THIS is what needs to be said

Yea but don’t you also say blacks don’t need or want our help?

Yes your dollars have made white owned business’ rich. So have mine.

What are y’all gonna do about it?
Yea but don’t you also say blacks don’t need or want our help?
If you please...Africans, not blacks

No these black guys here say they, black americans, don't want whities help. Ask IM2.

Wrong. These black guys here say they, black americans helped make whites rich and that we deserve a better return on the money we invested in making whites rich.

I don't speak jive, whachew talkin' 'bout?
Well he is right. Back in my grandparents day the ceo made 30 times what the average worker made. Today the top CEOs make almost 300 times the average worker.

We are not getting our fair share.

Since Reagan the gap between rich and poor has grown and we can point to gop policies that did it

Thanks, Obama
Contract selling: $500 million "legally stolen" from Chicago's African-Americans

Chicago is not the only place this happened.

Contract Buyers: Africans shell out $500 million
on ‘rent to own’ property, they couldn’t afford,
and would cost them 3x more then the actual value
but, signed a contract anyway

Africans handed away $500 million dollars
to have what they couldn’t afford,
and wasn’t worth what they would end up paying

Contract selling = rent to own
Im2 says they don’t need or want our help. And it seems that there are enough blacks with enough wealth that they have everything they need to show us what they can do. Pick a city, elect blacks to run the city. Have spike lee and Beyoncé and tiger woods start grocery stores and shopping malls. Thrive. Don’t ask for federal help but we know they will because so do white communities. Start producing things white Americans want to buy so you have something to trade.

IM2 is saying our dollars have helped make whites rich so you need to drop the arrogance and the lies you tell yourself.
Yea but don’t you also say blacks don’t need or want our help?

Yes your dollars have made white owned business’ rich. So have mine.

What are y’all gonna do about it?
Yea but don’t you also say blacks don’t need or want our help?
If you please...Africans, not blacks

No these black guys here say they, black americans, don't want whities help. Ask IM2.

Wrong. These black guys here say they, black americans helped make whites rich and that we deserve a better return on the money we invested in making whites rich.
Wrong. These black guys here say they, black americans helped make whites rich and that we deserve a better return on the money we invested in making whites rich.
No one made you buy a car, house, get credit cards,
own a cell phone, have cable, buy a television,
buy basketball tickets, go to the show,....
Reverse Racism, Explained
Michael Harriot

Hey bruh, I want you to know that this may be our last explainer. You’ve helped me understand a lot, but I don’t think I can do this anymore.

Why not?

Well, to be honest, I looked you up online and discovered that many people think you’re a huge racist.

And by “many people” I assume you mean ...

Yes, white people. I know you don’t believe that black people can be racist, but I don’t know if I should associate with you any longer. It may ruin my reputation.

That’s OK. You should know that I absolutely believe that black people can be racist. I don’t, however, use the terminology “reverse racism” or believe that using words that offend white people is an act of racism.

Most of the time, when white people lob accusations of racism, they’re deflecting from the original conversation.

I don’t understand.

Take, for example, the term “wypipo.” I often use the word to describe the subset of Caucasians who ... well ... the ones who would get mad about the term “wypipo.”

Whenever I refer to them that way, they never address the accompanying argument about the history of whites in America, voting for a man who uses Tang as a concealer, or even the fact that all wypipo chicken recipes call for “a pinch of salt.”

Instead of dismantling the original argument, they unilaterally declare the use of the word an act of reverse racism, never confronting the underlying truth.

But is it an act of reverse racism?

Again, there’s no such thing. The phrase “reverse racism” suggests it is a slur equivalent to offensive acts perpetrated by whites.

Also, they don’t acknowledge that it is a joke.

So why do white people believe in reverse racism?

Because unlike most minorities, they are not accustomed to being lumped in with a group of people they did not choose. The privilege of individuality means that they aren’t even subject to facts.

