THIS is what needs to be said

Whites have made themselves believe some seriously stupid junk during the course of this nations history, Benjamin Rush, a founding father of this country, believed that being black meant you had a skin disease. He even had a name for it, Negroidism. Samuel Cartwright, drapetomania, whereby whites actually believed blacks trying to escape slavery had a mental disorder and it was actually considered a medical condition. That blacks were actually content being slaves or second class citizens and now this stupid ---- where racism exists only because people look for anything to make up racism.

Psychosis: a serious mental illness characterized by defective or lost contact with reality often with hallucinations or delusions
Merriam-Webster Disctionary

Benjamin Rush was also a member of the first abolitionist movement in the country.



Benjamin Rush, a physician in the late 18th century, used the term to describe the dark skin as a curable disease that all Black people had. As “proof,” Rush used an enslaved Black man named Henry Moss who had some white patches of skin. Rush’s theory also discouraged interracial relations since the children would inherit the made-up condition.

Before the advent of modern science, people believed a lot of things that turned out to be wrong. Really kind of shameful for you to dishonor this man who stood for abolition in a time that it was virtually unheard of.

Whites like you love making excuses for your history of racism. This was a dishonorable man who did not oppose slavery so much to make it illegal.
Let’s say blacks make up 15% of the population. And women half.

So I will be happy when naturally 50% of the CEOs and VPs in America are women. And 15% of CEOs and VPs are blacks.

In the future when racism doesn’t exist this will happen naturally. Until then we need diversity programs. Unfortunately for white men this sucks because now the company is going to go out of its way to find a woman or minority for the job. You can see why white men don’t like this right?

What you have shown is that white men have always given themselves unfair advantages based on race and sex. Why should white men who are less than half the population have 75-85 percent of most jobs then bitch about losing an unfair advantage and extra rights? Why is it fair for white men to keep giving themselves this advantage?
Whites have made themselves believe some seriously stupid junk during the course of this nations history, Benjamin Rush, a founding father of this country, believed that being black meant you had a skin disease. He even had a name for it, Negroidism. Samuel Cartwright, drapetomania, whereby whites actually believed blacks trying to escape slavery had a mental disorder and it was actually considered a medical condition. That blacks were actually content being slaves or second class citizens and now this stupid ---- where racism exists only because people look for anything to make up racism.

Psychosis: a serious mental illness characterized by defective or lost contact with reality often with hallucinations or delusions
Merriam-Webster Disctionary
You do call people racist who aren’t.
Whites have made themselves believe some seriously stupid junk during the course of this nations history, Benjamin Rush, a founding father of this country, believed that being black meant you had a skin disease. He even had a name for it, Negroidism. Samuel Cartwright, drapetomania, whereby whites actually believed blacks trying to escape slavery had a mental disorder and it was actually considered a medical condition. That blacks were actually content being slaves or second class citizens and now this stupid ---- where racism exists only because people look for anything to make up racism.

Psychosis: a serious mental illness characterized by defective or lost contact with reality often with hallucinations or delusions
Merriam-Webster Disctionary
You do call people racist who aren’t.

No sense in trying to reason with him. He's a lost cause only fit for ridicule.
Benjamin Rush was also a member of the first abolitionist movement in the country.



Benjamin Rush, a physician in the late 18th century, used the term to describe the dark skin as a curable disease that all Black people had. As “proof,” Rush used an enslaved Black man named Henry Moss who had some white patches of skin. Rush’s theory also discouraged interracial relations since the children would inherit the made-up condition.

Before the advent of modern science, people believed a lot of things that turned out to be wrong. Really kind of shameful for you to dishonor this man who stood for abolition in a time that it was virtually unheard of.

Whites like you love making excuses for your history of racism. This was a dishonorable man who did not oppose slavery so much to make it illegal.
Let’s say blacks make up 15% of the population. And women half.

So I will be happy when naturally 50% of the CEOs and VPs in America are women. And 15% of CEOs and VPs are blacks.

In the future when racism doesn’t exist this will happen naturally. Until then we need diversity programs. Unfortunately for white men this sucks because now the company is going to go out of its way to find a woman or minority for the job. You can see why white men don’t like this right?

