This is what Obama and the Democrat Party thinks of women.

I think you find you're wrong. You're just repeating what you've heard, but have you actually talked to many women about this? I have......most of the women i talk to cannot stand Obama's lying and his dishonest campaign commercials. You're hoping your right, but you're not.
Yes Carol. Of the two, Obama has clearly produced the most dishonest campaign commercials. That is fact.

Yes Carol. Of the two, Obama has clearly produced the most dishonest campaign commercials. That is fact.

That's right, Carol. Once you accept the fact that The One is a perfect being, incapable of lying, you'll see the Dem campaign is the mostest honestest campaign in the history of, like, ever.

Right, Laugher?
Everyone knows that abortion is here to stay. It didn't go away during 8 years of Reagan, or 4 years of Bush, or 8 years of his son.

Romney has pledged to appoint judges who will overturn Roe v. Wade and doubled down by adding half of the Akin-Ryan "personhood and 'forcible' rape" duo to the ticket.

Not to mention that he, Ryan and the rest of the War Against Women R's have stated they will take away low cost health care screening by shutting down Planned Parenthood and taking ObamaCare away from us.

Can anyone remember anything the modern day R has done FOR women?
This is what Obama and the Democrat Party thinks of women.

Women -- especially those who rely on Planned Parenthood and like organizations -- care about affordable health care -- which is something Republicans want to do away with.

"forcible" rape is a (pardon the use of this word!) legitimate term.

It means what it says, opposed to "statutory" rape, or sex with a minor.
This is what Obama and the Democrat Party thinks of women.

Women -- especially those who rely on Planned Parenthood and like organizations -- care about affordable health care -- which is something Republicans want to do away with.

While they are busy doing away with affordable health care and abortion, they are also making sure there is no hope that woman can care for the child born of rape or not aborted.

That's the most foul part of this hate campaign they have going on. They want to make sure children and women have no way to pull themselves up. Better still, would be if they ended up homeless. There really is no doubt that THAT is the ultimate goal of the R plans and policies. Otherwise, they simply would not be on this path.

What the rw voter doesn't seem to understand is that all of the punishments the R has in mind for the poor and middle class will only end up costing our society more than if we dealt with the various problems in a human and humane way.

Same with education. Mittens says he wants to cut teachers (cops and fire fighters too) but what comes with fewer teachers is worse education, which they also said they want - especially doing away with "critical thinking". He has said he wants to cut funding to states but then force states to raise taxes to pay their own way.

He says he plans to raise our federal taxes and lower the taxes of his 1% cronies even more. Higher fed and state taxes for the middle and poor classes, higher health care costs, vets health care cut, Medicare cut, seniors on a voucher system, cut education, cut cops and fire fighters, cut fed money to infrastructure and on and on and on and on -

Why don't the rw voters see that this will hurt our country more in the long run?
Their whole convention is going to be buying the women's vote by promising abortion on demand and free contraceptives. It's time for the american women to prove to these idiots that they are smarter than that.

Most women are smarter than that. Unfortunately, there are some extraordinarily stupid people out there who only care about what the government can do for them. 5th generation welfare recipients aren't really affected by unemployment, the economy or any other big issue. They get their checks and all is well in their world. They make mistakes and they expect big brother to come along and clean it up.

Nothing is free and many don't understand or appreciate the hard working people who make their subsidized lives possible. They are just mad because they still don't have as much as some of us and that is the only thing they want "fixed" in this country.

And they will vote, at least they will once ACORN comes to fetch them, feed them and give them a ride to the polls.
This is what Obama and the Democrat Party thinks of women.

Women -- especially those who rely on Planned Parenthood and like organizations -- care about affordable health care -- which is something Republicans want to do away with.

While they are busy doing away with affordable health care and abortion, they are also making sure there is no hope that woman can care for the child born of rape or not aborted.

That's the most foul part of this hate campaign they have going on. They want to make sure children and women have no way to pull themselves up. Better still, would be if they ended up homeless. There really is no doubt that THAT is the ultimate goal of the R plans and policies. Otherwise, they simply would not be on this path.

