This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

I've seen you present no such evidence. What I've seen is quote mining and blatant lies like the last one I pointed out.
Hi Joe:

What exactly did hit the pentagon?

The Pentagon was struck at Wedge One Column Line 14 by a Raytheon Missile from the southwest at exactly 9:31:39 AM (top pic).


The 9:31:39 AM 'first attack' created 'just smoke' at the E-ring Wall Impact Hole Location, according to the testimony of Terry Cohen in this News Video:

[ame=""]Listen To Terry's "Just Smoke" Testimony[/ame]

Pic Too Big << Click Here

This is what the original 9:31:39 AM E-Ring Wall area looked like after the 'first attack.' The radio-controlled and retrofitted A-3 Skywarrior (story and pic) almost crashed into the Pentagon lawn during this original 9:31:39 Attack (my 9:31 Topic), but the radio-control operator pulled back on the joystick and the A-3 flew over the E-ring Roof to begin making the wide turn to the north. There were no massive fires at the E-ring Wall location, until AFTER the A-3 Jet returned to create . . .


. . . all of these fires! The retrofitted A-3 then returned exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds later to strike the Pentagon at the second-story slab elevation (story and pic) at exactly 9:36:37 AM to create the massive fire along the length of the E-Ring Wall. If the massive 400-feet long FIRE started at the original 9:31:39 Missile Strike (NOT), then Terry Cohen could NOT stand outside the little impact hole to see 'JUST SMOKE.'

We also have testimony from Lloyde England (the famous taxi driver = story*) saying that he saw only 'inside-the-building fires' (story) at the same time that Terry Cohen was standing in front of the little impact hole. Read the 'story*' to realize that Lloyde's taxi was struck by pole #1 during the original 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike. THEN, Lloyde and his partner were knocked down during the 'BIG BOOM' that took place exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds LATER; when all of the 'fire' entered the Pentagon Equation. We have a similar situation with "Alan Wallace" (and Mark Skipper = story) hiding under their vehicles after the 9:31:39 AM attack to THEN be run out by the FIRE that came with the 'second attack.'


That's right! The Navy Clock 'and' the Army Clock outside in the detached Heliport Building stopped at "9:32 AM" at the 'first attack' and not at 9:38 AM when the Govt says the Pentagon was first attacked. The FAA Timeline says the Pentagon was first struck by the aircraft at "0932 AM" (link), which agrees exactly with my 'Two Attack' (9:31:39 AM + 9:36:27 AM) Pentagon Explanation. This right here is a picture of damage to the E-Ring Pentagon Wall . . .


. . . after the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike 'and' the 9:36:27 AM A-3 Jet Attack.

Now, 'the 911Truth' about what 'really happened' at the Pentagon appears in the OP of this thread (link) 'and' in this post. And yes, America's inability to get this right is reason #8 (link) that the USA will certainly be destroyed. What you "FAIL" to realize is that the same people who planned and carried out these 9/11 attacks 'and' the same people who orchestrated the U.S./Global Meltdown are the 'same people' (Rothschild/Rockefeller/Illuminati) who injected the global population with the H1N1/H5N1/H3N2 Triple-triple Recombinant Swine11 Virus (my Topic) that is about to mutate and cull more than 90 percent of the population of this world.

Therefore, the time is already passed to get 9/11 right . . .


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9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon
Allegations Brought to Inspectors General

By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate.

Suspicion of wrongdoing ran so deep that the 10-member commission, in a secret meeting at the end of its tenure in summer 2004, debated referring the matter to the Justice Department for criminal investigation, according to several commission sources. Staff members and some commissioners thought that e-mails and other evidence provided enough probable cause to believe that military and aviation officials violated the law by making false statements to Congress and to the commission, hoping to hide the bungled response to the hijackings, these sources said.

In the end, the panel agreed to a compromise, turning over the allegations to the inspectors general for the Defense and Transportation departments, who can make criminal referrals if they believe they are warranted, officials said.

