This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Major General Albert Stubblebine, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, 1981 - 1984. Also commanded the U.S. Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command and the U.S. Army’s Intelligence School and Center. Former head of Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence. 32-year Army career.

Member, Military Intelligence Hall of Fame.

Video 7/11/06: "One of my experiences in the Army was being in charge of the Army’s Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence during the Cold War. I measured pieces of Soviet equipment from photographs. It was my job. I look at the hole in the Pentagon and I look at the size of an airplane that was supposed to have hit the Pentagon. And I said, ‘The plane does not fit in that hole’. So what did hit the Pentagon? What hit it? Where is it? What's going on?" [url= - Major General Stubblebine Speaks Out
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Major General Albert Stubblebine, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, 1981 - 1984. Also commanded the U.S. Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command and the U.S. Army’s Intelligence School and Center. Former head of Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence. 32-year Army career.

Member, Military Intelligence Hall of Fame.

Video 7/11/06: "One of my experiences in the Army was being in charge of the Army’s Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence during the Cold War. I measured pieces of Soviet equipment from photographs. It was my job. I look at the hole in the Pentagon and I look at the size of an airplane that was supposed to have hit the Pentagon. And I said, ‘The plane does not fit in that hole’. So what did hit the Pentagon? What hit it? Where is it? What's going on?" [url= - Major General Stubblebine Speaks Out
oh yeah, he's credible

Albert Stubblebine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The inside-job bad guys used a retrofitted and radio-controlled A-3
I guess someone decided to hitch a ride.
Anyone else catch the inconsistancies with the claims by the Thread starter?

Let me list a few...

He claimed that on 9/11 2001 Bush was part of a plan to target the Pentagon to murder members of the military that would catch the fact he stole 2.3 trillion dollars.

Umm how did Bush steal 2.3 trillion dollars in 9 months as president? Or does he mean the missing funds in Iraq from several YEARS later?

He insisted for most of the thread that the plane in DC never took off and claimed further that NO ONE died from the canceled flight, providing links to supposed people that were on the flight. Now he is arguing that the DNA evidence that exists of the DEAD people from the flight was all secretly sent in from an Air Force Base, not found at the site and further claims these people were murdered to obtain the DNA evidence, I am confused, which is it? They are all alive and well or they were all murdered?

He claims an A-3 was used to fire a missile and to crash into the Pentagon. His proof is an engine that was NEVER on the A-3 and was not found at the scene, a wheel that is not from an A-3 and exactly matches the wheel from the aircraft that the Government claims hit the Pentagon.

He posted a diagram that shows where the bodies and DNA was found of ALL the victims, claims the dead ( but really alive) passengers and crew body parts were smuggled into the wreckage after the fact, THEN claims no DNA was recovered at the pentagon at all but rather sent from an Air Force Base.

He claims that the supposed A-3 Naval Jet could clip 5 light poles ( or telephone poles) and keep flying with just an adjustment from the secret remote pilot.

Ohh then there is the supposed picture of a wing from an A-3 being smuggled off the lawn. Of course the object has almost no weight as evidenced by the people carrying it having no load on their shoulders, it is most likely a tent being carried ON to the Lawn as evidenced by the color and appearance and the actual direction the carrying members are taking it, you know ON to the lawn NOT off.

Not to mention the fact that he and others have claimed there was no wings at the crash site at all.
Anyone else catch the inconsistancies with the claims by the Thread starter?

Let me list a few...

He claimed that on 9/11 2001 Bush was part of a plan to target the Pentagon to murder members of the military that would catch the fact he stole 2.3 trillion dollars.

Umm how did Bush steal 2.3 trillion dollars in 9 months as president? Or does he mean the missing funds in Iraq from several YEARS later?

He insisted for most of the thread that the plane in DC never took off and claimed further that NO ONE died from the canceled flight, providing links to supposed people that were on the flight. Now he is arguing that the DNA evidence that exists of the DEAD people from the flight was all secretly sent in from an Air Force Base, not found at the site and further claims these people were murdered to obtain the DNA evidence, I am confused, which is it? They are all alive and well or they were all murdered?

He claims an A-3 was used to fire a missile and to crash into the Pentagon. His proof is an engine that was NEVER on the A-3 and was not found at the scene, a wheel that is not from an A-3 and exactly matches the wheel from the aircraft that the Government claims hit the Pentagon.