What the rw voter doesn't seem to understand is that all of the punishments the R has in mind for the poor and middle class will only end up costing our society more than if we dealt with the various problems in a human and humane way.

Same with education. Mittens says he wants to cut teachers (cops and fire fighters too) but what comes with fewer teachers is worse education, which they also said they want - especially doing away with "critical thinking". He has said he wants to cut funding to states but then force states to raise taxes to pay their own way.

He says he plans to raise our federal taxes and lower the taxes of his 1% cronies even more. Higher fed and state taxes for the middle and poor classes, higher health care costs, vets health care cut, Medicare cut, seniors on a voucher system, cut education, cut cops and fire fighters, cut fed money to infrastructure and on and on and on and on -

Why don't the rw voters see that this will hurt our country more in the long run?

The really ignorant part is people on Medicare and SS will vote for the Republican ticket..
They believe that women only care about being able to get an abortion and contraceptives.

They don't think women care about the economy, or jobs, or our borders, or the debt, or national security, or liberty, or anything other than having sex as often and as risk-free as possible.

They believe that all they have to do is offer free contraceptives and access to abortion, and women will flock to them. As a father of 5 girls, I know women are smarter than the DNC gives them credit for. It's time for the women of this country to show them how wrong they are.

Yeap--Democrats typically insult women's intelligence to get elected. Here we are 39 years after Roe V Wade-(and we're talking about abortion.) We're stuck on 8.3% unemployment with 11% real unemployment if you count those that have run out of benefits--46 million Americans are on food stamps--1 in 5 families living beneath the poverty level--16 trillion in red ink--with another 5 trillion to be added in the next tens years just for the interest on this debt.

What to democrats want to talk about? Who's going to pay for your birth control contraceptives.--:badgrin:

My abortion will be coming on November 6, 2012 when I vote to abort this administration.

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They believe that women only care about being able to get an abortion and contraceptives.

They don't think women care about the economy, or jobs, or our borders, or the debt, or national security, or liberty, or anything other than having sex as often and as risk-free as possible.

They believe that all they have to do is offer free contraceptives and access to abortion, and women will flock to them. As a father of 5 girls, I know women are smarter than the DNC gives them credit for. It's time for the women of this country to show them how wrong they are.
Disagree.. I feel the opposite that the Republicans want their women barefoot and pregnant
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Women -- especially those who rely on Planned Parenthood and like organizations -- care about affordable health care -- which is something Republicans want to do away with.

While they are busy doing away with affordable health care and abortion, they are also making sure there is no hope that woman can care for the child born of rape or not aborted.

That's the most foul part of this hate campaign they have going on. They want to make sure children and women have no way to pull themselves up. Better still, would be if they ended up homeless. There really is no doubt that THAT is the ultimate goal of the R plans and policies. Otherwise, they simply would not be on this path.

What the rw voter doesn't seem to understand is that all of the punishments the R has in mind for the poor and middle class will only end up costing our society more than if we dealt with the various problems in a human and humane way.

Same with education. Mittens says he wants to cut teachers (cops and fire fighters too) but what comes with fewer teachers is worse education, which they also said they want - especially doing away with "critical thinking". He has said he wants to cut funding to states but then force states to raise taxes to pay their own way.

He says he plans to raise our federal taxes and lower the taxes of his 1% cronies even more. Higher fed and state taxes for the middle and poor classes, higher health care costs, vets health care cut, Medicare cut, seniors on a voucher system, cut education, cut cops and fire fighters, cut fed money to infrastructure and on and on and on and on -

Why don't the rw voters see that this will hurt our country more in the long run?

The really ignorant part is people on Medicare and SS will vote for the Republican ticket..

I have written about a family member who gets Medicare and SS - AND money from me. She did work and earn some of the Medicare and SS and that's fine but she plans to vote for RobMe and Robin.

She has actually said that she just doesn't think they would do anything to hurt her or the country, even though they have said they most certainly will.

I'm so sick of her whining and smoking and always needing more money. I can't bring myself to cut her off completely but I did cut way back on the amount I was giving her. And, I give it once a month and that's it.
While they are busy doing away with affordable health care and abortion, they are also making sure there is no hope that woman can care for the child born of rape or not aborted.

