This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Your as big of an idiot as elvis worshipper and divecon and the other 9/11 apologists here... well as another 300,000,000 United States residents.

I'd rather be an idiot in good company then to be a delusional psychotic like you.


yeah many of those idiots think he is still alive as well,:lol::lol:so your in good company with them on your 9/11 conspiracy theory of the governments..:lol::lol::lol:oh and just because your afraid of the truth-"you've proven that in spades by not watching those canada wants the truth videos I have posted too many times to remember," just because of that,doesnt mean I am a delusional psychotic.
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Guess your not aware that Allen Dulles the CIA director that kennedy FIRED after the bay of pigs dissater,was the main oversear in that fairy tale warren commission report?

Think about this for a second...

  • Allen Dulles is fired by Kennedy.
  • Kennedy is killed.
  • Allen Dulles oversees the Warren Commission

What motive would Allen Dulles have to falsify the Warren Commission report?

Did he want to teach Kennedy a lesson by proving that there was only one assassin?

Well he sure showed him!

I guess the only motive that Dulles would have to falsify information would be...THAT HE WAS INVOLVED IN THE ASSASSINATION!

OOOH! I assume that's the theory that you buy into.

Im not going to get into this with you on the 9/11 thread.All Im going to say is that the warren commission "just like the 9/11 commission report",is ALSO a fairy tale.Even the house select committe on assassinations, "ANOTHER government investigation done in the 1970's" concluded that the warren commission was wrong,THEY concluded that his death was the result of a probable conspiracy but unable to locate the other shooter.Funny that in ALL three investigations-the warren commission,the house select committe investigation,the 9/11 commission,that on all three occassions,one congresss member walked out in disgust cause they saw the investigaters had no intention of finding out the truth by ignoring evidence that did not fit their versions.

Hale Boggs of the warren commission resigned in disgust of them-He also died in a mysterious plane crash later on after that,Gaston Fonzi of the house select committe on assassinations resigned,he wrote a book on it called THE LAST INVESTIGATION saying he resigned out of disgust cause they ignored evidence that did not fit their version as well and even said in the book that they ignored evidence that pointed towards government involvement. with 9/11,cant remember the guys name but one of them did the same thing.
After the bay of pigs dissater that Allen Dulles and the CIA lied to kennedy about -which is why kennedy fired Dulles,kennedy threatend to get rid of the CIA.He threatened to splinter them into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the four winds. Those were his words he spoke to his aides.The CIA was not about to let that happen.The CIA -"the organization that uses the same methods the third reich does and operates the same way," THEIR still around,Kennedy isnt.kennedy wanted to completely withdraw from vietnam by 1965 and the CIA was not about to let that happen.It was all over the pentagan papers back then that kennedy wanted to withdraw from vietnam by 1965 it was no secret,everybody in the military knew it.

The CIA knew with LBJ in office,that he would give them their war they wanted for doing the favor of getting him elected.AGAIN,Dulles was the worst possible choice to head the investigation,AGAIN thats like asking the fox to guard the henhouse,dont pretend its not.Thats why Gerald Ford was rewarded the presidency of the united states for going along with the coverup.He served on the commission as well.I cant help but laugh my ass off that you believe a commission whos members were appointed by the PRESIDENT in both the warren commission case and in 9/11.LOL.Anybody who was objective would listen to the people that served on those commissions that resigned in disgust,not the people that went along with the coverup.duh. I could go on and on but seeing how your in denial and afraid of the truth about conspiracys,no point in doing so.good bye.
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9/11 Debunked: Norman Mineta - No Stand Down Order ... Minetta tells 9/11 Commission Cheney knew exact flight path ...
Norman Mineta Confirms That Dick Cheney Ordered Stand Down on 9/11 ...

Here Norman Mineta is confessing before the 9/11 coverup commission that Cheney ordered that young officer to not shoot down the so called airliner you want to believe crashed into the pentagan and you apologists say Cheney is an innocent angel.I love it,you all kill me.LOl. I guess he was telling him the order still stands for him not to eat a sandwich now according to you alls logic right? LOL.
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9/11 Debunked: Norman Mineta - No Stand Down Order ... Minetta tells 9/11 Commission Cheney knew exact flight path ...
Norman Mineta Confirms That Dick Cheney Ordered Stand Down on 9/11 ...