He posted a diagram that shows where the bodies and DNA was found of ALL the victims, claims the dead ( but really alive) passengers and crew body parts were smuggled into the wreckage after the fact, THEN claims no DNA was recovered at the pentagon at all but rather sent from an Air Force Base.

He claims that the supposed A-3 Naval Jet could clip 5 light poles ( or telephone poles) and keep flying with just an adjustment from the secret remote pilot.

Ohh then there is the supposed picture of a wing from an A-3 being smuggled off the lawn. Of course the object has almost no weight as evidenced by the people carrying it having no load on their shoulders, it is most likely a tent being carried ON to the Lawn as evidenced by the color and appearance and the actual direction the carrying members are taking it, you know ON to the lawn NOT off.

Not to mention the fact that he and others have claimed there was no wings at the crash site at all.
troofers always contradict themselves
Hi Retired Guy:

Someone please explain why this thread is filling up with BS from people that includes quoting NOBODY and offering third-party evidentiary support from NOBODY?? Simply click on Retired Guy’s offering in Post #225, that I am answering right now, and note that Retired Guy is ‘grandstanding’ and just ‘talking’ yet again. Lordy . . .

Anyone else catch the inconsistancies* with the claims by the Thread starter?

First of all, try “inconsistencies” that has no ‘a’ anywhere. The Topic Starter in this debate has a name that strikes fear in the hearts of DoD field ops and Dupes everywhere. :0)

Let me list a few...

He claimed that on 9/11 2001 Bush was part of a plan to target the Pentagon to murder members of the military that would catch the fact he stole 2.3 trillion dollars.

Umm how did Bush steal 2.3 trillion dollars in 9 months as president? Or does he mean the missing funds in Iraq from several YEARS later?

No. Go back to the Opening Post to gather the real facts that I do not even mention “George Bush” or the “2.3 Trillion Dollars” ANYWHERE. The thesis statement, claims, evidence and conclusions all appear in the Opening Post of this thread and Retired Guy has no idea about what he is even talking about. Retired Guy is characterizing my interpretations of the evidence from ‘my defending arguments’ in support of my original OP thesis, claims and conclusions. Now I must answer a silly post from a guy that cannot even spell ‘inconsistencies,’ while he characterizes my views and supports ‘his BS’ with NOTHING at all. Listen to the evidence from the CBS News Report about ‘the corruption!’

[ame=""]YouTube - 1 DAY BEFORE 911 WTC attack! DO u know what happened?WATCH![/ame]

He insisted for most of the thread that the plane in DC never took off and claimed further that NO ONE died from the canceled flight, providing links to supposed people that were on the flight.

The real AA77 flight to LAX was canceled on 9/11, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (here) explained here if anybody really want to reexamine the evidence. I provided that explanation in Post #37 on this thread and here is the picture (pic) showing that all of AA77’s ‘actual’ time information is zeroed out like all the other canceled flights on the page. Again, there is nothing about any canceled anything in the OP of this thread, but Retired Guy is citing bits and pieces of evidence from my ‘defending arguments’ that support my original OP hypothesis/explanation. The DoD murdered key principals all around the USA who ‘could’ throw a monkey wrench into this 9/11 Inside Job ‘and’ those people would assigned seats on ‘canceled’ flights, because DUPES in 9/11 Denial will believe just about anything . . .

Now he is arguing that the DNA evidence that exists of the DEAD people from the flight was all secretly sent in from an Air Force Base, not found at the site and further claims these people were murdered to obtain the DNA evidence, I am confused, which is it? They are all alive and well or they were all murdered?

To say Retired Guy is confused is a massive understatement. :0) Again, I have dozens of Pentagon Thesis Papers drafted for this 9/11 Inside-job attack, but the OP of ‘this thread’ says nothing about ‘DEAD people’ or ‘Air Force Bases’ or ‘DNA evidence.’ No 100-ton Jetliner even crashed at the Pentagon, so obviously there are no DEAD PEOPLE connected to AA77 to describe in my OP explanations about ‘what really happened.’ If anybody here is going to offer ‘rebuttals’ to my actual explanations of what really happened on 9/11 at the Pentagon, then you MUST address something that “I did write” in the Opening Post of this thread using whatever ‘you call’ credible evidence to support SOMETHING ELSE. Retired Guy is talking about DEAD People and victim DNA and Air Force Bases, but where is ‘his’ evidence for anything? :0)

He claims an A-3 was used to fire a missile and to crash into the Pentagon.