For instance, 2.2 million black people were arrested in 2016,
according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report. Even if a different person committed each crime (which is impossible), based on U.S. population estimates, that would mean that 95 percent of black people didn’t commit a crime that year.

Even though the data proves that a black criminal is statistically rare, they will clutch their purses on elevators and counter any discussion about discrimination by asking about black-on-black crime.

But if I said, “White people voted for Trump,” they would accuse me of reverse racism despite the fact that 58 percent of white voters cast a ballot for him.

When I say white people support the police, it’s
based on the research showing that 75 percent of white people believe that the police treat every ethnicity the same and use the right amount of force. Despite the evidence, most white people (also 75 percent) don’t believe that blacks are treated less fairly when applying for a bank loan or mortgage. A majority of whites (68 percent) don’t believe that their race gives them an advantage. Most white Americans feel that our country talks about race too much.

If the weatherman, based on his research, predicted a 75 percent chance of rain tomorrow, they wouldn’t think it was a problem if someone said, “It will rain tomorrow.” But if I said white people don’t want to talk about race and don’t believe in structural inequality, I’d be called a reverse racist.

They despise the phrase “white people” and any sweeping generalizations relating to them. The privilege of individuality affords them the right to be immune to facts. But even insinuating that white America ignores their privilege is deemed offensive—even though the facts show it to be true.

But what if they’re actually offended by something you said? If someone called you the n-word, wouldn’t you think it offensive?

Yes. But it is only offensive because it is inextricably tethered to the list of egregious acts that the weaker-skinned population actually commit against black people. You can’t separate the word “******” from 500 years of slavery, 100 years of Jim Crow, thousands of lynchings and the violation of constitutional rights. All of that is embedded in the word. That’s why it conjures up so much animosity.

That is also why there is no equivalent to the n-word. Even the word “cracker” denotes power and—while it might remind them of the embarrassingly shameful history of white supremacy—it doesn’t carry the same dehumanizing connotation. That’s why there is no word that is “like the n-word.”

But if they think something you say is racist, how can you tell them how to feel?

I can’t. I don’t dismiss the notion that black people can do things that make white people feel bad. However, I do dismiss the notion that making white people feel bad is racist or an act of reverse racism.

There are black children who don’t believe their school is inferior, even though schools with a majority of black children are statistically underfunded. The education system is racist, whether the students in question feel it or not.

There are black people who accept the punishment for their crimes. When they are given
prison sentences that are 20 percent longer than white criminals who commit the same crimes, they might not feel that their sentence is racist, but it is.

Black children don’t know that regardless of their upbringing, educational attainment or neighborhood,
they will earn less than white kids who grew up in poorer families and worse neighborhoods with less education. Even if the black kids never know they are being paid less than their white counterparts, they are victims of racism.

White people may feel aggrieved at the words they read on the internet, but they are not experiencing racism. Racism has nothing to do with feelings. It is a measurable reality that white people are not subject to, regardless of their income or status.

Aha! I caught you in a lie! I thought you said that you absolutely believed that black people could be racist.

I do.

If white people built a time machine, went back to 1619 and subjected themselves to slavery, built America into a superpower without compensation or reparation, attended inferior schools, faced double the unemployment of blacks and were killed, lynched and incarcerated disproportionately by black people, I would agree that black people were racist, even if I didn’t do anything to them personally.

But that’s a fictional situation that’s never going to happen. It’s so preposterous there isn’t even a term for it.

Actually, there is:

Reverse racism.
Reverse Racism, Explained
Michael Harriot

Hey bruh, I want you to know that this may be our last explainer. You’ve helped me understand a lot, but I don’t think I can do this anymore.

Why not?

Well, to be honest, I looked you up online and discovered that many people think you’re a huge racist.

And by “many people” I assume you mean ...

Yes, white people. I know you don’t believe that black people can be racist, but I don’t know if I should associate with you any longer. It may ruin my reputation.

That’s OK. You should know that I absolutely believe that black people can be racist. I don’t, however, use the terminology “reverse racism” or believe that using words that offend white people is an act of racism.