What you have shown is that white men have always given themselves unfair advantages based on race and sex. Why should white men who are less than half the population have 75-85 percent of most jobs then bitch about losing an unfair advantage and extra rights? Why is it fair for white men to keep giving themselves this advantage?
They don’t care about fair. They don’t care what’s best for all.

They liken you blacks, muslims, Mexicans and women to the blacks in South Africa. They said I’m a traitor to the white race and suggest allowing you blacks and women to have your fair share will throw America into ruins like South Africa now.

They sure have a lot of confidence in you women and blacks. So why would any woman or black vote republican when they don’t think blacks or women are capable of being CEOs? They say there are reasons why women and blacks aren’t CEOs. You buying it?
Black people became racist assholes and decided that any failure on their part is whitey’s fault.

Federal mandated desegregation programs destroyed independent black communities.
That too, but if black people had adopted the attitude that they have today those businesses would be dead even with segregation.

I think their change in attitude is due to government intervention. Black americans USED to be family oriented, devout christians with a strong work ethic and little tolerance for nonsense. Now they're a trainwreck.

Would you white people please shut the fuck up!

None of this shit is right.

True. But this shit is funny though. Good weekend entertainment can always be found here.
Black people became racist assholes and decided that any failure on their part is whitey’s fault.

Federal mandated desegregation programs destroyed independent black communities.
That too, but if black people had adopted the attitude that they have today those businesses would be dead even with segregation.

I think their change in attitude is due to government intervention. Black americans USED to be family oriented, devout christians with a strong work ethic and little tolerance for nonsense. Now they're a trainwreck.

Would you white people please shut the fuck up!

None of this shit is right.

True. But this shit is funny though. Good weekend entertainment can always be found here.
Im2 knows I always admit if you look into every racist bigoted thing I say, I know ultimately I’m fos.

But there is always some truth to what I’m saying. For example, there are a lot of polished educated black people doing just fine in America. They were born and raised by two good parents. Poor Black people could do a lot for themselves if they stopped having poverty babies and if they stressed education more with the kids they have now. Stop telling your kids how racist America is. Tell them racism exists but there are more good people out there than bad.

But until blacks are 15% of the CEOs in America and until 50% of the CEOs are women, women and blacks are going to rightfully cry foul.

How about we give them 7.5% and 25%? Meet them half way?

Are you republicans saying they will fail? I say they won’t. And there are plenty of people willing to try.

Every new white male ceo is in over his head on day one too.
Federal mandated desegregation programs destroyed independent black communities.
That too, but if black people had adopted the attitude that they have today those businesses would be dead even with segregation.

I think their change in attitude is due to government intervention. Black americans USED to be family oriented, devout christians with a strong work ethic and little tolerance for nonsense. Now they're a trainwreck.

Would you white people please shut the fuck up!

None of this shit is right.

True. But this shit is funny though. Good weekend entertainment can always be found here.
Im2 knows I always admit if you look into every racist bigoted thing I say, I know ultimately I’m fos.

But there is always some truth to what I’m saying. For example, there are a lot of polished educated black people doing just fine in America. They were born and raised by two good parents. Poor Black people could do a lot for themselves if they stopped having poverty babies and if they stressed education more with the kids they have now. Stop telling your kids how racist America is. Tell them racism exists but there are more good people out there than bad.

But until blacks are 15% of the CEOs in America and until 50% of the CEOs are women, women and blacks are going to rightfully cry foul.

How about we give them 7.5% and 25%? Meet them half way?

Are you republicans saying they will fail? I say they won’t. And there are plenty of people willing to try.

Every new white male ceo is in over his head on day one too.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. And am old enough to have seen the worst of both.

What is entertaining to me in this forum are posts by some who likely do not personally know any black people outside of what they see on the 11 p.m. news and the negative stereotypes that they read on the internet.

The misconceptions regarding what they "believe" so called "Black Culture" to actually be, and the belief that "ALL black people are taught as children to hate ALL white people", are some of the most ridiculous assumptions that I have ever heard.