No. My OP explanation says a ‘retrofitted’ A-3 Skywarrior was used in the attack, which I just explained in the previous post to Kalam (here) using third-party links to ‘that’ evidence. I do believe that Mr. Retired Guy needs some lessons on the true meaning and purpose of ‘debate,’ which amounts to the presentation of ‘opposing views’ (dictionary). That means I show ‘the evidence’ to support ‘my view’ that a retrofitted A-3 Skywarrior ‘was’ used in the 9/11 attack at the Pentagon. Again, that ‘evidentiary support’ was provided from these third-party sources (, and I have ‘three’ related ‘A-3 retrofit’ stories with information to support ‘my OP explanation,’ but what does Retired Guy have in the way of any ‘supported’ opposing explanation? The guy has NOTHING but more whining and crying . . .

His proof is an engine that was NEVER on the A-3 and was not found at the scene, a wheel that is not from an A-3 and exactly matches the wheel from the aircraft that the Government claims hit the Pentagon.

The DoD and their military contractors and their military subcontractors have access to every Pratt & Whitney military Jet engine in the U.S. Military Arsenal!!! There is no reason for anyone to believe that the DoD ‘retrofitted’ flying BOMB began ‘and’ ended the ‘retrofitting process’ with the same Pratt & Whitney engines or wheels or rims!!! The evidence says,

[FONT=&quot]According to two civilian defense contractor employees working at commercial corporate facilities at Fort Collins-Loveland Municipal Airport (left), in the months before the September 11 attacks U.S. Air Force defense contractors brought in A-3 Sky Warrior aircraft under cover of darkness to be COMPLETELY refitted and modified at the small civilian airport in Colorado. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The revelations are important evidence for a reportedly ongoing secret 9/11 probe because widely available Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) photographs taken during the attacks clearly show that [FONT=&quot]the few aircraft parts found at the Pentagon belonged to a small jet very similar to a modified A-3 Sky Warrior--not the American Airlines Boeing 757.[/FONT][/FONT]
The fact that NO Boeing 757-200 Jetliner parts were found at the Pentagon is explained in detail by Colonel George Nelson (here). Right here is the obvious difference between ‘my work’ and that of Retired Guy, because “I do” support my 911Truth explanations with ‘evidence’ and he is out here just ‘talking’ :)blahblah:) and making a case for NOTHING. Who has Retired Guy quoted in this debate with more credibility than Colonel George Nelson from our own military with the job of maintaining Jet aircraft throughout his military career? The fact is that many of you (including Retired Guy) have never heard of a ‘time-change part,’ until you found that information in my work and from the testimony from somebody like Colonel George Nelson. All of these commercial Jetliners have ‘time-change parts’ that have serial numbers written down in maintenance log books that identify crashed Jetliners all the time. The problem is that Retired Guy has NO EVIDENCE to support the Government’s claim that ‘they’ are even in possession of AA77, or AA11, or Flight 93, or Flight 175; when that determination ‘could’ be proven in fifteen minutes after cool down, according to Colonel George Nelson’s expert testimony.

He posted a diagram that shows where the bodies and DNA was found of ALL the victims, claims the dead ( but really alive) passengers and crew body parts were smuggled into the wreckage after the fact, THEN claims no DNA was recovered at the pentagon at all but rather sent from an Air Force Base.

No sir. Retired Guy is again ‘characterizing’ my explanations from ‘defending arguments’ and NOTHING I actually presented as my thesis, claims, evidence and conclusions from the OP of this thread. I ‘am’ here to defend the OP explanation ‘and’ to answer related questions on this Pentagon Case, but any Pentagon Explanation about DNA and bodies and victims and passengers and crew body parts and smuggling evidence and whatnot will be part of future OP Pentagon Papers ON THOSE RELATED TOPICS. Since no 100-ton Jetliner crashed at the Pentagon, then obviously those supposed ‘victims’ were murdered at some other location and the DNA evidence was included in the paperwork for ‘this’ Pentagon Investigation. I answered Retired Guy’s questions on that subject in Post #124 using third-party testimony from third-party links and his ‘two-liner’ reply appears in Post #125. Okay, so where are his ‘opposing views’ in a Pentagon Explanation using his own examples of credible evidence? ;0)

He claims that the supposed A-3 Naval Jet could clip 5 light poles ( or telephone poles) and keep flying with just an adjustment from the secret remote pilot.

