This is what I think will happen.

80 million Americans were motivated to vote against Trump for the following reasons:
  1. They disagree with him on the issues and agree more with Biden
  2. They think he lacks the character, temperament, intelligence, honesty and empathy to be President
  3. Both (that would be me)
This really isn't a mystery. Millions more people voted, even with the pandemic, because they were that motivated. There is no hidden agenda or massive national conspiracy that somehow includes Barr or judges appointed by Trump, as much as some desperately want to believe it.
This is what I think will happen. After a few landmark cases make their way through the Supreme court and calculated fraud is discovered, all election results will be rolled back to Nov. 3 giving Trump the landslide victory he actually got. This will leave the people in control of the government not the other way around. Even democrats can see the fraud and malfeasance that went on. Trump will be the president for the next four years otherwise the US is done. When states like California are called with two percent of the vote in but swing states chase all the observers away and then reach under tables after they see Trump’s massive vote count, only idiots call that activity valid.

You can’t go by media reports because the media are part of the fraud.
I assume Barr and the Republican legislators and the Trump-appointed judges who threw this stuff out are in on the fraud too, correct?
You constantly ask if its possible Biden won so I'm going to create a thread and ask the opposite. I look forward to your response on that poll.
Just remember to tag me, and I'll be happy to contribute.
I don't know how to tag lol
Just type an ampersand and start typing my name: @ followed by mac1958.
Trump will continue to stir his base, but he will leave the WH on 1/20.
Trump`s base is getting smaller. Of 376 counties with the biggest corona surge, 93% of them voted Trump. They`re literally dying for trump. God bless them.
Counties with worst virus surges overwhelmingly voted Trump (
Yeah, sure they are. Happy people dont die of the Kung Flu, only miserable old fucks like you who have to hunker down in your basement groveling for a few scraps from your masters table to keep you alive, because if you dare step out of that cave, the prog masters are come down on you like a ton of bricks. To the slave pen for you.

See picture below.
There`s a ventilator somewhere with your name on it. Idiot!
Joe Biden got more votes than any US presidential candidate in history? Was not campaigning that effective?
Yes. He just let Trump be Trump. This isn't that complicated.
Trump was a type of person the founding fathers had in mind more then these long term professional carpetbaggers. A President is not supposed to be royalty.
Is the president supposed to demand him/her? That`s not what the founding fathers had in mind.
Trump will continue to stir his base, but he will leave the WH on 1/20.
Trump`s base is getting smaller. Of 376 counties with the biggest corona surge, 93% of them voted Trump. They`re literally dying for trump. God bless them.
Counties with worst virus surges overwhelmingly voted Trump (
Yeah, sure they are. Happy people dont die of the Kung Flu, only miserable old fucks like you who have to hunker down in your basement groveling for a few scraps from your masters table to keep you alive, because if you dare step out of that cave, the prog masters are come down on you like a ton of bricks. To the slave pen for you.

See picture below.

LMAO!! Wow. Just wow. More hostile nonsense. Be careful, you might have a stroke spewing all that hostility.
So , all you can do is spew your liberal filth...Figures.....
See picture below.

Spew liberal filth? What liberal filth would that be.

And, given the hostile bullshit you have spewed at me, your level of hypocrisy is astounding.
Hostile bullshit for one...I am not the person who is saying "Give me power, and i can change the world". Change it for whom? Not for your sorry ass, but for the prog elites who always seem to kill hundreds of millions of people. That hostile shit. But dumbass progs like you, just adore people who want to fuck you.
12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals Against Liberals (
This is what I think will happen. After a few landmark cases make their way through the Supreme court and calculated fraud is discovered, all election results will be rolled back to Nov. 3 giving Trump the landslide victory he actually got. This will leave the people in control of the government not the other way around. Even democrats can see the fraud and malfeasance that went on. Trump will be the president for the next four years otherwise the US is done. When states like California are called with two percent of the vote in but swing states chase all the observers away and then reach under tables after they see Trump’s massive vote count, only idiots call that activity valid.

You can’t go by media reports because the media are part of the fraud.

Why not just come out and say that you want the Supreme Court to overturn the election by not counting any African-American votes. That is what you are saying racist.

You are so racist that you won’t even count overseas military votes as well. You are a true deplorable.
Last edited:
This is what I think will happen. After a few landmark cases make their way through the Supreme court and calculated fraud is discovered, all election results will be rolled back to Nov. 3 giving Trump the landslide victory he actually got. This will leave the people in control of the government not the other way around. Even democrats can see the fraud and malfeasance that went on. Trump will be the president for the next four years otherwise the US is done. When states like California are called with two percent of the vote in but swing states chase all the observers away and then reach under tables after they see Trump’s massive vote count, only idiots call that activity valid.