The majority of black people in the large circle of friends and family that I have, live their lives and have responsibilities just as most normal individuals do, and the foolish notion that the majority of black people spend inordinate amounts of time hating everyone who is white, is a combination of ego stroking, personal obsession and immature insecurity by some here, IMO.

I can't even recall the last time at my own dinner table when the subject of "white people" as a collective even was a topic of discussion.

We talk about family, friends and what goes on at work and school for those who are involved in both.

I think that this forum is interesting at times, and most other times, the value of a race relations forum seems pointless.
That too, but if black people had adopted the attitude that they have today those businesses would be dead even with segregation.

I think their change in attitude is due to government intervention. Black americans USED to be family oriented, devout christians with a strong work ethic and little tolerance for nonsense. Now they're a trainwreck.

Would you white people please shut the fuck up!

None of this shit is right.

True. But this shit is funny though. Good weekend entertainment can always be found here.
Im2 knows I always admit if you look into every racist bigoted thing I say, I know ultimately I’m fos.

But there is always some truth to what I’m saying. For example, there are a lot of polished educated black people doing just fine in America. They were born and raised by two good parents. Poor Black people could do a lot for themselves if they stopped having poverty babies and if they stressed education more with the kids they have now. Stop telling your kids how racist America is. Tell them racism exists but there are more good people out there than bad.

But until blacks are 15% of the CEOs in America and until 50% of the CEOs are women, women and blacks are going to rightfully cry foul.

How about we give them 7.5% and 25%? Meet them half way?

Are you republicans saying they will fail? I say they won’t. And there are plenty of people willing to try.

Every new white male ceo is in over his head on day one too.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. And am old enough to have seen the worst of both.

What is entertaining to me in this forum are posts by some who likely do not personally know any black people outside of what they see on the 11 p.m. news and the negative stereotypes that they read on the internet.

The misconceptions regarding what they "believe" so called "Black Culture" to actually be, and the belief that "ALL black people are taught as children to hate ALL white people", are some of the most ridiculous assumptions that I have ever heard.

The majority of black people in the large circle of friends and family that I have, live their lives and have responsibilities just as most normal individuals do, and the foolish notion that the majority of black people spend inordinate amounts of time hating everyone who is white, is a combination of ego stroking, personal obsession and immature insecurity by some here, IMO.

I can't even recall the last time at my own dinner table when the subject of "white people" as a collective even was a topic of discussion.

We talk about family, friends and what goes on at work and school for those who are involved in both.

I think that this forum is interesting at times, and most other times, the value of a race relations forum seems pointless.
Agreed. I had way more experiences with black people my whole life than all the ignorant white racists around me yet somehow I’m less racist and more understanding than they are.

Still even I had my thoughts when driving from the burbs to my grandmothers house that I grew up in. She never moved. The only white lady in the neighborhood. She was mugged once in her 70s and once in her 80s. Still most everyone in that neighborhood treated her like one of theirs.

But still I want to say to them people please take 4 weekends and clean up the fucking blight.

And Turn in the punks if you know who did it. I’m sure it was some kid who lives a couple blocks or so away. Bruised her arm up ripping her purse from her arm. I’m sure that kids dad taught him all whites are bad. Who else could do that to an old lady? Doesn’t happen in the burbs
Black people became racist assholes and decided that any failure on their part is whitey’s fault.

Federal mandated desegregation programs destroyed independent black communities.
That too, but if black people had adopted the attitude that they have today those businesses would be dead even with segregation.

I think their change in attitude is due to government intervention. Black americans USED to be family oriented, devout christians with a strong work ethic and little tolerance for nonsense. Now they're a trainwreck.

Would you white people please shut the fuck up!

None of this shit is right.
Do you know all the things ruining the poor black communities are also ruining the poor white communities? They are not immune. Go to school. Don’t have kids you can’t afford. Etc.

But I wanted to defend the other sides position on why women are under represented. It’s how conservatives raise their daughters differently than the boys. For example my brother was able to go away to Michigan state. His wife’s conservative father who insisted his daughter had to live at home and pick a lesser school near by because she couldn’t move out till she got married.
What I see here is a double standard made by a bunch of whiny whites about a person of color holding a mirror to their faces.
After reading #177, then this ^....