No. The ‘retrofitted’ DoD Jet clipped only two of the five light poles (#1 and #2), while the others were uprooted (like #1) by the ‘bow shockwave’ of the hypersonic missile (pic). Retired Guy does NOT understand my OP explanation well enough to even write a rebuttal, which is the reason he remains very much ‘confused.’ Briefly: The DoD Jet launched the missile some miles away from the Pentagon in order to create required ‘distance’ between these ‘two’ 9:31:39 AM attack components. The Jet continued to approach the Pentagon at around 500 miles per hour, but the missile was following at a much slower speed; until making up the distance in the final moment, when the missile went ‘hypersonic.’ The DoD bad guys failed to realize that the missile bow shockwave would ‘enlarge’ upon approaching the Route 27 overpass (pic) and the ‘elevated roadway.’ The DoD missile crossed Washington BLVD (Route 27) between the large green signs and Pole #1, when the force from the enlarged bow shockwave uprooted and launched the ‘breakaway pole’ up into the air ‘and’ directly in front of the approaching DoD Jet on course to strike the Column Line (CL) 11-15 location (pic = lower left). However, the starboard engine struck the upper arm assembly of the light pole (pic) to transfer force to the main pole shaft; which was thrown ‘north’ and directly through Lloyd England’s taxi windshield.


You can see the upper assembly ‘detached’ from the main pole in the picture beyond the taxi cab ‘and’ the hole in the windshield where Lloyd and his helper (from the white van) removed the pole during the ‘big boom’ incident ( article) that took place about 5 minutes ‘after’ the original 9:31:39 AM missile strike. The DoD Flying BOMB then clipped Pole #2 (pic = upper right), which you can also see was clipped only at the ‘top’ of the pole that is very narrow. However, Poles 3, 4 and 5 were all uprooted by the missile bow shockwave, which accounts for more ‘twisting’ of the components than actually being struck by the DoD Jet.

Ohh then there is the supposed picture of a wing from an A-3 being smuggled off the lawn. Of course the object has almost no weight as evidenced by the people carrying it having no load on their shoulders, it is most likely a tent being carried ON to the Lawn as evidenced by the color and appearance and the actual direction the carrying members are taking it, you know ON to the lawn NOT off.

This is where Mr. Retired Guy is apparently characterizing something from somebody else. Of course we cannot really tell what the heck this guy is ‘talking’ about, because he refuses to actually “quote >>” from MY WORK before beginning is empty rants. You want to see pictures of A-3 fuselage parts? :0)


Here you go hotshot! Jon Carlson does a good job of showing you the parts on his website here.

Not to mention the fact that he and others have claimed there was no wings at the crash site at all.

No wings? :0) Stop being silly! What kind of Retrofitted DoD Flying BOMB has no wings? :0) The portside wing was detached from the Jet at impact to be thrown ‘north’ (left) into the corner created by the Heliport building and the E-ring wall. Jon Carlson highlights the wing (here) on this webpage (here). The starboard wing was also detached to fall straight down at impact (pic) where the aluminum skin burned like on the fuselage.


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Talk about a snow job. You think you can say anything you want and then latter claim you not only didn't say it but that anyone that tells you you said it can not do so because it was not in your first post. YOU need to learn how life works retard.

Shall I go quote you where you said 2.3 trillion dollars? I can alos quote you on all the other points I made and you know it.

Guess what? YOU are wasting space. Anyone dumb enough to believe you con job already was a believer in your ignorant conspiracy theories. You claim you are trying to educate and then you resort to snow jobs, con jobs and outright lies.

You may want to now go back and delete or change all the stupid things you have claimed through out this thread, which will be difficult since most of us have quoted you a lot and you haven't the power to change those quotes. I suppose you could try to make the claim we all altered what you ACTUALLY said after you change your posts.

Liars should really remember the lies they tell, in this case they are all WRITTEN down, ALL you had to do was read your previous posts and not change or add more lies that do not work with the first ones.

Lets take a real simply one, shall we?

Your entire supposed proof that an A-3 was used is an engine, a landing gear wheel and a wing. NONE of which exist as part of ANY A-3 ever. So instead you claim that your proof that it was an A-3 is that there was a magic total overall of the Aircraft, with no evidence to prove it.