Here Norman Mineta is confessing before the 9/11 coverup commission that Cheney ordered that young officer to not shoot down the so called airliner you want to believe crashed into the pentagan and you apologists say Cheney is an innocent angel.I love it,you all kill me.LOl. I guess he was telling him the order still stands for him not to eat a sandwich now according to you alls logic right? LOL.
sorry, not good enough
it was already confirmed that he was mistaken

this is the ONLY part i'm interested in all the crap you posted
you guys are fucking delusional
but, where did that come from and the reason i ask is i want to look at the original source to find out what it REALLY means
cause i KNOW you are LYING
this is the ONLY part i'm interested in all the crap you posted
you guys are fucking delusional
but, where did that come from and the reason i ask is i want to look at the original source to find out what it REALLY means
cause i KNOW you are LYING

What are all those ovals? Where is the key to the map? Is there any image with better resolution?

I'm sure the "original" is on Terral's hard drive.
this is the ONLY part i'm interested in all the crap you posted
you guys are fucking delusional
but, where did that come from and the reason i ask is i want to look at the original source to find out what it REALLY means
cause i KNOW you are LYING

What are all those ovals? Where is the key to the map? Is there any image with better resolution?

I'm sure the "original" is on Terral's hard drive.
good questions
i doubt terral has the answers
and the actual image name is pentagon_victims.jpg
it looks like it was on an official site at some point in time
good questions
i doubt terral has the answers
and the actual image name is pentagon_victims.jpg
it looks like it was on an official site at some point in time

What site was that?



I guess based on the title, those ovals are Pentagon victims.
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good questions
i doubt terral has the answers
and the actual image name is pentagon_victims.jpg
it looks like it was on an official site at some point in time

What site was that?



I guess based on the title, those ovals are Pentagon victims.
i'm guessing the yellow and red ovals are pentagon employee victims and the yellow and blue ovals are AA77 victims

did terral provide proof that the passengers of AA77 were recovered at and INSIDE the pentagon?
good questions
i doubt terral has the answers
and the actual image name is pentagon_victims.jpg
it looks like it was on an official site at some point in time

What site was that?



I guess based on the title, those ovals are Pentagon victims.
i'm guessing the yellow and red ovals are pentagon employee victims and the yellow and blue ovals are AA77 victims

did terral provide proof that the passengers of AA77 were recovered at and INSIDE the pentagon?

I found the website. I'm not sure it is the original location, but it provides some explanation of the map.

9-11 Research: Pentagon Victims

From the above website said:
Since there were five alleged hijackers of Flight 77, whom authorities did not identify since they lacked DNA samples from the families, that 184 identifications accounts for the 125 people killed inside the Pentagon, and the 54 people other than the hijackers on board the aricraft.

I'm curious as to how they fit 54 bodies into a "DoD Retrofitted A-3 Flying BOMB".

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What site was that?



I guess based on the title, those ovals are Pentagon victims.
i'm guessing the yellow and red ovals are pentagon employee victims and the yellow and blue ovals are AA77 victims

did terral provide proof that the passengers of AA77 were recovered at and INSIDE the pentagon?

I found the website. I'm not sure it is the original location, but it provides some explanation of the map.

9-11 Research: Pentagon Victims

From the above website said:
Since there were five alleged hijackers of Flight 77, whom authorities did not identify since they lacked DNA samples from the families, that 184 identifications accounts for the 125 people killed inside the Pentagon, and the 54 people other than the hijackers on board the aricraft.

I'm curious as to how they fit 54 bodies into a "DoD Retrofitted A-3 Flying BOMB".

amazing, isnt it
i'm guessing the yellow and red ovals are pentagon employee victims and the yellow and blue ovals are AA77 victims

did terral provide proof that the passengers of AA77 were recovered at and INSIDE the pentagon?

I found the website. I'm not sure it is the original location, but it provides some explanation of the map.

9-11 Research: Pentagon Victims

From the above website said:
Since there were five alleged hijackers of Flight 77, whom authorities did not identify since they lacked DNA samples from the families, that 184 identifications accounts for the 125 people killed inside the Pentagon, and the 54 people other than the hijackers on board the aricraft.

