar with a 757 is the most destructive part of the plane in terms of mass, extremely high speed moving parts and impact and destruction caused by a collision.

If he doesn't know what forces would be unleashed by the motors he is either lying about being a scientist or lying about who writes his paychecks. "

#372:..."Even more important a factor always overlooked is what a jet engine does. The fans are made out of one huge piece of titanium. They are spinning twice as fast as your cars engine at maximum. The enertial energy they release when breaking up would be an awesome thing to witness. Parts of the fanblades would litterally be thrown for more than a mile. You do the you are too stupid..I'll do the math. a 12 foot diameter is about 50 ft circumfrance. divide 10,000 by 60..roughly 167 times 50 something like 8000...what all that gibberish means is that the outside edge of a fan assembly is travelling at around a mile and a half a second while it is still on the plane. When it breaks up it is still going a mile and a half a second. HELLO???? A rifle like an AR15 spits out bullets at roughly 2700 feet per second or just slightly more than a third of the velocity of said jet engine parts.
An AR15 sends slugs out a bit more than a mile. To suggest that the jet engines would do no harm to the building as the video shows is beyond perposterous. They were not pictured in the clip nor explained earlier in the other clip."

hey..mike Walter witnessed the plane at 500 mph he was able to determine it was American airlines and 500 mph noticed hoe the mention of engines neatly folded back and slid inside the hole created by the fusalage...really..he did..

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11 Pentagon Attack Eyewitness Mike Walter[/ame]
Ummmm...Miss Corn,

Would you comment on what Didn't happen when the jet engines of the jumbo jet airliner hit the penatagon? I'm sure you read my posts describing what a jet engine does and how large they are on that specific slice of this question. I did not see your response.

Sean Corey

No, I must have missed it.

That is why there was no response

#359:..."I'll handle this..I am a pilot and a machinist that has spent about 7 years making aircraft parts for boeing airplanes. I have seen thousands of blueprints for 757's. I know exactly how they are built and how strong they are.

Here is what Boeing had to say about their plane:

The Boeing 757 is a twin-engine short-to-medium-range jetliner incorporating advanced technology for exceptional fuel efficiency, low noise levels, increased passenger comfort and top operating performance. The 757 offers other virtues as well, including great versatility by reducing airport congestion. It can fly both long- and short-range routes and its broad use effectively lends itself to "hub-and-spoke" planning.

On Nov. 28, 2005, Boeing concluded the remarkable 23-year run of the 757 passenger airplane by delivering the final one to Shanghai Airlines. The airplane is the 1,050th Boeing 757. The 757 is one of seven commercial models that have sold more than 1,000 airplanes, and more than 1,030 of the 757s are still in service.

Boeing: Commercial Airplanes - 757

So when you saw "thousands of blueprints" for them, its remarkable only 1,050 were made and you saw, I guess, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Did they not give you a lunch break? Or vacations?

Anyway on with your post.

Here is the one sentence that cannot be refuted.

A 757 will not fit into a 20 foot hole.


The hole looks a lot larger than 20 feet to me.

So does the one at this link (too large for display here):

Like most twoofers, you seem to think the crash of a pilot trying to survive, preserve the aircraft, looking for a soft place to land, etc... is going to look JUST like the crash of a pilot hell bent on destroying the plane, the building, and hopefully the country.

If you actually did work for Boeing and are a pilot, are you telling me that the two crashes would look just alike?

A crash of an auto going 70 MPH and that of a crash of an auto going 20 MPH is not going to look anything alike unless they hit a very unusual object. I have a mixer in my kitchen that is variable speed. When you barely push the button while whipping up cake batter, it barely moves. The batter files a little bit but then hits the bowl and its all good. When you pull the button a lot, the batter goes everywhere.

Velocity matters.

Also all of the wreckage found in and around the Pentagon matters.

I'm glad you responded. Can you tell me the approximate weight of a landing gear tire? How about the landing gear rim? How about the landing gear assembly?
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Hi Gamolon:

Sorry Huggy, I went back and found your post describing what you think would have happened.

So are you saying that as soon as the engines would have impacted the walls, they would have exploded into pieces and the compression blades would have immediately stopped their forward inertia to then go 90 degrees along the wall and further break the wall apart, thus making the hole bigger than it was?

Sorry nothing. Now Gamolon can show us his pictures of AA77 crashed ANYWHERE. Good luck, because nothing like that exists.


Hi Gamolon:

Sorry Huggy, I went back and found your post describing what you think would have happened.

So are you saying that as soon as the engines would have impacted the walls, they would have exploded into pieces and the compression blades would have immediately stopped their forward inertia to then go 90 degrees along the wall and further break the wall apart, thus making the hole bigger than it was?

Sorry nothing. Now Gamolon can show us his pictures of AA77 crashed ANYWHERE. Good luck, because nothing like that exists.



What SHOULD we have seen/found at the crash site Terral?
Hi Gam:

What SHOULD we have seen/found at the crash site Terral?

A crashed 100-Ton Jetliner!


You have no pictures of AA77 crashed anywhere, because . . .

[ame=]. . . That Never Happened . . .[/ame]

Just keep asking silly questions and perhaps nobody will notice your complete lack of AA77 evidence . . .


Hi Gam:

What SHOULD we have seen/found at the crash site Terral?

A crashed 100-Ton Jetliner!


You have no pictures of AA77 crashed anywhere, because . . .

[ame=]. . . That Never Happened . . .[/ame]

Just keep asking silly questions and perhaps nobody will notice my complete lack of AA77 evidence . . .



Gee, the fireball looks just like the one on the video they released...and just like the two in New York.

Probably ain't too many missiles that carry 20,000 gallons of jet fuel and make fireballs identical to the ones in NY. Let me guess, the missile was modified too. LOL. :tongue:

Thanks for confirming two things that the entire world knows;

1. AA77 hit the Pentagon
2. You're all wet.
Many people saw a Jetliner, no one saw a missile. But in a Twisted Troofers' mind that's just proof positive of a conspiracy. :cuckoo:

If Bill Clinton couldn't keep Monica a secret then why would the Gubamint be able to keep a huge 9/11 conspiracy a secret? Because there is no conspiracy that's why.

Mad here has been taken in by the lies and propaganda of agents like Candycorn and Gam.Like candy corn,he has never read Griffins Book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING or he would know about the witnesses that said they saw a missile.:cuckoo:
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Major General Albert Stubblebine, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, 1981 - 1984. Also commanded the U.S. Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command and the U.S. Army’s Intelligence School and Center. Former head of Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence. 32-year Army career.

Member, Military Intelligence Hall of Fame.

Video 7/11/06: "One of my experiences in the Army was being in charge of the Army’s Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence during the Cold War. I measured pieces of Soviet equipment from photographs. It was my job. I look at the hole in the Pentagon and I look at the size of an airplane that was supposed to have hit the Pentagon. And I said, ‘The plane does not fit in that hole’. So what did hit the Pentagon? What hit it? Where is it? What's going on?" This here is coming from a ver...ouTube - Major General Stubblebine Speaks Out[/QUOTE]

This here is obviously coming from a very credible high ranking military person and another example of proof what hit the pentagon was not a jet airliner.
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