Once again dipshit, YOUR sources claim the engine was standard on an A-3 and that the wheel was part of an A-3. Caught in the lie you want to claim that those parts were added secretly later.
Anyone else catch the inconsistancies* with the claims by the Thread starter?

First of all, try “inconsistencies” that has no ‘a’ anywhere. The Topic Starter in this debate has a name that strikes fear in the hearts of DoD field ops and Dupes everywhere. :0)

You have conceded defeat in this argument already by evoking the First Xotoxian Law of Internet Forum Debate:

"During a heated debate, when one party begins to correct grammar and spelling, that party is admitting defeat."

Congrats RetiredGySgt on your debate win!
HI Xotoxi and Retired Guy:

Anyone else catch the inconsistancies* with the claims by the Thread starter?

First of all, try “inconsistencies” that has no ‘a’ anywhere. The Topic Starter in this debate has a name that strikes fear in the hearts of DoD field ops and Dupes everywhere. :0)

You have conceded defeat in this argument already by evoking the First Xotoxian Law of Internet Forum Debate:

"During a heated debate, when one party begins to correct grammar and spelling, that party is admitting defeat."

Congrats RetiredGySgt on your debate win!

Hardly. I produced more evidentiary support for 'my' Pentagon explanation in the Opening Post than both of you guys in all of your posts combined on this thread BY FAR. My point is that if the Retired Guy wants to cast stones using NO EVIDENCE, then at the very least spell your words correctly.

Anyone can start at the beginning of this thread and see that neither of you guys have presented a 'supported' case for ANYTHING. Please direct us to the Post# where either of you guys make a case for a real 100-ton Jetliner crashing anywhere and I will begin drafting defending arguments against that NONSENSE too.

[ame=]YouTube - Laugh Out Loud[/ame]


HI Xotoxi and Retired Guy:

First of all, try “inconsistencies” that has no ‘a’ anywhere. The Topic Starter in this debate has a name that strikes fear in the hearts of DoD field ops and Dupes everywhere. :0)

You have conceded defeat in this argument already by evoking the First Xotoxian Law of Internet Forum Debate:

"During a heated debate, when one party begins to correct grammar and spelling, that party is admitting defeat."

Congrats RetiredGySgt on your debate win!

Hardly. I produced more evidentiary support for 'my' Pentagon explanation in the Opening Post than both of you guys in all of your posts combined on this thread BY FAR.

It doesn't matter.

You corrected spelling. Argument over.

In the Olympics, someone could break the world record for the 100 meter sprint by a full second...

...but if they step on the line out of the starting gate, they are disqualified.

You, Terral, have been disqualified.
Hi Xotoxi:

Hi Xotoxi and Retired Guy:

You have conceded defeat in this argument already by evoking the First Xotoxian Law of Internet Forum Debate:

"During a heated debate, when one party begins to correct grammar and spelling, that party is admitting defeat."

Congrats RetiredGySgt on your debate win!

Hardly. I produced more evidentiary support for 'my' Pentagon explanation in the Opening Post than both of you guys in all of your posts combined on this thread BY FAR.

It doesn't matter.

You corrected spelling. Argument over.

In the Olympics, someone could break the world record for the 100 meter sprint by a full second...

...but if they step on the line out of the starting gate, they are disqualified.

You, Terral, have been disqualified.

<< my three witnesses. :0)


Hi Retired:

Thank you to everyone who actually participated in these "What Happened At The Pentagon" deliberations, even if some of you refused to support your statements using anything at all. My case has been presented to my complete satisfaction and you guys can continue filling this thread up with one-liner drivel if that makes you happy. Any third-party reader looking up this topic in the archives will make up his or her mind in the first 100 posts, so my views on this Pentagon topic will be presented in other threads under different Topic Titles; and under different thesis statements, claims, evidentiary support and conclusions.

Talk about a snow job. You think you can say anything you want and then latter claim you not only didn't say it but that anyone that tells you you said it can not do so because it was not in your first post. YOU need to learn how life works retard . . .

If Retired Guy really thinks that he has proven ANYTHING in this Pentagon Debate then congratulations!


All Loyal Bushie DUPES << :cuckoo:


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If Retired Guy really thinks that he has proven ANYTHING in this Pentagon Debate then congratulations!

Terral, let me fill you in on something...