I'm curious as to how they fit 54 bodies into a "DoD Retrofitted A-3 Flying BOMB".

amazing, isnt it

No you boobs, they just put a piece of each body in , they didn't need the whole thing. They assassinated them, chopped them up and left pieces small enough to pack all 54 in the A-3 with all the explosives.

Did I mention they did this all in minutes, they managed to kidnap the people execute them, chop them up AND deliver parts to the secret base where the A-3 was all in a matter of what? Half an hour?

No NO, I know, they kidnapped the people and rushed them to the Pentagon where the INSIDE BADGUYS smuggled them in and left them to die where the A-3 would hit the building. Ya that sounds better.
Did I mention they did this all in minutes, they managed to kidnap the people execute them, chop them up AND deliver parts to the secret base where the A-3 was all in a matter of what? Half an hour?

Could you imagine if our government was this efficient and effective all the time?
Hi 9/11 Inside Job:

9/11 Debunked: Norman Mineta - No Stand Down Order ... Minetta tells 9/11 Commission Cheney knew exact flight path ...
YouTube - Mineta and the secret orders of Cheney
Norman Mineta Confirms That Dick Cheney Ordered Stand Down on 9/11 ...

Here Norman Mineta is confessing before the 9/11 cover-up commission that Cheney ordered that young officer to not shoot down the so called airliner.

Cheney’s ‘Stand Down Order’ has much more to do with turning off Pentagon Defenses than ‘not’ shooting down a Fantasy Jetliner.

Next problem: There are five extremely sophisticated anti-missile batteries in place to protect the Pentagon from an airborne attack. These anti-missile batteries operate automatically.
The Pentagon is the most well-protected military installation on God’s Green Earth and nobody can possibly ‘attack’ the Pentagon, unless the people running the Pentagon ‘want to be attacked.’ Period. Before continuing, mine is a “Navy Family” and my nephew is a Navy Journalist right now (link) like Barbara Honegger (famous paper) who I like to quote frequently in my 911Truth papers. My brother served on the USS Iwo Jima (pic a.k.a. Iwo Pig) during the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, and he was on board when military personnel installed the “Phalanx Close-In Weapons System” (link) characterized as, “The same system installed at the Pentagon.”

These systems include ‘failsafe backup systems’ that kick in the moment any primary defense system component is compromised, unless (of course) somebody turns the systems ‘off.’ Cheney’s ‘Stand Down Order’ was all about switching the button from ‘off’ back to ‘on,’ so the ‘automated systems’ could defend the Pentagon like they were designed to do. The Department of Defense is just one player in the Inside-job Bad Guy game where the bad guys required this ‘self-inflicted wound’ to make the Pentagon look like ‘the victim’ in these 9/11 attacks to throw suspicion upon somebody else. The WTC skyscrapers were attacked ‘first’ to give Navy Commanders and Defense Intelligence Authorities ‘time’ to gather together in these key areas of the Pentagon ‘and’ Cheney refused to remove the “Stand Down Order,” because the retrofitted DoD Flying Bomb was on the way to deliver the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike and remove those potential ‘threats’ from the equation; along with anyone hunting down the 2.3 Trillion dollars (obviously).

You want to believe [AA77] crashed into the Pentagon and you apologists say Cheney is an innocent angel .I love it, you all kill me. LOl. I guess he was telling him the order still stands for him not to eat a sandwich now according to you alls logic right? LOL.

There is plenty of incriminating evidence scattered around everywhere, but the people responsible for bringing the inside-job bad guys to justice are all part of the inside job itself. It is not that Congress and the Justice Department are stupid, but they already know for A FACT that 9/11 was an inside job and they are looking the other way; like we have millions and millions and millions of Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals EVERYWHERE. The fascinating thing about the timeline of events is that Senor Bush and his mastermind Karl Rove were sitting in Emma E. Brooker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida among children reading books about pet goats, while all of this action was taking place in the WTC theater and at the Pentagon. Go ahead and ask yourself why Karl Rove is in Florida with Bush and then ask yourself why Bush sat in that classroom for so long ‘after’ the WTC attacks? :0) Why???

