This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Hi Dive:

i wish they would release all those tapes
but, more than likely there is NOTHING on them

What are you talking about? We already know a missile struck the Pentagon by the pictures released from the two CCTV videos already released by the Pentagon in 2006 (link)! I explain in this blog entry about how April Gallop and her son were injured during the 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike (here). Briefly: The CCTV camera lens, the right-hand column cap, the missile nose and a reference point just above the horizon are all on the same 5-feet Horizontal X-Axis Plane, which means the flying object in this picture (on right) is flying with the nose just five feet off the ground.


Once you realize the ‘nose’ of the flying object in the little blackboard is just five feet off the ground, THEN you can begin solving the equation by knowing that the ‘Clearance’ underneath the flying object “Is Over Twice The Diameter.” Solving for “X” (on the blackboard) proves beyond all doubt that this flying object is just about 20 inches. When you combine this information with the Security Footage released from the Doubletree Hotel, then you realize this event is taking place at around 9:32 AM (my Let'sRoll thread) and not 9:38 AM according to the Official Story.

Released Doubletree Hotel Security Video


Note how the time skips back to 9:32 AM at the end of the frames. The video evidence says that the Pentagon was struck by a MISSILE at around 9:32 AM (Pentagon clocks stopped), which is exactly what Donald Rumsfeld told Parade Magazine on 9/12: Story

Donald Rumsfeld >> "It is a truth that a terrorist can attack any time, any place, using any technique and it's physically impossible to defend at every time and every place against every conceivable technique. Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filled with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center. The only way to deal with this problem is by taking the battle to the terrorists, wherever they are, and dealing with them."

Donald Rumsfeld told ‘the’911Truth that the Pentagon was struck by the same ‘missile’ that you see in the CCTV images above flying just five feet off the ground.

and even if they released all of them and they clearly showed a 757 hitting the pentagon, you assholes would STILL deny it
Dive’s Pictures >> Nothing, as usual.

This thread is littered with one-liner and two-liner drivel from people simply without one clue. The evidence says that no windows were broken on the third floor (schematic again) and Dive’s Fantasy 100-ton Jetliner supposedly left an 18-feet 3-inch entry hole (pic) on the second floor where the two windows directly above and to the left are NOT EVEN BROKEN. Then you have the massive cable spools standing directly in the flight path:


Somebody please explain how your 100-ton Jetliner passed through here going 530 miles per hour (heh) and the wall is on fire ‘but’ still standing. The little entry hole is on the left (arrows), but the area where DiveConMan says the right side of his Fantasy Jetliner crashed is still standing. Note that the black insulation is still on the large wires on the spools that did not even melt from any fire from any crashing Jetliner. The reason is that the missile detonated ‘inside’ the Pentagon, which tipped the large cable spool back in our direction. Note also that Column #17 remains intact inside the white oval and that the second story concrete slab also remains intact above where you see the “breached limestone” notation. You are looking at the aftermath of the initial 9:31:39 AM missile strike and the DoD A-3 Flying BOMB has just exploded on impact between Column Line (CL) 9 and CL 15 to our left. All of the columns to the right of the original impact hole (CL-13 through CL-15) remain standing on the second-floor level, which means no massive 757-200 Jetliner wing passed through here.

you'd claim they faked it or some such nonsense
so why bother

Why bother? :0) This is perhaps the most important day and attack on We The People in U.S. History and you have the gall to ask “Why bother?”. Suppose for just one quick minute that the OP hypothesis is correct and all of these related 9/11 atrocities were planned and carried out by factions inside our own U.S. Government. Then suppose that the same masters of our destruction are also orchestrating the current U.S./Global Economic Implosion in a ‘consent or conquest’ scenario promised by the father (Paul Warburg quote) of the privately-owned Federal Reserve (Third Chapter). In that case, then I represent the little boy running through the town yelling “Wolf!,” and you are the guy telling everyone to go back to sleep. When everyone stands in Judgment at the End of the Age, then who is more guilty in the eyes of Almighty God? Would that be the Wolf, or the bad guys telling everyone to go back to sleep? :0)

DiveCon continues to come out here in favor of the Official Government Cover Story and EVERYONE helping Senor Bush, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and all the other Inside-job Bad Guys can share in their common fate in the lake of fire where all liars and murders belong (Rev. 21:8).

Does anybody have just one picture of AA77 crashed anywhere? No! If DiveCon had that kind of evidence, then his posts would include those pictures . . .


what a load of shit
you are serious delusional
...just that a 757 didn't hit the Pentagon, from the impact hole...

When a hollow object made out of a relatively thin layer of metal hits 18 inch concrete at high speeds, do you suppose that much of that metal becomes compressed into a more solid core of metal...say...18 feet 3 inches in diameter?

And, BTW, how wide is 757 anyway? Maybe about 18 feet 3 inches?
Hi k2skier:

First of all, go straight to your User CP (control panel) and hit “Edit Options” and turn off (remove check from) “Show Your Reputation Level,” because you make far too much sense for these guys. :0) to what actually hit the Pentagon. For all those who believe that a 757 hit the Pentagon, please post links to video's that show a jumbo jet hit it, because of all the video's I've seen show a much smaller object.