Most of the time, when white people lob accusations of racism, they’re deflecting from the original conversation.

I don’t understand.

Take, for example, the term “wypipo.” I often use the word to describe the subset of Caucasians who ... well ... the ones who would get mad about the term “wypipo.”

Whenever I refer to them that way, they never address the accompanying argument about the history of whites in America, voting for a man who uses Tang as a concealer, or even the fact that all wypipo chicken recipes call for “a pinch of salt.”

Instead of dismantling the original argument, they unilaterally declare the use of the word an act of reverse racism, never confronting the underlying truth.

But is it an act of reverse racism?

Again, there’s no such thing. The phrase “reverse racism” suggests it is a slur equivalent to offensive acts perpetrated by whites.

Also, they don’t acknowledge that it is a joke.

So why do white people believe in reverse racism?

Because unlike most minorities, they are not accustomed to being lumped in with a group of people they did not choose. The privilege of individuality means that they aren’t even subject to facts.

For instance, 2.2 million black people were arrested in 2016,
according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report. Even if a different person committed each crime (which is impossible), based on U.S. population estimates, that would mean that 95 percent of black people didn’t commit a crime that year.

Even though the data proves that a black criminal is statistically rare, they will clutch their purses on elevators and counter any discussion about discrimination by asking about black-on-black crime.

But if I said, “White people voted for Trump,” they would accuse me of reverse racism despite the fact that 58 percent of white voters cast a ballot for him.

When I say white people support the police, it’s
based on the research showing that 75 percent of white people believe that the police treat every ethnicity the same and use the right amount of force. Despite the evidence, most white people (also 75 percent) don’t believe that blacks are treated less fairly when applying for a bank loan or mortgage. A majority of whites (68 percent) don’t believe that their race gives them an advantage. Most white Americans feel that our country talks about race too much.

If the weatherman, based on his research, predicted a 75 percent chance of rain tomorrow, they wouldn’t think it was a problem if someone said, “It will rain tomorrow.” But if I said white people don’t want to talk about race and don’t believe in structural inequality, I’d be called a reverse racist.

They despise the phrase “white people” and any sweeping generalizations relating to them. The privilege of individuality affords them the right to be immune to facts. But even insinuating that white America ignores their privilege is deemed offensive—even though the facts show it to be true.

But what if they’re actually offended by something you said? If someone called you the n-word, wouldn’t you think it offensive?

Yes. But it is only offensive because it is inextricably tethered to the list of egregious acts that the weaker-skinned population actually commit against black people. You can’t separate the word “******” from 500 years of slavery, 100 years of Jim Crow, thousands of lynchings and the violation of constitutional rights. All of that is embedded in the word. That’s why it conjures up so much animosity.

That is also why there is no equivalent to the n-word. Even the word “cracker” denotes power and—while it might remind them of the embarrassingly shameful history of white supremacy—it doesn’t carry the same dehumanizing connotation. That’s why there is no word that is “like the n-word.”

But if they think something you say is racist, how can you tell them how to feel?

I can’t. I don’t dismiss the notion that black people can do things that make white people feel bad. However, I do dismiss the notion that making white people feel bad is racist or an act of reverse racism.

There are black children who don’t believe their school is inferior, even though schools with a majority of black children are statistically underfunded. The education system is racist, whether the students in question feel it or not.

There are black people who accept the punishment for their crimes. When they are given
prison sentences that are 20 percent longer than white criminals who commit the same crimes, they might not feel that their sentence is racist, but it is.

Black children don’t know that regardless of their upbringing, educational attainment or neighborhood,
they will earn less than white kids who grew up in poorer families and worse neighborhoods with less education. Even if the black kids never know they are being paid less than their white counterparts, they are victims of racism.

White people may feel aggrieved at the words they read on the internet, but they are not experiencing racism. Racism has nothing to do with feelings. It is a measurable reality that white people are not subject to, regardless of their income or status.