"We to this day don't know why NORAD [the North American Aerospace Command] told us what they told us," said Thomas H. Kean, the former New Jersey Republican governor who led the commission. "It was just so far from the truth. . . . It's one of those loose ends that never got tied."

9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon -

Controllers' 9/11 Tape Destroyed, Report Says

By Sara Kehaulani Goo
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, May 7, 2004; Page A02

Six air traffic controllers provided accounts of their communications with hijacked planes on Sept. 11, 2001, on a tape recording that was later destroyed by a Federal Aviation Administration manager, according to a government investigative report issued yesterday.

It is unclear what was on the tape, but its destruction did little to dispel the appearance that government officials withheld evidence, the report by the Department of Transportation inspector general said.

The report found that an FAA manager tape-recorded an hour-long interview with the controllers just hours after the hijacked aircraft crashed into the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. His intention was to provide the information quickly to the FBI. But months after the recording, the tape was never turned over to the FBI and another FAA manager decided on his own to destroy the tape, crushing it with his hand, cutting it into small pieces and depositing the pieces into several trash cans,

Controllers' 9/11 Tape Destroyed, Report Says (
It looks just like it, Dive, if you ignore the size difference and configuration- I mean, they both have wings. Besides, it's not like people at the Pentagon would know anything about airplanes, anyway.
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It looks just like it, Jow, if you ignore the size difference and configuration- I mean, they both have wings. Besides, it's not like people at the Pentagon would know anything about airplanes, anyway.
but you notice how not one of them addressed the actual photos
Hi Fatality:

holy shit these nutters are fucking stupid!

Yes, you are that STUPID (#8). My "What Happened At The Pentagon" explanation appears in the Opening Post of this thread (link). Simply "Quote >>" anything that seems off 'and' show us the "Light" using whatever Fatality calls "credible evidence." Then, perhaps, you will not appear so fricking STUPID!! When you can find no errors, then head over to the Flight 93 Topic (here) and carefully examine the evidence of the EMPTY HOLE:



Okay. So who is the 'nutter?' I see an EMPTY HOLE! What say you?? The real 'nutters' are short about 200 TONS of missing Jetliners. :0)


Hi Candy:

Is there radar or video evidence of the plane leaving the area?

Did you ever get an answer? If so, what was it?

In other words, you guys are here to question everybody to death. Just haul out your pictures of AA77 crashed ANYWHERE. Good luck, because nothing like that exists . . .

Translation: No, Sec and Candy- I have zero evidence to support my claim
Hi Set and Candy:

Translation: No, Sec and Candy- I have zero evidence to support my claim

Here is a challenge for Set and Candy: Go out onto the internet and find us just one picture of Flight 77 or Flight 93 crashed A.N.Y.W.H.E.R.E.....

Nothing like that exists. Period. Then I will show you pictures of the same Empty Holes (Flight 93 Topic and Pentagon Topic) . . .



Now say this to yourself three times while clicking your heels together:

"There is no place like an EMPTY HOLE!"

"There is no place like an EMPTY HOLE!"

"There is no place like an EMPTY HOLE!"

"[ame=""]Wake Up And Smell The 9/11 Inside Job Already[/ame]


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and here goes terral into his usual not answering the question just posting the same pics over and over that still dont answer the questions
and he has a perverted take on what they actually show
he seems to think that a 757 will crash nose first at over 400 MPH and still look like a plane
Hi DiveBomb:

and here goes terral into his usual not answering the question just posting the same pics over and over that still dont answer the questions . . .

Hey Dive: Show us 'your' pictures of Flight 93 or Flight 77 crashed ANYWHERE and stop playing the village idiot :)cuckoo:) . . .


So you concede that the plane Eots' witness saw did, in fact, not vanish into midair and struck the Pentagon?
Hi DiveBomb:

and here goes terral into his usual not answering the question just posting the same pics over and over that still dont answer the questions . . .

Hey Dive: Show us 'your' pictures of Flight 93 or Flight 77 crashed ANYWHERE and stop playing the village idiot :)cuckoo:) . . .


they have been posted for you literally HUNDREDS of times
you ignore them
you seriously need professional help
and its really quite ironic for you to call anyone "village idiot"

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