This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11


Is this the flight path that your "bomb" took?

Because that flight path sure looks like the "bomb" hit the Pentagon on the first pass.

Or maybe you are buying into this:

but the complicated maneuvers caused the radio operator to lose control and altitude at the critical moment, which caused the starboard wing to begin clipping the five downed light poles. The radio operator had a panic attack for fear that the painted up A-3 would crash into the Pentagon lawn, so he pulled back on the joystick to create what the CIT boys are calling the “Flyover Plane,”

I suppose it depends on the day, right Terrabl?
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Hi Xotoxi:

Is this the flight path that your "bomb" took?

Because that flight path sure looks like the "bomb" hit the Pentagon on the first pass.

No. The radio-controlled DoD Jet released the missile (like this) during the attack run, because the intention was for ‘both’ the Jet and missile to strike the Pentagon at very near the same time at 9:31:39 AM. This means the missile was launched first allowing the DoD Jet to lead the way, until the missile went ‘hypersonic’ to make up the distance in the final few seconds.

The bad guys failed to realize that the missile would create a very large ‘bow shockwave’ (pic = Wiki = the basics) that not only took down some of the five light poles (this path), but also uprooted Pole #1 and disrupted the flight path of the Jet itself. Therefore, the missile did impact the Column Line (CL) 14 location perfectly, but the Light Pole Debacle caused the Jet to lose altitude; until the operator pulled back on the joystick to send the DoD Jet over the E-ring wall. Steve Koeppel’s analysis pertains only to the DoD Jet on approach to the Pentagon on the ‘first trip’ without any consideration at all for the 4 minutes and 48 seconds used for the wide northerly turn allowing the Jet to impact the same location.

Or maybe you are buying into this:
but the complicated maneuvers caused the radio operator to lose control and altitude at the critical moment, which caused the starboard wing to begin clipping the five downed light poles. The radio operator had a panic attack for fear that the painted up A-3 would crash into the Pentagon lawn, so he pulled back on the joystick to create what the CIT boys are calling the “Flyover Plane,”

I suppose it depends on the day, right Terrabl?

The day? The day is 9/11 and the place is the Pentagon that was attacked at exactly 9:31:39 AM (missile strike = top pic) and again at exactly 9:36:27 AM (Jet strike), just like you see in the OP of this thread. The C-130 pilot (Steve O'Brien link) saw the painted-up DoD BOMB making the wide turn during the 4 minutes and 48 seconds that elapsed between the 'two' attacks.


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Hi Xotoxi:

Is this the flight path that your "bomb" took?

Because that flight path sure looks like the "bomb" hit the Pentagon on the first pass.

No. The radio-controlled DoD Jet released the missile (like this) during the attack run, because the intention was for ‘both’ the Jet and missile to strike the Pentagon at very near the same time at 9:31:39 AM. This means the missile was launched first allowing the DoD Jet to lead the way, until the missile went ‘hypersonic’ to make up the distance in the final few seconds.

The bad guys failed to realize that the missile would create a very large ‘bow shockwave’ (pic = Wiki = the basics) that not only took down some of the five light poles (this path), but also uprooted Pole #1 and disrupted the flight path of the Jet itself. Therefore, the missile did impact the Column Line (CL) 14 location perfectly, but the Light Pole Debacle caused the Jet to lose altitude; until the operator pulled back on the joystick to send the DoD Jet over the E-ring wall. Steve Koeppel’s analysis pertains only to the DoD Jet on approach to the Pentagon on the ‘first trip’ without any consideration at all for the 4 minutes and 48 seconds used for the wide northerly turn allowing the Jet to impact the same location.

Or maybe you are buying into this:
but the complicated maneuvers caused the radio operator to lose control and altitude at the critical moment, which caused the starboard wing to begin clipping the five downed light poles. The radio operator had a panic attack for fear that the painted up A-3 would crash into the Pentagon lawn, so he pulled back on the joystick to create what the CIT boys are calling the “Flyover Plane,”

I suppose it depends on the day, right Terrabl?

The day? The day is 9/11 and the place is the Pentagon that was attacked at exactly 9:31:39 AM (missile strike = top pic) and again at exactly 9:36:27 AM (Jet strike), just like you see in the OP of this thread. The C-130 pilot (Steve O'Brien link) saw the painted-up DoD BOMB making the wide turn during that 4 minutes and 48 seconds that elapsed between the 'two' attacks.



i can say I don't like being called a 9/11 apologist simply because I don't believe in some crackpot theory.

sure you do,you swallow crackpot theorys like the 9/11 commission report and that odwald killed kennedy ALL the time.but again thats not surprising to me since i have yet to ever meet an elvis worshipper who wasnt an idiot.