We agree. The 9:31:39 AM flying object was definitely the size (20 inch diameter) of a missile (explained here).


The people seeing the 9:36:27 AM attack saw a ‘smaller plane’ crash into the Pentagon.

[ame=]YouTube - Pentagon Before Collapse And Witness[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Don Wright Pentagon Witness[/ame]

BTW, both of these links work perfectly in this LetsRoll OP (here), but some links on this US Message Board sometimes say the video has been removed. If these links are not working here, then the bad guys might have spider bots messing with some links.

No I do not believe it was an inside job, just that a 757 didn't hit the Pentagon . . .

That is like saying your wife is not a cheater, but you caught her lying about her boyfriend the other day. What gives? :0) The Bushie Administration says AA77 hit the Pentagon going 530 miles per hour (911Commission Report PDF 27) and their story is either ‘the truth’ or a ‘damned lie.’ If the government is lying, then they are part of a conspiracy to hide ‘the’ 911Truth at the very least. There is no room in the middle. Period.

. . . from the impact hole, to the front lawn and the aerodynamics of flying a large plane so close to the ground that it impacts the first floor only, it's physically impossible for a 757 to do what occurred.

We agree. The 100-ton Jetliner is more than four stories tall and there are no broken windows on the third floor (damage schematic again from Somehow the 100-ton Jetliner supposedly passed ‘above’ the large cable spools ‘and’ underneath the second story concrete slab. :0)

I should get a return call from a pilot friend soon, he flies 777, and I'll post his comments on if he thinks a 757 could have hit the Pentagon.

A 100-ton Jetliner crashing into the Pentagon going 530 miles per hour to vanish into thin air is 100 percent IMPOSSIBLE no matter if your buddy thinks so. The laws of physics say that NOTHING in the Pentagon could possibly stop the two six-ton engines from crashing out the C-ring wall in under a half second ‘and’ that simply did not happen either.


Instead we get this little bitty exit hole and no sign of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner. The Official Cover Story is a bogus LIE and the people responsible for hiding ‘the 911Truth,’ and perpetuating Loyal Bushie lies, are as guilty as those actually doing the deed . . .


This is exactly why when I admin'd the last board I was on... that these people were INSTANTLY banned... and upon return with a different username, we banned the static IP or sometimes even the entire IP block to prevent their return

They are delusional, disruptive, and in this for nothing more than attention.. that is except for the ones who are truly mentally ill.... and it's hard to tell on a case by case basis of internet postings, which 'truffer' troll is what type to what actually hit the Pentagon. For all those who believe that a 757 hit the Pentagon, please post links to video's that show a jumbo jet hit it, because of all the video's I've seen show a much smaller object.

No I do not believe it was an inside job, just that a 757 didn't hit the Pentagon, from the impact hole, to the front lawn and the aerodynamics of flying a large plane so close to the ground that it impacts the first floor only, it's physically impossible for a 757 to do what occurred.

I should get a return call from a pilot friend soon, he flies 777, and I'll post his comments on if he thinks a 757 could have hit the Pentagon.

I was wrong, I based my opinion on shows I've seen. He said that a highly trained and very talented pilot could easily hit an X mark on an object, (were not talking about air speed accuracy, wings level...) even going that fast and that low. He also said the faster you fly the more control you have.

I'm just shocked on the lack of damage to the Pentagon and grass in front. to what actually hit the Pentagon. For all those who believe that a 757 hit the Pentagon, please post links to video's that show a jumbo jet hit it, because of all the video's I've seen show a much smaller object.

No I do not believe it was an inside job, just that a 757 didn't hit the Pentagon, from the impact hole, to the front lawn and the aerodynamics of flying a large plane so close to the ground that it impacts the first floor only, it's physically impossible for a 757 to do what occurred.

I should get a return call from a pilot friend soon, he flies 777, and I'll post his comments on if he thinks a 757 could have hit the Pentagon.

I was wrong, I based my opinion on shows I've seen. He said that a highly trained and very talented pilot could easily hit an X mark on an object, (were not talking about air speed accuracy, wings level...) even going that fast and that low. He also said the faster you fly the more control you have.

I'm just shocked on the lack of damage to the Pentagon and grass in front.
thats because the plane never hit the ground
just one wingtip did very close to the building
No I do not believe it was an inside job, just that a 757 didn't hit the Pentagon, from the impact hole, to the front lawn and the aerodynamics of flying a large plane so close to the ground that it impacts the first floor only, it's physically impossible for a 757 to do what occurred.

Every REAL expert in the world disagrees with your claim that it is impossible, and if it wasnt an inside job, why would our officials pretend that it was a plane that hit? Your claim is pure and simple foolishness.

I should get a return call from a pilot friend soon, he flies 777, and I'll post his comments on if he thinks a 757 could have hit the Pentagon.

