This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Hi Setarcos:

Did Teral just compare a crashlanding on a strip to slamming into a reinforced building designed to withstand attack) at full speed?

How does it feel to be DUPED by George Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and Donald Rumsfeld???


Okay hotshot: Explain how your 100-Ton Jetliner crashed into this standing E-Ring wall going 530 miles per hour.


Go right ahead and explain how your 44-feet tall 100-Ton Jetliner crashed into this E-Ring Wall going 530 miles per hour, but the two windows on the left of the impact hole are not broken.


This is a picture of A/E Drive and the rear C-Ring wall is to your left with the D-Ring wall to your right. Your AA77 has a 60-ton frame and two 6-ton engines that should have exited this C-ring wall in just .39 seconds from initial impact. And yet, all we have is this little . . .


. . . bitty hole in the rear C-Ring wall. Go right ahead and explain how your 100-Ton Jetliner simply vanished into thin air. :0)

BTW, the Jetliner pics were taken from this video proving that NO 100-Ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon . . .

[ame=]Watch The Expert Testimony Again[/ame]


Please demonstrate how the laws of physics require that the windows be broken.

Demonstrate that the energy from the impact would, when transferred through the materials of the structure, would generate stressesthat would cause the (glass?) of the windows to go from plastic to failure.
Hi Setarcos:

Well, it's good to know we're not arguing with immature children :rolleyes:

Do not condescend to me with your stupidity. For there to be a 'argument,' then you are required to have A CASE FOR SOMETHING. You say a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon. Great! Show us your pictures, because the Chief CNN Correspondent standing in front of the Pentagon on 9/11 says that never happened:

[ame=""]From My Close-Up Inspection . . .[/ame]

I would love to debate this topic with you, but Setarcos has no case. Period. BTW, the same goes for the Flight 93 Case . . .

[ame=]Show Us Your Pictures Of Flight 93 Crashed Anywhere . . . If You Have Any[/ame]


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You say a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon.

Do cite where I said any such thing :rolleyes:

when you assume...

the Chief CNN Correspondent standing in front of the Pentagon on 9/11 says that never happened:

From My Close-Up Inspection . . .

Eots already posted the eyewitness testimony and other evidence some pages back

You video doesn't have anyone saying it never happened, liar. It has someone saying that there were no large pieces, suggesting (in his opinion) that the whole plane "went into the Pentagon"

When you're prepared to have an honest discussion instead of lying outright, you will be acknowledged.
You say a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon.

Do cite where I said any such thing :rolleyes:

when you assume...

the Chief CNN Correspondent standing in front of the Pentagon on 9/11 says that never happened:

From My Close-Up Inspection . . .

Eots already posted the eyewitness testimony and other evidence some pages back

You video doesn't have anyone saying it never happened, liar. It has someone saying that there were no large pieces, suggesting (in his opinion) that the whole plane "went into the Pentagon"

When you're prepared to have an honest discussion instead of lying outright, you will be acknowledged.
this is typical of terral
you ask a specific question and he posts the same stupid nonsense over and over
and at times he will add laughing dog cartoons and that duff goldman wannabe laughing video
Hey, eots, did your cop friend see the plane pull up after it disappeared while diving at the Pentagon?
Hi Setarcos:

Did Teral just compare a crashlanding on a strip to slamming into a reinforced building designed to withstand attack) at full speed?

How does it feel to be DUPED by George Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and Donald Rumsfeld???


how does it feel to be Alex Jones love slave

Alex Jones is just a reporter that interview's and reports on the beliefs of military experts and government research scientist
Hi Setarcos:

How does it feel to be DUPED by George Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and Donald Rumsfeld???


how does it feel to be Alex Jones love slave

Alex Jones is just a reporter that interview's and reports on the beliefs of military experts and government research scientist
alex jopnes is not a reporter
not in the least
hes an idiot that makes money off fools like you
Hi Mad:

Here . . . I've posted these before but you refuse to acknowledge them you stupid sock puppet.

You are missing about 100 TONS of evidence!!!


Mad throws up a few pictures of 'plane parts' and ignores the fact that 60 TONS of titanium frame is MISSING from his pictures.


Where are the 'two' (2) Rolls-Royce Engines weighing a whopping 6 TONS EACH?


Where is the indestructible landing gear and massive wing sections and more than 200 seats, cargo and . . .


. . . massive tail section???? Mad Scientist MY ASS!!!


This is a picture of the E-Ring Wall where 'you' say a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed going 530 miles per hour! And, only 220 feet away is the . . .


. . . rear C-Ring Wall with a little hole that includes NO 100-Ton Jetliner!!! Go ahead and explain how your 100-Ton Jetliner vanished into thin air in just 220 feet after striking the E-Ring Wall 'and' without the 60-ton frame and without the two 6-ton engines coming through this wall!

The Opening Post explains how this Inside Job includes a retrofitted A-3 Skywarrior (story) crashing into this location at exactly 9:36:27 AM (my Pentagon Timeline), which is where the little pieces originated. We have witnesses to that 'small plane' crash in these two News Clips:

[ame=""]Don Wright Testimony[/ame]

[ame=""]Michael Kelly Testimony[/ame]

We know that NO 100-Ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon, because Terry Cohen was in a meeting inside one of those construction trailers 'and' she ran to the E-Ring hole in mere seconds 'and' all she saw was 'just smoke.'