Okay hotshot, so start explaining! :0) The 911Truth is that the Retrofitted DoD Jet went BOOM against the E-ring wall at 9:36:27 AM (lower pic) to leave this debris scattered EVERYWHERE, which has NOTHING to do with any real 100-ton Jetliner crashing anywhere near the Pentagon. You have been DUPED by Senor Bushie, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the Inside-job Bad Guys . . . :0)

Or, instead of some bizarre, implausible conspiracy theory, an American Airlines Boeing 757 hit the wall.

In the BBC video refuting the strange 9/11 conspiracy theories, academics reconstructed the crash using computer simulation and concluded, indeed, a Boeing 757 most likely did cause the crash. Of course, the professors, after releasing their conclusions, were set upon by the foiler crowd, being viscerally accused of involvement in the plot, and all the usual nonsense.

Of course the Inside-job Bad Guys painted up ‘their’ Retrofitted DoD BOMB using AA lettering, because they wanted you to think a real Boeing 757 crashed into the Pentagon. And look! Their scam worked on DUPES like you. :0)

Of course they did.

Or it really was an American Airline.

But its just easier for foilers to believe an enormously complicated conspiracy by evil neocons.

That's right. People inputting data are never wrong.


Yes, that's right! It was a hologram! And look! It's on youtube!


It must be true.

You are an idiot. I have been one of the most vocal critics of the Bush administration on this board. Don't make assumptions about my political affiliations.

No. My job is to refute your assertions.

They were booked. This shows you how little you know about travel. All flights are booked, even if they are canceled. If they are canceled, then the passengers are put on other planes.

As for these "bots," the bots pick up the data inputted by hand. Somebody has to input the data into the flight computer. The fact that it shows 0:00 does not mean with 100% certainty that the flight was canceled.

As you said

That's right. Humans never make omissions when inputting data. Its a well known fact!

Also, I inputted a flight I took a US Air flight on March 6, 2008 from Tallahassee FL to Charlotte NC. Guess what? It doesn't show up in the database! It says there is no data. And I was on the plane!

Check it yourself.

Of course they did.

There would have had to have been over 100 murders, all pre-planned and carried out over a very short time period, say a day or so before the flight was to take off. Otherwise, there would have been some suspicious activity. Over 100 people are killed within a day or two, surely someone who was associated with those people would have had some suspicion. Yet, these people have all disappeared, without a trace.

Bush and Rove and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Ashcroft and Raytheon and Blackstone and Peter Peterson (NYC Federal Reserve = story) and Larry Silverstein and Mayor Giuliani and the Justice Department (my WTC-7 thread) and all of their Inside-job cohorts murdered them in cold blood. Hey el Toro, guess who is next? :0)

You have zero, zip, nada on any of this. It is just baseless accusations.

No surprise there.

Here is the deal facing all Loyal Bushie DUPES: The same people who planned and carried out these Inside-job 9/11 attacks are also orchestrating the current U.S./Global Economic Implosion ‘and’ there is still time (today) to backtrack and bring the ‘real’ Inside-job Bad Guys to justice. However, your refusal to go back in time to get 9/11 right shall be the cause of your own destruction by these same bad guys telling Loyal Bushie and now Loyal Obama LIES on the television every cotton-picking day.

Okay, this says it all, doesn't it? It just gets more and more bizarre.

The evil neocons are "orchestrating the economic implosion" says more to me about your whole mindset, and your gullibility regarding conspiracy theories. When you invoke economic meltdowns, you have no idea nor knowledge what you are talking about. I see no reason why anyone should trust your analytical abilities regarding 9/11 since you invoke a bizarre and laughable theory about the economy.

You have no credibility.

This coming from a guy who ran off with his tail between his legs when I posted the proof for you how they were able to wire the buildings unnoticed to bring the towers ignored it before but I'll post it for you again,not now though cause my break is over.
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i can say I don't like being called a 9/11 apologist simply because I don't believe in some crackpot theory.

sure you do,you swallow crackpot theorys like the 9/11 commission report and that odwald killed kennedy ALL the time.but again thats not surprising to me since i have yet to ever meet an elvis worshipper who wasnt an idiot.

You don't believe that Oswald killed Kennedy?