Aha! I caught you in a lie! I thought you said that you absolutely believed that black people could be racist.

I do.

If white people built a time machine, went back to 1619 and subjected themselves to slavery, built America into a superpower without compensation or reparation, attended inferior schools, faced double the unemployment of blacks and were killed, lynched and incarcerated disproportionately by black people, I would agree that black people were racist, even if I didn’t do anything to them personally.

But that’s a fictional situation that’s never going to happen. It’s so preposterous there isn’t even a term for it.

Actually, there is:

Reverse racism.

Imagine being this deluded.
I'm not wrong.

What if you are?

In 3 hours I will have lived 58 years as a black man. I know what I am saying is right and I will not be questioned by someone white who thinks they can challenge my comments with no life experience as a person of color but with an opinion which is based on a false sense of racial symmetry.

You wont be questioned? yet you started this thread so what were you expecting? It seems to me its sort of your own doing, as leaving comments on a public message board is just begging for reaction.

Not everyone plays the race card but like every other form of divisivness it does exist. At the top end people are making and have made a lot of money off that through speeches books etc. then you have people like Smollet.
I'm sure he doesnt think twice about faking an incident because he is certain something similar happens every day, and no doubt by white guys putting a noose around a black mans neck... so who cares about one fake incident if it brings it all to the forefront right? Well, thats the race card right there. its just doing something unnecessary and usually self justified.

I think Smollette should be put in prison so that's the end of that discussion with me. But what you whites need to do is get cure for your psychosis and understand that you invented the race card and that you have played it every day since July 4, 1776.

I would feel like a complete ass going up to a black guy and telling him "You know what you blacks need to do?" As if all you black people speak and think for each other.Why is it any different for white people? It is no different.

You assume a racial symmetry that does not exist. Blacks did not impose a system on whites based on fake news that continues now with blacks consistently telling whites how to live. Whites are telling me here everyday what blacks need to do and in usual fashion you ignore that to argue based on a false equivalence.
This is where the rubber hits the road folks. For years black leaders intellectuals, business people and activsts have tried in the kindest way possible to explain to whites what the problem is and where it starts. Whites have actively studied racism and the issues sourrounding it have also spoken in the hopes that if other whites won’t listen to blacks due to their racism, they will at least listen to them. Insead the same idiots who get to talk the loudest among a certain part of society are whining about how anti racism means anti white.

In the movie “The Shawshank Redemption,” Andy Dufrane went to the warden after listening to a full testimony by another prisoner who just got transferred into Shawshank who was a cell mate wth the man who committed the murders Andy was given life imprisonment for. Dufrane repeated that testimony to the Warden. Warden Norton knew that Dufrane was telling the truth. Instead of letting Dufrane get a new trial, the Warden started making excuses as to why he could not do it. The driving factor behind ths was the reality that Warden Norton was laundering money and wanted to keep making money doing so. After listening to the myriad excuses from Norton, Dufrane asked the question, “Are you always so obtuse?”

To me this is a perfect analogy to describe the relationship between many in the white community and us as black people. History is documented. There really can be no denial of what has gone on. And yet there are whites who choose to believe that none of these things have any relationship to how and why things are as they are now. Like Norton, they have lived in a system that has afforded them great wealth and do not want it changed. There are whites be they liberal or conservative, who have refused to take a realistic look at the issue of race. It seems people want to solve race based problems without looking at race to solve it. I do not attest to being the smartest most intellectual man. But common sense says that if a system is built on denying specific races access to opportunity, racism is going to be at least part of the reason for the problems that exist due to the exclusion.

We’ve heard all the fake news calling itself thinking outside the box. Unmarried births. Don’t take eduation seriously, rap musc, worship of thug culture, genetic inferiorty, low IQ, making up racism to get paid, the victim mentality, waiting for a handout, government dependence, special rights and more. All this is crap. So let’s step out of the real box, let’s really leave the plantation. I state now that the root cause of the problems blacks face today is due to white racism.
Any person in America has access to opportunities. They may not have the skills or balls go go get them.