At this point...too bad, call someone who cares

Blacks can’t even manage the countries they dominate

(CNN) In Africa, less than one in three people
have a proper drainage system,
half of the population live in areas without paved roads,
and only 63% have access to piped water.
Yet, 93% of Africans have cell phone service.

Although it has abundant natural resources, Africa remains
the world's poorest and most under-equipped continent

Poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and inadequate water supply
and sanitation, as well as poor health, affect a large proportion
of the people who reside in the African continent

The average poor person in sub-Saharan Africa is estimated to live on only 70 cents per day, and was poorer in 2003 than in 1973,

The continent is believed to hold 90% of the world's cobalt,
90% of its platinum, 50% of its gold, 98% of its chromium,
70% of its tantalite, 64% of its manganese
and one-third of its uranium.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has 70%
of the world's coltan, a mineral used in the production of
tantalum capacitors for electronic devices such as cell phones.
The DRC also has more than 30% of the world's diamond reserves.

During US President Barack Obama's visit to Africa in July 2013,
he announced a US $7 billion plan to further develop infrastructure
and work more intensively with African heads of state.

With 1.2 billion people as of 2016, it accounts for about
16% of the world's human population.

Africa's population has rapidly increased over the last 40 years,

The total number of people in Africa increased from
229 million in 1950 to 630 million in 1990.
As of 2016, the population of Africa is estimated at 1.2 billion

Africa's rapid population growth is expected to overtake
the only two nations currently larger than its population,
at roughly the same time – India and China's 1.4 billion people
each will swap ranking around the year 2022.

This increase in number of babies born in Africa compared to
the rest of the world is expected to reach approximately
37% in the year 2050, an increase of 21% since 1990 alone

ROFLMFAO...Obviously, an African trait

Buy what I want, beg for what I need
Live like a bum, look like a million
Have kids I can’t feed or provide shelter for
Have kids, then more kids,...
there aren’t enough emancipated children
reduced to skin and bones, wailing, covered with flies

Ignorance, irresponsibility, selfishness, inferior

So, stop being so ungrateful...
A Thank You would be nice

If white people didn’t bring Africans to America,
you’d be talking on your phone and shitting in a bucket...

That’s if you’re one of the better class of Africans

You could be waiting for the next shipment of
rice and energy bars from the United States

You could be trying to sneak in....
And why we want/need keep you out

Whites don’t owe blacks shit!

Money? Please, f*ck you

We give and have given yous enough

25% of assimilated Africans in the U.S.
take the opportunities whites have given them,
75% of Africans in the U.S. take the handouts instead

Figure in your distant family members, in Africa alone...

Africans owe white people money!

You are not an African American, you are an African,
lucky enough to have been born in America
because your distant relatives were
taken from Africa and brought to America

So, say Thank You
or shut the f*ck up and deal with it
Im2 says they don’t need or want our help. And it seems that there are enough blacks with enough wealth that they have everything they need to show us what they can do. Pick a city, elect blacks to run the city. Have spike lee and Beyoncé and tiger woods start grocery stores and shopping malls. Thrive. Don’t ask for federal help but we know they will because so do white communities. Start producing things white Americans want to buy so you have something to trade.

IM2 is saying our dollars have helped make whites rich so you need to drop the arrogance and the lies you tell yourself.

I'm not rich though. Must be someone's holding me back, and not my own fault. Still waiting on that big government handout and the accompanying whiteness award. Any day now, I'm sure.
That too, but if black people had adopted the attitude that they have today those businesses would be dead even with segregation.

I think their change in attitude is due to government intervention. Black americans USED to be family oriented, devout christians with a strong work ethic and little tolerance for nonsense. Now they're a trainwreck.

Would you white people please shut the fuck up!

None of this shit is right.

True. But this shit is funny though. Good weekend entertainment can always be found here.
Im2 knows I always admit if you look into every racist bigoted thing I say, I know ultimately I’m fos.