If he ends up agreeing with you, all that proves is that he is as stupid as you are.

Impossible was a bad choice of words, improbable would be better.

PS-there are better ways to debate than to call names, for all you know I have a higher IQ than you do, so be careful, or polite, I'm not a nut job like some of the posters here.
Last edited: to what actually hit the Pentagon. For all those who believe that a 757 hit the Pentagon, please post links to video's that show a jumbo jet hit it, because of all the video's I've seen show a much smaller object.

No I do not believe it was an inside job, just that a 757 didn't hit the Pentagon, from the impact hole, to the front lawn and the aerodynamics of flying a large plane so close to the ground that it impacts the first floor only, it's physically impossible for a 757 to do what occurred.

I should get a return call from a pilot friend soon, he flies 777, and I'll post his comments on if he thinks a 757 could have hit the Pentagon.

where is the plane and all the people then.....
No I do not believe it was an inside job, just that a 757 didn't hit the Pentagon, from the impact hole, to the front lawn and the aerodynamics of flying a large plane so close to the ground that it impacts the first floor only, it's physically impossible for a 757 to do what occurred.

Every REAL expert in the world disagrees with your claim that it is impossible, and if it wasnt an inside job, why would our officials pretend that it was a plane that hit? Your claim is pure and simple foolishness.

I should get a return call from a pilot friend soon, he flies 777, and I'll post his comments on if he thinks a 757 could have hit the Pentagon.

If he ends up agreeing with you, all that proves is that he is as stupid as you are.

Impossible was a bad choice of words, improbable would be better.

PS-there are better ways to debate than to call names, for all you know I have a higher IQ than you do, so be careful, or polite, I'm not a nut job like some of the posters here.
how do you KNOW you have a higher IQ?
and even if you did, that doesnt make you smarter or more informed
it just means you would have a higher capacity to learn, it doesnt mean you WILL

Instead we get this little bitty exit hole and no sign of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner.

Itty bitty exit hole?

From a missle 20 inches in diameter?

That hole looks a lot bigger than 20 inches in diameter!

In fact, it looks a lot like the diameter of a 757!

Instead we get this little bitty exit hole and no sign of any crashed 100-ton Jetliner.

Itty bitty exit hole?

From a missle 20 inches in diameter?

That hole looks a lot bigger than 20 inches in diameter!

In fact, it looks a lot like the diameter of a 757!
and that was caused by the nose landing gear
not the nost of the actual plane
i am curious.....what does a hole in a building made by a passenger plane look like.....
No I do not believe it was an inside job, just that a 757 didn't hit the Pentagon, from the impact hole, to the front lawn and the aerodynamics of flying a large plane so close to the ground that it impacts the first floor only, it's physically impossible for a 757 to do what occurred.

Every REAL expert in the world disagrees with your claim that it is impossible, and if it wasnt an inside job, why would our officials pretend that it was a plane that hit? Your claim is pure and simple foolishness.

I should get a return call from a pilot friend soon, he flies 777, and I'll post his comments on if he thinks a 757 could have hit the Pentagon.

If he ends up agreeing with you, all that proves is that he is as stupid as you are.

Every REAL expert in the world disagrees with your claim that it is impossible, and if it wasnt an inside job, why would our officials pretend that it was a plane that hit? Your claim is pure and simple foolishness.

If he ends up agreeing with you, all that proves is that he is as stupid as you are.

Impossible was a bad choice of words, improbable would be better.

PS-there are better ways to debate than to call names, for all you know I have a higher IQ than you do, so be careful, or polite, I'm not a nut job like some of the posters here.
how do you KNOW you have a higher IQ?
and even if you did, that doesnt make you smarter or more informed
it just means you would have a higher capacity to learn, it doesnt mean you WILL

Uummm, are you godboy? It wan't directed towards you. Yes I know what IQ means, just making a point on him calling me stupid is all, chill out, jeeez.
No I do not believe it was an inside job, just that a 757 didn't hit the Pentagon, from the impact hole, to the front lawn and the aerodynamics of flying a large plane so close to the ground that it impacts the first floor only, it's physically impossible for a 757 to do what occurred.

Every REAL expert in the world disagrees with your claim that it is impossible, and if it wasnt an inside job, why would our officials pretend that it was a plane that hit? Your claim is pure and simple foolishness.

If he ends up agreeing with you, all that proves is that he is as stupid as you are.

Impossible was a bad choice of words, improbable would be better.

PS-there are better ways to debate than to call names, for all you know I have a higher IQ than you do, so be careful, or polite, I'm not a nut job like some of the posters here.
how do you KNOW you have a higher IQ?
and even if you did, that doesnt make you smarter or more informed
it just means you would have a higher capacity to learn, it doesnt mean you WILL

Uummm, are you godboy? It wan't directed towards you. Yes I know what IQ means, just making a point on him calling me stupid is all, chill out, jeeez.
actually, i agree with him, for you to think it wasnt a 757 that hit the pentagon, it would make you stupid

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