Things are definitely harder for people in ghettos than they are for whites in Mayberry. What do you want us to do about it? There are rich whites who do the hiring that don’t like blacks. These are mostly small and medium size corporations. What do you want us to force them to hire blacks? Big corporations have diversity programs. They are trying.

And not every small and medium size company is racist. It is what it is.

So besides that. Are blacks starting their own businesses and supporting other black businesses?

It seems to me like the first thing a black does when they get successful is leave the black community behind.

Leslee jones on snl sang, “people say I forgot where I came from. I tell them I liv3 here because I remember where I came from”

Again your opinion is not supported by fact. We put our tax dollars in the same pot as whites but do not get the same return on our tax dollars. If we did much of the blight affecting black communities would not exist.

For the past 30-40 years citizens in the black community in Chicago have asked for the same thing. In Baltimore they found it more important to improve downtown and the harbor but not the black communities next to them. In Portland Oregon white developers are getting city help to build in black communities using money blacks put in the pot relative to taxes. You consistently think you have something to say that I need to hear because you are white and we all must pay homage to the great white delusion of how they made it in America. You try pawning of that I was oppressed and the truth you weren't. Greeks are white.

This is 2019 and white racism is still strong. That means non whites DO NOT have the same access to opportunity no matter what you believe. You can do something but whites like you don't have the balls. You know other white people are out there practicing racism in employment but are too cowardly to use the legal means available to stop them. Then you want to sit on your white ass calling yourself instructing us then asking what are we going to do about the white racists you know in business who are breaking the law.
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.
Not that this rambling mindless tripe is worth responding to, but someone has a food fetish. Dressing, gravy, sweet potato pie, fryer grease, marshmallow, pork belly, buffet, thin mints, crisco, coffee, blackened fish.

OK, I'll respond. I'll give you the address to the "free black stuff administration" when you give me my white privilege card.
The rest of your rant is so pitiful that I will not share it with my black friends that I normally send this crap to to bust their balls. Your crap is too insulting, to my black friends.

If your life revolves around some idiot on the radio(Rush), if your reality revolves around your own infatuation with the color of skin, if your existence revolves around the klan, all 14 of them, my friend you need help. Of the psychological kind. How is it that I know lots of black folks that are not only doing well, but as a white guy I share blood with? Yes one of those evil white people that actually has family married to and has children with. And somehow the white folks and the black folks in that union, and their families spend a lot of time together, get along and,oh my goodness, everyone's doing OK. How could this be in your world? How could it be that no one listens to Rush, Hannity even I barely know, heard the name, Jennifer Garner, what in the does she have to do with anything? Howie Long? Football player, right? Samuel L Jackson? Great actor, he has what to do with what?

I'm curious do you ever go back and read your own words? Is there a point? Any coherency? Gilligan's Island? Jabba the Hut? Nanook and yellow snow? Ray and the river rats? Dude, talk to a psychologist, take class on logic, get over your skin color or at least take a writing class. After all, Married With Children, Beyonce and Frank Sinatra. None of them fish with pink shoes.
Please shut up. I know what blacks have and what stands in our way. Why should Amazon have to move into those cities when for that same 3 billion dollars those cities can invest in local black communities and the entrepreneurs in them?

Because. Would you invest here?


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Well he is right. Back in my grandparents day the ceo made 30 times what the average worker made. Today the top CEOs make almost 300 times the average worker.

We are not getting our fair share.

Since Reagan the gap between rich and poor has grown and we can point to gop policies that did it

As you well know it is past President Bill Clinton who is responsible for the giant leap between the pay for CEOs and workers. Why does it matter anyway? If the owners want to pay a CEO a lot of money, is it not their business and NOT yours?
For the past 30-40 years citizens in the black community in Chicago have asked for the same thing. In Baltimore they found it more important to improve downtown and the harbor but not the black communities next to them. In Portland Oregon white developers are getting city help to build in black communities using money blacks put in the pot relative to taxes. You consistently think you have something to say that I need to hear because you are white and we all must pay homage to the great white delusion of how they made it in America. You try pawning of that I was oppressed and the truth you weren't. Greeks are white.