But there is always some truth to what I’m saying. For example, there are a lot of polished educated black people doing just fine in America. They were born and raised by two good parents. Poor Black people could do a lot for themselves if they stopped having poverty babies and if they stressed education more with the kids they have now. Stop telling your kids how racist America is. Tell them racism exists but there are more good people out there than bad.

But until blacks are 15% of the CEOs in America and until 50% of the CEOs are women, women and blacks are going to rightfully cry foul.

How about we give them 7.5% and 25%? Meet them half way?

Are you republicans saying they will fail? I say they won’t. And there are plenty of people willing to try.

Every new white male ceo is in over his head on day one too.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. And am old enough to have seen the worst of both.

What is entertaining to me in this forum are posts by some who likely do not personally know any black people outside of what they see on the 11 p.m. news and the negative stereotypes that they read on the internet.

The misconceptions regarding what they "believe" so called "Black Culture" to actually be, and the belief that "ALL black people are taught as children to hate ALL white people", are some of the most ridiculous assumptions that I have ever heard.

The majority of black people in the large circle of friends and family that I have, live their lives and have responsibilities just as most normal individuals do, and the foolish notion that the majority of black people spend inordinate amounts of time hating everyone who is white, is a combination of ego stroking, personal obsession and immature insecurity by some here, IMO.

I can't even recall the last time at my own dinner table when the subject of "white people" as a collective even was a topic of discussion.

We talk about family, friends and what goes on at work and school for those who are involved in both.

I think that this forum is interesting at times, and most other times, the value of a race relations forum seems pointless.
Everything you said is exactly how it is in our home. We get up, go to work, pay bills, go to sleep, like most everyone else we know, regardless of race. And yes, I do know black people. I have worked with wonderful people and assholes of all races. My favorite supervisor was a black woman, whom I still keep in touch with, even though she moved.
But until blacks are 15% of the CEOs in America and until 50% of the CEOs are women, women and blacks are going to rightfully cry foul.


SO typical of Progressives flawed thinking. QUALITY does not matter, only quotas! No wonder their economic philosophy of Socialism is such a failure!
Do you know all the things ruining the poor black communities are also ruining the poor white communities? They are not immune. Go to school. Don’t have kids you can’t afford. Etc.

But I wanted to defend the other sides position on why women are under represented. It’s how conservatives raise their daughters differently than the boys. For example my brother was able to go away to Michigan state. His wife’s conservative father who insisted his daughter had to live at home and pick a lesser school near by because she couldn’t move out till she got married.

Which poor white community ties or exceeds the crime and murder rate of poor black communities?

But until blacks are 15% of the CEOs in America and until 50% of the CEOs are women, women and blacks are going to rightfully cry foul.


SO typical of Progressives flawed thinking. QUALITY does not matter, only quotas! No wonder their economic philosophy of Socialism is such a failure!
Women don't generally make the same career choices as men.
But until blacks are 15% of the CEOs in America and until 50% of the CEOs are women, women and blacks are going to rightfully cry foul.


SO typical of Progressives flawed thinking. QUALITY does not matter, only quotas! No wonder their economic philosophy of Socialism is such a failure!
Women don't generally make the same career choices as men.

sexist! Racist!
But until blacks are 15% of the CEOs in America and until 50% of the CEOs are women, women and blacks are going to rightfully cry foul.


SO typical of Progressives flawed thinking. QUALITY does not matter, only quotas! No wonder their economic philosophy of Socialism is such a failure!
Not what I’m saying. Quality matters but you’re saying women and minorities aren’t capable of giving you quality?

And I’m just saying you can look at the numbers and see something isn’t right.

Ok forget 50% women and 15% black CEOs. I know that’s going to take some time. How about 25% and 7%? Meet me half way.

Until things are more diverse women and minorities will have a good case they’re being discriminated against.

You all here are admitting you don’t think blacks are smart enough. And you give different excuses why so few women are CEOs.

Why women and minorities vote republican is beyond me
Do you know all the things ruining the poor black communities are also ruining the poor white communities? They are not immune. Go to school. Don’t have kids you can’t afford. Etc.