:lol: :cuckoo: :lol: :cuckoo: :lol: :cuckoo:
On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, just minutes before learning of the terrorist attacks on America, Democratic strategist James Carville was hoping for President Bush to fail, telling a group of Washington reporters: "I certainly hope he doesn't succeed."



He knew what was going to happen!

Terral, I owe you an were right all along.

i can say I don't like being called a 9/11 apologist simply because I don't believe in some crackpot theory.

sure you do,you swallow crackpot theorys like the 9/11 commission report and that odwald killed kennedy ALL the time.but again thats not surprising to me since i have yet to ever meet an elvis worshipper who wasnt an idiot.

You don't believe that Oswald killed Kennedy?

:lol: :cuckoo: :lol: :cuckoo: :lol: :cuckoo:

Your as big of an idiot as elvis worshipper and divecon and the other 9/11 apologists here so its not surprising you believe in that other fairy tale, the warren commission that oswald killed kennedy.theres never been a shread of evidence "despite what you want to believe" that ever proved it,however theres been MOUNTAINS of evidence just like there is in in 9/11, that elements in the CIA/INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX that Eisenhower warned the american people about in his farewell address to be aware of,that they were behind it all.Guess your not aware that Allen Dulles the CIA director that kennedy FIRED after the bay of pigs dissater,was the main oversear in that fairy tale warren commission report? thats like asking the fox to guard the henhouse,same with 9/11.Having BUSH appoint people to investigate the case,is like asking a robber you watched rob a bank, guard your money for know it, I know it,only your just in serious denial.:rolleyes:
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Here it is again for you Toro,the thread I posted where you then ran off with your tail between your legs that you and your 9/11 frady cats never bothered to address since you all knew you couldnt counter it.

Quote: Originally Posted by 9/11 inside job
Toro,you brought up a good point on this thread not too long ago I wanted to address even further than I did before.You mentioned that if explosives were used,then it would not have gone unnoticed by people in the buildings cause they would have to wire the buildings.good point but as i said before,Marvin Bush was the head of the security towers for the towers in the prior months before 9/ was Bush jr's cousin-Wirt Walker.Because of that,they were able to keep the coworkers from seeing what they were really doing.They brought in dumpsters all the time with the explosives hidden in them obviously.we know they brought dumpsters in the towers prior to 9/11 cause many workers saw them and saw construction workers coming in and out of the towers.

As I said before,they weren't real construction workers though.They were CIA operatives disguised as construction workers.again BUSH SR was the former director of that evil organization the CIA back in the 70's.His son was running the country and his brother was in charge of the security for the towers.Havent you ever been to a construction site before and seen where they have fences and signs that say-hard hat area,keep out? and dont allow anybody other than the construction workers to enter in there?I have.I have worked before in temp jobs doing construction before.I saw it quite a few times while doing that kind of work. well thats what was going on then.They had service elevators that only the construction workers-CIA plants,could use to get to these floors and wire them.the workers said that they heard a lot of unusual constuction work going on and the elevaters THEY used,would not allow them to stop and enter on certain floors.they had no access to them.

They didnt use regular elevators so thats how the workers there didnt know what was going on.They didnt know that Marvin Bush was a criminal or his cousin.They just thought they were real construction workers working there doing what they told them they were OFFICIALLY doing which was putting in new floor panels.they were told that and thats what they just assumed.They couldnt just go in there and look at what was going on,they call security on you for that if you do something like know that.Obviously your in denial here and never watched any of those canada wants the truth videos that I postred countless numbers ot times here cause if you had,you would have seen that video where those workers there that survived,talked about seeing them bring in dumpsters and hearing loud construction work going on in the floors above them and hearing a dumpster being moved around on the floors above far as them doing the unprecedented thing of saying there was a power outage that weekend,well they obviously didnt get all that work done in just one weekend,it took them a few months obviously.