Why would anyone invest in black communities? This appears to be a brand new CVS in a black area of Baltimore.




This is where the rubber hits the road folks. For years black leaders intellectuals, business people and activsts have tried in the kindest way possible to explain to whites what the problem is and where it starts. Whites have actively studied racism and the issues sourrounding it have also spoken in the hopes that if other whites won’t listen to blacks due to their racism, they will at least listen to them. Insead the same idiots who get to talk the loudest among a certain part of society are whining about how anti racism means anti white.

In the movie “The Shawshank Redemption,” Andy Dufrane went to the warden after listening to a full testimony by another prisoner who just got transferred into Shawshank who was a cell mate wth the man who committed the murders Andy was given life imprisonment for. Dufrane repeated that testimony to the Warden. Warden Norton knew that Dufrane was telling the truth. Instead of letting Dufrane get a new trial, the Warden started making excuses as to why he could not do it. The driving factor behind ths was the reality that Warden Norton was laundering money and wanted to keep making money doing so. After listening to the myriad excuses from Norton, Dufrane asked the question, “Are you always so obtuse?”

To me this is a perfect analogy to describe the relationship between many in the white community and us as black people. History is documented. There really can be no denial of what has gone on. And yet there are whites who choose to believe that none of these things have any relationship to how and why things are as they are now. Like Norton, they have lived in a system that has afforded them great wealth and do not want it changed. There are whites be they liberal or conservative, who have refused to take a realistic look at the issue of race. It seems people want to solve race based problems without looking at race to solve it. I do not attest to being the smartest most intellectual man. But common sense says that if a system is built on denying specific races access to opportunity, racism is going to be at least part of the reason for the problems that exist due to the exclusion.

We’ve heard all the fake news calling itself thinking outside the box. Unmarried births. Don’t take eduation seriously, rap musc, worship of thug culture, genetic inferiorty, low IQ, making up racism to get paid, the victim mentality, waiting for a handout, government dependence, special rights and more. All this is crap. So let’s step out of the real box, let’s really leave the plantation. I state now that the root cause of the problems blacks face today is due to white racism.
Any person in America has access to opportunities. They may not have the skills or balls go go get them.

Things are definitely harder for people in ghettos than they are for whites in Mayberry. What do you want us to do about it? There are rich whites who do the hiring that don’t like blacks. These are mostly small and medium size corporations. What do you want us to force them to hire blacks? Big corporations have diversity programs. They are trying.

And not every small and medium size company is racist. It is what it is.

So besides that. Are blacks starting their own businesses and supporting other black businesses?

It seems to me like the first thing a black does when they get successful is leave the black community behind.

Leslee jones on snl sang, “people say I forgot where I came from. I tell them I liv3 here because I remember where I came from”

Again your opinion is not supported by fact. We put our tax dollars in the same pot as whites but do not get the same return on our tax dollars. If we did much of the blight affecting black communities would not exist.

For the past 30-40 years citizens in the black community in Chicago have asked for the same thing. In Baltimore they found it more important to improve downtown and the harbor but not the black communities next to them. In Portland Oregon white developers are getting city help to build in black communities using money blacks put in the pot relative to taxes. You consistently think you have something to say that I need to hear because you are white and we all must pay homage to the great white delusion of how they made it in America. You try pawning of that I was oppressed and the truth you weren't. Greeks are white.

This is 2019 and white racism is still strong. That means non whites DO NOT have the same access to opportunity no matter what you believe. You can do something but whites like you don't have the balls. You know other white people are out there practicing racism in employment but are too cowardly to use the legal means available to stop them. Then you want to sit on your white ass calling yourself instructing us then asking what are we going to do about the white racists you know in business who are breaking the law.