[ame=]Terry Cohen News Video[/ame]


The painted-up A-3 (pic) flew over the E-Ring roof at 9:31:39 AM (my 9:31 Topic), and made the wide turn to the north 'and' returned exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds later for the 'second' attack.

What happened at the Pentagon on 9/11 has NOTHING to do with any 100-Ton Jetliner. NOTHING. That is the Official Cover Story that allowed the corrupt FBI to take over jurisdiction from the State of Virginia . . .


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I do not know what hit the pentagon, but it can obviously be inferred that it was definitely not a commercial jet air liner. A commercial jet air liner did NOT crash into the pentagon.

Anyone who claims such, is either deliberately dishonest, lacks cognition ability, or quite frankly stupid.
Hey Mad! Just show us 'your' pictures of AA77 crashed ANYWHERE. Terral
From this website:
911 Links - Pentagon Attack page 2



And here:


I've posted these before but you refuse to acknowledge them you stupid sock puppet.

Mad lies because Terral has addressed this to him MANY times in the past only Mad doesnt hear the answers that he WANTS to hear since they prove him wrong so he ignores Terrels answers. Also Mad shows how ignorant and naive he is in the fact that his so called evidence doesnt match what an airliner looks like as terral just proved in the photos he just posted on what a REAL airliner like that does look like.As I and others have tried to explain to him,the engine is too small,the wheels are too small,and he cant even produce ONE PHOTO of the bodies or ONE PHOTO of an airliner slamming into the pentagon when we ask him to.

Like the Bush dupe he is,he ignores the video we have presented to him MANY times of the newsman on the scene who was on the ground of the pentagon announcing-there is NO EVIDENCE OF WREAKAGE OF AN AIRLINER. Mad also ignores the fact when brought up to him like all Bush dupes do, that all the rescue dogs at the pentagon wondered around and did nothing when they got to the wreckage.That they didnt start barking or digging like they always do when they come across bodies.The Commissions explanation for there being no bodies at the site was they vaporized.That explanation may work in a sci fi movie of a sci fi novel but not in the real world.LOL.

He ignores this evidence and he ignores the fact that the best pilots in the world have said an airliner could never have done what the commission said it did and that THEY have said the wreackage doesnt match that of an airliner.:cuckoo:Mad here as any objective person knows,only sees what he wants to see.
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Hi Mad:

Here . . . I've posted these before but you refuse to acknowledge them you stupid sock puppet.

You are missing about 100 TONS of evidence!!!


Mad throws up a few pictures of 'plane parts' and ignores the fact that 60 TONS of titanium frame is MISSING from his pictures.


Where are the 'two' (2) Rolls-Royce Engines weighing a whopping 6 TONS EACH?


Where is the indestructible landing gear and massive wing sections and more than 200 seats, cargo and . . .


. . . massive tail section???? Mad Scientist MY ASS!!!


This is a picture of the E-Ring Wall where 'you' say a real 100-Ton Jetliner crashed going 530 miles per hour! And, only 220 feet away is the . . .


. . . rear C-Ring Wall with a little hole that includes NO 100-Ton Jetliner!!! Go ahead and explain how your 100-Ton Jetliner vanished into thin air in just 220 feet after striking the E-Ring Wall 'and' without the 60-ton frame and without the two 6-ton engines coming through this wall!

The Opening Post explains how this Inside Job includes a retrofitted A-3 Skywarrior (story) crashing into this location at exactly 9:36:27 AM (my Pentagon Timeline), which is where the little pieces originated. We have witnesses to that 'small plane' crash in these two News Clips:

[ame=]Don Wright Testimony[/ame]

[ame=]Michael Kelly Testimony[/ame]

We know that NO 100-Ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon, because Terry Cohen was in a meeting inside one of those construction trailers 'and' she ran to the E-Ring hole in mere seconds 'and' all she saw was 'just smoke.'

Terry Cohen News Video

The painted-up A-3 (pic) flew over the E-Ring roof at 9:31:39 AM (my 9:31 Topic), and made the wide turn to the north 'and' returned exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds later for the 'second' attack. What happened at the Pentagon on 9/11 has NOTHING to do with any 100-Ton Jetliner. NOTHING. That is the Official Cover Story that allowed the corrupt FBI to take over jurisdiction from the State of Virginia . . .



:clap2::clap2::clap2: This post here also proves how ignorant Mad Scientist and the other Bush dupes are around here swallowing the lies and propaganda of the government and corporate controlled media.
check out this Purdue for the disappearing engines... conveniently removed from the simulation


at the 38 sec mark..the engines disappear..because the simulation wont work with a plane with engines
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I do not know what hit the pentagon, but it can obviously be inferred that it was definitely not a commercial jet air liner. A commercial jet air liner did NOT crash into the pentagon.

Anyone who claims such, is either deliberately dishonest, lacks cognition ability, or quite frankly stupid.

All of the parts found were from a Boeing 757--a commercial jet liner.
The bodies of the passengers were identified via DNA evidence.

You have your opinions. I have facts.


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