But I wanted to defend the other sides position on why women are under represented. It’s how conservatives raise their daughters differently than the boys. For example my brother was able to go away to Michigan state. His wife’s conservative father who insisted his daughter had to live at home and pick a lesser school near by because she couldn’t move out till she got married.

Which poor white community ties or exceeds the crime and murder rate of poor black communities?

Didn’t trump promise in his inaugural that he was going to be the law and order president? And didn’t trump say the black community has low unemployment now? And things have never been better?

Is trump just lying again?
I think their change in attitude is due to government intervention. Black americans USED to be family oriented, devout christians with a strong work ethic and little tolerance for nonsense. Now they're a trainwreck.

Would you white people please shut the fuck up!

None of this shit is right.

True. But this shit is funny though. Good weekend entertainment can always be found here.
Im2 knows I always admit if you look into every racist bigoted thing I say, I know ultimately I’m fos.

But there is always some truth to what I’m saying. For example, there are a lot of polished educated black people doing just fine in America. They were born and raised by two good parents. Poor Black people could do a lot for themselves if they stopped having poverty babies and if they stressed education more with the kids they have now. Stop telling your kids how racist America is. Tell them racism exists but there are more good people out there than bad.

But until blacks are 15% of the CEOs in America and until 50% of the CEOs are women, women and blacks are going to rightfully cry foul.

How about we give them 7.5% and 25%? Meet them half way?

Are you republicans saying they will fail? I say they won’t. And there are plenty of people willing to try.

Every new white male ceo is in over his head on day one too.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. And am old enough to have seen the worst of both.

What is entertaining to me in this forum are posts by some who likely do not personally know any black people outside of what they see on the 11 p.m. news and the negative stereotypes that they read on the internet.

The misconceptions regarding what they "believe" so called "Black Culture" to actually be, and the belief that "ALL black people are taught as children to hate ALL white people", are some of the most ridiculous assumptions that I have ever heard.

The majority of black people in the large circle of friends and family that I have, live their lives and have responsibilities just as most normal individuals do, and the foolish notion that the majority of black people spend inordinate amounts of time hating everyone who is white, is a combination of ego stroking, personal obsession and immature insecurity by some here, IMO.

I can't even recall the last time at my own dinner table when the subject of "white people" as a collective even was a topic of discussion.

We talk about family, friends and what goes on at work and school for those who are involved in both.

I think that this forum is interesting at times, and most other times, the value of a race relations forum seems pointless.
Agreed. I had way more experiences with black people my whole life than all the ignorant white racists around me yet somehow I’m less racist and more understanding than they are.

Still even I had my thoughts when driving from the burbs to my grandmothers house that I grew up in. She never moved. The only white lady in the neighborhood. She was mugged once in her 70s and once in her 80s. Still most everyone in that neighborhood treated her like one of theirs.

But still I want to say to them people please take 4 weekends and clean up the fucking blight.

And Turn in the punks if you know who did it. I’m sure it was some kid who lives a couple blocks or so away. Bruised her arm up ripping her purse from her arm. I’m sure that kids dad taught him all whites are bad. Who else could do that to an old lady? Doesn’t happen in the burbs

Sealy, it takes money to clean up the blight. Money blacks have been asking for and don't get. Meanwhile we look at massive community development projects funded with local, state and federal dollars in every community but the black ones. And it's really easy for you to use an example about what a black person did to some old white person , make a claim about how blacks are taught that all whites are bad instead of recognizing that whites have a continuing record of racism. Then you lie to yourself about what doesn't go on in the suburbs while white nursing home attendants are beating the crap out of old white physically handicapped people in the suburbs and white doctors are out in the suburbs raping little girls.

You cannot preach to us about telling on thugs while simultaneously barking about the number of blacks in prison. Those blacks are not sitting in prison because nobody is telling. So you truly need to end your sermons to blacks then work on removing that beam stuck in the eyes of the white community.
What I see here is a double standard made by a bunch of whiny whites about a person of color holding a mirror to their faces.
After reading #177, then this ^....