No you don’t pay the same taxes. That’s why detroit schools suck. The residents are not paying the same taxes middle class people in the suburbs pay.

I can do something? You said you didn’t want our help.

And you can do something too. Start voting. If you don’t I can’t do shit for ya.

5 rich white guys fixed up downtown Detroit. It’s up to blacks to clean up their surrounding neighborhoods so other companies want to come too.

Do you honestly think Michigan doesn’t want to fix Detroit? Detroit’s white major is a good man. He has tore down many abandoned buildings. He’s doing everything he can. Companies have implemented diversity programs.

I’m not saying you have it as easy as we do. I’m saying there is much you can do yourselves and plenty of opportunity out there.

Also, the same problems you all are having, so are poor and middle class whites. You got it worse no doubt but make no mistake we have more in common now than we do differences. Remember Eddie Murphy dressed up as a white and he found out how great it was to be white? That was an exaggeration
What if you are?

In 3 hours I will have lived 58 years as a black man. I know what I am saying is right and I will not be questioned by someone white who thinks they can challenge my comments with no life experience as a person of color but with an opinion which is based on a false sense of racial symmetry.

You wont be questioned? yet you started this thread so what were you expecting? It seems to me its sort of your own doing, as leaving comments on a public message board is just begging for reaction.

Not everyone plays the race card but like every other form of divisivness it does exist. At the top end people are making and have made a lot of money off that through speeches books etc. then you have people like Smollet.
I'm sure he doesnt think twice about faking an incident because he is certain something similar happens every day, and no doubt by white guys putting a noose around a black mans neck... so who cares about one fake incident if it brings it all to the forefront right? Well, thats the race card right there. its just doing something unnecessary and usually self justified.

I think Smollette should be put in prison so that's the end of that discussion with me. But what you whites need to do is get cure for your psychosis and understand that you invented the race card and that you have played it every day since July 4, 1776.

I would feel like a complete ass going up to a black guy and telling him "You know what you blacks need to do?" As if all you black people speak and think for each other.Why is it any different for white people? It is no different.

You assume a racial symmetry that does not exist. Blacks did not impose a system on whites based on fake news that continues now with blacks consistently telling whites how to live. Whites are telling me here everyday what blacks need to do and in usual fashion you ignore that to argue based on a false equivalence.

Dont know what to tell you other than you do your fair share of insulting, and plus you put the questions out there such as this OP. So you cant be too supprised that your going to get peoples opinions.... and maybe opinions that you dont like. I cant accuse a black guy of using the race card unless I see him doing it. You on the other hand have no problem using a wide brush to encompass a lot of people based on nothing more than skin color. You have no idea whether a white person was born in Alabama or came from Moldova just by looking of them but you cant get past the skin color ... just the same as white racists do to black people. If there is a racial equivalence around here that is it.
Of course you do. That’s why real blacks become Muslims.

And we are all following a spin-off of Judaism. The Jews control everything

No we don't. I think I would know better than you about this. A universal creator is worshipped by all who choose to recognize his or hers existence.
And honestly, jesus wasn’t white either. So if whites can follow a Jewish Arab why can’t blacks?

We know Jesus was not white. That is why I can say we don't follow the white mans version of God.

You know this how? No one has ever seen what he looked like, but If was black I'd say he looked like this with his robe pulled down showing his boxers.


Ezekiel 40:3

When he brought me there, behold, there was a man whose appearance was like bronze, with a linen cord and a measuring reed in his hand. And he was standing in the gateway.
Bronze would describe people more Hispanic, Arabic, but not black.
Im2 says they don’t need or want our help. And it seems that there are enough blacks with enough wealth that they have everything they need to show us what they can do. Pick a city, elect blacks to run the city. Have spike lee and Beyoncé and tiger woods start grocery stores and shopping malls. Thrive. Don’t ask for federal help but we know they will because so do white communities. Start producing things white Americans want to buy so you have something to trade.