Now this IS a theory of why they had the power outage happen that weekend "which never had happened there before." according to some workers who had been there 20 plus years,my theory for why they had it was they just wanted to get the CIA plants to take a quick scan of the towers and make sure the explosives were all set where they had to be and everything was ready to go.unti a new investigation is opened up,thats all we can do is speculate about that.but like i said,anybody who has a brain who watches those canada wants the truth videos can see the evidence is overwhelming explosives brought the towers down.
THATS how they did it without people noticing to answer your question.Now that THAT has been cleared up,that supposedly debunking 9/11 conspiracy link you posted and others like that, that the 9/11 apologists here blindly worship as the truth cause their in denial, are disinformation sites with disinformation,lies and propaganda.

if you want to find out the REAL truth,watch these 47 videos here.they debunk those two fairy tales the 9/11 coverup commission report and the NIST report.everytime I ask people to watch them and debunk them,they never do watch them.This is how i can tell if someone is REALLY interested in the truth or is in complete denial and wants to keep their head buried in the sand by listening to the lies and propaganda of the corporate controlled media and the government.anybody who watches these 47 videos and STILL defends the official version of the 9/11 commission report,is either an idiot moron like divecon and godboy, or they didnt watch them.I have posted it countless numbers of times here but the 9/11 apologists never watch them because they know its the truth and the truth scares them so they wont attempt to debunk they are if you want to learn the TRUTH.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Videos

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This coming from a guy who ran off with his tail between his legs when I posted the proof for you how they were able to wire the buildings unnoticed to bring the towers ignored it before but I'll post it for you again,not now though cause my break is over.

I ignored it because it was a bizarre, unsubstantiated theory and I had become bored with you.

These theories get more and more ridiculous.
This coming from a guy who ran off with his tail between his legs when I posted the proof for you how they were able to wire the buildings unnoticed to bring the towers ignored it before but I'll post it for you again,not now though cause my break is over.

I ignored it because it was a bizarre, unsubstantiated theory and I had become bored with you.

These theories get more and more ridiculous.

as usual,you just come back with pathetic comebacks like this instead of trying to address it since you know your defeated.thats how you always reply when I challenge you frady cats to debunk those videos.just because you cant counter facts doesnt mean these are theories.
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This coming from a guy who ran off with his tail between his legs when I posted the proof for you how they were able to wire the buildings unnoticed to bring the towers ignored it before but I'll post it for you again,not now though cause my break is over.

I ignored it because it was a bizarre, unsubstantiated theory and I had become bored with you.

These theories get more and more ridiculous.

as usual,you just come back with pathetic comebacks like this instead of trying to address it since you know your defeated.thats how you always reply when I challenge you frady cats to debunk those videos.just because you cant counter facts doesnt mean these are theories.

You haven't provided any facts on how the buildings were wired. You provided a bizarre theory. I see no reason to address bizarre and unsubstantiated theories.

Conspiracy theorists will believe pretty much any conspiracy theory that comes down the pike. That is a sign of a weak mind, not a skeptical one.
This coming from a guy who ran off with his tail between his legs when I posted the proof for you how they were able to wire the buildings unnoticed to bring the towers ignored it before but I'll post it for you again,not now though cause my break is over.

I ignored it because it was a bizarre, unsubstantiated theory and I had become bored with you.

These theories get more and more ridiculous.
ever notice how these guys buy into just about every, if not every, nutty conspiracy there is?

it must be either a hormonal or vitamin deficiency
I ignored it because it was a bizarre, unsubstantiated theory and I had become bored with you.

These theories get more and more ridiculous.

as usual,you just come back with pathetic comebacks like this instead of trying to address it since you know your defeated.thats how you always reply when I challenge you frady cats to debunk those videos.just because you cant counter facts doesnt mean these are theories.

You haven't provided any facts on how the buildings were wired. You provided a bizarre theory. I see no reason to address bizarre and unsubstantiated theories.

Conspiracy theorists will believe pretty much any conspiracy theory that comes down the pike. That is a sign of a weak mind, not a skeptical one.
i saw no facts on that either
that nut is lying, as usual
Guess your not aware that Allen Dulles the CIA director that kennedy FIRED after the bay of pigs dissater,was the main oversear in that fairy tale warren commission report?

Think about this for a second...

  • Allen Dulles is fired by Kennedy.
  • Kennedy is killed.
  • Allen Dulles oversees the Warren Commission

What motive would Allen Dulles have to falsify the Warren Commission report?

Did he want to teach Kennedy a lesson by proving that there was only one assassin?

Well he sure showed him!

I guess the only motive that Dulles would have to falsify information would be...THAT HE WAS INVOLVED IN THE ASSASSINATION!