At this point...too bad, call someone who cares

Blacks can’t even manage the countries they dominate

(CNN) In Africa, less than one in three people
have a proper drainage system,
half of the population live in areas without paved roads,
and only 63% have access to piped water.
Yet, 93% of Africans have cell phone service.

Although it has abundant natural resources, Africa remains
the world's poorest and most under-equipped continent

Poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and inadequate water supply
and sanitation, as well as poor health, affect a large proportion
of the people who reside in the African continent

The average poor person in sub-Saharan Africa is estimated to live on only 70 cents per day, and was poorer in 2003 than in 1973,

The continent is believed to hold 90% of the world's cobalt,
90% of its platinum, 50% of its gold, 98% of its chromium,
70% of its tantalite, 64% of its manganese
and one-third of its uranium.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has 70%
of the world's coltan, a mineral used in the production of
tantalum capacitors for electronic devices such as cell phones.
The DRC also has more than 30% of the world's diamond reserves.

During US President Barack Obama's visit to Africa in July 2013,
he announced a US $7 billion plan to further develop infrastructure
and work more intensively with African heads of state.

With 1.2 billion people as of 2016, it accounts for about
16% of the world's human population.

Africa's population has rapidly increased over the last 40 years,

The total number of people in Africa increased from
229 million in 1950 to 630 million in 1990.
As of 2016, the population of Africa is estimated at 1.2 billion

Africa's rapid population growth is expected to overtake
the only two nations currently larger than its population,
at roughly the same time – India and China's 1.4 billion people
each will swap ranking around the year 2022.

This increase in number of babies born in Africa compared to
the rest of the world is expected to reach approximately
37% in the year 2050, an increase of 21% since 1990 alone

ROFLMFAO...Obviously, an African trait

Buy what I want, beg for what I need
Live like a bum, look like a million
Have kids I can’t feed or provide shelter for
Have kids, then more kids,...
there aren’t enough emancipated children
reduced to skin and bones, wailing, covered with flies

Ignorance, irresponsibility, selfishness, inferior

So, stop being so ungrateful...
A Thank You would be nice

If white people didn’t bring Africans to America,
you’d be talking on your phone and shitting in a bucket...

That’s if you’re one of the better class of Africans

You could be waiting for the next shipment of
rice and energy bars from the United States

You could be trying to sneak in....
And why we want/need keep you out

Whites don’t owe blacks shit!

Money? Please, f*ck you

We give and have given yous enough

25% of assimilated Africans in the U.S.
take the opportunities whites have given them,
75% of Africans in the U.S. take the handouts instead

Figure in your distant family members, in Africa alone...

Africans owe white people money!

You are not an African American, you are an African,
lucky enough to have been born in America
because your distant relatives were
taken from Africa and brought to America

So, say Thank You
or shut the f*ck up and deal with it
Im2 says they don’t need or want our help. And it seems that there are enough blacks with enough wealth that they have everything they need to show us what they can do. Pick a city, elect blacks to run the city. Have spike lee and Beyoncé and tiger woods start grocery stores and shopping malls. Thrive. Don’t ask for federal help but we know they will because so do white communities. Start producing things white Americans want to buy so you have something to trade.

IM2 is saying our dollars have helped make whites rich so you need to drop the arrogance and the lies you tell yourself.

I'm not rich though. Must be someone's holding me back, and not my own fault. Still waiting on that big government handout and the accompanying whiteness award. Any day now, I'm sure.

But until blacks are 15% of the CEOs in America and until 50% of the CEOs are women, women and blacks are going to rightfully cry foul.


SO typical of Progressives flawed thinking. QUALITY does not matter, only quotas! No wonder their economic philosophy of Socialism is such a failure!
Women don't generally make the same career choices as men.
For the scores of modern day women who are willing to give up a family in exchange for a key to the executive boardroom, they are being given a lot of opportunities. Companies will pay more for a qualified minority or women.

White women are benefitting more from diversity programs and affirmative action than blacks are. CEOs are open to women being the vp of hr. Maybe they worry if it’s a black guy he or she will let too many other blacks in.
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