Retired Guy does not have to prove anything, because the basis of his argument is reality.

On the other hand, you are trying to prove fiction, and thus far have failed miserably.

You have presented a bunch of theories and have tried to prove those theories with more theories and "what ifs". That doesn't work well in a world of science, logic, and reality.
Hi Retired:

Thank you to everyone who actually participated in these "What Happened At The Pentagon" deliberations, even if some of you refused to support your statements using anything at all. My case has been presented to my complete satisfaction and you guys can continue filling this thread up with one-liner drivel if that makes you happy. Any third-party reader looking up this topic in the archives will make up his or her mind in the first 100 posts, so my views on this Pentagon topic will be presented in other threads under different Topic Titles; and under different thesis statements, claims, evidentiary support and conclusions.

Talk about a snow job. You think you can say anything you want and then latter claim you not only didn't say it but that anyone that tells you you said it can not do so because it was not in your first post. YOU need to learn how life works retard . . .

If Retired Guy really thinks that he has proven ANYTHING in this Pentagon Debate then congratulations!


All Loyal Bushie DUPES << :cuckoo:


hey asshole, since when is believing the facts and the truth called being duped
that is you morons, you are duped by Alex Jones and his minions of idiots
If Retired Guy really thinks that he has proven ANYTHING in this Pentagon Debate then congratulations!

Terral, let me fill you in on something...

Retired Guy does not have to prove anything, because the basis of his argument is reality.

On the other hand, you are trying to prove fiction, and thus far have failed miserably.

You have presented a bunch of theories and have tried to prove those theories with more theories and "what ifs". That doesn't work well in a world of science, logic, and reality.

Xotoxi,let me fill you in on something..

Retired Guy has to prove many things,because the basis for HIS argument is fiction and thus far he has failed miserably.HE has presented a bunch of theories and has tried to prove those theories with more theories.your right,that doesnt work well in a world of science,logic,and reality.

Terrel on the other hand,doesnt have to prove anything because HIS arguments are based on reality.We have asked you guys hundreds of times to post the videos of the airliner coming into the pentagan,you guys havent posted them ONCE.Just a bunch of pics of alleged aircraft parts as your argument,you ignore the facts that it is impossible to penetrate washington- the most heavily air defense system in the world without getting shot down in the process.LOL.AND that the FBI illegally confiscated many videos from the pentagan that day and refuses to let the american people look at them.
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Hi Retired:

Thank you to everyone who actually participated in these "What Happened At The Pentagon" deliberations, even if some of you refused to support your statements using anything at all. My case has been presented to my complete satisfaction and you guys can continue filling this thread up with one-liner drivel if that makes you happy. Any third-party reader looking up this topic in the archives will make up his or her mind in the first 100 posts, so my views on this Pentagon topic will be presented in other threads under different Topic Titles; and under different thesis statements, claims, evidentiary support and conclusions.

Talk about a snow job. You think you can say anything you want and then latter claim you not only didn't say it but that anyone that tells you you said it can not do so because it was not in your first post. YOU need to learn how life works retard . . .

If Retired Guy really thinks that he has proven ANYTHING in this Pentagon Debate then congratulations!


All Loyal Bushie DUPES << :cuckoo:



and thank you Terrel for giving us a great presentation of what actually happened at the pentagon that day.:eusa_angel:yeah thats the best thing to do,just let the Bush Dupes continue to fill up the thread with one liner drivel and talk to themselves.
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Hi Inside Job:

Since you bumped this Pentagon thread to the top of the Board, then I will make this reply:

and thank you Terrel for giving us a great presentation of what actually happened at the pentagon that day.:eusa_angel:yeah thats the best thing to do,just let the Bush Dupes continue to fill up the thread with one liner drivel and talk to themselves.

No problem. The final lesson learned by many great debaters is knowing when to shut the hell up and move on. :0) I have several other Pentagon Topics to post in this Conspiracies Forum, but will not flood the place with Pentagon Topics until this one moves down the Board.

Give me a few days and we will look into this Pentagon case from another angle; maybe a remake of the Pentagon Timeline (like this), or the DoD-manipulated Pentagon Fire (like this), or focus upon the 9:31:39 First Explosion (like this). Send me any thoughts you might have and I will begin preparing our next Pentagon adventure. :0)

Thanks again to everyone making a contribution to the Pentagon Debate, whether we agree or disagree.



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