You can’t go by media reports because the media are part of the fraud.
Ray hate to say it but you are wrong here. Everyone knows that our elections are not even close to fair and secure. But no one wants to shine a light on them because that would mean fixing the problem. That would call into question how many of those now sitting in congress?
The votes will stand.
We will watch Biden and Harris screw things up and watch the left pretend that not only is it not being screwed up but they actually wanted it that way. We will watch as the left unsuccessfully attempts to defend their choice.
Trump will continue to stir his base, but he will leave the WH on 1/20.
Trump`s base is getting smaller. Of 376 counties with the biggest corona surge, 93% of them voted Trump. They`re literally dying for trump. God bless them.
Counties with worst virus surges overwhelmingly voted Trump (
Yeah, sure they are. Happy people dont die of the Kung Flu, only miserable old fucks like you who have to hunker down in your basement groveling for a few scraps from your masters table to keep you alive, because if you dare step out of that cave, the prog masters are come down on you like a ton of bricks. To the slave pen for you.

See picture below.

LMAO!! Wow. Just wow. More hostile nonsense. Be careful, you might have a stroke spewing all that hostility.
So , all you can do is spew your liberal filth...Figures.....
See picture below.

Spew liberal filth? What liberal filth would that be.

And, given the hostile bullshit you have spewed at me, your level of hypocrisy is astounding.
As for the messages let me give them out again.

President Trump "Keep America Great Again".
Up Chuck Schumer "We are going to change the world".

What the fuck are the Democrat Socialist thinking, what if the world doesnt want to change? Are you ready to go to war, if there is resistance to the prog change? Again, Hitler wanted to change the world, dominance by force. But you guys, are so fucking stupid, because your prog masters told you we were the bad guys, just because we dont want to change the world, we just want our country and its citizens to be free...Just amazing how well the public indoctrinations centers (Schools) have made people like you so fucking stupid...
This is what I think will happen. After a few landmark cases make their way through the Supreme court and calculated fraud is discovered, all election results will be rolled back to Nov. 3 giving Trump the landslide victory he actually got. This will leave the people in control of the government not the other way around. Even democrats can see the fraud and malfeasance that went on. Trump will be the president for the next four years otherwise the US is done. When states like California are called with two percent of the vote in but swing states chase all the observers away and then reach under tables after they see Trump’s massive vote count, only idiots call that activity valid.

You can’t go by media reports because the media are part of the fraud.

Why not just come out and say that you want the Supreme Court to overturn the election by not counting any African-American votes. That is what you are saying racist.

You are so racist that you won’t even count overseas military votes as well. You are a true deplorable.
So what you are saying is that "African-Americans" only know how to ship their votes by luggage, like what was found in Adlanna Ga? As for calling the rest of US racists, now you can run away.

We will watch Biden and Harris screw things up

I am quite optimistic knowing that science facts and reality will prove you wrong. Scientifically-based reality has a way of overcoming white grievance as a means for selecting how we are governed in the United States of America.

Under trumps perversion we have become the dis-United States of America. That thankfully will end.
We will watch Biden and Harris screw things up

I am quite optimistic knowing that science facts and reality will prove you wrong. Scientifically-based reality has a way of overcoming white grievance as a means for selecting how we are governed in the United States of America.

Under trumps perversion we have become the dis-United States of America. That thankfully will end.
I think you are fooling yourself. Sure whites have always had a bigger say. Funny how that happens in a largely white country.
But Biden and Harris will institute many changes that the democrats and the more radical left want. Then realize that the only way to pay for those changes are to raise taxes on everyone.
Biden has already stated that he wants more stimulus. Where is that money coming from?
This is what I think will happen. After a few landmark cases make their way through the Supreme court and calculated fraud is discovered, all election results will be rolled back to Nov. 3 giving Trump the landslide victory he actually got. This will leave the people in control of the government not the other way around. Even democrats can see the fraud and malfeasance that went on. Trump will be the president for the next four years otherwise the US is done. When states like California are called with two percent of the vote in but swing states chase all the observers away and then reach under tables after they see Trump’s massive vote count, only idiots call that activity valid.

You can’t go by media reports because the media are part of the fraud.

Why not just come out and say that you want the Supreme Court to overturn the election by not counting any African-American votes. That is what you are saying racist.

You are so racist that you won’t even count overseas military votes as well. You are a true deplorable.
So what you are saying is that "African-Americans" only know how to ship their votes by luggage, like what was found in Adlanna Ga? As for calling the rest of US racists, now you can run away.


