This is what happens when you send a Democrat to do a Republican's job

Who bases their vote on the bottom of the ticket and not the top?

When you got an 80 year old fart who can barely walk or talk, confuses his sister with his wife, gropes children, and needs typed crib notes to make it through a pre-screened interview!

Unfortunately as we are seeing now but long knew, and pardon my french, but KAMALA HARRIS IS NOTHING BUT A CONNIVING C-HOLE, she has NO BUSINESS BEING in any office, got into government for all of the WRONG REASONS, and did so ALL THE WRONG WAYS.

That's a whole 'nother topic then the one presented here. I took the OP's point to be that Trump should have been re-elected because Pence is respected everywhere he goes, while Harris is not. I see such a criteria as a weird stance considering the lack of respect shown for Trump that was exhibited during his foreign travels. Don't you?
Who bases their vote on the bottom of the ticket and not the top?

When you got an 80 year old fart who can barely walk or talk, confuses his sister with his wife, gropes children, and needs typed crib notes to make it through a pre-screened interview!

Unfortunately as we are seeing now but long knew, and pardon my french, but KAMALA HARRIS IS NOTHING BUT A CONNIVING C-HOLE, she has NO BUSINESS BEING in any office, got into government for all of the WRONG REASONS, and did so ALL THE WRONG WAYS.

That's a whole 'nother topic then the one presented here. I took the OP's point to be that Trump should have been re-elected because Pence is respected everywhere he goes, while Harris is not. I see such a criteria as a weird stance considering the lack of respect shown for Trump that was exhibited during his foreign travels. Don't you?

Wait, Trump shouldn't have been reelected because of lack of respect during foreign travels? By who, the media or those who desire the USA is bent over over trash such as the Paris Accord his critics don't even understand?

Looks like projection to me, we're talking about Harris whose lack of respect is shown during her foreign travels.
Pence is well respected everywhere he goes. But that's why the left rejected him in favor of the lowest character in D.C., and she's clearly incompetent. What did the left think they were getting? First they make their beds and then they complain about it Democrats.

Pence was competent, it was the "the other guy" who was the gop's problem. LOL
Pence is well respected everywhere he goes. But that's why the left rejected him in favor of the lowest character in D.C., and she's clearly incompetent. What did the left think they were getting? First they make their beds and then they complain about it Democrats.

Pence was competent, it was the "the other guy" who was the gop's problem. LOL

In what manner?
where are the skeptics pointing out that unnamed allies have reportedly said something. stellar reporting.
Wait, Trump shouldn't have been reelected because of lack of respect during foreign travels?

You made the point that Pence was respected everywhere he went. Seemed to indicate to me that on that basis, you're contending it was a mistake it was to replace him with Harris. Considering the disrespect shown to Trump during visits to such places as India, Germany, and England that if respect is being used as the criteria, you've got no leg to stand on. Just saying....

Pence is well respected everywhere he goes. But that's why the left rejected him in favor of the lowest character in D.C., and she's clearly incompetent. What did the left think they were getting? First they make their beds and then they complain about it Democrats.

Pence was competent, it was the "the other guy" who was the gop's problem. LOL

HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? What did Pence ever do that you can say he was competent at? Pence was 100% behind Trump's agenda. Not like Harry and Joey who were 180° apart in agenda during the primaries where there was still some honesty in the candidates!

If Pence was competent then so was Trump's agenda. A president's agenda is all that matters, not the mere personality of the man. Agenda is like the motor under the hood while personal personality is like cosmetic body pin-stripping--- nice if it appeals to you but totally unnecessary to getting to the destination. If you can't see that, then you are another example of the failure of the government-run public school system.
Pence is well respected everywhere he goes. But that's why the left rejected him in favor of the lowest character in D.C., and she's clearly incompetent. What did the left think they were getting? First they make their beds and then they complain about it Democrats.

Pence was competent, it was the "the other guy" who was the gop's problem. LOL

Then why did Trump get millions more votes the second time?

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