That's the most foul part of this hate campaign they have going on. They want to make sure children and women have no way to pull themselves up. Better still, would be if they ended up homeless. There really is no doubt that THAT is the ultimate goal of the R plans and policies. Otherwise, they simply would not be on this path.

What the rw voter doesn't seem to understand is that all of the punishments the R has in mind for the poor and middle class will only end up costing our society more than if we dealt with the various problems in a human and humane way.

Same with education. Mittens says he wants to cut teachers (cops and fire fighters too) but what comes with fewer teachers is worse education, which they also said they want - especially doing away with "critical thinking". He has said he wants to cut funding to states but then force states to raise taxes to pay their own way.

He says he plans to raise our federal taxes and lower the taxes of his 1% cronies even more. Higher fed and state taxes for the middle and poor classes, higher health care costs, vets health care cut, Medicare cut, seniors on a voucher system, cut education, cut cops and fire fighters, cut fed money to infrastructure and on and on and on and on -

Why don't the rw voters see that this will hurt our country more in the long run?

The really ignorant part is people on Medicare and SS will vote for the Republican ticket..

I have written about a family member who gets Medicare and SS - AND money from me. She did work and earn some of the Medicare and SS and that's fine but she plans to vote for RobMe and Robin.

She has actually said that she just doesn't think they would do anything to hurt her or the country, even though they have said they most certainly will.

I'm so sick of her whining and smoking and always needing more money. I can't bring myself to cut her off completely but I did cut way back on the amount I was giving her. And, I give it once a month and that's it.

That is really nice of you.
I had a relative that did that to me, it was very hard.
This is what Obama and the Democrat Party thinks of women.

Women -- especially those who rely on Planned Parenthood and like organizations -- care about affordable health care -- which is something Republicans want to do away with.

The idiot liberal term "affordable healthcare" is absurd. Once again, it's liberal code for "give my lazy ass free shit". It's as stupid as going around saying "affordable Blackberry", "affordable vacation", or "affordable fashion".

300 million American's have "affordable healthcare". Which means the 30 million that don't have no excuses. If they simply made the proper choices, like the 300 million other American's have, it wouldn't be an issue. I personally know a few people don't have health insurance, yet all of them have a home, an expensive Droid smartphone with expensive cell data plans, cable or satellite, etc. If they had their priorities straight, they would have "affordable healthcare".

It's nauseating how disengenious the idiot liberal Dumbocrats are. Instead of calling it exactly what it is - the MURDER of babies - they call it "reproductive healthcare" in a lame attempt to make it sound like something reasonable (since they can't say "we support the MURDER of babies"). Instead of acknowledging their cry to have others provide for them, they call it "affordable healthcare" for free health insurance or "community re-investment" for free housing.

It speaks volumes that they just can't have an honest discussion.
While they are busy doing away with affordable health care and abortion, they are also making sure there is no hope that woman can care for the child born of rape or not aborted.

That's the most foul part of this hate campaign they have going on. They want to make sure children and women have no way to pull themselves up. Better still, would be if they ended up homeless. There really is no doubt that THAT is the ultimate goal of the R plans and policies. Otherwise, they simply would not be on this path.

What the rw voter doesn't seem to understand is that all of the punishments the R has in mind for the poor and middle class will only end up costing our society more than if we dealt with the various problems in a human and humane way.

Same with education. Mittens says he wants to cut teachers (cops and fire fighters too) but what comes with fewer teachers is worse education, which they also said they want - especially doing away with "critical thinking". He has said he wants to cut funding to states but then force states to raise taxes to pay their own way.

He says he plans to raise our federal taxes and lower the taxes of his 1% cronies even more. Higher fed and state taxes for the middle and poor classes, higher health care costs, vets health care cut, Medicare cut, seniors on a voucher system, cut education, cut cops and fire fighters, cut fed money to infrastructure and on and on and on and on -

Why don't the rw voters see that this will hurt our country more in the long run?

The really ignorant part is people on Medicare and SS will vote for the Republican ticket..