IM2 is saying our dollars have helped make whites rich so you need to drop the arrogance and the lies you tell yourself.
Yea but don’t you also say blacks don’t need or want our help?

Yes your dollars have made white owned business’ rich. So have mine.

What are y’all gonna do about it?
Yea but don’t you also say blacks don’t need or want our help?
If you please...Africans, not blacks

No these black guys here say they, black americans, don't want whities help. Ask IM2.

Wrong. These black guys here say they, black americans helped make whites rich and that we deserve a better return on the money we invested in making whites rich.
Prove YOU helped make US rich. What a lame excuse and yes, whining.
No we don't. I think I would know better than you about this. A universal creator is worshipped by all who choose to recognize his or hers existence.
And honestly, jesus wasn’t white either. So if whites can follow a Jewish Arab why can’t blacks?

We know Jesus was not white. That is why I can say we don't follow the white mans version of God.

You know this how? No one has ever seen what he looked like, but If was black I'd say he looked like this with his robe pulled down showing his boxers.


Ezekiel 40:3

When he brought me there, behold, there was a man whose appearance was like bronze, with a linen cord and a measuring reed in his hand. And he was standing in the gateway.
Bronze would describe people more Hispanic, Arabic, but not black.
What can we do as whites? I would go out of my way to give a black an opportunity. But that doesn’t mean I don’t worry if it doesn’t work out they’ll sue for discrimination.
What if you are?

In 3 hours I will have lived 58 years as a black man. I know what I am saying is right and I will not be questioned by someone white who thinks they can challenge my comments with no life experience as a person of color but with an opinion which is based on a false sense of racial symmetry.

You wont be questioned? yet you started this thread so what were you expecting? It seems to me its sort of your own doing, as leaving comments on a public message board is just begging for reaction.

Not everyone plays the race card but like every other form of divisivness it does exist. At the top end people are making and have made a lot of money off that through speeches books etc. then you have people like Smollet.
I'm sure he doesnt think twice about faking an incident because he is certain something similar happens every day, and no doubt by white guys putting a noose around a black mans neck... so who cares about one fake incident if it brings it all to the forefront right? Well, thats the race card right there. its just doing something unnecessary and usually self justified.

I think Smollette should be put in prison so that's the end of that discussion with me. But what you whites need to do is get cure for your psychosis and understand that you invented the race card and that you have played it every day since July 4, 1776.

I would feel like a complete ass going up to a black guy and telling him "You know what you blacks need to do?" As if all you black people speak and think for each other.Why is it any different for white people? It is no different.

You assume a racial symmetry that does not exist. Blacks did not impose a system on whites based on fake news that continues now with blacks consistently telling whites how to live. Whites are telling me here everyday what blacks need to do and in usual fashion you ignore that to argue based on a false equivalence.
You constantly tell whites what you think they are responsible for, how they think etc. Nobody is imposing a damn thing on you today, if to elaborate?
IM2 is saying our dollars have helped make whites rich so you need to drop the arrogance and the lies you tell yourself.
Yea but don’t you also say blacks don’t need or want our help?

Yes your dollars have made white owned business’ rich. So have mine.

What are y’all gonna do about it?
Yea but don’t you also say blacks don’t need or want our help?
If you please...Africans, not blacks

No these black guys here say they, black americans, don't want whities help. Ask IM2.

Wrong. These black guys here say they, black americans helped make whites rich and that we deserve a better return on the money we invested in making whites rich.
Prove YOU helped make US rich. What a lame excuse and yes, whining.
Well every one of us who works for someone else is trying to make them rich. If you aren’t then you aren’t a valued employee.

Blacks need to start getting a good work reputation for something. Like, blacks always show up on time or they work the hardest. Blacks don’t have a “i’ll Give them this” as far as work goes what are blacks known for in the work place? Like Asians are good at math, indians are IT, Mexicans do good work for cheap. Whites manage teams well. What do blacks do?

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