1. At approximately 8:48 a.m. on the morning of September 11, 2001, the first pictures of the burning World Trade Center were broadcast on live television.
Flight 11 is said to hit the North Tower at 8:45 AM (CNN Timeline), until the first news pictures are released publicly at 8:48 AM. Does Senor Bush gather up his right-hand man Karl Rove and jump on Air Force One? No. Flight 175 is said to strike the South Tower at 9:03 AM. Guess what? Bush takes part in a silly photo-op at 9:03 AM at the very same time that the South Tower was attacked (pic). That’s right! Bush is holding the book upside down, but why is the President of these United States of America still in Florida? Remember that air traffic controllers believed Flight 11 had been hijacked at 8:13 AM, or almost an hour earlier, and Senor Bush is sitting here with children without one care in the world. When Bush was told that the USA was under attack, “He did nothing. Bush did not say one word. He did not ask Card any questions. He did not give any orders.”

Flight 93 was reported ‘hijacked’ at 9:16 AM and at 9:25 AM NORAD was notified that AA77 was ‘hijacked,’ but Senor Bushie continues the schoolhouse charade, until making his speech at exactly 9:30 AM that ended between 9:31 AM and 9:32 AM. Senor Bush then began exiting the school at the precise moment that the Pentagon was attacked at 9:31:39 AM, because the only people who could possibly blow the cover off these inside-job attacks were then DEAD and scattered all over the walls of the Pentagon. Then realize that our Government was engaged in not one and not two but five interconnected military and non-military exercises (oilempire link) where the President is sitting with school kids in Florida and Dick Cheney is left in charge!

The fact is that Bush and Rove are ‘hiding in plain sight’ down in Florida in front of TV cameras (like Karl Rove today) to hide their ‘involvement’ and ‘guilt’ surrounding the planning and execution (pun intented) of these 9/11 Inside-job Attacks.


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Hi Dive:

this is the ONLY part i'm interested in all the crap you posted
you guys are fucking delusional
but, where did that come from and the reason i ask is i want to look at the original source to find out what it REALLY means
cause i KNOW you are LYING

You guys can clean up your language and act like thinking adults (if that is even possible) and perhaps I will offer more information in response to your queries.


this is the ONLY part i'm interested in all the crap you posted
you guys are fucking delusional
but, where did that come from and the reason i ask is i want to look at the original source to find out what it REALLY means
cause i KNOW you are LYING

What are all those ovals? Where is the key to the map? Is there any image with better resolution?

I'm sure the "original" is on Terral's hard drive.

No. You can find more information on this victims diagram here at The prosecution used this exhibit in the Zacarias Moussaoui trial (link).


this is the ONLY part i'm interested in all the crap you posted
you guys are fucking delusional
but, where did that come from and the reason i ask is i want to look at the original source to find out what it REALLY means
cause i KNOW you are LYING

What are all those ovals? Where is the key to the map? Is there any image with better resolution?

I'm sure the "original" is on Terral's hard drive.

No. You can find more information on this victims diagram here at The prosecution used this exhibit in the Zacarias Moussaoui trial (link).



So explain how all those people from a flight that never took off and never hit the Pentagon got body parts IN the wreckage.
Hi Dive:

good questions
i doubt terral has the answers
and the actual image name is pentagon_victims.jpg
it looks like it was on an official site at some point in time

What site was that?



I guess based on the title, those ovals are Pentagon victims.
i'm guessing the yellow and red ovals are pentagon employee victims and the yellow and blue ovals are AA77 victims

did terral provide proof that the passengers of AA77 were recovered at and INSIDE the pentagon?

No. These are the locations where Senor Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their Inside-job cohorts 'planted' DNA evidence in support of their Official Cover Story LIE.

The funny thing is that out of 189 victims, the only five missing people are supposed to look like these guys (pic), but in realty many of those 'accused' have been found 'alive' (story).


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Hi Dive:

What site was that?



I guess based on the title, those ovals are Pentagon victims.
i'm guessing the yellow and red ovals are pentagon employee victims and the yellow and blue ovals are AA77 victims

did terral provide proof that the passengers of AA77 were recovered at and INSIDE the pentagon?

No. These are the locations where Senor Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and their Inside-job cohorts 'planted' DNA evidence in support of their Official Cover Story LIE.

The funny thing is that out of 189 victims, the only five missing people are supposed to look like these guys (pic), but in realty many of those 'accused' have been found 'alive' (story).



Bull shit. Provide evidence that a person that was on that flight is alive and well today. If that were true there would be no argument at all. You are aware that a wife of a Cabinet Member was on that flight?

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