OOOH! I assume that's the theory that you buy into.
Hi DiveCon with Xotoxi, Dave and 9/11 Inside Job mentioned:

and that was caused by the nose landing gear
not the nost of the actual plane

Actually, it looks like a pretty large hunk of fuselage lying there on the ground.
yes, but it is believed that the heavy landing gear was what caused the wall to break
the momentum and enertia of it

911 Inside Job says you guys are 9/11 apologists, but the more accurate characterization is 9/11 Loyal Bushie DUPES :)cuckoo:). I have debated my share of DoD field ops (Killtown is one example) on all of these related 9/11 Inside Jobs, but they would at least haul out some pictures of their own and try to mislead somebody into believing Senor Bushie’s Cover Story LIE. You guys (Dive, Xotoxi, Dave) simply come onto my threads to TALK and make stupid unsupported claims that have a zero probability of having one thing to do with 911Truth reality. These guys are here to derail the Topic and to throw as much smoke into the air as possible to justify their own unbelievable nonsense in order to create the next generation of Loyal Bushie DUPES just like themselves. I can hardly believe that anybody is TALKING about ‘the nose landing gear,’ as if the indestructible landing gear (pic) can somehow be separated from the remaining 100-ton Jetliner! In fact, the landing gear has NOTHING to do with anything, because nobody was LANDING any cotton-picking Jetliner anyway! :0)


The 911Truth is that ‘ALL’ of the AA77 components must be accounted for in ‘ANY’ Official Cover Story Explanation!

Say that to yourself three times very slowly and perhaps some aspect of ‘the’ 911Truth will begin to sink in. You cannot even see the indestructible landing gear in the above Boeing 757-200 schematic diagram, because they are hidden by the massive 60-ton aluminum/titanium frame! The diameter of those massive Rolls-Royce engines (pic) is about 9 feet and if you actually click on the pic, then you see there is no such thing as any ‘nose’ of the multi-wheeled landing gear assemblies extending down from the fuselage that would be retracted up into the crashing Jetliner anyway! Somebody tell me how the nose of any landing gear (heh) is going to strike the Pentagon going 530 miles per hour ‘and’ these two massive 6-ton engines (these suckers are MASSIVE) are not going to exit the C-ring wall just 220 feet away from the E-ring wall??!! :0) Remember that your 100-ton Jetliner is 155-feet long and the massive tail section (like this) stands over four stories tall while sitting on the cotton-picking tarmac!! If you go through ‘ALL’ of the Boeing 757-200 components from the schematic above, then you will count about 200 seats (pic) that were never found at the Pentagon; along with everything else you see making up a real 100-ton Jetliner.

as well as everything else in the way that got pushed
while some of the thing inside the building would slow it down, the momentum of it would move some of that stuff along with it
thus it could have been a virtual wall of office products and air plane parts

You have got to be kidding! :0) The only people here to be convinced by this kind of absolute BULL are DUPES just like these cartoon characters without even a single clue as to what they are even talking about! The landing gear is connected to the 100-ton Jetliner frame (look!) and the frame is connected to the massive wing sections and the massive wing sections hold up the massive 6-ton Rolls-Royce Engines (pic) that never exited the C-ring wall, because they never entered the E-ring wall in the first place:


Okay. So where did the 100-ton Jetliner (pic again) enter this standing E-ring wall going any 530 miles per hour? :0) Oh, just the nose of the landing gear (heh) went through and the remainder of the 100-ton Jetliner vaporized into thin air without leaving a single clue! :0) No. The 911Truth is that the C-ring exit hole was created by the third L-Pill explosion that killed everybody in the Defense Intelligence Agency Office, after the second L-Pill device detonated inside the Navy Operations Center like this:


The “Collapsed Area” at the E-ring wall location is at the very bottom of the diagram and to your right. The three L-Pill devices exploded along the 45-degree angle line (Fig 1) from your lower right to the upper-center of the diagram where the Defense Intelligence Agency Office Area is shaded in yellow where the rear C-ring hole is located. Here is what the three areas look like that suffered the devastating damage from these three L-Pill (Lethal Pill) explosions:


The first picture on your left shows how the solid concrete columns were blown away from the center of detonation taken in the area where the civilian bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts (story) were tracking down the missing 2.3 Trillion Dollars (story). They were purposely given desks and seats along this 45-degree corridor of destruction (pic) in the green Army Area between the outer E-ring wall and the front wall of the Navy Operations Center. For those of you following the April Gallop/Dick Cheney Lawsuit case ( = my blog), she was sitting over in the green Army area near Column Line 6 near the outer E-ring wall to your lower left of The Pentagon Victims diagram above. She heard ‘two’ explosions from the initial missile detonation and the first L-Pill device going off that caused these massive columns to be blow over in her direction where both April and her son suffered brain damage from the shockwave/concussion blast.