I have written about a family member who gets Medicare and SS - AND money from me. She did work and earn some of the Medicare and SS and that's fine but she plans to vote for RobMe and Robin.

She has actually said that she just doesn't think they would do anything to hurt her or the country, even though they have said they most certainly will.

I'm so sick of her whining and smoking and always needing more money. I can't bring myself to cut her off completely but I did cut way back on the amount I was giving her. And, I give it once a month and that's it.

That's because, unlike your dumb ass, she realizes she wouldn't need to live off of Medicare and Social Security if a redistributive marxist failure wasn't running the country. Once we have someone in the White House who understands what made America great, we won't have 8% - 10% unemployment (the numbers during the Obama failure Administration). Once we have a president who doesn't punish the wealthy and the successful, we will have more of both.
The Dems understands that many women have the unmitigated audacity to imagine that they own their own bodies.

What sheer chutzpa those women have, huh?

The GOP, other the other hand knows that its supporters are on a mission from GOD and that women are basically brood mares subservient not only to their husbands or fathers, but also to the whims of Congress when it comes to their reproductive obligations.

I guess those two very different points of view are going to play out in the polls come November.

If GOP supporters would like to put a significant wager on the outcome of the women's vote, I'd be more than happy to give them odds that the women are going to overhwelmingly vote D in this election.

Anybody want to put their money where their POV is?
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They believe that women only care about being able to get an abortion and contraceptives.

They don't think women care about the economy, or jobs, or our borders, or the debt, or national security, or liberty, or anything other than having sex as often and as risk-free as possible.

They believe that all they have to do is offer free contraceptives and access to abortion, and women will flock to them. As a father of 5 girls, I know women are smarter than the DNC gives them credit for. It's time for the women of this country to show them how wrong they are.

Since 1989, several Democrats including Jim Oberstar of Minnesota have sponsored at least 11 resolutions proposing a Constitutional Amendment that would guarantee preborn humans the right to life, all of them containing an exception to protect the life of the mother.

Abortion - Just Facts
Their whole convention is going to be buying the women's vote by promising abortion on demand and free contraceptives. It's time for the american women to prove to these idiots that they are smarter than that.

Most women are smarter than that. Unfortunately, there are some extraordinarily stupid people out there who only care about what the government can do for them. 5th generation welfare recipients aren't really affected by unemployment, the economy or any other big issue. They get their checks and all is well in their world. They make mistakes and they expect big brother to come along and clean it up.

Nothing is free and many don't understand or appreciate the hard working people who make their subsidized lives possible. They are just mad because they still don't have as much as some of us and that is the only thing they want "fixed" in this country.

And they will vote, at least they will once ACORN comes to fetch them, feed them and give them a ride to the polls.

Oh? How many? How many of these people are there?
This is what Obama and the Democrat Party thinks of women.

Women -- especially those who rely on Planned Parenthood and like organizations -- care about affordable health care -- which is something Republicans want to do away with.

The idiot liberal term "affordable healthcare" is absurd. Once again, it's liberal code for "give my lazy ass free shit". It's as stupid as going around saying "affordable Blackberry", "affordable vacation", or "affordable fashion".

300 million American's have "affordable healthcare". Which means the 30 million that don't have no excuses. If they simply made the proper choices, like the 300 million other American's have, it wouldn't be an issue. I personally know a few people don't have health insurance, yet all of them have a home, an expensive Droid smartphone with expensive cell data plans, cable or satellite, etc. If they had their priorities straight, they would have "affordable healthcare".

It's nauseating how disengenious the idiot liberal Dumbocrats are. Instead of calling it exactly what it is - the MURDER of babies - they call it "reproductive healthcare" in a lame attempt to make it sound like something reasonable (since they can't say "we support the MURDER of babies"). Instead of acknowledging their cry to have others provide for them, they call it "affordable healthcare" for free health insurance or "community re-investment" for free housing.

It speaks volumes that they just can't have an honest discussion.

You are fucked up. You know this.....and you are proud of it.

In the liberal perfect world.......who actually pays for health care? And...who gets the money that is paid for health care. Answer those two questions and you should ( even though you won't ) come to a better understanding of why your position on the subject is fucked up.

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