LMAO!! The first 2 items on that playbook are exactly what Trump supporters are doing.
This is what I think will happen. After a few landmark cases make their way through the Supreme court and calculated fraud is discovered, all election results will be rolled back to Nov. 3 giving Trump the landslide victory he actually got. This will leave the people in control of the government not the other way around. Even democrats can see the fraud and malfeasance that went on. Trump will be the president for the next four years otherwise the US is done. When states like California are called with two percent of the vote in but swing states chase all the observers away and then reach under tables after they see Trump’s massive vote count, only idiots call that activity valid.

You can’t go by media reports because the media are part of the fraud.
I assume Barr and the Republican legislators and the Trump-appointed judges who threw this stuff out are in on the fraud too, correct?
Absolutely no end to the stupidity of this administrations followers. Amazing!
This is what I think will happen. After a few landmark cases make their way through the Supreme court and calculated fraud is discovered, all election results will be rolled back to Nov. 3 giving Trump the landslide victory he actually got. This will leave the people in control of the government not the other way around. Even democrats can see the fraud and malfeasance that went on. Trump will be the president for the next four years otherwise the US is done. When states like California are called with two percent of the vote in but swing states chase all the observers away and then reach under tables after they see Trump’s massive vote count, only idiots call that activity valid.

You can’t go by media reports because the media are part of the fraud.
I assume Barr and the Republican legislators and the Trump-appointed judges who threw this stuff out are in on the fraud too, correct?
Absolutely no end to the stupidity of this administrations followers. Amazing!
Group pathology. The world has seen it before.
This is what I think will happen. After a few landmark cases make their way through the Supreme court and calculated fraud is discovered, all election results will be rolled back to Nov. 3 giving Trump the landslide victory he actually got. This will leave the people in control of the government not the other way around. Even democrats can see the fraud and malfeasance that went on. Trump will be the president for the next four years otherwise the US is done. When states like California are called with two percent of the vote in but swing states chase all the observers away and then reach under tables after they see Trump’s massive vote count, only idiots call that activity valid.

You can’t go by media reports because the media are part of the fraud.

Why not just come out and say that you want the Supreme Court to overturn the election by not counting any African-American votes. That is what you are saying racist.

You are so racist that you won’t even count overseas military votes as well. You are a true deplorable.
So what you are saying is that "African-Americans" only know how to ship their votes by luggage, like what was found in Adlanna Ga? As for calling the rest of US racists, now you can run away.


LMAO!! The first 2 items on that playbook are exactly what Trump supporters are doing.

#3. If all else fails, call them communist & run away.
Think about this. Biden got more votes than Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama without leaving his bat cave. All those votes were legal and proper? Not very likely. Those votes came out of satchels and suitcases stuffed under tables. Everyone saw it. This is not going to end well.

Yeah, for Orange Jesus, who will be wearing a different type of orange in a year or two lol
This is what I think will happen. After a few landmark cases make their way through the Supreme court and calculated fraud is discovered, all election results will be rolled back to Nov. 3 giving Trump the landslide victory he actually got. This will leave the people in control of the government not the other way around. Even democrats can see the fraud and malfeasance that went on. Trump will be the president for the next four years otherwise the US is done. When states like California are called with two percent of the vote in but swing states chase all the observers away and then reach under tables after they see Trump’s massive vote count, only idiots call that activity valid.

You can’t go by media reports because the media are part of the fraud.
I assume Barr and the Republican legislators and the Trump-appointed judges who threw this stuff out are in on the fraud too, correct?
Absolutely no end to the stupidity of this administrations followers. Amazing!
Group pathology. The world has seen it before.
Not sure how that happens in a country I thought was full of individualism. Maybe that is the root cause to many years on own now some strange desire to belong to a group? Idk how we got here
80 million Americans were motivated to vote against Trump for the following reasons:
  1. They disagree with him on the issues and agree more with Biden
  2. They think he lacks the character, temperament, intelligence, honesty and empathy to be President
  3. Both (that would be me)
This really isn't a mystery. Millions more people voted, even with the pandemic, because they were that motivated. There is no hidden agenda or massive national conspiracy that somehow includes Barr or judges appointed by Trump, as much as some desperately want to believe it.

Millions of fraudulent votes shouldn't count. And if the corruptocrats allow the bullshit to stand, then you will see why you can't buy ammo anywhere in the country.
We will watch Biden and Harris screw things up

I am quite optimistic knowing that science facts and reality will prove you wrong. Scientifically-based reality has a way of overcoming white grievance as a means for selecting how we are governed in the United States of America.

Under trumps perversion we have become the dis-United States of America. That thankfully will end.

It will?

So far from what I see, Liberal progressives like yourself are mouthing how they want unity, while at the same time calling for the President to be stripped of his wealth, shamed, and jailed the moment he leaves the WH. They are calling for a "great re education" of anyone who supported the President, to include them being ostracized from the communities they live in, and being stripped of their ability to their careers...You call that unity?

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