The middle picture (man in hardhat holding measuring tape) was taken inside the Navy Operations Center where the inside-job bad guys murdered the Navy Commanders gathered to launch Navy Jets from aircraft carriers into the NYC/WTC theater (they never arrived). The WTC attacks were initiated first to give Navy Commanders ‘time’ to assemble in this strategic area of the Navy Operations Center, so that everyone possible could be murdered along with the bookkeepers, accountants and budget analysts tracking down the missing 2.3 Trillion Dollars. The second L-Pill device detonated just above that gaping hole in the Navy Operations Center Concrete Slab just milliseconds after the first L-Pill device detonated in the Army section along the same 45-degree angle of destruction that I refer to as the Column Line 14 (CL-14) Corridor Of Death originating on the far side of the Route 27 Cloverleaf out on Washington Blvd (pic). All of these Pentagon components of destruction are on the same 45-degree angle on the straight line between the far Route 27 cloverleaf and the rear C-ring exit hole (pic again) that we are talking about right now. Why did the bad guys choose the 45-degree angle for their attack? That is really very simple: The columns inside the Pentagon are laid out like a checkerboard (pic) and the bad guys purposely positioned everyone tagged for 'murder' along this 45-degree angle to eliminate their chosen victims like bishop takes queen (pic).

The final picture above shows the C-ring exit hole from the inside while standing inside the Defense Intelligence Agency Office where these guys want to say the nose of the landing gear (heh) created this perfectly round hole. :0) Of course, we are looking from the 45-degree angle that makes the hole appear perfectly round, but outside we can see this exit hole is actually an oval (pic). This is the very location where the third and final L-Pill device poked through the Wedge One/Wedge Two cross wall (pic = dotted line running up and down just left of “Hole in wall”) to explode against the rear C-ring masonry wall and murder everyone in the Defense Intelligence Agency Offices ‘and’ eliminate the people capable of blowing the cover on this Inside Job. In other words, the third L-Pill detonation was part of a carefully-planned strategy to cut off the heads of the bookkeeper/accountant/budget analysts (L-Pill #1), the Navy Commanders planning to launch Navy Jets (L-Pill #2) and Defense Intelligence Agency Heads (L-Pill #3) gathered in their offices to begin the WTC/NYC response initiative that never happened; because everyone was murdered by the inside-job bad guys still running around to this day.

The people trying to say a real 100-ton Jetliner crashed into the Pentagon are working every day to run diversion for the REAL INSIDE-JOB BAD GUYS who murdered innocent Americans ‘and’ appropriated for themselves 10,000 dollars for every man, woman, child and illegal alien foreign national running around loose in the USA. These people are either DUPES without one clue, OR they are purposely diverting attention AWAY from the very inside-job bad guys that are orchestrating the current U.S. Economic Implosion right before your very eyes on the Television every day. I am telling you ‘the 911Truth’ that We The People are running out of ‘time’ to get 9/11 right in order to STOP these same bad guys from destroying the USA as we know it along with your posterity.

If We The People fail to backtrack and solve these related 9/11 Inside Jobs, then you deserve the coming destruction that is now on the horizon and about to be looking you square in the face.

GL with that too,

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You haven't provided any facts on how the buildings were wired. You provided a bizarre theory. I see no reason to address bizarre and unsubstantiated theories.

Conspiracy theorists will believe pretty much any conspiracy theory that comes down the pike. That is a sign of a weak mind, not a skeptical one.

I cant help but laugh when you use the label conspiracy theorists when talking about 9/11That might work in a JFK debate when endorcing the governments "lone nut theory" but it doesnt work when talking about 9/11 because thats what 9/11 WAS a conspiracy.:lol:Even if you accept the 9/11 commissions report. so guess what? that makes you a conspiracy theorist.LOL.

As usual,you prove as always your in serious denial also.I have challenged you 9/11 apologists countless numbers of times to watch those 9/11 videos from the canada wants the truth site that I have posted the link to countless numbers of times and comment on what those videos showed and talked about -some of those videos show overwhelming evidence of explosions going off.footage that the corporate controlled media NEVER shows when they do specials such as the fairy tale the history channel presents that you worship as the truth.the only bizarre and unsubstantiated theories are the governments version of 9/11 that you have allowed them to brainwash you with.since all you ever do is put your tail between your legs and run off when I ask you to watch those 47 videos from the 9/11 canada wants the truth site and you never take the time to to wacth them and address them,Im done with you.

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